Pulmonary Medicine

Chapter 18 Pulmonary Medicine

Chapter contents

Lung Disease in Primary Care

Breathing and heartbeat draw the line between life and death. Pulmonary disease, respiratory symptoms, and respiratory failure are common, high-impact conditions. For example, asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood, respiratory failure causes many admissions to our nation’s intensive care units (ICUs), and lung cancer is now the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in America. Lung cancer accounts for 31% of cancer deaths in men and 25% of cancer deaths in women (American Cancer Society, 2002). In part because of the global spread of tobacco, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will move from being the 12th leading cause of disease burden, as measured by lost disability-adjusted life-years (DALY), to being the fifth leading cause by 2020 (Murray and Lopez, 1996).

Smoking and Other Risk Factors for Lung Disease

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describe smoking as the single most preventable cause of premature death in the United States, contributing to more than 400,000 deaths per year, or one in every five deaths. People who smoke suffer more than a 20-fold increase in risk of death from lung cancer and a 10-fold increase in risk of death resulting from bronchitis or emphysema (CDC, 1993). For women in the United States, there are more deaths caused by lung cancer than by breast cancer. Worldwide there were 5 million deaths attributable to smoking in 2000, almost 2 million of which were related to lung cancer and other lung diseases. WHO projects a doubling of smoking-related deaths by 2020 (Ezzati, 2003).

Smoking cessation is the most important factor in preventing lung and cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. Avoidance of secondary exposure to smoke, especially in the household, is also important in preventing childhood asthma and infections as well as adult cancers (DHHS, 2006).

Even simple physician advice to quit smoking provides a marginal benefit of 2.5% of patients quitting successfully (Lancaster and Stead, 2004). Interventions that combine counseling plus education or group strategies plus pharmacologic treatment with nicotine replacement or specific medications can achieve sustained quit rates of 25% to 30% (Hughes et al., 2004; Solomon et al., 2005; Stead and Lancaster, 2005). The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ, 2008) has provided a comprehensive update to previous clinical guidelines for smoking cessation and treating tobacco dependence. Counseling is most effective when it includes both practical problem solving and social support. Pharmacologic treatment, such as nicotine replacement, bupropion, and varenicline, has proved effective but is most effective when combined with counseling or group programs. The Legacy Foundation reports that ex-smokers have an average of eight quit attempts before ultimately sustaining a tobacco-free lifestyle. Box 18-1 defines a strategy for helping patients to quit smoking by a simple mnemonic of “five As” (ask, advise, assess, assist, arrange).

Diagnostic Tools in Pulmonary Medicine

History and Physical Examination

Diagnosis starts with the patient history and physical examination. Pulmonary symptoms may be evaluated by traditional history-of-present-illness questions, such as character and quality of the symptoms, duration, onset, timing, exacerbating and alleviating factors, efforts at self-treatment, and the patient’s own understanding of what is causing the symptoms. For example, the symptoms of asthma may be variously described by patients as shortness of breath, wheezing, whistling, “wheezling,” chest tightness, tight breathing, or poor exercise tolerance. In addition, patients often self-medicate with over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications, as well as use herbal and nonmedicinal alternative therapies, which they typically do not report to their personal physician unless specifically asked (Braganza et al., 2003).

In addition to general history-taking, a detailed history of respiratory exposures and risk factors is essential. Smoking is perhaps the most important pulmonary risk factor. A detailed smoking history includes age of first smoking, quantity smoked, number of years as a smoker, other tobacco use, previous attempts to quit, and an assessment of the level of nicotine addiction. Family history can reveal relatives with immunoglobulin E (IgE)–mediated allergy or atopy (allergic rhinitis, asthma, eczema, nasal polyps, or aspirin hypersensitivity) or even more serious genetic risk factors, such as cystic fibrosis or α1-antitrypsin deficiency. Perinatal history of premature birth, neonatal respiratory failure, and ventilator care can lead to bronchopulmonary dysplasia and chronic lung disease in children who survive neonatal intensive care.

Taking a good occupational history is also essential, asking the specific type of work the patient performs, as well as past jobs. In addition, the clinician should ask two key questions: “Have you ever been exposed to fumes, gases, or dusts?” and “Do your symptoms get better when you are away from work, during weekends and vacations?”

Physical examination begins with vital signs. For example, tachypnea out of proportion to fever may be the first presenting sign of childhood pneumonia. The degree of respiratory difficulty may also be observed in the form of obvious shortness of breath, the work of breathing, the use of accessory respiratory muscles, and the patient’s need to take a breath in midsentence (described as three-to-four-word dyspnea). General examination can also reveal either peripheral or central cyanosis. Clubbing of the nails can indicate chronic lung disease. Morbid obesity may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea or right-sided heart failure (cor pulmonale), or both.

Examination of the chest begins with inspection and progresses to percussion, palpation, and auscultation. Inspection can reveal chest deformities (pectus excavatum or flail chest) or spinal deformities (kyphosis or scoliosis) that interfere with breathing, or an enlarged anteroposterior (AP) diameter in adults with chronically hyperexpanded lungs. Adults with morbid obesity or prior chest trauma that restricts chest wall motion can have pulmonary function tests consistent with restrictive lung disease of extrapulmonary origin. Infants and children in respiratory distress can have retractions.

Palpation can identify thoracic wall abnormalities, mass lesions, or tenderness and show asymmetry of chest wall expansion. Percussion of lung fields should normally be resonant. Dullness to percussion can indicate fluid in the pleural space or consolidation of the lung itself, with fluid filling the normally air-filled alveolar spaces. Both these conditions also produce decreased breath sounds over the affected area. Hyperresonant lung fields on percussion can indicate the hyperexpansion of obstructive lung disease or even pneumothorax.

Auscultation should include listening over upper, middle, and lower lung fields of each lung posteriorly, as well as over the apices and mid–lung fields anteriorly. The right middle lobe of the lung and the lingula of the left lung can only be heard anteriorly. In addition to identifying areas of decreased breath sounds, the quality of lung sounds on auscultation can further differentiate underlying lung pathology. Normal (vesicular) lung sounds are continuous. Other continuous breath sounds include wheezing (sibilant or musical rhonchi) and bronchial (tubular) breath sounds (“Darth Vader” or snorkel breathing), which occur normally over the trachea or upper anterior chest wall. Discontinuous breath sounds include the sound of small alveolar sacs popping open in fluid-based lung consolidation, which are heard as adventitial lung sounds such as fine rales or crackles. This can occur in both bases, as in congestive heart failure, or in a more localized area, as in a lobar pneumonia. The sound has been described as similar to tufts of hair being rubbed together close to the ear.

