• This test is done at both 0° and 30° of flexion. • The surgeon must determine if there is increased laxity of either the medial or lateral collateral ligament. • With the knee at 30° of flexion, the tibia is translated anteriorly without a solid endpoint. • The patient is re-evaluated at the end of the case for comparison. • Pivot shift is very difficult to assess in the clinic. • The knee is taken from extension to flexion while placing valgus stress on the knee and observing for subluxation. • Posteroanterior, lateral, Merchant’s, and tunnel views are obtained before surgery to evaluate for any bony abnormalities. • Radiographs allow for initial evaluation of the physis before surgery has been completed . • An anteroposterior radiograph of the left hand and wrist is obtained to determine bone age. • The ITB is located laterally along the leg and inserts into Gerdy’s tubercle. • The ITB is a tendinous structure, which is the important reason why meniscotomes or a modified closed tendon stripper is used. • The intermensical ligament is located anterior to the medial aspect of the tibia. • It is the structure that helps maintain the ligament reconstruction in an anatomic manner.
Physeal-Sparing ACL Reconstruction in Skeletally Immature Patients Using Iliotibial Band Technique
Prepubescent skeletally immature patient with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear who is Tanner stage 1 or 2 who has failed nonoperative treatment (Fig. 1)
Prepubescent skeletally immature patient with ACL tear and other injuries, such as meniscal tears or chondral injury and functional instability
Prepubescent skeletally immature patient with congenital ACL insufficiency with symptomatic instability recalcitrant to bracing
An examination under anesthesia is performed.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Surgical Anatomy
Figure 5 shows pediatric ACL anatomy. Note the proximity of the over-the-top position to the perichondrial ring of the distal femoral physis.
The patient is placed in the supine position.
The tourniquet is placed on the operative leg as proximal as possible and the leg is prepped circumferentially from foot to tourniquet.
A leg holder not used, but a retractable post can be placed on the side of the operative leg to aid with valgus stressing when having difficulty evaluating the medial compartment.