Trauma is the fourth leading cause of death for all age groups in the United States.1 It is the leading cause of death for individuals between the ages of 1 and 44 years.1 Abdominal injuries rank third among the causes of traumatic death, preceded only by head and chest injuries.2 Death and disability from traumatic injury have become a significant health and social problem. Intra-abdominal trauma is seldom a single organ injury or single system injury; therefore, a concomitant rise in morbidity and mortality rates is evident.

There are two injury mechanisms for abdominal trauma: blunt and penetrating. The most common mechanism of blunt injury is a motor vehicle crash. The diagnosis of blunt abdominal injury can be complex and challenging, especially in patients with multisystem injury. Multiple organ involvement, with or without central nervous system depression, can present a complex series of symptoms that cloud normal assessment parameters, making definitive diagnosis more difficult. The presence of abdominal tenderness or guarding, circulatory instability, lumbar spine injury, pelvic fracture, retroperitoneal or intraperitoneal air, or unilateral loss of the psoas shadow on radiographic examination should raise the question of visceral damage.

Abdominal trauma challenges even the most experienced nurse. The manifestations of abdominal injury are often subtle, requiring continual assessment and care modification as the patient progresses from the initial assessment to the critical care phase. Frequent assessments and continual monitoring are essential components of the nursing process for detection of changes in the patient’s condition. Unrecognized abdominal trauma is a frequent cause of preventable death.3 An organized, methodical approach to assessment, diagnosis, and intervention is necessary for the management of suspected abdominal injury. Knowledge of the mechanism of injury, patient complaints, serial physical assessments, and timely diagnostic test results are the nurse’s resources for identifying potentially life-threatening abdominal injuries.


The abdomen is formally thought of as containing structures bordered superiorly by the diaphragm, inferiorly by the pelvis, posteriorly by the vertebral column, and anteriorly by the abdominal and iliac muscles (Figure 25-1). For this discussion of abdominal trauma, the esophagus, which passes through the diaphragm and connects with the stomach, has been added to this chapter.

The peritoneal cavity contains the stomach, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, transverse colon, sigmoid colon, upper third of the rectum, and, in women, the uterus. Retroperitoneal structures include the ascending and descending colon, kidneys, pancreas, adrenal glands, aorta, vena cava, part of the duodenum, and other major vessels.

For purposes of examination, the abdomen is divided into four quadrants: right upper quadrant (RUQ), left upper quadrant (LUQ), right lower quadrant (RLQ), and left lower quadrant (LLQ). The major organs found in each quadrant are highlighted in Figure 25-2.


The stomach has multiple digestive functions, including (1) serving as a reservoir to store food, (2) secreting gastric juice containing acids and enzymes to aid in the digestion of food, (3) secreting intrinsic factor, (4) carrying on a limited amount of absorption of certain drugs, alcohol, some water, and some short-chain fatty acids, and (5) producing the hormone gastrin, which helps regulate digestive functions.5

The stomach joins the esophagus approximately 3 cm below the diaphragm. It is located in the LUQ and is suspended superiorly by the gastrohepatic ligament, inferiorly by the gastrocolic ligament, and laterally by the gastrosplenic ligament. The stomach resides within the peritoneal cavity. It is divided into the fundus, body, and pylorus (Figure 25-3). The stomach wall contains glands that secrete mucus, hydrochloric acid (HCl), intrinsic factor, and pepsinogen (type I); serotonin is secreted in the fundus and body; and mucus and pepsinogen II are secreted in the pylorus. Perforating gastric injury causes the release of these digestive contents into the peritoneal cavity. These same gastric secretions cause stress ulcerations in the stomach.

The stomach has a rich blood supply. The arterial supply is provided by the splenic artery, gastric arteries, gastroepiploic arteries, and short gastric arteries (Figure 25-4). Venous drainage occurs through the hepatic portal system, which branches out to include the gastric and the gastroepiploic veins, which drain into the splenic vein. Gastric emptying is facilitated by peristaltic movement from the pylorus and is stimulated by stretch receptors. An inhibiting function is controlled in the duodenum.


The liver, the largest gland in the body, performs many vital, life-sustaining functions, including those listed below4:

The liver is the largest intra-abdominal organ, weighing approximately 3 to 4 pounds. It is an extremely vascular organ and lies in the RUQ, extending transversely across the midline. The right margin lies at the sixth to tenth ribs and the left margin at the seventh and eighth ribs (Figure 25-5). The liver is divided into two lobes, right and left, which are separated by fissures on the inferior surface. Between these two lobes is the porta hepatis, where veins, arteries, nerves, lymphatic vessels, and bile ducts enter or leave the liver.

