Diabetes Mellitus

Chapter 34 Diabetes Mellitus

Definition and Pathogenesis

Diabetes mellitus is currently defined as a group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia that result from defects in the secretion and action of insulin. Normally, plasma glucose, the primary substrate for brain function, is tightly regulated within a narrow fasting range of 60 to 100 mg/dL by insulin secreted from the beta cells of the pancreatic islets. Daily mean glucose values which exceed 100 mg/dL have been associated with the progression of diabetic complication. Over the long term, diabetic patients often develop complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, and accelerated aging of the cardiovascular system.

Although elevated fasting glucose remains the earliest and most readily detectable sign of the onset of diabetes mellitus (DM), the metabolic errors of diabetes are likely disordering the utilization of all substrates long before hyperglycemia becomes apparent. Both glucose and fatty acids are energy substrates oxidized by muscles, including the myocardium, for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generation. The relative lack of insulin in DM leads to lipolysis or the release of fatty acids stored in adipose tissue, resulting in increased free fatty acid (FFA) levels. FFAs then compete with glucose for oxidative disposal or storage in muscles. This substrate competition further promotes hyperglycemia. During conditions of marked insulin deficiency, a massive efflux of FFAs from adipose tissue can precipitate diabetic ketoacidosis because of the incompletely oxidized FFA degradation products β-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacidic acid. Defects in FFA removal from lipoproteins account for the dyslipidemias implicated in the acceleration of atherogenesis in the diabetic state. When fatty acids packaged into triglycerides are not properly degraded in tissues, their intracellular accumulation causes lipotoxicity, which in turn impairs cellular function, including the beta cell of the pancreatic islets.

Insulin is also important in maintaining the integrity of proteins, whose amino acids become substrates for hepatic gluconeogenesis when cortisol and glucagon’s actions are unopposed by insulin. Insulin insufficiency of diabetic disorders has ubiquitous adverse effects on metabolism of all energy substrates, which contributes to the diverse complications challenging diabetic patients in their activities of daily living.

Classification and Diagnosis

Key Point

Diabetes mellitus has been subdivided into four groups: type 1, type 2, other specific types, and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The diagnosis of DM is made by finding any one of the following criteria subsequently confirmed on another day by any of the criteria:

The diagnosis of GDM is made during pregnancy using specific criteria discussed later.

Glucose circulating in the blood enters red blood cells (RBCs) and reacts with the amino acid sequence of hemoglobin (Hb), resulting in a glycosylated product called hemoglobin A1c. The HbA1c value reflects the average FSG value of the prior 3 months that hemoglobin circulated in RBCs (given that RBCs have a mean half-life of 90 days). The HbA1c value has become extraordinarily useful in gauging the level of glycemic control, and values of 6.5% or greater are now being considered a level diagnostic of DM. However, the test has limitations as the result can be lowered by anemia, renal disease, and other disorders that shorten RBC survival (e.g., chronic disease, hemoglobinopathy). Some forms of hemoglobinopathy can also increase the HbA1c test despite near-normal glycemic control. The fructosamine test measures the glycosylation of albumin, which has a shorter circulating half life than hemoglobin, and may be used to resolve inconsistencies between average glucose values and HbA1c level, although this is related to the albumin concentration. Insulin and C-peptide levels are readily affected by the toxic effects of glucose and fatty acids on beta cells, making low levels difficult to interpret.

Fasting glucose values of 100 to 125 mg/dL are consistent with prediabetes and increase the risk of progressing to diabetes through various pathophysiologic processes. Finding these values allows the family physician to initiate prospective and preventive interventions. Participants in the Diabetes Prevention Program had impaired glucose tolerance, and those randomized to metformin or intensive lifestyle modification had reduced incidence of diabetes compared to those randomized to placebo (Knowler et al., 2002). Predictors of prediabetes changing to normal glucose regulation over 3-year follow-up included lower baseline fasting and 2-hour glucose levels, younger age, intensive lifestyle modification, and greater weight loss (Perreault et al., 2009).



Prevalence of diabetes has increased worldwide. In 1990 the prevalence of self-reported diabetes was 2.9% in the United States, increasing to almost 8% in the first decade of the 21st century. Because self-report misses persons with undiagnosed diabetes, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates total prevalence of diabetes in adults 20 or older approaches 11% of the U.S. population, and those with impaired fasting glucose (prediabetes), about 26% (2003–2006).