Because decreased breath sounds and dullness to percussion can represent either fluid in the pleural space or consolidation of the lungs themselves, additional physical findings can help differentiate the two conditions. Vocal fremitus and tactile fremitus are increased in lung consolidation but decreased in pleural effusion. Localized egophony (“e-to-a” changes) indicates consolidation of that segment or lobe of the lung; it is not present in pleural effusion except in a small band just above the upper edge of the effusion.

Signs of bronchial inflammation, mucus, and obstruction in the bronchial tree include coarse crackles and wheezes (sonorous or musical rhonchi). Additionally, in normal vesicular breathing, the duration of the inspiratory phase is longer than the expiratory phase—typically 90% of the expired air is exhaled in the first second. Prolongation of the expiratory phase is an early sign of obstruction, even before wheezing develops. The diagnostic implications of these physical examination findings are summarized in Table 18-1.

Pulmonary Function Testing

Key Points

Pulmonary function testing is essential for detecting lung disease and for differentiating obstructive from restrictive lung disease. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) may be done in a hospital-based pulmonary function laboratory or, more often, in the outpatient setting using office spirometry. The simplest PFT is the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), measured by hand-held mechanical peak-flow meters given to patients for self-management and used in office settings and emergency departments (EDs) for quick assessment during acute exacerbations of asthma. PEFR is the maximum flow generated during expiration performed with maximal force (“Take a deep breath and blow out as hard and as fast as you can”).

Previous office spirometry units were bulky and required frequent recalibration, but modern units are small, computerized, and often self-calibrating. Quality of testing is important. The patient should be seated comfortably and instructed appropriately. An adequate PFT must include three valid measures (quick start, good effort, maintenance of forced expiration for at least 6 seconds with no cough) and three relatively similar results (FVC varying by <200 mL).

Results of office spirometry are presented both graphically and numerically, with actual values compared to values predicted by the patient’s age, height, and gender. Figure 18-1 shows the points at which two critical values, forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC), are measured on the time-volume curve. Figure 18-2 shows a typical flow-volume loop for patients that compares normal PFTs with obstructive lung disease and restrictive lung disease (Zoorob et al., 2002). Increasingly, the 6-second end point, or FEV6, is being used as a reliable and reproducible surrogate measure that can replace FVC for patients unable to complete forced expiration beyond 6 seconds.

The key parameters of office spirometry are the FEV1, the FVC, and the FEV1/FVC ratio (percentage of exhaled volume blown out in first second of exhalation). The diagnosis of obstructive lung disease is made by demonstrating an FEV1/FVC ratio (or FEV1/FEV6) of less than 70%. This means that the patient has exhaled less than 70% of FVC (full volume of air exhaled) in the first second of exhalation. Other tests of airway obstruction are the mid-maximal expiratory flow rate (MMEF, or FEF25-75), which is the average expiratory flow over the middle half of expiration, that is, flow rate during the time when 25% to 75% of the FVC is exhaled. This measure has been described as representing small airway obstruction, but it is less reproducible and has not been included in clinical guidelines for managing patients with obstructive lung disease. However, MMEF can be an early indicator of lung damage caused by smoking or occupational pneumoconioses. The FEF25 and FEF75 are moment-in-time measures of expiratory airflow and are therefore subject to significant patient-to-patient variability unrelated to clinical factors.

One other dimension of office spirometry in diagnosing and managing obstructive lung disease is to measure these parameters before and after a dose of inhaled beta-2 (β2)–adrenergic agonist is given. Improvement in FEV1 of at least 12% and at least 200 mL from prebronchodilator to postbronchodilator measurement is considered evidence of reversibility of airway obstruction. Complete reversibility helps establish the diagnosis of asthma, and it is also useful in guiding therapy by establishing the potential efficacy of medications. For example, some patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are more responsive to anticholinergic medications such as inhaled ipratropium, whereas others are more responsive to inhaled β2-agonists such as albuterol.

For restrictive lung disease, the “gold-standard” test is the total lung capacity (TLC), which is a measure of maximal exhaled air (FVC) plus residual capacity (RC). However, this can only be tested in pulmonary function laboratories that can test the patient in a sealed chamber. For practical purposes in the primary care setting, restrictive lung disease can be diagnosed using office spirometry if the FVC is reduced to less than 80% of predicted in the presence of a normal FEV1/FVC ratio (i.e., no obstruction). One other test that is available in pulmonary function labs but not in office spirometry is the diffusion capacity (DLco), which is a measure of the diffusion of carbon monoxide across the alveolar-capillary membrane. Clinical reductions in DLco can occur with thickening of the alveolocapillary membrane, which can be a sign of interstitial fibrosis.

Chest Radiography and Other Diagnostic Imaging

Despite major advances in imaging technology, the chest x-ray film (CXR) is still an important diagnostic modality that can clearly reveal signs of pneumonia, COPD, heart failure, tuberculosis, lung masses, and pleural effusion. Figure 18-3 shows a chest radiograph with right middle lobe pneumonia. Although the posteroanterior (PA) film shows some consolidation, it is attenuated by the overlying projection of a normal lower lobe. The lateral film, however, shows the classic wedge-shaped profile of a consolidated right middle lobe.

Chest radiography is also widely used in evaluating patients with suspected exposure to tuberculosis (TB), either because of symptoms, personal contact, or a positive intradermal purified protein derivative (PPD) test. Figure 18-4 shows the patchy infiltrates and hilar adenopathy typical of pulmonary TB, although TB can have a variety of presentations on chest x-ray films, including adenopathy, pleural scarring, infiltrates, cavitary lesions, and miliary TB.

Chest radiography can also be helpful in diagnosing nonpulmonary causes of shortness of breath, as in the case of congestive heart failure, with enlarged heart, bibasilar consolidation, small pleural effusions, and prominent pulmonary vasculature. In other conditions such as asthma, chest x-ray films can be quite normal despite significant respiratory compromise.