Approximately three fourths of the blood to the liver is delivered by the portal vein, which carries a rich supply of nutrients after draining the gastrointestinal tract. The rest of the arterial blood supply is rich in oxygen and enters through the hepatic artery. Each lobule (Figure 25-6) has a central vein, which collects the mixture of blood from the portal vein and hepatic artery and channels blood to the lobular veins, which empty into the hepatic vein and then into the inferior vena cava. Surgical repair can be complicated after trauma to the liver because of the rich vascular supply. Uncontrolled hemorrhage is the primary cause of early death after liver trauma.

Hepatocytes produce bile, which is essential to the digestion of fats. Bile flows from the hepatic cells into bile canaliculi between the cells toward the periphery of the lobule and empties into the interlobular bile ducts of the hepatic triad. The ducts join, forming the common hepatic duct, which allows bile to flow into the gallbladder. The gallbladder lies on the inferior surface of the liver. Its duct, the cystic duct, meets with the hepatic duct to form the common bile duct, which drains through the head of the pancreas into the duodenum (see Figure 25-6).


The spleen is a lymphoid organ with various functions including defense, hematopoiesis, and red blood cell (RBC) and platelet destruction; it also serves as a reservoir for blood. Macrophages line the spleen and break apart hemoglobin molecules from the destroyed RBCs, salvaging the iron and globin content and returning them to the bloodstream for storage in the bone marrow and liver.5

The total circulation of the spleen is estimated at 250 ml/min, with a normal volume of approximately 350 ml.5 This is an impressive blood volume considering that the average weight of the spleen is 150 g. The spleen’s volume can be reduced to 200 ml very quickly after sympathetic stimulation, which causes constriction of the smooth muscle capsule. This response to stress can be a result of hemorrhage.5

The spleen is an elongated ovoid body located in the LUQ of the abdomen. It lies beneath the diaphragm, to the left of the stomach, and in immediate proximity to the tail of the pancreas, the colon, and the left kidney. It is in close proximity to ribs 7 through 10, which makes it vulnerable to injury when ribs are fractured.

The spleen’s blood supply is from the splenic artery, which enters at the hilum and divides into five or six branches before entering splenic pulp (Figure 25-7). The splenic vein originates outside the hilum and courses along the dorsal pancreatic surface to join the superior mesenteric vein, forming the portal vein. The vascular nature of the spleen makes it a ready source for profuse bleeding into the peritoneal cavity after injury.

The splenic capsule, 1 to 2 mm thick, encloses the splenic pulp. Lymphoid tissue lies throughout the pulp and is responsible for filtration. The blood supply to the pulp is from arterioles off a central artery. The blood collects in a venous sinus and then moves to trabecular veins coursing to the main splenic veins and finally to the portal circulation (Figure 25-7, B). Arterial blood travels to venous sinuses through splenic cords (connective tissue between sinuses) and “sieves” RBCs, destroying many in the process. The spleen’s sieving process promotes it as a primary defense organ to remove microorganisms from the blood and destroy them by phagocytosis.


The pancreas is composed of both exocrine and endocrine glandular tissue. The exocrine pancreas secretes enzymes that digest protein, carbohydrates, and fats. These enzymes include trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, α-amylase, and lipase. The endocrine pancreas produces two hormones: glucagon from the α cells and insulin from the β cells (Figure 25-8). These hormones facilitate the formation and cellular uptake of glucose.

The pancreas lies at the level of the first lumbar vertebra against the posterior abdominal wall. It extends from the C-loop of the duodenum to the hilum of the spleen. A blunt trauma episode can force the pancreas against the vertebral column and may rupture it. The pancreas is divided into lobules that empty into the main pancreatic duct, which passes through the tail, body, neck, and head of the pancreas, emptying into the duodenum at the ampulla of Vater in conjunction with the common bile duct (see Figure 25-8, A). An accessory duct empties into the duodenum from the head of the pancreas. Rupture of the pancreas frequently tears its ductal system, allowing pancreatic juice (rich in digestive enzymes) to invade pancreatic tissue and the peritoneum.

Blood is supplied by the splenic artery and vein and the superior mesenteric artery and vein. Venous drainage from the body and tail of the pancreas occurs through the splenic vein to the portal vein; the head empties directly into the portal vein.


The 21 to 23 feet of small intestine are divided into duodenum, jejunum, and ileum (Figure 25-9). The major functions are digestion of food and absorption of nutrients and water for the body. The blood supply is from the superior mesenteric artery. Venous drainage is to the portal vein through the superior mesenteric vein.


