Electromagnetic Computer-Assisted Navigation

Chapter 118 Electromagnetic Computer-Assisted Navigation

Since the first uses of navigation appeared in orthopedics in the late 1990s, much has changed in terms of application, expectations, and options.* More information that has become available on failure allows the surgeon to refine accuracy in avoiding mechanical misalignment and in using individual components to reduce shear and eccentric loading.5711 Computer-assisted navigation (CAS) is one tool that now is more available, user-friendly, and versatile, and increasingly less expensive.

The most common system by far is infrared (IR). Trackers are designed to reflect IR signals from the camera receiver assembly. The limit of intercept or transmission of signals received is bound to a 135- to 100-degree arc or azimuth depending on the system. This mandates the array to be placed in the sweet spot of the best transmission power. Because of the physics of signal resolution and accuracy, the wider the separation of reflector balls of the tracker array, the more accurate the system. This mandates a minimum acceptable downsizing of the array, which many times is obtrusive to surgical exposure and is easily caught on instruments in the field of exposure. This necessitates placing the array in a remote area by using one or more pins to ensure secure fixation. However, this may result in soft issue tethering or injury when the extremity is moved.

Because of problems involving fixation, signal acquisition, and signal disruption by operating room (OR) personnel, thought was given to a non–line-of-sight signal that would be powerful enough to penetrate soft tissue, yet would not be prone to radiation such as that found in x-rays or fluoroscopy.8 Electromagnetic (EM) CAS provided this full-radius reception without radiation exposure. EM CAS was first used for neurosurgical and ear, nose, and throat (ENT) applications in pediatric cranial surgery, where 360-degree coordinate measurements and minute three-axis navigation are necessary.20

Many of the drawbacks of early EM technology arose from stability of the signal, outside interference, and speed of computer computation of positional changes. However, with the advent of improved transmitters, magnetic flux generators referred to as localizers and receivers, and dynamic reference frames (DRFs) with multiple magnetic coils, signal accuracy has improved to the same level of accuracy as the industry standard of IR. Achieving this level of accuracy allows EM tracking to have status equivalent to that of traditional line-of-sight IR navigation systems while maintaining signal strength through soft tissues.

Physics Behind Electromagnetic Navigation

By creating a low-intensity magnetic field, copper coil sensor receivers (DRFs) are able to read the strength received from the electromagnetic field and produce a microcurrent. This field is produced by a transmitter or localizer that runs off of AC or DC current. Usually, these localizers are made by combining three or more coils that produce magnetic strength in an intermittent fashion, so as to constantly produce an oscillating or varied field, which imparts stronger sensitivity for receiver reception. The magnetic field is generally one gauss (0.0001 Tesla). A DRF placed in a particular position away from a magnetic field will transmit varied electric current depending on its position in relationship to field strength. However, the electric current produced is based on changes in the magnetic field, as well as in its intensity, hence the rationale behind a pulsed or oscillating field. The coil positioned in a parallel direction in relation to the field produces the maximum strength, whereas 90-degree polarization negates the electric current produced. With knowledge of field strength, computer calculations can determine its direction (Fig. 118-1). The system then can locate and orient the position of the receiver by the electric current it receives from one or more coils. A coil may measure not only field strength, but also the direction of the magnetic field, such that the XYZ position can be determined. It can also compute pitch and yaw, which is better known as 5 degrees of freedom. However, the sixth degree or role cannot be determined without two or more receiver coils to obtain this final dimension of orientation. Therefore, DRFs in an orthopedic setting will always have two coils. If an additional coil is used, it can fine-tune or can be a reference for the two primary coils to improve accuracy.

Transmitter coils, or field strength generators, are merely solenoids that are powered through the use of AC or DC current. Both types of technology have inherent advantages and disadvantages. Although DC is simple, it is not as accurate as AC because the sample size of the signal is reduced. Also, the magnet necessary to power the system is somewhat obtrusive in an operative field. AC technology uses audiofrequency wave energy to transmit to the receiver coil. The receiver coil works in much the same way as a transformer, in that it consists of loops of wire that create a small electric current. Through this oscillation system, a time sequence for frequency-multiplexed transmission of multiple magnets can create a more consistent and sustaining magnetic field that is less susceptible to outside interferences, such as metal, or environmental factors of other electromagnetic sources. It also is more prone to be misread by DRFs; therefore outside interferences are capable of disrupting accuracy. In the AC system using three-coil technology, computation is significantly more complex in terms of mathematical determination of the positions of instruments because of the oscillation, creating a more robust network of signals from the higher number of measured signal transmissions per second.15 Yet as a result of increased signal sampling, the CAS system has enhanced sensitivity. Additionally, the magnet necessary to power the system is somewhat obtrusive in an operative field. Multiple coils can reduce the size of the transmitter but can increase the computation time and the speed of localization. As such, AC technology is currently the gold standard.

DC technology uses coils powered by a direct current source. These coils are cycled sequentially and are subsequently read by the receiver coil. However, magnetic fields do not couple energy into loops of wire; therefore, they require a “hall effect” sensor, or flex gait technology. This flex gait technology refers to a much larger and more expensive sensor or receiver, which sometimes interferes with navigation issues in a surgical setting.

