The physiotherapy management of inflammation, healing and repair

The physiotherapy management of inflammation, healing and repair

Janette Grey and Gillian Rawlinson


This chapter will introduce the reader to the processes involved in inflammation and tissue healing and repair, as well as discussing physiotherapeutic interventions that may be used to facilitate this process. The healing and repair process that occurs in response to tissue injury can, in broad terms, be described as a continuum of events that comprises of four stages: bleeding, inflammation, proliferation and remodelling.

These stages are not mutually exclusive and will overlap considerably, depending on the nature of the injury and the individual. However, for the purpose of this chapter, these four stages will be considered in sequence as underpinning a return to normal homeostasis and to normal function.

Although inflammation and tissue repair are not exclusive to the musculoskeletal system it is in this system that the physiotherapist most closely works to influence these processes. This chapter will, therefore, focus on the sequence of events following soft tissue injury and its physiotherapeutic management. The aims of the chapter are as follows:

In order to clinically reason an appropriate physiotherapeutic approach to treatment for an individual’s problem, many factors need to be considered. The physiotherapist needs to understand the anatomical and histological make-up of the different tissues, as well as the normal processes of inflammation, tissue healing and repair. It is also vital that the physiotherapist has excellent assessment and clinical reasoning skills in order to correctly identify the tissues involved and the underlying pathology. The clinical reasoning process also requires the physiotherapist to consider psychological and social factors, which will undoubtedly influence an individual’s recovery and rehabilitation.

These factors may significantly alter the approach a clinician takes and maybe even exclude certain treatment modalities that would normally be considered. It is this individualised, holistic and evidence-based approach that makes the physiotherapist an invaluable contributor to the patient’s optimal recovery from disease or injury. The clinical reasoning process is illustrated in Figure 12.1.

Two case studies will be presented to illustrate the suggested application of physiotherapy interventions discussed in relation to the healing and repair processes.

The continuum of tissue healing and repair

When any soft tissue is injured, be it through trauma, injury, overuse or surgery, a natural sequence of events follows in order to repair the damaged tissue and restore homeostasis and normal function.

This process starts with a short period of tissue bleeding owing to the disruption of small blood vessels and capillaries. Immediately following this period of bleeding a complex cascade of biochemical events proceed, triggering an inflammatory reaction. The inflammatory process initiates the proliferation of new tissue cells, which eventually remodel with the aim of restoring normal tissue function. This sequence of events is illustrated in Figure 12.2.

This sequence of events does not take on exact timescales and it is useful to think of this as a continuum whereby each stage of healing will overlap with the next depending on many factors, such as the severity and nature of the injury, the patient’s age and tissue type and what the individual does or not do in terms of movement, activity and intervention. In many cases these healing processes occur without problems; however, several factors can cause this process to be delayed or exaggerated, leading to less than optimal tissue structure, pain and ultimately reduced function.

For many years physiotherapists have utilised a wide range of treatment modalities and interventions with the intention of promoting healing and repair. The main aim of using any physiotherapeutic modality or intervention should be to facilitate and progress tissue through this normal healing and repair continuum, thus facilitating early recovery and return to maximum function.

Soft tissue injury

When injury or trauma occurs producing forces necessary to damage soft tissues it is important to consider what happens to these tissues at a cellular level. The secondary injury model described by Merrick (2002) considers there to be two stages following tissue injury, namely the primary and secondary injury response:

Phases 1 and 2 of tissue healing and repair

Phase 1: bleeding (0–10 hours)

This is a relatively short phase that will depend upon the initial injury type, the tissues damaged and the severity of injury. If there has been an injury to soft tissues some degree of bleeding will occur. When capillaries and small blood vessels sustain primary injury, blood will escape into surrounding tissues and, depending on the location, may gradually track distally as a result of gravity. The type of tissue involved and the type of injury will determine the degree of bleeding in terms of amount and duration. If very vascular tissue is damaged (e.g. muscle) a larger amount of bleeding will occur in comparison with less vascular tissues, for example ligament and tendon. The bleeding phase may only last a period of a few minutes or hours, but in large muscle contusion injuries, for example, bleeding may continue to a small degree for up to 24 hours (Watson 2004).

