11: Innominate Osteotomy

Innominate Osteotomy

John H. Wedge

Surgical Anatomy

image The surgeon should be familiar with the following anatomic structures:

• Bones (Fig. 2A): iliac apophysis, iliac crest, greater sciatic notch, acetabular labrum and lateral acetabular epiphysis


• Muscles and ligamentous complexes (Fig. 2B): sartorius and tensor fascia femoris, straight head of the rectus femoris, transverse acetabular ligament, ligamentum teres, iliopsoas muscle/tendon

• Nerves (Fig. 2C): lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, superior gluteal nerve

• Vessels in the greater sciatic notch and the surrounding soft tissues of the ilium (see Fig. 2C)


image A transverse “bikini line” incision is made centered on and just distal to the anterior superior iliac spine.

image The interval between the sartorius and tensor fascia femoris is separated, taking care to protect the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh.

image If capsulorrhaphy is to be done for dislocation, the straight head of the rectus femoris is separated from the hip joint capsule, tagged with a suture, and divided just distal to the anterior inferior iliac spine.

image The iliac apophysis is split equally with a scalpel from the anterior inferior iliac spine to the junction of the anterior and middle thirds of the iliac crest.

image The iliac crest is stripped subperiosteally both medially and laterally to the greater sciatic notch (Fig. 4A and 4B). Rang sciatic notch retractors (Fig. 5) facilitate protection of the superior gluteal nerve and vessels in the notch and the surrounding soft tissues when cutting the ilium with the Gigli saw.




Step 1

image Prior to making the skin incision, a percutaneous tenotomy of the adductor longus is done.

image An anterolateral approach via a transverse (bikini line) incision is used (see Portals/Exposures).

image The tendon of the rectus femoris is retracted from the hip joint capsule and the straight and reflected heads are identified.

image If the innominate osteotomy is being done for dysplasia or mild subluxation, proceed to Step 7.

Step 2 (When Hip Is Dislocated)

Jun 7, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on 11: Innominate Osteotomy

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