Increasingly, chest computed tomography (CT) scan plays an important role in diagnosing lung disease. High-resolution CT (HRCT) can identify pulmonary nodules and hilar lymph nodes at much smaller sizes than can chest radiography, and it is therefore important in diagnosing and staging lung cancers. CT can also detect lung abscess, vascular lesions, and pleural scarring or masses. Whereas early COPD or emphysematous changes can be difficult to detect with even HRCT, additional techniques such as minimum-intensity projection (MIP) can aggregate data from adjacent slices and, by subtracting vascular and other tissue densities not consistent with lung parenchyma and air, demonstrate small air pockets consistent with early emphysema.

Imaging modalities such as spiral CT have been demonstrated to be effective in detecting early lung cancer in patients with high-risk smoking histories, but as yet they have not demonstrated improvements in mortality that would justify this as a universal screening test for smokers in primary care practice. When small, noncalcified pulmonary nodules are detected by CT, the likelihood of malignancy is influenced by nodule size, density, number of nodules, and growth over time, combined with patient factors such as age, smoking history, gender, spirometry, occupational history, and endemic granulomatous disease (Libby et al., 2004).

Positron emission tomography scans using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG-PET) are becoming increasingly useful in evaluating lung cancers and lymphomas. The ability to define anatomy and metabolism, that is, glucose uptake within the tumor, makes the PET scan useful for staging, detecting node involvement, and defining resectability, tumor response to therapy, and tumor recurrence (Avril and Weber, 2005). Diagnosing solitary pulmonary nodules is a common challenge in primary care. A meta-analysis of studies comparing dynamic CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), FDG-PET, and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans based on positive and negative likelihood ratios for identifying malignant versus nonmalignant solitary nodules found that all four were similarly accurate (Cronin et al., 2008). Nuclear medicine studies such as gallium scans are also used extensively in evaluating pulmonary symptoms in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and are discussed in the section on HIV-related pulmonary infections in more detail.

Other imaging studies have more specific indications. One nuclear medicine study long used in primary care is the ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan. This is specifically performed to rule out pulmonary embolism, revealed by focal perfusion defects in adequately ventilated areas. This V/Q mismatch, in the absence of underlying lung pathology, is consistent with a high probability of pulmonary embolism. Unfortunately, patients can also demonstrate matching V/Q defects, which can occur when blood flow is shunted away from an underventilated area of the lung. Scans with no perfusion defect reflect a low probability for significant pulmonary embolism. Other tests are increasingly taking the place of the V/Q scan (see later discussion).


Fiberoptic bronchoscopy allows direct visualization of the bronchial tree. It is useful for diagnosing conditions that require culture of a lower respiratory tract infection by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), or conditions such as bronchogenic carcinoma, that require tissue diagnosis by transbronchial biopsy. Sometimes these techniques are combined, as in the diagnosis of Pneumocystis jiroveci (carinii) pneumonia (PCP), for which the sensitivity of bronchoscopy with BAL is approximately 86% and with transbronchial biopsy is 87% (Broaddus et al., 1985). A comparative assessment of different bronchoscopic techniques in obtaining culture specimens in cases of ventilator-associated pneumonia found no significant difference between blind bronchial brushings and bronchoscope-assisted lavage, bronchoscope-directed brushings, or even blind endotracheal aspirates (Wood et al., 2003). Rates of complications (including hemoptysis and pneumothorax) with traditional bronchoscopy are in the range of 0.5% to 1.0% without biopsy and up to 6.8% with transbronchial biopsy (Pue and Pacht, 1995). In a pulmonary fellowship program, the rate of complications for all bronchoscopies performed (with and without biopsy) was 2.06% (Ouellette, 2006). Therapeutic interventions using bronchoscopy are also increasing, and lesions are treated through the bronchoscope with laser, cryotherapy, electrocautery, and stents (Rafanan and Mehta, 2000).

Newer diagnostic techniques include fluorescent bronchoscopy, which can be more sensitive for detecting early endobronchial tumors (Gilbert et al., 2004; Moghissi et al., 2008), and virtual bronchoscopy, which uses sophisticated software to reconstruct images from HRCT scan, to create three-dimensional imagery without invasive testing. This technique has been found useful in planning partial lung resection surgery, for example, but it cannot provide bronchoscopy’s direct visualization of color, texture, or friability of the bronchial mucosa (Finklestein et al., 2004).

Measurement of Blood Gases

Measurement and monitoring of blood gases can be invasive or noninvasive. Transcutaneous pulse oximetry is the most widely used noninvasive test. It provides a fairly accurate measure of oxygen saturation (So2) of hemoglobin at values ranging from 70% to 100% by measuring the difference between oxyhemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin in the absorption of light of specific wavelengths. So2 of 98% corresponds to an arterial oxygen partial pressure (Pao2) of 100 mm Hg, and 95% to a Pao2 of 80 mm Hg, demonstrating the challenge of interpreting a test with a 95% confidence interval of ±5%. An oxygen saturation of less than 89% corresponds to a Pao2 of less than 60 mm Hg. Decreased tissue perfusion or color changes caused by jaundice or intravascular dyes can degrade accuracy. Arterial oxygen levels can also be measured transcutaneously (tcPo2) with a skin surface oxygen electrode, but its accuracy is also affected by tissue perfusion, skin temperature, and other factors.

Exhaled carbon dioxide can also be measured noninvasively, most often in the ICU for patients on mechanical ventilation or in operating rooms during general anesthesia. Capnography, colorimetric techniques, and CO2 sensors can detect failure of mechanical ventilation or improper endotracheal tube placement, which generate hypercapnia secondary to hypoventilation.

The invasive technique most often used for measuring oxygen, CO2, and acid-base blood chemistries is the arterial blood gas (ABG) measurement. Although it requires an arterial needle puncture and several milliliters of blood, it is highly accurate and reproducible. ABG measurement is indicated in any patient with acute respiratory distress or in managing the patient with respiratory failure. In addition to Pao2 and arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure (Paco2) measurements, ABG testing also provides a measure of pH, bicarbonate (HCO3), and the anion gap, which can be used to detect respiratory (rather than metabolic) causes of acidosis and alkalosis. Patients with moderate to severe COPD can have chronic hypoxia plus chronic hypercapnia (decreased Pao2 and increased Paco2). They can also show signs of primary respiratory acidosis (reduced pH with elevated CO2), and a compensatory metabolic alkalosis (partial normalization of the pH despite elevated Paco2) mediated by renal HCO3 retention. Nomograms or software used in personal digital assistants (PDAs) allow simultaneous plotting of pH, CO2, and HCO3 to facilitate interpretation of mixed respiratory and metabolic acid-base disturbances.