Phase 2: inflammation (0–4 days)

Inflammation is a complex biochemical and cellular process which is still not fully understood. It can be triggered by many factors other than injury, such as infection and pathology.

Following an injury or pathological process there is an immediate inflammatory response. Scott et al. (2004) describe inflammation as a complex process that can be viewed at four levels: clinical, physiological, cellular and molecular, and suggest that it is the application of clinical reasoning skills that allows us to define which level is relevant in any given situation. Discussion of the complex biochemical sequences involved in the inflammatory process are beyond the scope of this chapter – the reader is referred to the wealth of books which discuss these biochemical and pathological aspects in more detail.

The inflammatory response has been reported to last for several days, or even weeks, but usually peaks around 2–3 days post-injury. During this inflammatory phase there may well be several clinical features evident. These include redness, swelling, pain and loss of function. During inflammation there is primarily a vascular and cellular response. The vascular response is a result of chemical inflammatory mediators and also a neural effect on the arterioles. There is an initial vasoconstriction that lasts only a period of seconds, followed by a more prolonged vasodilation response. There is also an increase in the permeability of the capillary walls allowing migration of large plasma proteins into the interstitial space. This alters the osmotic pressure in the tissue and exudate will gather in the interstitial space causing swelling. As cells migrate across the vessel wall into the interstitial fluid this will become cellular exudate. This exudate will contain mainly neutrophils initially and then lymphocytes and monocytes as the inflammatory process progresses (Mutsaers et al. 1997).

The cellular response is mediated and maintained by chemical mediators, which results in altered cellular activity. These processes will eventually aid the removal of any microorgansims and damaged tissue debris. Pain is caused by both irritation of damaged nerve endings from these chemical mediators and pressure on nocioceptors from the increase in exudate.

Often, clinically, this inflammatory phase is seen as a hindrance to the repair process and interventions that have an anti-inflammatory action are often employed with the aim of halting and slowing this process. It should be noted, however, that inflammation is, in fact, a normal response to injury and should be facilitated in order for the patient to progress through the healing and repair continuum.

Occasionally, individuals will develop a prolonged or exaggerated inflammatory response that fails to resolve within the normal timeframes. The mechanisms behind the development of chronic inflammation are not yet fully understood and are beyond the scope of this chapter.

Physiotherapy interventions in phases 1 and 2 (0–72 hours post-injury)

When considering the physiotherapy approaches that we can employ at these early stages of tissue injury, we must consider the physiological processes occurring and the aims and physiological responses to treatment.

When treating any patient with an acute injury, for example a ligament sprain or a muscle contusion, the aims of treatment must be decided in specific relation to the individual, in order to plan treatment accordingly.

The PRICE principles

PRICE is a mnemonic for the principal interventions commonly used in the immediate early stages following tissue injury. PRICE stands for :

These interventions together are applied in principle to address the seven aims of early phase tissue injury and healing management. These interventions are discussed below. The reader is also referred to the guidelines written in conjunction with the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine (ACPSM), on the immediate management of soft tissue injury using the PRICE principles (Bleakley et al. 2010).


When soft tissue injury has just occurred it is important to protect tissues from further damage, both chemical and mechanical (secondary), and also to protect newly forming collagen fibrils in the following days. Measures to prevent tissues from this further mechanical damage are generally described as protective modalities and may include treatments such as strapping, use of crutches, slings and braces, and modification of exercises and movements.