The large intestine’s digestive functions include (1) absorption of water and electrolytes, (2) synthesis of certain vitamins by the intestinal bacterial, especially vitamin K and the B vitamins, (3) temporary storage of intestinal waste, and (4) elimination of body waste. Peristaltic waves move intestinal material from the cecum through the entire colon to the rectum. Substances that increase intestinal motility cause a decrease in water absorption, resulting in diarrhea. Consequently, substances administered to decrease motility cause an increase in water absorption, leading to constipation.

The bacterial content of feces is high, but bacterial species in the intestinal tract are natural. One of these bacteria is Escherichia coli. These bacteria are important in the synthesis, for example, of vitamins K and B complex. They cause serious problems if they enter the bloodstream or urinary system, but they are not detrimental when contained within the intestinal tract.

The cecum, colon, and rectum constitute the large intestine. The colon is divided into ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid segments (Figure 25-11). The ileum joins the large intestine at the junction of the cecum and ascending colon. The ileocecal valve permits slow movement of intestinal contents through the cecum and colon. The cecum and ascending colon are continuous from the ileum and rise to the undersurface of the right lobe of the liver, bending to the left at the hepatic flexure and becoming the transverse segment. This segment continues across to the splenic flexure (anterior to the left kidney) and then turns downward to become the descending colon. The sigmoid colon, the S-shaped segment, courses from the left iliac fossa to the pelvic cavity, becoming the rectum and terminating at the anal canal. The rectum forms the last 17 to 20 cm of the intestinal structures. The final inch is called the anal canal, and its opening is the anus. The anus is controlled by two sphincter muscles, which are closed except during defecation.

The blood supply to the colon and rectum is predominantly from the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries arising from the abdominal aorta (Figure 25-12). Blood from the large intestine drains through the portal vein to sinusoids in the liver.


Venous Drainage

Venous drainage of the abdomen is more complex than the arterial supply. Blood is drained from the small intestines, stomach, spleen, and pancreas through the superior mesenteric and splenic veins and their tributaries, which join to form the portal vein. This blood then passes through liver sinusoids, supplying nutrients to hepatocytes before emptying into lobular veins and then into the hepatic veins, which empty into the inferior vena cava.

Other abdominal venous flow (Figure 25-14) originates in the external iliac veins in the inguinal ligament, which are joined by internal iliac veins to form the common iliac veins, which become the inferior vena cava at the sacral promontory. The renal veins join the inferior vena cava at the L2 level. Other smaller veins join the inferior vena cava as it passes to the superior margin of the liver. Much of the inferior vena cava lies in close proximity to the aorta, making injury to one vessel likely to affect the other.


Mechanism of injury refers to the mechanisms by which energy is transferred from the environment to a person. Energy sources may be mechanical, thermal, electrical, or chemical. Examples include mechanical energy from a motor vehicle crash, thermal energy from a fire, electrical energy from contact with a high-voltage wire, and chemical energy from contact with hydrofluoric acid. Mechanical energy is the most common mechanism of injury in motor vehicle crashes, automobile-pedestrian collisions, falls, stabbings, and gunshot wounds (GSWs). Knowledge of the mechanism of injury is paramount to rapid and efficient diagnosis and treatment of traumatic injuries.

The mechanism of injury and forces involved direct attention toward certain organ involvement and should heighten a clinician’s suspicion regarding certain injuries. Blunt injury from a motor vehicle crash results from a compression or crushing mechanism and involves three collisions. In the first collision the motor vehicle hits a stationary object. For example, a frontal impact may crush the driver’s compartment, causing direct injury to the driver or passengers. The second collision occurs when the victim hits internal parts of the vehicle, including the windshield, steering wheel, or dashboard. The third collision involves the supporting structures of the body (e.g., skull, ribs, spine, pelvis) and movable organs (e.g., brain, heart, liver, intestines). As energy is loaded onto the body, internal forces (e.g., stress and strain) are exerted within the body as the dimensions of body tissues change. These forces can be further classified as tensile (stretch), shearing (opposing forces across an object), or compressive (crush). The types of injuries that result from these forces include spleen or liver rupture, comminuted bone fractures, and tearing of the aorta.

The types of forces involved (rotational, crushing, shearing, acceleration, deceleration, or blast) should be investigated. A pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle can suffer acceleration forces and shearing forces, resulting in a closed head injury or degloving injury as layers of tissue are torn away from attachments. The descending thoracic aorta and the duodenum are two anatomic locations susceptible to injury from this type of force. A direct blow to the abdomen may transmit forces sufficient to rupture an organ.

