30: Sofield Osteotomy with Intramedullary Rod Fixation of the Long Bones of the Femur/Tibia

Sofield Osteotomy with Intramedullary Rod Fixation of the Long Bones of the Femur/Tibia

Samantha A. Spencer



Step 1 (Approach B)

image The fracture site is accessed first, and a guidewire is passed retrograde through the greater trochanter (Fig. 5). The guidewire is drilled into the greater trochanter and down the canal, and AP and lateral radiographs are checked for position.


image Drilling stops when the wire is at a cortex; this will be the apex of the deformity and the appropriate position for the first osteotomy.

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Jun 7, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on 30: Sofield Osteotomy with Intramedullary Rod Fixation of the Long Bones of the Femur/Tibia

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