Common Pulmonary Symptoms

Shortness of Breath

A common presenting symptom in pulmonary disease is shortness of breath. The fundamental question in patients presenting with recent-onset or episodic shortness of breath is this: Is it a lung problem, a heart problem, or something else? The most common pulmonary causes of chronic or repeated episodes of shortness of breath include asthma, smoking-related COPD, chronic lung infections (TB and HIV-related infections), and occupational pneumoconiosis. Acute-onset shortness of breath can be caused by acute exacerbations of any of these chronic conditions, by acute infections such as pneumonia or acute bronchitis, or by spontaneous pneumothorax. Among otherwise healthy children, shortness of breath can be related to asthma, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, or upper-airway problems such as croup or epiglottitis. Chronic shortness of breath in children can be related to poorly controlled asthma, bronchopulmonary dysplasia from infancy, or chronic diseases (e.g., cystic fibrosis).

The cardiovascular system is the other organ system most often linked to shortness of breath. In adults, congestive heart failure (CHF) is a leading cause of recent-onset shortness of breath among middle-aged and older adults. In addition to shortness of breath, patients might report symptoms of wheezing from the pulmonary congestion, often referred to as cardiac asthma. Differentiating early CHF from pulmonary causes of dyspnea can be a challenge in middle-aged or older patients who smoke or have other chronic medical conditions. Other cardiac conditions associated with shortness of breath include pericarditis and cardiomyopathy, as well as congenital heart defects in infants presenting with respiratory distress. Vascular conditions include chronic pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary embolism in the setting of acute-onset shortness of breath.

Along with the history and physical examination, testing can help in ruling out pulmonary versus cardiac causes of dyspnea. Physicians often begin diagnostic testing with electrocardiogram (ECG) and even echocardiogram to rule out cardiac causes of shortness of breath, but simple history, auscultation of the heart and lungs, chest radiograph, and office spirometry can also assess for common pulmonary causes of shortness of breath. Improvement on weekends or non-workdays can suggest an occupational exposure, and a prolonged expiratory phase with expiratory wheezing suggests obstructive lung disease. Orthopnea and pedal edema suggest a cardiac cause. Bibasilar rales suggest fluid in the lower lung fields from CHF. ECG can approximate chamber enlargement and identify arrhythmias that might decrease ventricular filling time. Echocardiogram can measure ejection fraction and systolic or diastolic dysfunction indicating heart failure; local wall motion abnormalities suggesting ischemic disease; and valvular abnormalities. Levels of B-natriuretic protein (BNP) have a 90% sensitivity and 76% specificity for CHF; levels less than 100 pg/mL make CHF unlikely as the principal cause of shortness of breath or wheezing (Mueller et al., 2005). Chest radiograph can help rule out pulmonary or other thoracic mass lesions, lung infections, granulomatous or interstitial lung disease, pleural disease, pneumothorax, and cardiomegaly, supplemented with CT as needed. Although young patients with a normal physical examination have a low yield on chest radiography, up to 86% of patients older than 40 years with dyspnea have an abnormal chest x-ray film (Benacerraf et al., 1981). Spirometry showing an FEV1/FVC ratio less than 70% is diagnostic of obstructive lung disease, and an FVC less than 80% of predicted value in the presence of a normal FEV1/FVC ratio suggests restrictive lung disease.

Many patients present primarily with dyspnea on exertion. The 6-minute walking exercise test is a valid measure of exercise tolerance (compared with maximal exercise testing) in patients with COPD and other pulmonary conditions, as well as in various stages of CHF. It can be performed in primary care settings to assess functional disability and response to therapy (American Thoracic Society, 2002; Lipkin et al., 1986). In patients with pulmonary hypertension, the distance walked with encouragement in 6 minutes in a controlled environment is also a strong independent predictor of mortality (Miyamoto et al., 2000).

Formal cardiac ECG stress testing by exercise treadmill can quantify the level of exercise tolerance and diagnose cardiac ischemia or angina-equivalent conditions, in which a person has ischemia-induced shortness of breath but no chest pain. However, the test has a sensitivity of only 63% and specificity of 74% (86% specificity in the setting of three-vessel or left main coronary artery disease) (Gibbons et al., 1997). Other types of cardiac stress testing, such as exercise echocardiography or the nuclear medicine thallium treadmill test, can be more specific (see Chapter 27) (Mayo Clinic, 1996). The American College of Cardiology and American Society of Echocardiography published a recent consensus guideline on the appropriate use of stress echocardiography for specific clinical scenarios (Douglas et al., 2008). For patients unable to exercise, increased cardiac work may be induced pharmacologically, but dipyridamole and adenosine can each cause bronchospasm and should be avoided in patients with asthma or any other obstructive lung disease or undiagnosed pulmonary conditions (Tak and Gutierrez, 2004).

The presentation of patients with acute-onset shortness of breath requires more urgent evaluation. In addition to history and physical examination, a peak-flow test, chest x-ray film, ECG, complete blood count, and pulse oximetry or ABG testing may be done in short order. Further testing or treatment is guided by the differential diagnosis generated by this initial evaluation. Cardiac isoenzymes and troponin levels can help rule myocardial infarction in or out. If asthma is suspected, responsiveness to a trial of inhaled bronchodilator is both diagnostic and therapeutic. Antibiotics are initiated in cases of pneumonia or other pulmonary infection, and HIV testing can help in cases of suspected opportunistic infections (e.g., PCP).