There are various techniques of strapping that can be applied in the early stages to protect injured areas from further damage while allowing the individual to continue with other activities and exercise. When deciding on the use of a strapping technique it is important to consider the structure(s) damaged and the movement(s) which are likely to stress the damaged area. Strapping can be applied in a manner to allow maximal movement while protecting from the movement(s) likely to cause further damage. Again, this emphasises why it is essential that the physiotherapist has a detailed knowledge of anatomy and human movement when treating injured and healing tissues.

It is important to remember that any strapping applied in these early stages must be able to accommodate a change in size or circumference because of swelling, to prevent compromise of the circulatory system. Often compression bandaging (as discussed below) will alone restrict movement and may be sufficient to protect from unwanted movement. Alternatively, additional specific strapping may be applied to reinforce and prevent specific movement patterns.

Strapping needs to be reapplied regularly and also needs to be monitored regularly to ensure its safety and effectiveness. The physiotherapist will need to consider if the patient is able to reapply strapping independently or not, which may influence its use if the patient has limited contact with the physiotherapist.

The patient must also understand the limitations of the strapping. Some individuals may feel able to continue with all activities while wearing strapping when, in fact, this could be detrimental to the injured and surrounding tissues.

Other methods of protecting injured and healing tissues

The main factors affecting the physiotherapist’s decisions to use a protective device are the individual’s needs, the extent and nature of the tissue injury and the location of the damage. Devices such as slings may serve the purpose of elevating the limb while also having a protective role.


Rest, in this context, usually refers to some form of relative rest in terms of general movement and activity to reduce metabolic demands and, hence, further secondary chemical damage to tissues. Rest from specific activities (relative rest) will also go some way towards protecting damaged and newly forming tissue.

However, it must be remembered that excessive unloading of the structures and prolonged rest can do harm to the patient so must be balanced carefully with appropriate activity (Bleakley et al. 2010). Therefore, the physiotherapist needs to carefully balance these protection and rest aims with those of promoting movement in order to maintain normal function of adjacent joints and structures.

In the very early stages (0–48 hours) when the tissues are still likely to be bleeding and the inflammatory process will be underway, the patient should be encouraged to rest the injured area fully to prevent increased bleeding and inflammatory response.

As this very early phase ends (around 48 hours), very gentle movement is needed to help improve circulation and removal of waste products, and to provide the necessary stresses for the correct alignment and orientation of newly forming tissue fibres. Both local and systemic exercise can assist in this process through changes in haemodynamics and lymphatic function (Bleakley et al. 2010).

This trade off between rest and activity can often form conflicting advice for the patient – the physiotherapist needs to ensure that advice regarding movement and activity is clearly understood by the patient for maximum benefit.

Again, it is worth remembering at this stage that effective physiotherapy practice is underpinned by firm clinical reasoning where individuals’ physical, social and psychological needs, their tissue damage and stage of healing are all considered in light of considered best practice in that treatment area.

Cryotherapy (ice therapy)

Cryotherapy is defined as the use of cold and cooling agents used for therapeutic benefits, and has long been considered an important part of early tissue injury management. There are various methods of cooling tissues including the application of crushed ice, ice/gel packs, cold compressive devices and ice submersion. The comparative effects of these have not been fully investigated and the method of application is still mainly determined by the nature of the injury, equipment variability and therapist preference. The use of cryotherapy has not been fully investigated in terms of scientific research and much of physiotherapy practice in this area is based upon experiential evidence.

The primary reason for applying ice in the immediate early injury management is to cool the affected tissues, hence reducing the metabolic demands of the neighbouring cells. This should enable more cells to survive the ischaemic phase, thus minimising secondary tissue damage. It is suggested that to maximise the therapeutic effects of cryotherapy, an optimal tissue temperature reduction of 10–15° is required (MacAuley 2001). If the application of cryotherapy can reduce the number of cells damaged overall, the healing and repair process will be quicker, hence speeding up return to function.