In both men and women the prevalence of diabetes increases with age; the rate now is almost 1 in 4 for those 60 years and older. In those over 20, American Indians and Alaskan Natives have high prevalence rates (16.5%). Blacks (11.8%) and Hispanics/Latinos (10.4%) also have rates greater than whites (6.6%). Education is inversely proportional, with the highest prevalence among those not finishing high school. Perhaps because of its effect on weight, smoking reduces the prevalence of diabetes, although ex-smokers have an even higher prevalence. The Southeast has a much higher prevalence than other parts of the United States. Regional differences are probably explained by differences in the populations cited, as well as cultural factors.

The lifetime risk of acquiring diabetes is high and is climbing. More than one third of those born in the year 2000 will eventually become diabetic; risk for men is 32.8%, and risk for women is 38.5% and higher risk at all ages. The lifetime risk for Hispanics is about 50% (45.4% for men, 52.5% for women); for black women, 49.0%; and for black men, 40.2%.


Patients with type 1 diabetes make up only 5% to 10% of the diabetic population; the remaining 90% to 95% have type 2. Usually, type 1 diabetic patients first manifest their illness in childhood or adolescence, with about 1 in 4000 children having DM; this includes a few young people with the increasingly prevalent maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY), although this form may not manifest until adulthood. MODY is classified under “other specific types,” which include a heterogeneous group of conditions (specific genetic conditions, surgery, drugs, malnutrition, infections) that result in diabetic manifestations and symptomatology (Table 34-1). These other types are found in 1% to 5% of the diabetic population. GDM is by definition temporal and is categorized separately; 3% to 6% of all pregnant women develop GDM, and 40% to 60% of women with GDM develop diabetes, usually type 2, within a decade of the pregnancy.

Table 34-1 Other Specific Types of Diabetes

Cause or Category Examples
Genetic defects of beta-cell function Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY)
Genetic defects in insulin action Lipoatrophic diabetes
Diseases of exocrine pancreas Pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis
Endocrinopathies Acromegaly, Cushing’s syndrome, hyperthyroidism
Drug or chemical induced Nicotinic acid, thiazides
Infections Congenital rubella, cytomegalovirus
Uncommon forms of immune-mediated diabetes Antibody against insulin receptor
Other genetic syndromes occasionally associated with diabetes Down, Klinefelter’s, Turner’s

From Report of the Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care 2003;26(suppl 1):4-20.


Mortality in diabetic adults with heart disease is two to four times higher than in nondiabetic persons, and strokes occur two to four times more often in diabetic patients. Approximately three quarters of diabetic adults have high blood pressure. Diabetic retinopathy is now the leading cause of blindness in adults, and DM is also the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (44% of all cases). About two thirds of diabetic patients have some form of neural damage (e.g., peripheral neuropathy, gastroparesis, carpal tunnel syndrome, erectile dysfunction). Younger diabetic adults are twice as likely to have periodontal disease, and all those with poorly controlled diabetes are three times more likely to have gum disease. GDM poorly controlled in the first trimester can cause major birth defects (5%-10% of pregnancies) and spontaneous abortions (15%-20%).

The total direct costs (costs of medical care and services) and indirect costs (disability, work loss, premature mortality) of diabetes in 2007 were an estimated $174 billion ($116 billion for direct, $58 billion for indirect).


Common Mechanisms

The pathogenic mechanisms resulting in DM are generally divided into (1) primary defects in beta-cell function, causing variable insulin deficiency (type 1diabetes), and (2) defects in the peripheral action of insulin associated with a slowly evolving loss of the beta cells’ ability to compensate (type 2 diabetes). The failure of beta cells in type 1 is most likely caused by autoimmunity, comparable to other disorders affecting endocrine gland function (e.g., Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Addison’s disease). Anti–islet cell antibodies are markers of the ongoing process resulting in type 1 diabetes. Beta-cell failure of type 2 diabetes is thought to result from primary genetic defects or acquired dysfunction, as in mitochondrial metabolism that reduces the oxidation of glucose and fatty acids needed for insulin synthesis and secretion. Such defects in mitochondrial function may also account for the peripheral insulin resistance in skeletal muscle, liver, and adipose tissue at the onset of type 2 diabetes. The insulin secretory function of beta cells and muscle energy metabolism can be significantly improved by any intervention that reduces hyperglycemia and hyperfatty acidemia. These observations are the basis of reversible glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity. Thus any diabetic patient with type 1 or 2 diabetes may have similar mechanisms of both insulin deficiency and insulin resistance.