Any suspicion of pulmonary embolism (PE) as a cause of acute shortness of breath requires specific diagnostic evaluation to allow quick intervention in this potentially life-threatening condition. Acute-onset shortness of breath coupled with pleuritic chest pain, hemoptysis, wedge-shaped pulmonary infarct lesions on chest radiograph, and an S1Q3 pattern and tachycardia on ECG can all point specifically to a diagnosis of PE, but most patients have a more nonspecific presentation. All patients with acute-onset shortness of breath with no apparent cause should be evaluated for PE. Physical examination for signs of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) (e.g., asymmetry in calf or thigh diameter, calf tenderness, Homans sign) are relatively insensitive and nonspecific, whereas other tests (e.g., D-dimer, CT angiography) can more accurately confirm the presence of significant underlying DVT. Clinical decision rules using objective scoring algorithms help establish pretest probability, which in turn enhances the predictive value of other tests for PE (Wells et al., 2000) (see later discussion).


Cough is also a common presenting symptom in primary care. Although cough can be part of a constellation of symptoms that leads to a specific diagnosis, it can also be the primary symptom in an undifferentiated patient. In these cases, the diagnosis must be obtained through a combination of careful history, physical examination, limited diagnostic testing, and often a trial of empiric therapy. Several elements of the history guide the initial differential diagnosis, especially a history of smoking, immunocompromise (HIV/AIDS or cancer chemotherapy), chronic pulmonary disease, medication use (ACE inhibitors), specific occupational exposures, or exposure to TB patients or TB-endemic areas.

Acute episodes of cough, defined as less than 3 weeks, are almost always caused by an acute infection (usually viral) or an acute exacerbation of chronic disease such as asthma or COPD, and the first rule should be to “do no harm” (primum non nocere) by treating conservatively and using time as a diagnostic test. Most episodes of acute cough caused by infection are viral in origin, mainly viral upper respiratory tract infections or acute bronchitis. Acute bacterial infections include sinusitis as well as bacterial overgrowth in exacerbations of chronic bronchitis or COPD. Fever, hemoptysis, or significant shortness of breath in association with cough indicates a chest radiograph or other immediate diagnostic evaluation. Frank hemoptysis can require urgent bronchoscopy for diagnosis and potentially for treatment (electrocoagulation of bleeding site). Without evidence of bacterial infection (clear evidence of sinusitis or pneumonia), previously healthy patients should generally be treated symptomatically without antibiotics, unless symptoms persist for more than 3 weeks.

Foreign body aspiration is a diagnostic consideration in children with either acute or chronic cough. Exacerbations of asthma, as well as infections by Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough) or Bordetella parapertussis, can lead to a persistent cough for as long as 3 to 8 weeks. Cough might indeed be the only symptom experienced by some patients with asthma (cough-variant asthma). In patients with underlying chronic bronchitis or COPD, antibiotics may be indicated during episodes of increased shortness of breath, wheezing, hypoxia, or limitations of activity if accompanied by a sudden change in sputum from thin and clear to thick or copious or yellow-green. Other subacute or chronic infections include bronchiectasis, which can manifest with a cough productive of mucopurulent, blood-tinged, or foul-smelling sputum. In children with chronic productive cough or recurrent pulmonary infections, cystic fibrosis must be considered. Survivors of premature birth with mechanical ventilation in neonatal intensive care may have chronic lung disease with acute exacerbations.

In adults, the most common causes of chronic cough in nonsmokers are postnasal drip, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors (Holmes and Fadden, 2004). Among smokers, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and bronchogenic carcinoma (lung cancer) must also be considered. Additional elements of the history can suggest other diagnoses. For example, occupational exposures can suggest specific diagnoses such as coal miner’s lung or farmer’s lung. Immigration from or travel to TB-endemic areas could suggest tuberculosis.

After the history and physical examination, a chest radiograph is the most valuable diagnostic test in evaluating the patient with chronic cough. Chest x-ray films can reveal infections (atypical pneumonia or TB), mass lesions (carcinoma), granulomatous disease (sarcoidosis), or evidence of occupational lung disease. Radiography can also reveal nonpulmonary causes of chronic cough, such as early CHF or pleural lesions. Office spirometry may also be performed to rule out obstructive lung disease.

In an otherwise healthy nonsmoker with chronic cough and a normal chest x-ray film, a trial of simple measures may be indicated. Persons being treated with an ACE inhibitor should be switched to alternative medication. Patients with occupational exposures should avoid the exposure or use protective equipment and should begin keeping a log to document the association of symptoms with days spent in workplace areas of exposure. Patients with signs of allergic rhinitis or postnasal drip may begin a simple trial of antihistamines. Patients with symptomatic GERD may begin taking a protein pump inhibitor (e.g., omeprazole) or H2 antagonist. In some cases, chronic cough is the only symptom of GERD, and a successful trial of these agents is diagnostic.

Follow-up is essential, and the primary care practitioner must document instructions to patients that those who do not respond to empiric therapy in 2 to 3 weeks need further diagnostic evaluation. If asthma is suspected and initial office spirometry revealed normal pulmonary function, a simple approach is to ask the patient to keep a log of symptoms and peak flow meter readings, with peak flow tested within 30 minutes of rising each morning. In patients with an abnormal chest radiograph or in smokers with a normal radiograph and a chronic cough that does not respond to empiric therapy, a HRCT scan or even bronchoscopy may be indicated to rule out malignancy. Additional causes of chronic cough that might require further testing include sarcoidosis, TB, and other granulomatous or interstitial lung diseases, as well as pulmonary manifestations of autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

Patients with HIV/AIDS or other compromise of the immune system deserve specific evaluation (see Chapter 17). HIV testing may be indicated in patients with any risk factors, because pulmonary symptoms can be the first manifestation of symptomatic HIV disease. In patients known to be HIV positive, tests in addition to chest radiography and HRCT could include gallium scan, PET, bronchoscopy with BAL for stains and cultures, PPD, and sputum testing for PCP.

Obstructive Lung Disease

The most common chronic lung diseases that have a major global impact on disability and health care costs are three obstructive lung diseases: asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and chronic bronchitis. Some patients have features of more than one of these conditions, such as the patient with asthma (acute episodes of reversible obstruction) who also has chronic bronchitis (cough productive of phlegm at least 3 months of the year for at least 2 years in a row), or the adult patient with asthma who is developing some level of irreversible decline in pulmonary function. COPD alone can ultimately result in pathologic signs of emphysema, a diagnosis previously made only with tissue pathology or large blebs on x-ray film but increasingly visible with various multislice HRCT techniques.


