49: Osteotomies of the Foot for Cavus Deformities

Osteotomies of the Foot for Cavus Deformities

Scott J. Mubarak


Treatment Options

• Fusions: McElvenny and Caldwell (1958) described fusion of the first metatarsal, cuneiform, and navicular joints.

• Triple arthrodesis: Saltzman et al. (1999) detailed long-term follow-up at 25 and 40 years after a triple arthrodesis. This study found suboptimal results for triple arthrodesis as time went on and thus demonstrates the need for joint-sparing surgery in younger patients.

• Osteotomies across joints: Japas (1968) described his “V” osteotomy of the midfoot. Wilcox and Weiner presented their “Akron dome osteotomy” in 1985, and recently provided longer term follow-up (Weiner et al., 2008). These are salvage surgical options.


Step 1: First Ray Osteotomies

image A dorsal closing wedge osteotomy of the first metatarsal and opening wedge osteotomy of the medial cuneiform are performed.

image The first metatarsal and cuneiform are identified through a medial incision on the foot (Fig. 5).


image The anterior tibial tendon is partially dissected free of its attachment to the cuneiform in order to perform an osteotomy in the middle of this bone.

Jun 7, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on 49: Osteotomies of the Foot for Cavus Deformities

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