46: Resection of Talocalcaneal Tarsal Coalition and Fat Autograft Interposition

Resection of Talocalcaneal Tarsal Coalition and Fat Autograft Interposition

Constantine A. Demetracopoulos and David M. Scher


image Gait

image Alignment

image Palpation

image Range of motion

image Radiographs

• Anteroposterior (AP), lateral, and oblique views of the foot are obtained.

• The lateral view of the foot (Fig. 1A) is evaluated for a continuous C-shaped line between the posterior aspect of the talar dome and the posterior facet of the subtalar joint (C-sign).


• A Harris axial view may demonstrate a middle-facet talocalcaneal coalition (Fig. 1B), although commonly a computed tomography (CT) scan is necessary to adequately identify it.

• Standing AP, lateral, and Saltzman hindfoot alignment views may be used to assess alignment. A Saltzman view can be useful to quantify hindfoot valgus.

image A CT scan is necessary to better visualize a suspected talocalcaneal coalition, and determine the portion of the subtalar joint that is involved (Fig. 2). The coronal images are the best for examining the subtalar joint.


image Magnetic resonance imaging may be helpful in cases in which the diagnosis is equivocal and a cartilaginous or fibrous coalition is present.


image A horizontal incision is made along the medial aspect of the hindfoot centered over the sustentaculum tali. It should start at the anterior margin of the Achilles tendon and extend distally to the navicular tuberosity (Fig. 3). The skin and subcutaneous tissue are incised sharply.


image The posterior tibial tendon and the flexor digitorum longus (FDL) tendon are identified dorsally. The sheath of the FDL is opened along the length of the incision (Fig. 4A and 4B).

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Jun 7, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on 46: Resection of Talocalcaneal Tarsal Coalition and Fat Autograft Interposition

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