Key Points

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disease characterized by recurring acute episodes of reversible airway obstruction, with return to normal lung function between episodes. Although bronchospasm is a component of the reversible airway obstruction, recent clinical guidelines have emphasized the inflammatory pathophysiology of asthma (National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, 2007). Therefore the clinician must treat and prevent the inflammation that leads to mucosal edema, secretions, histologic remodeling of the airways, and bronchospasm of smooth muscle origin.

Epidemiology and Risk Factors

Asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood and affects many adult patients as well. The prevalence of asthma is increasing rapidly worldwide. It now affects more than 300 million people and causes the loss of more than 15 million disability-adjusted life-years (DALY) each year (Global Initiative for Asthma, 2006). Asthma prevalence is increasing in many countries and is not decreasing globally, despite some indications of decreased emergency care utilization linked to improved care (Anandan et al., 2009). In the United States, National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data (2002) suggest that 20 million Americans would report currently having asthma (72 per 1000 people). Asthma affects an estimated 6.1 million children nationally (83 per 1000). Across all age groups, asthma led to 1.9 million ED visits (National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 2002) and 4261 deaths in 2002, down from 4487 deaths in 2000 (National Vital Statistics System, 2002a). In 2003, asthma was the primary diagnosis for 469,738 hospitalizations in the United States, with an in-hospital mortality rate of 0.36% (Health Care Utilization Project, 2003). These hospitalizations alone generated charges of over $5.4 billion.

Asthma is also a high-disparity condition. Low-income, uninsured, and minority patients with asthma consistently receive worse care and have worse outcomes compared with asthma patients in the general population (Lang and Polansky, 1994). Hospitalization rates in the United States are 3.3 times higher for black than for white patients (National Vital Statistics System, 2002b). Publicly insured and uninsured patients are significantly more likely to be hospitalized and to seek ED care during acute exacerbations (Targonski et al., 1995).

The strongest risk factors for developing asthma are exposure to household smokers and a family history of asthma or atopy (asthma, atopic dermatitis, or allergic rhinitis). Family history of nasal polyps or aspirin hypersensitivity can also suggest risk for IgE-mediated atopic disease. Data are mixed on the impact of early childhood infections and bottle feeding versus breastfeeding on the development of asthma, although both are clearly associated with wheezing episodes in the first 3 years of life. Data showing a paradoxical protective effect of early childhood exposure to pets, farm animals, and bacterial antigens are still controversial (Adler et al., 2005; Platts-Mills et al., 2005; Remes et al., 2005; Waser et al., 2005).

Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis

A complete history in patients suspected of having asthma should include the frequency and severity of recent symptoms and should distinguish between daytime and nocturnal symptom frequency, a factor that is also important in staging asthma. A history of past or present smoking (tobacco or other drugs) is essential, as is an inquiry about current passive exposure to smokers in the household or occupational secondary exposure to tobacco smoke (e.g., bartenders, restaurant staff). The clinician should also inquire about activities, acute illnesses, or environmental exposures that trigger episodes, a family history of asthma or atopic disease, and a detailed occupational history. Some patients are also exposed to bronchial irritants through hobbies such as woodworking or oil painting.

Symptomatically, patients can present with complaints of chronic or acute episodic shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, or a chronic cough (often at night). If they already have a diagnosis of asthma, they may report relief with rescue inhalers such as albuterol. Some patients, especially children, only have nocturnal cough, a syndrome known as cough-variant asthma, whereas others have symptoms precipitated mostly by exercise or by breathing in cold air.

On physical examination, the patient might have obvious difficulty breathing or audible wheezing during an acute episode. Patients with significant shortness of breath can have difficulty completing a full sentence without taking a breath, which could be described as “three-word dyspnea” (number of words the patient can say without taking a breath). Inspection can reveal nasal flaring, breathing through pursed lips, central or acral cyanosis, hyperexpansion of the chest, or use of accessory respiratory muscles. In more extreme cases, patients appear to have respiratory exhaustion, central or distal cyanosis, or even a blunting of mental status.

On auscultation, the earliest sign of airway obstruction is a prolonged expiratory phase (expiratory phase longer than inspiratory phase). A more obvious sign of asthma is expiratory wheezing. Wheezing can sometimes be brought out by forced expiration, performed by asking the patient to blow out forcefully while the examiner listens over the second intercostal space at the right costal margin. More severe cases of obstruction can result in both inspiratory and expiratory wheezing. In the most severe cases, wheezing might not be audible at all because airflow is minimal. In these cases, wheezing becomes much more prominent as airflow improves. Another sign of severity of an acute episode is pulsus paradoxus, defined as a decrease in systolic blood pressure of more than 20 mm Hg during inspiration.

A more objective measure of pulmonary function during an acute exacerbation of asthma is to measure the peak flow of air during forced expiration using a simple, low-cost peak-flow meter. Airflow is measured in liters per second. The best of three attempts is recorded as the peak-flow measurement. Results can be measured against nomograms based on the patient’s age, gender, and height, but a better measurement is to compare the patient’s peak flow during the acute episode against their baseline or best performance during a period of complete remission from asthma signs or symptoms.

When patients present with a history of asthma-like symptoms in the primary care setting, the diagnosis can be confirmed with office spirometry, a form of pulmonary function testing. The essential criterion for a diagnosis of airway obstruction is an FEV1/FVC ratio of less than 70%. To diagnose asthma, the clinician must also demonstrate reversibility with inhaled bronchodilators, either through the patient’s history or improvement in the forced expiratory volume of greater than 200 mL or 12%. Because asthma is defined as an obstructive lung disease that is completely reversible between episodes, testing in the office during asymptomatic periods might not demonstrate airway obstruction. In this case, it is helpful for the patient to use a peak-flow meter at home, testing three times each morning and recording the best value, as well as testing during symptom episodes. The record of these values can be reviewed with the family physician to aid in diagnosis, as well as for coaching the patient in self-management and prevention of future episodes.

Chest radiography is not always indicated if the patient has a classic history of episodic airway obstruction, especially if it is reversible with β-agonist rescue inhalers. In infants and children, however, the physician must distinguish upper-airway causes of obstruction from obstructive lung disease. Examples include croup or laryngotracheobronchitis, epiglottitis, and foreign bodies lodged in the upper airway. In infants and in older adults, the clinician must also exclude so-called cardiac asthma, which manifests as wheezing or other signs of airway obstruction related to pulmonary edema or CHF. In these patients, chest radiography is clearly indicated.