The clinical characteristics of type 1 and 2 diabetes are shown in Table 34-2. However, diabetic classification and nomenclature have required frequent revisions over the years as the pathogenesis of DM is better understood and changes in culture and human behavior continue to alter its clinical expression. The finding of hyperglycemia on routine examinations of apparently healthy individuals has resulted in a new DM subclass that does not lend itself to easy classification. The finding of anti–islet cell antibodies designates this group as latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA). This group mostly consists of young adults who have a prolonged subclinical development of DM. The diabetes may remain indolent or more rapidly deteriorate into classic insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes, or it may continue to evolve into insulin resistance and dependency coincident with weight gain. In this case, LADA patients are clinically indistinguishable from type 2 patients but have continuing risk of deteriorating to insulin dependency. Thus a patient recognized to have DM may have diverse etiopathogenic mechanisms causing insulin dependency and resistance resulting in hyperglycemia.

Table 34-2 Characteristics of Types 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Sign Type 1 Type 2
Age of onset Usually childhood and adolescence About 40 years, increasing with age; adolescence with childhood obesity
Family history, concordance in twins Uncommon; 50% before age 40 Common, 95% afterage 40
Diagnostic markers Anti-GAD, undetectable C peptide C peptide variable: high with insulin resistance; low values improve with glycemic control.
Other associated disorders Primary hypothyroidism, celiac disease, other autoimmune endocrine disorders Metabolic syndrome
Glycemic control, ketosis Marked brittleness, ketosis prone with hyperglycemia Stable hyperglycemia without ketosis
Treatment requirement Absolute need for insulin; coincident genetic insulin resistance that might respond to oral drugs Therapeutic lifestyle changes with and without oral agents; insulin is required when other measures fail.

GAD, Glutamic acid decarboxylase.

Adolescents with significant obesity who develop type 2 diabetes are younger at presentation than usual, so age of onset of type 2 now overlaps with type 1 diabetes. Because their obesity is often intractable, their marked state of insulin resistance at DM onset eventually becomes a state of insulin deficiency. When DM patients develop marked hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia, the resulting glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity cause systemic cellular dehydration along with triglyceride accumulation in skeletal muscle. These acquired defects further accentuate defects in beta-cell insulin secretion and muscle insulin sensitivity. Pathogenic mechanisms may differ (Fig. 34-1), but the resulting glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity so impair insulin secretion and effectiveness that diabetes from any mechanism may lead to similar metabolic crises: diabetic ketoacidosis with or without hyperosmolality.

Mechanisms Underlying Other Specific Types of Diabetes

A diverse array of genetic defects or acquired clinical disorders can impair beta-cell function or insulin sensitivity, resulting in hyperglycemia and the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (see Table 34-1). These patients generally appear to have type 2 diabetes at presentation and manifest varying degrees of diabetic severity during the course of their primary disorder.


Key Points

Type 1 Diabetes

The symptoms of type 1 diabetes may be indolent or precipitous, depending on the rate of decrease in insulin secretion. Indolent asymptomatic diabetes can decompensate as a result of a coincident illness. The resulting hyperglycemia causes polydipsia and polyuria from the osmotic effects of glycosuria. Weight loss, blurred vision, and fatigue occur as energy metabolism is disordered. Most patients become aware of a problem at this point, and the diagnosis is easily recognized if the patient seeks help.

If the insulin deficiency is allowed to become profound, the disorder in FFA metabolism results in ketonuria, which accentuates the osmotic diuresis. The stress of illness can increase counterregulatory hormones (epinephrine, cortisol, growth hormone) that antagonize the effects of already-reduced insulin. The result is increasing hyperglycemia and further osmotic diuresis. Progressive hyperglycemia causes intravascular and intracellular dehydration, which reduces beta-cell function and insulin delivery to the periphery. Gastric dysfunction can occur under these conditions, further compromising fluid intake. The result is a “glucotoxic” state in which dehydration compromises the kidney’s ability to excrete ketones, whose production is accelerated by insulin’s failure to regulate FFA oxidation. Acidemia as a result of marked ketonemia causes hyperventilation and subsequent dyspnea. The increasing hyperglycemic state with dehydration causes brain hyperosmolality, producing lethargy, stupor, and if uninterrupted with insulin therapy, coma. This sequence is the description of the descent into diabetic ketoacidosis.