The increased use of restraining devices, such as safety belts and air bags, has reduced fatal outcomes and serious injury, but they certainly cannot prevent injury entirely. Seat belts have been associated with blunt cervical, thoracic, abdominal, and extremity injuries. The addition of the shoulder harness to the lap belt has decreased craniofacial, thoracic, and abdominal injuries; however, classic seat belt injuries include abdominal wall disruption, hollow viscus injury, and flexion-distraction fracture of the lumbar vertebrae (Chance fracture). Some abdominal wall injuries (ecchymosis) arise from direct seat belt injury. Small bowel and colon injuries occur most frequently from a sudden increase in intraluminal pressure or shearing forces caused by rapid deceleration. Liver, spleen, and pancreatic injuries are reported as well, but with less frequency.

Penetrating trauma may occur from a stabbing, impalement, or missile event. The size, shape, and length of the stabbing instrument help to estimate intra-abdominal damage. Management is frequently dictated by the degree of penetration into the peritoneal cavity. Impalement injuries are a dirty form of stab wound that result in high mortality rates as a result of bacterial contamination and multiple organ involvement (Figure 25-15).

Missile injuries are more difficult to evaluate. Mortality rates depend on major vessel disruption and multiple organ involvement. The terminal velocity, or the amount of energy imparted to the tissue by the missile, often determines the extent of injury. The incidence of significant abdominal injury related to firearms ranges from 68% to 94%.6 The wide variation in percentage may be due to differences in how the wounds were categorized. The magnitude of entrance and exit wounds may bear little relationship to the degree of damage or the course of destruction caused by a bullet. Bullets may ricochet off organs or bones, roll or move throughout the body, or embolize through the vessels. Organs in proximity to the GSW may be injured by a blast effect. Quick evaluation of the situation is necessary because hemorrhage and hollow viscus perforation resulting in chemical and bacterial peritonitis are major problems in this type of abdominal trauma. The extent of tissue destruction varies depending on velocity, type of weapon or bullet, and individual tissue characteristics; therefore, abdominal wounds and their complications have a wide range of presentations.

The mechanism of injury involved in blunt and penetrating trauma provides the nurse with valuable information necessary for quick diagnostic interventions and treatment of patients with potential abdominal injury. A clean versus dirty or open versus closed injury often dictates medical management and subsequent nursing care. The nurse can anticipate what diagnostic modalities will be used, the need for antibiotics, and the potential for emergency surgery.


Abdominal injury may be insidious, requiring close, systematic assessment by all team members to promote early diagnosis and intervention. Multiple pieces of data are collected during patient assessment; each has little value when considered alone. However, monitoring these data and correlating the findings with information about the mechanism of injury, diagnostic test results, and the patient’s physical findings assist in directing the patient’s medical care.

A primary survey addressing the airway (A), breathing (B), circulation (C), and disabilities (D) is initiated on the patient’s arrival in the emergency department (ED). A quick assessment to identify and treat life-threatening conditions is crucial to good trauma patient outcomes. The ABCDs are evaluated constantly throughout all phases of care to determine the effectiveness of treatment. Oxygen administration, vascular access, intravenous fluid administration, cardiac monitoring, and pulse oximetry are required for all trauma patients during the resuscitation phase.

A brief systematic secondary survey is the next step in the resuscitation phase. A head-to-toe assessment is completed to identify all injuries. During this process the nurse and various other team members are simultaneously assessing, providing interventions, and reassessing the patient. The secondary survey includes obtaining a complete set of vital signs, ordering laboratory studies, placing a gastric tube and urinary catheter, performing a complete neurologic examination, and obtaining more information about the patient. Diagnostic testing can occur simultaneously during the primary and secondary survey, including bedside ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL), and chest radiograph.

Although an abdominal assessment is not part of the primary survey, an abdominal injury necessitating immediate surgical intervention must be identified early. Continual assessment of the abdomen as part of the secondary survey can occur only after life-threatening events have been managed. This allows the nurse to move on to a continuous, complete re-evaluation and subsequent care.

The process for gathering patient information begins as soon as the patient arrives in the ED. Prehospital personnel should provide information regarding the circumstances of the traumatic event. Such information should include mechanism of injury, injuries sustained, vital signs, and treatment initiated, along with patient response. Nursing assessment includes patient-generated information such as the patient’s complaints on arrival in the ED, medical and surgical history, medications, allergies, time of last meal, and use of drugs or alcohol.