Traditionally, the application of cryotherapy may have been thought to induce vasoconstriction of the small blood vessels, thus reducing blood supply to the area and hence causing increased ischaemia to the tissues and further secondary damage as initially described by Knight (1989). Merrick (2002) suggests that the secondary injury model described above now better describes the effects of cryotherapy. It must be noted, however, that there is very little conclusive evidence that investigates how cryotherapy affects the metabolic processes and whether it can influence inflammation (Bleakley et al. 2010).

The duration, application and frequency of cooling to achieve maximum therapeutic benefits has not yet been determined scientifically, yet these factors will greatly affect the degree of tissue cooling. Not all modes of cooling are equally effective; however, crushed ice provides effective cooling and is probably the safest (Bleakley et al. 2010). Subcutaneous fat covering will insulate deeper tissues and thus limit cooling significantly. Therefore, some areas may require slightly longer cooling times. Other important points are that the cold application should cover the whole area of injured tissue and a damp towel should be placed between the cooling agent and the skin to avoid skin and tissue damage. Using a thick, dry protective layer is likely to significantly reduce the cooling effects. It is also worth noting that research suggests that deep tissue temperature stays the same or continues to cool for up to 10 minutes following removal of an ice pack (Bleakley et al. 2010).

The use of cryotherapy is widespread in practice and it is generally accepted that it is a very safe and easy-to-use modality, making it very popular. However, it is very important to remember that direct cold application can cause what are commonly described as ‘ice burns’. This may be described as superficial frostbite and the symptoms are similar to a thermal burn with pain, redness, swelling and blistering. It has been highlighted recently that ice burns are probably under-reported and are much more common than was previously thought. Remember to exercise caution when applying cryotherapy and reassess the patient regularly. If the patient has reduced sensation, or nerve injury is suspected, extreme caution must be used and it is advisable to avoid cryotherapy until this has been fully assessed.


Compression of the affected tissue and adjacent areas can also be used in the early phases to reduce exudate, protect tissues and possibly reduce pain.

The theory behind the application of compression is that the hydrostatic pressure of the interstitial fluid is raised, thus pushing fluid back into the lymph vessels and capillaries, and reducing the amount of fluid that can seep out into surrounding tissues (Rucinski et al. 1991). External compression through the application of an elastic wrap can stop bleeding, inhibit seepage into underlying tissue spaces and help disperse excess fluid (Thorsson et al. 1997).

Compression can be applied using a tubular bandage or some form of elasticated bandage strapping which may be adhesive or non-adhesive. It is vital that any product used is elasticated in order to accommodate changes in size or circumference of the body part without compromising circulation.

Compression can be used in direct conjunction with cryotherapy in the form of an ice compression device, for example Cryocuff, which allows simultaneous cooling and compression of tissues. If this method is not used there is generally some trade-off in terms of using cryotherapy and compression. It is not usually possible to sufficiently cool tissues through a compression bandage; therefore, intermittent use of cooling methods may be applied between compression.

Unfortunately, there are very few studies which look specifically at the effects of applying compression alone in acute soft tissue injury and, again, much of contemporary practice is based upon experiential evidence and consensus opinion (Bleakley et al. 2010).

imageClinical note

When applying compression you will need to consider the following points (Kerr et al. 1999).

1. Apply compression as soon as possible after injury.

2. Always apply compression from distally to proximally.

3. Where possible, apply the compression a minimum of six inches above and below the affected area.

4. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions where available.

5. Do not apply compressive materials with the material at full stretch.

6. Ensure consistent overlap (half to two-thirds) of previous turn of compressive material.

7. Apply turns in a spiral fashion, never in a circumferential pattern.

8. Use protective padding, such as gauze, underwrap, foam, etc., over vulnerable areas such as superficial tendons and bony prominences.

9. Do not apply elasticated leggings in the lying position or in association with elevation.

10. Remove and reapply if the pressure appears not to be uniform or if the patient complains of discomfort. Otherwise, reapply within 24 hours.

11. Continue compression for first 48 hours when not lying down.

12. Always check the distal areas following compression to check for diminished circulation, i.e. colour changes or cold.

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