Diabetes mellitus may be discovered incidentally in an asymptomatic child or adult when hyperglycemia is noted on a comprehensive metabolic profile or glycosuria on routine urinalysis. Presuming that a lean child, adolescent, or adult has an autoimmune process leading to type 1 diabetes would be strongly supported by the finding of anti–islet cell antibodies. Asymptomatic patients with mild hyperglycemia thought to have an autoimmune pathogenesis require glucose monitoring to determine when therapeutic intervention is needed. Although these patients are likely to respond early to a variety of oral agents like any type 2 patient, no interventions have been effective thus far in slowing their progression to clinically overt type 1 requiring insulin. Prudent lifestyle measures, including exercise, dietary discretion, glucose monitoring, and oral therapies designed to reduce insulin secretion, may be efficacious over a surprisingly long period in deferring insulin therapy.


Behavioral Therapy

Key Point

The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus requires lifestyle adjustments and enduring major inconveniences and sacrifices to deal successfully with the disorder. Behavioral adjustments reduce the difficulty of controlling type 1 diabetes, but their impact in a type 2 patient can be so powerful as to alter the course of the disorder. All patients receive rational treatment regimens, but those who consciously monitor their diet and glucose variations learn how to make daily adjustments to achieve near-normalization of glucose values. Positive daily outcomes usually stimulate a continuing self-managing effort. Thus the goal of diabetic treatment is to promote this “winning attitude” toward the disorder.

Glucose Monitoring

Monitoring behavior is itself therapeutic because it warns of the risk of hypoglycemia or a shift to a hyperglycemic state caused by dietary indiscretion or a smoldering stress. Glucometers are now available that require less than 1 μL of blood (taken up by capillary action). A sample may be taken from a fingertip, earlobe, forearm, or thigh, with the result available in 5 to 15 seconds. Arm or thigh values are derived from interstitial glucose concentration and may be approximately 15 minutes “out of phase” with blood values if the patient is not in a fasting steady state. Average monitored values over 14 to 30 days correlate with HbA1c values. Monitored glucose data are also the basis of formulating therapeutic targets. For a young girl with diabetes, the fasting target may be 150 mg/dL to avoid early-morning hypoglycemia. As she matures, the target becomes the current American Diabetes Association (ADA) goal of less than 120 mg/dL fasting and before meals. In elderly diabetic patients, glycemic targets again can be liberalized to preclude hypoglycemic risks.

Although costs of monitoring must be considered, frequent glucose monitoring usually indicates the patient is well motivated and is attempting to make the necessary adjustments that will improve their mean glucose value and impact favorably on the HbA1c. In an informed patient with stable type 2 diabetes, there is less evidence that daily is any more effective than weekly testing.

Nutrition and Diet

Key Points

Dietary consistency will also ease the difficulties of living with diabetes. As with a regular exercise program, a stable diet will simplify insulin treatment schedules in type 1 patients but will not produce the marked effects observed in type 2 patients. Therefore, dietary manipulation should be directed toward ensuring content regularity rather than weight loss in type 1 patients.

Dietary Details

The current dietary principles recommended by ADA are the same as those of the American Heart Association (AHA). The caloric content should be that which will permit a patient with type 2 diabetes to attain a body mass index (BMI) of 25 kg/m2. With gender, height, weight, and age known, the basal daily caloric requirement and the desired weight can be obtained from standard online calculators. A simpler method, for patients with routine and not intensely physical activities, is to estimate the daily caloric expenditure by multiplying the ideal weight in kilograms by 30 calories/kg. Weight loss can be safely achieved if the patient is taught how to reduce caloric intake by 100 calories per day for each 10 pounds of desired weight loss over 1 year. National Institutes of Health guidelines advocate that weight changes be methodically accomplished over long periods. This will preclude acute energy shifts that could cause gallstones, gout, and depression and have 95% likelihood of recidivism. The guidelines suggest a weight loss goal of 7%, usually rounded to 10%, per year until the patient attains ideal BMI. For example, for a patient with type 2 diabetes weighing 200 pounds, the advice should be to lose 20 pounds in 1 year by reducing dietary caloric intake by 200 calories per day and/or increasing energy expenditure by that amount.