Patients older than 40 years who have new-onset asthma should have a complete workup to rule out other causes of airway obstruction. Many clinicians order a chest radiograph in all patients with new asthma, although there is a low rate of finding pathology in otherwise healthy older children and young adults. Chest x-ray films obtained during an acute episode of asthma can give false-positive findings of infiltrates or atelectasis.


The National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) guidelines provide a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to the clinical care of asthma (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 1997; NAEPP Expert Panel Report 3, 2007). Unfortunately, there is a large gap between best-practice guideline-based care and usual care, as measured by compliance with these national guidelines (Thier et al., 2008) and by the clinical outcomes achievable when these guidelines are followed.

Acute Exacerbations

The mainstay of treatment for acute exacerbations of asthma is inhaled β-agonist medication such as albuterol. Although β-agonist medication is typically administered in the ED or physician’s office with a nebulizer machine, a meta-analysis of controlled trials showed that a hand-held metered-dose inhaler (MDI) with a spacer device is at least as effective as a nebulizer in delivering albuterol and achieving a clinical response, as measured by pulmonary function and by clinical outcomes such as hospitalization (Castro-Rodriguez and Rodrigo, 2004). Adding ipratropium bromide to albuterol nebulizer treatments for patients with severe airflow obstruction in the acute ED setting produces additional bronchodilation, resulting in fewer hospital admissions (Plotnick and Ducharme, 2000; Rodrigo and Castro-Rodriguez, 2005).

Additional modalities of treatment include oxygen by nasal cannula or mask, and intravenous (IV) fluids for hydration. Short-term administration of systemic corticosteroids has also been demonstrated to be effective. Corticosteroids may be given intravenously (methylprednisolone), intramuscularly (dexamethasone or equivalent), or orally (prednisone or methylprednisolone). When given for 3 to 5 days as burst or pulse-dose therapy, steroids do not need to be tapered to prevent adrenal suppression. However, patients with chronic or severe exacerbations of asthma can require prolonged tapering to prevent rehospitalization for recurrence of airway obstruction.

Another treatment with evidence for efficacy in treating acute exacerbations of asthma is IV magnesium sulfate. A meta-analysis showed significant benefit in decreasing the rate of hospitalization of ED patients and in improving pulmonary function and clinical symptom scores (Cheuk et al., 2005). The most recent NAEPP Expert Panel Report (EPR-3, 2007) now recommends considering using IV magnesium sulfate or heliox-driven albuterol nebulizer treatments in patients who have failed to respond to 1 hour of conventional asthma therapy. Previous studies simply using heliox in place of oxygen did not prove beneficial (Rodrigo et al., 2003).

The benefit of other treatment options is less well documented. A meta-analysis showed that children treated with theophylline during hospitalizations for acute asthma exacerbations required more albuterol treatments and had longer hospital stays than children not treated with theophylline (Goodman et al., 1996).

Chronic Care and Disease Management

To achieve optimal outcomes, each patient should have a personal asthma care plan, which can be summarized in the mnemonic MAP (Box 18-2). The management plan refers to daily medications or activities such as measuring peak flow; an action plan is needed for specific steps to take in the event of increased symptoms or deteriorating peak-flow values; and a prevention plan focuses on understanding personal and environmental triggers, such as avoiding passive exposure to cigarette smoke and eliminating dust mite and cockroach antigens.

Appropriate chronic care requires appropriate staging of the clinical severity of asthma. Stage 1 is intermittent and stages 2, 3, and 4 all represent persistent (mild, moderate, and severe) disease. Criteria for classification of patients into stages 1 to 4 are shown in Figure 18-5 (NHLBI, 1997). This staging of asthma is done based on the level and frequency of symptoms or airflow obstruction before beginning treatment. The patient’s step is determined by the most severe feature, and classification refers to symptoms before starting treatment. Pharmacologic treatment of asthma is linked to this classification, as shown in the treatment algorithm (Fig. 18-6).

A critical decision point is to decide if the patient has persistent disease as described by these criteria. Evidence suggests that primary care clinicians routinely underclassify the severity of asthma and thus undertreat with daily anti-inflammatory, long-term control medications. NAEPP guidelines suggest that only patients with truly intermittent disease—that is, patients with normal peak-flow readings, daytime symptoms no more than twice a week, and nighttime symptoms no more than twice a month—should be treated with intermittent medication alone. All other patients—those with mild, moderate, or severe persistent disease—should be treated with daily anti-inflammatory, long-term control medication such as an inhaled corticosteroid. One study has been cited as providing evidence allowing intermittent therapy of patients with mild to moderate persistent asthma, but the study results actually found that daily budesonide therapy produced greater improvements in prebronchodilator FEV1, bronchial reactivity, sputum eosinophils, exhaled nitric oxide levels, scores for asthma control, and the number of symptom-free days, but not in postbronchodilator FEV1 or in reported quality of life (Boushey et al., 2005).

A meta-analysis found that inhaled corticosteroids reduced asthma exacerbations by 55% compared with placebo or short-acting β-agonists, and long-acting β-agonists (LABAs) reduced flare-ups by only 26% (Sin et al., 2004). Similarly, a Cochrane Database review found that inhaled steroids at a dose equivalent to 400 μg/day of beclomethasone are more effective than leukotriene antagonists, and that inhaled corticosteroids should be considered first-line monotherapy for persistent asthma. Another Cochrane review found that patients with mild to moderate disease achieve similar levels of asthma control taking low doses (≤200 μg/day) as high doses (≥500 μg/day) of fluticasone, and that side effects are greater with higher doses. A dose equivalency chart for inhaled steroids is shown in Table 18-2. A new approach to monitoring therapy by measuring the fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) can allow better adjustment of inhaled-corticosteroid doses in the future (Smith et al., 2005). High-dose inhaled corticosteroids are useful primarily in weaning patients from oral steroids.