Originally, it was believed that DC current systems would offer the advantage of less interference from metal and other conductive distortions. However, in practice, the effect is a creation of fields from remote metal sources, which actually distort the navigation more than in a pulsed AC system. Because of these issues, AC technology has been adopted as the standard (Fig. 118-2).

Once a signal is activated, a pulse field is oscillated at 30 Hz and is sampled by the computer 10 times per second. This measurement is averaged for the update on a second-by-second basis, providing the surgeon with the measured value currently displayed on the monitor screen.

Industry standards currently mandate ±1 mm in localization accuracy and ±1 degree of error in angle accuracy. Another term that is commonly used is root mean square (RMS) error. This is the normalization (always a positive value) of absolute deviation in values obtained by a measure, and it defines errors in system accuracy. Currently, the industry standard RMS error is ±4 mm of the center of the femoral head. This equals 1 degree of error at the level of the knee, which is well within the realm of human hand-held jigs. In actuality, many systems are much more accurate than the industry standard; however, to aid in simplicity at the time of surgery, decimal point accuracy is rounded up or down to make navigation more simplified. In actuality, the systems currently available in some cases are dummied down to 1 degree or 1 mm to provide more simplified navigation for surgeons.

Part of the exceptional accuracy of the systems stems from the aforementioned transmitter field generation system. However, additional precision has been achieved by smart instruments, which have defined read only memory (ROM) values. When the computer recognizes a particular distinctive discrete sensor that has its own ROM chip, the device, when powered up, can be individually calibrated to the highest level of accuracy without the need for user interaction. Although single-coil navigation is possible, incorporation of a second or third coil makes accuracy and precision of the system even better defined. Despite these measures to enhance accuracy, it is important to realize that the bench-tested accuracy of any system is only as good as the environment in which it is used. Soft tissue shifts, environmental factors of metal or magnetic distortion, and surgical tactile accuracy all play a large role in the intraoperative accuracy of any system.16

Sources of Distortion

Inherent in any magnetic system is interference from other objects in the environment. These can be classified into two general areas: conductive and ferric.

Conductive distortion is produced by a transmission source that creates a current in a conductive metal that results in a “parasitic” field. Examples of this are most steels and aluminum and any other highly conductive metals. Because titanium is only partially conductive, it remains relatively unable to affect the field of a nearby coil generation. Even carbon-containing Kevlar and other synthetic fibers can create some small conductivity and therefore are subject to small distortion if placed directly into the transmission field.

Ferrous interference is the more frequently referenced and better understood concept, especially given our understanding of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) interferences. Any object to which a simple magnet is attracted can be considered ferrous. Generally, the stronger the attraction, the more ferrous is the metal. Therefore, steels such as the 400 Series and 17-4 stainless are highly ferrous. Because aluminum and titanium cobalt chrome are not as ferrous, they tend not to “bend” the magnetic field and therefore create less distortion. The effects of ferrous metals are seen in both AC and DC systems. However, AC CAS is least affected by remote ferrous interference (Fig. 118-3).

Cons of EM

Just as the line of sight interferes with traditional IR navigation, EM navigation can be influenced by outside sources. One of the most important disruptions comes from ferromagnetic interference. When these objects pass between the localizer and the DRFs, a signal change is created that prevents the receiving coils from acquiring adequate flux or field strength, and this could create erroneous values. To prevent this, sophisticated signal strength quality monitors in software are incorporated to turn off the CAS on screen measures while these reception voids are experienced. This is absolutely imperative if one is engaged in the program, to prevent a surgeon from relying on an aging reading that does not represent a real-time, accurate reception value.

Other signal disrupters include some metals that may interfere with reception strength. Examples are aluminum, copper, and stainless steel (see Fig. 118-3). Yet some metals, such as the 300-series stainless (303, 316 L), cobalt chrome, and all of the titanium alloys, have a surprisingly low interference constant.

As long as these more disruptive metals are kept removed from the immediate field of the generator/receiver environment, maintaining adequate and accurate signal strength does not seem to be a problem. For example, despite the massive content of aluminum and steel in the operating table, adequate reception of the signal can be maintained, especially with the knee in its typical surgical position in flexion, which places it away from these interfering metals. This metallurgical interference has been eliminated with the use of EM-friendly instruments, as can be seen in previous trials of EM tracking, with which unstable signals were often encountered.

Edge-of-distortion interference is another form of potential error unique to EM navigation. As disruptive fields encroach on the navigation field, cancellation or signal instability can result from ferromagnetic electric or other magnetic influences. This has been dealt with by computers that detect aberrant signal-to-noise ratios. The computer can detect this “clipping” of detected strength versus what it should be at the distance to the field when disruption occurs. At this point, the computer shuts down or creates an off-signal status, and the system defaults to “no readings.” IR systems do not experience the same disruption because the signal usually is completely blocked by blockage of the IR beam; however, they too go to a blank mode of service if transmission ceases or becomes weakened.

Magnetic signals created by the localizer, along with their receivers, are sensitive to movement. Therefore, ridged or steady dampening movement during acquisition or measurement improves the speed of data registry. If any movement is noted in the localizer, response time on the DRF is lengthened. It is important to stabilize motion by placing the localizer on a firm platform or support.

With knowledge of metal and magnetic interference, our understanding of the environment for successful electromagnetic navigation has improved. A number of axioms have evolved, including the following:

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Aug 26, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Electromagnetic Computer-Assisted Navigation

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