If a new and reduced weight set point is achieved in the central nervous system, longitudinal studies have shown a reduction in the progression of prediabetes, which confirms widespread clinical experience that the weight loss has a reversal effect on type 2 diabetes.


Key Points

In addition to dietary guidelines, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA, 2005) also recommends daily exercise activities for weight loss and health maintenance. The difference in these objectives is related to the duration and the intensity of exercise. The advocacy of exercise, as with dieting and food choices, has become an American industry. Exercise is an essential intervention in the diabetic lifestyle. Studies show that exercise activities even without weight loss result in consistently beneficial and safe outcomes. In type 2 diabetic patients with HbA1c of less than 9%, exercise can lower this indicator by 1%. A similar effect in type 1 diabetes has not been demonstrated, despite improved insulin sensitivity. However, both type 1 and 2 patients show improved serum lipid profile and increased fibrinolytic proteins after exercise. Based on its effects in improving athletic performance, exercise in a diabetic patient encourages good cardiac function with increased circulation to muscles and the periphery.



Walking improves peripheral perfusion and diverts blood volume to the lower extremities, where muscles have greater capacitance. Blood pressure and cardiac afterload are reduced. Regular walking can even overcome intermittent claudication by stimulating collateralization. With sufficient effort and duration, and even if done in short but repeated patterns as part of the activities of daily living, walking can facilitate weight loss. Postprandial walking may be more effective than preprandial walking (Colberg et al., 2009).

Walking can become hazardous, however, when the foot is affected by marked sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy. Exercise involving the feet requires that the patient is aware of risks and understands how to avoid them. Dry, thin skin lacking the cooling and lubricating effects of sweating is very susceptible to blistering when walking causes rubbing of the foot within the shoe. Prior foot injuries resulting from neuropathic trauma or the microfractures of diabetic osteonecrosis often cause foot deformities and uneven distribution of weight over the surface of the foot. The hyposensitive skin beneath bony deformities is at risk for ulceration. Prophylactic treatment requires orthotic devices, daily foot lubrication, and footwear that is soft with room to expand. Rather than contraindicating exercise of the foot and lower leg, advanced diabetic foot problems benefit from the increased perfusion accompanying non-weight-bearing exercise. Safe, effective exercise activities helpful in this situation use devices that “lock” the feet into the pedals of a stationary bicycle or an elliptical cycler.

Pharmacologic Therapies

Key Points

Glycemic Targets

Since the publication of the Diabetes Control and Complication Trial (DCCT) in 1993, which demonstrated that improved glycemic control meant less neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes, development of antidiabetic agents has accelerated. These include the α-glucosidase inhibitors, metformin, meglitinides, thiazolidinediones (also called glitazones), designer insulins, synthetic analogs of pancreatic peptides called amylin, and incretins, as well as antagonists of incretin degradation called dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitors. How intensely these agents should be used to limit the macrovascular complications of diabetes (coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, stroke) requires continuing study.

Although the efficacy of attaining HbA1c values in the low 7% range resulted in reduced microangiopathic complications, the DCCT and U.K. Prospective Diabetic Study (UKPDS) did not provide conclusive evidence of protection from macrovascular complications. In contrast, UKPDS demonstrated the efficacy of antihypertensive therapy given primarily as a beta blocker or angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor in slowing the progression of proteinuria and reducing cerebrovascular and cardiac events. Other clinical trials of the statins showed that diabetic patients experience better cardiovascular outcomes with relatively brief treatment. Controlling other major cardiovascular risk factors in DM has a more readily apparent effect on improving diabetic macrovascular outcomes than correction of hyperglycemia.

Similar data from other large trials indicate that the difference in intensive efforts to lower HbA1c to values below 6% versus conventional treatment was not associated with reduced cardiovascular events in middle-aged type 2 diabetic patients (ACCORD, 2008; VADT, 2009). This may have resulted from unawareness of hypoglycemia common in patients with HbA1c values approaching 6%. Recurrent hypoglycemia may downregulate appropriate physiologic response to the stress of cardiac ischemia, which may be clinically silent in diabetic patients.