Other second-line long-term control agents include LABAs (salmeterol, formoterol), long-acting anticholinergics (tiotropium), leukotriene antagonists, inhaled mast cell stabilizers (cromolyn, nedocromil), and theophylline. Although each has demonstrated efficacy, none is as effective as inhaled corticosteroids. When low-dose inhaled corticosteroids are not providing complete remission, the clinician may add a second medication or increase the inhaled steroid dose to moderate levels. In a controlled trial of an inhaled LABA (formoterol) versus theophylline versus a leukotriene antagonist (zafirlukast) as second-line agents added to inhaled corticosteroid therapy, Yurdakul and colleagues (2002) found that the LABA was more effective in preventing exacerbations and had fewer side-effects than the other options. A Cochrane review of 12 controlled trials also found that LABAs were more effective than leukotriene antagonists as add-on therapy to inhaled steroids (Ram et al., 2005). Concern persists, however, that LABAs can increase mortality when used as monotherapy in the absence of inhaled corticosteroids (Abramson et al., 2003b). Randomized controlled trials now show that adding tiotropium bromide to low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) therapy is superior to doubling the dose of the ICS and equivalent to adding a LABA (Peters, 2010). The leukotriene synthesis inhibitor zileuton appears to improve pulmonary function and decrease need for β-agonist, but causes significant elevations of liver transaminases in 2% to 3% of patients (Nelson et al., 2007).

Immunotherapy also appears to be effective. A Cochrane review found that allergen immunotherapy reduces asthma symptoms and use of asthma medications at a level similar to that of inhaled corticosteroids (Abramson et al., 2003a). A newer third-line therapy is the once- or twice-monthly injection of monoclonal anti-IgE antibodies (omalizumab), an expensive therapy that is associated with a 98% to 99% reduction in free IgE and significantly fewer exacerbations of asthma, even allowing some patients to be weaned from inhaled corticosteroids (Walker et al., 2003).

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Chronic Bronchitis

Key Points

Consensus statements from the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD standards, 2005) define chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a postbronchodilator FVC of less than 80% of predicted in a patient with evidence of airway obstruction (FEV1/FVC ratio <70%) that is not completely reversible. Although some patients with asthma, especially those who smoke, can progress to varying degrees of irreversibility consistent with COPD, the underlying pathophysiology and inflammatory mechanisms in asthma are distinct from those found in patients with COPD.

Epidemiology and Risk Factors

In large part because of the global spread of tobacco addiction, WHO estimates that COPD will move from the 12th to fifth leading cause of disability by 2020 (Murray and Lopez, 1996), also becoming the world’s third leading cause of death.

Smoking is the most important risk factor for COPD and causes ongoing damage in COPD patients, as measured by an accelerated decline in FEV1 compared with nonsmokers or ex-smokers. Among COPD patients who have quit smoking, exposure to secondhand smoke can also be a trigger factor for acute exacerbations. Variation in environmental air quality (ozone and small particulates) is also a factor associated with acute exacerbations of COPD. In many countries, air pollution can be a major source of smoking-equivalent damage to the respiratory tract in impoverished settings where daily cooking over indoor fires or charcoal is common. Other trigger factors for acute exacerbations include acute upper respiratory infections, sinusitis, exposure to dust or pet dander, and intercurrent illness. However, once patients reach a more severe stage of illness in which pulmonary reserves are minimal, almost any small change (e.g., fatigue, stress, change in weather) can trigger an exacerbation.

The other major risk factor for development of COPD is the inherited disorder α1-antitrypsin deficiency. The recognition of this disease and its cellular mechanisms of injury to the lung have led to a specific understanding of protease and antiprotease imbalance as one mechanism of disease progression of emphysematous COPD. Any patient who develops COPD without a significant smoking history, any patient with a strong family history of COPD, and any patient developing clinically significant COPD before age 45 should be screened for α1-antitrypsin deficiency. A detailed discussion of genetic counseling of patients with α1-antitrypsin deficiency or carrier state can be found in the American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society (2003) consensus standards.

Clinical Presentation

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease includes the two overlapping clinical conditions of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, which can coexist in the same patient. A practical clinical approach is to diagnose COPD by documenting obstruction that is not completely reversible on clinical examination and pulmonary function testing, then assessing whether the patient also has a component of chronic bronchitis, that is, cough productive of phlegm at least 3 months of each year for at least 2 years. Some patients meet this criterion for chronic bronchitis before developing clinical or spirometric evidence of obstructive lung disease. The international GOLD guidelines no longer categorize this as stage 0 COPD, because of insufficient evidence that patients will inevitably progress to obstructive lung disease.

Often, patients who smoke have had a chronic smoker’s cough for years and present for medical treatment only when symptoms such as shortness of breath on exertion or at rest begin to appear. The hallmark symptom of symptomatic COPD is progressive and persistent shortness of breath. Because of the built-in reserve of the pulmonary system, such functional disability often is not noticed until there is a substantial decline in pulmonary function and substantial damage to lung parenchyma. Still, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends not screening routinely with spirometry for obstructive lung disease or declining lung function.

Comorbidities are often present, and they must be comanaged with COPD if patients are to have optimal clinical outcomes and quality of life. For example, CHF can eventually occur after years of elevated right-sided pulmonary pressure (right-sided failure leading ultimately to biventricular failure), or patients might simply experience smoking-related myocardial infarctions and coronary ischemia in parallel with their COPD. Symptomatic COPD has a powerful adverse effect on quality of life, and a substantial percentage of patients with COPD develop comorbid depression. Chronic hypoxia and air hunger can also generate significant anxiety.

Diagnosis and Staging

By the time many patients present for treatment, the diagnosis of COPD is apparent. In addition to symptoms of dyspnea, chronic productive cough, and functional limitations, patients can show physical findings of lung hyperexpansion (increased lung span on percussion, increased thoracic AP diameter, and use of accessory muscles of respiration). Extrathoracic signs include peripheral or central cyanosis, nail clubbing, and signs of increased central venous pressure or even right-sided heart failure. Box 18-3 presents the differential diagnosis and distinguishing features of COPD suggested by the GOLD guidelines. Any patient who develops COPD without a significant smoking history, or any patient developing COPD before age 45, should be screened for α1-antitrypsin deficiency. HRCT can help identify granulomatous or interstitial lung diseases or provide evidence of bronchiectasis.

Oct 3, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Pulmonary Medicine

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