The physical examination is systematic and continues through all phases of care. Repeated examination by the same nurse or physician provides the consistency necessary to evaluate changes. The physical examination should be adapted to the patient’s hemodynamic status. Certainly an unstable patient with a penetrating abdominal wound does not need a prolonged, detailed physical examination; rather, prompt, appropriate intervention is indicated.

A complaint of abdominal pain from an alert patient is a key indicator of abdominal injury. Peritoneal irritation is described as sharp, localized pain. Referred pain complaints may signal damage to the spleen (left shoulder pain), liver (right shoulder pain), or retroperitoneal structures (back or testicular pain). Many patients who sustain abdominal injuries may not be able to participate in the physical examination because of alterations in level of consciousness or spinal cord injury; therefore, the four-step abdominal examination, consisting of inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation, is essential.


Inspection begins with noting lower chest wall integrity. Because the last six ribs lie over abdominal structures, disruption to this area may signal organ damage, specifically to the liver, spleen, or diaphragm.

The appearance of the abdomen should be described. The presence of abrasions, contusions, lacerations, and surgical scars and the location, size, description, and number of wounds should be documented. In patients who have been shot, an odd number of wounds indicates the presence of a foreign object within the body. The nurse should resist the temptation to categorize wounds as entrance and exit wounds.

The abdominal contour, normally flat or slightly rounded (or convex in a heavy patient), may be distended, which is indicative of an accumulation of blood, other fluid, or gas resulting from perforation of hollow viscus, rupture of organs (e.g., liver or spleen), or reduced blood supply to the abdomen. Repeated inspection by the nurse may reveal subtle signs of distention, which, combined with absence of bowel sounds, may be indicative of an ileus, peritonitis, or intra-abdominal bleeding.

Involuntary guarding indicates injury to underlying structures. This may be less obvious or not present in patients with retroperitoneal injury. The presence of discoloration, protuberances, peristaltic movement, pulsations, abrasions, and old surgical scars should be noted. Repeated inspection alerts the nurse to new discolorations or other changes indicative of underlying injury. Dissection of blood into the abdominal wall from retroperitoneal tissue (Grey Turner’s sign) may occur several hours after the initial injury. Proper inspection includes examining the patient’s back and flank area and the anterior surface for the signs mentioned. Obvious wounds or ecchymosis of the lumbar or flank areas may indicate damage to retroperitoneal or abdominal organs.


Auscultation is often the most difficult part of the abdominal examination during resuscitative or critical care efforts simply because of the noise created by team members performing lifesaving procedures. The presence or absence of bowel sounds on initial examination is nonspecific information in patients with suspected abdominal injury.7 While auscultating in all four quadrants, the nurse should be alert for the presence of bowel sounds in unlikely locations, such as the chest cavity, which may indicate a diaphragmatic tear. In serial auscultation, diminished or absent bowel sounds may indicate an ileus or peritonitis. The nurse should listen for bruits, especially over the renal arteries, abdominal aorta, and iliac arteries, which may indicate partially obstructed arterial blood flow.


Abdominal tenderness is evaluated by using the whole hand over all four quadrants and progressing from light to deep palpation. Tenderness is the most frequent and reliable sign of intra-abdominal injury. Gentle palpation may elicit areas of increased tone or tenderness, suggesting underlying injury. Abdominal wall injury produces focal tenderness, which increases on exertion (tensing muscles). Deep palpation is used to elicit tenderness, guarding, and rebound symptoms associated with peritoneal irritation.

A tender abdomen with guarding, distention, and signs of peritoneal irritation can indicate organ rupture. RUQ tenderness and guarding or tenderness over the right lower six ribs may indicate liver damage. RUQ abdominal tenderness may also be a sign of duodenal or gallbladder injury. Pain elicited in the LUQ may indicate injury to the spleen, stomach, or pancreas. Low abdominal or suprapubic discomfort may signal a potential for colon, bladder, or urethral injuries and may be associated with pelvic fractures.

The patient may have referred pain. Most common among these is Kehr’s sign, pain in the left shoulder from diaphragmatic irritation by blood after splenic rupture. Right shoulder pain is often indicative of liver injury. The patient must be lying flat or in Trendelenburg’s position to elicit this type of shoulder pain.

Rectal examination includes testing for gross blood and anterior tenderness, which can indicate bleeding or peritoneal irritation. Positive results may indicate lower gastrointestinal injury.

Diminished or absent pulses in the femoral arteries may indicate common iliac artery thrombosis, dissecting aortic aneurysm, or chronic vascular disease. Information about the quality and rate of pulses during the initial assessment provides the clinician with good baseline information.

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