Considering these data, professional societies recommend that glycemic targets be applied with clinical judgment based on the patient’s age and life expectancy, which would relate to the patient’s risk of developing microangiopathic complications. Thus an HbA1c target of about 6.5% is appropriate for a young diabetic patient with type 1 but inappropriate for 75-year-old woman with type 2 and cardiovascular disease. Hemoglobin A1c values of less than 8% in type 2 patients are readily attainable and would likely slow the progression of retinopathy, neuropathy, and subtle renal loss while preventing an acute metabolic decompensation associated with rapid onset of infection. Glycemic targets of 7% or less are ideal if attained without the risk of hypoglycemia unawareness.

Table 34-3 lists the classes of antidiabetic drugs, mode and duration of action, effectiveness, and side effects. The introduction of the newer agents now allows the clinician to consider drugs that address a specific etiopathogenic mechanism. If the patient is thought to have a type 1 presentation, insulin at the onset is the logical and safest treatment, as discussed later. Oral medications, at least in the short term, should be advised for type 2 diabetic presentations. Behavioral therapies can produce dramatic improvement even at higher HbA1c values, but a FSG over 200 mg/dL indicates marked insulin insufficiency, and some form of drug therapy (including insulin) is necessary to reduce such values expeditiously. Instituting drug therapy should not deemphasize behavioral therapies; as noted, once the inertia of gluco/lipotoxicity is overcome with drugs, effective behavioral therapies could control DM indefinitely.

Oral Agents

Sulfonylureas and Meglitinides

The sulfonylureas are the oldest class of drugs and were found to be as safe and effective as insulin in the UKPDS. They shut down membrane potassium ion (K+) channels, allowing membrane calcium (Ca++) channels to open, thereby establishing a calcium gradient that stimulates insulin secretion. In the initial phase of treatment, insulin levels are higher than the previous state following the drug’s stimulatory effects. As insulin resistance factors are improved by controlling hyperglycemia, insulin levels fall into a normal range. Treatment is usually effective for 5 to 10 years, depending on the efficacy of behavior treatment and the underlying diabetic progression. The therapeutic duration of sulfonylureas can be prolonged if an overnight insulin preparation is added to control FSG level.

Sulfonylureas are insulin secretogogues that can be used as first-line drugs or in combination with any of the oral medications. An important advantage is their low cost. However, diabetic patients who do not demonstrate fasting hyperglycemia have an increased risk of hypoglycemia if HbA1c is being maintained below 7%. Another hypoglycemic risk is renal disease, which reduces gluconeogenesis and permits typical sulfonylureas such as glyburide and glipizide to accumulate. Glimepiride and the meglitinides may be used in mild azotemia because of their greater hepatic excretion. The meglitinides are nonsulfonylurea secretogogues that activate a different K+ channel. The meglitinides are theoretically safer in elderly patients because of their short half-life, although treatment is required before all meals. Their disadvantage is that generic preparations are not yet available. Failure to respond to metformin is an indication for adding an insulin secretogogue and titrating the dosage to attain near normalization of HbA1c.

Dipeptidyl Peptidase Inhibitors (Gliptins)

The naturally occurring incretins, glucagon-like peptide (GLP) and glucoinsulinotropic peptide (GIP), enhance beta-cell insulin secretion after glucose ingestion. The incretin effect is the increase in insulin secretion after gastrointestinal (GI) absorption of glucose compared to the amount of insulin secreted in response to glucose infused intravenously. The augmentation of insulin secretion is secondary to a stimulatory effect of GLP and GIP on beta cells. The metabolic clearance of these hormones is governed by dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP), which enzymatically inactivates the incretins. Thus, inhibition of DPP by drugs known as gliptins causes a more sustained postprandial insulin secretion.

The prototype DDP inhibitor is sitagliptin, which is safe and generally very effective in the treatment of patients with HbA1c values less than 8%. As with metformin, sitagliptin is not associated with weight gain. It maintains control in patients treated with metformin and sulfonylureas who are slipping out of control. Sitagliptin is rarely efficacious for patients with HbA1c above 8%. Its safety makes sitagliptin a good choice for use alone or in combination with metformin in patients who have insulin secretion, but cost should relegate it to a tertiary role behind more potent sulfonylureas. Other DPP inhibitors are currently in development, and saxagliptin was recently approved as a once-daily tablet to treat type 2 diabetes in adults. Sitagliptin requires dose adjustments for renal failure.

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