14: Single-Incision Supraperiosteal Triple Innominate Osteotomy

Single-Incision Supraperiosteal Triple Innominate Osteotomy

Ira Zaltz



image A complete physical examination is necessary in the evaluation of children with developmental dysplasia of the hip. The patient’s stature, spinal alignment, relative limb length, and neurologic examination must be assessed. In addition, a careful examination of the hip includes assessment of gait, and precise documentation of range of motion. A patient must have at least 20–30° of hip abduction in order to undergo acetabular reorientation.

image Plain radiographs

image Computed tomography (CT)

image Arthrographic evaluation is still the most accurate diagnostic method to establish hip joint congruency, and may be necessary to determine the position of congruity, particularly when the femoral epiphysis is significantly deformed.

image Improvements in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology have enabled visualization of the acetabular labrum and articular cartilage. Although its role in the assessment of skeletally immature patients is evolving, MRI is useful if significant intra-articular abnormality is suspected based upon the clinical scenario.

image Arthroscopic hip joint assessment can be useful either as a staging study to evaluate articular surfaces or for concomitant treatment of either labral or chondral pathology. The role of simultaneous arthroscopic treatment of labral pathology with correction of acetabular dysplasia remains to be studied.


image The patient is positioned supine on a radiolucent operating table without a roll behind the ipsilateral pelvis in order to facilitate intraoperative evaluation of acetabular position (Fig. 3).


image The surgeon stands on the side of the operative hip and the assistant stands opposite. A fluoroscope is positioned opposite the surgeon with the monitor at the patient’s foot.

image The entire leg, hip, abdomen, and lower chest are included in the surgical field so that exposure is not compromised following draping.

image Following anesthetic induction, Foley catheterization is performed in order to protect the bladder during intrapelvic surgery.


Step 1: Superficial Dissection

image The external oblique muscle fascia is incised laterally and the muscle is elevated from the iliac apophysis. The tensor-sartorius interval is opened longitudinally while protecting the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.

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Jun 7, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on 14: Single-Incision Supraperiosteal Triple Innominate Osteotomy

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