Common Office Procedures

Chapter 28 Common Office Procedures

Safe approaches to common surgical procedures can be performed by primary care providers in an outpatient setting without significant sedation. This chapter provides the foundation to build skills of competency in common procedures, including adequate preparation, appropriate setup, informed consent, good technical skills, and knowledge of how to handle potential complications. Discussions of the basic surgical skills and setup required, patient consent, and local anesthesia are followed by a review of common office procedures in family medicine, with tips to perform these successfully and methods to prevent complications.

As the U.S. health care system grapples with medical home concepts, family medicine providers must develop proficient skills to carry out common procedures in primary care clinics. The health care system may continue to provide high remuneration for procedural medicine but may change to a system driven by outcomes, competency, and ability to provide competent procedural services in the medical home. Comprehensive patient care will return to the primary care realm, where it is more cost-effective.

For a brief history of surgery, see the online discussion at

Basic Skills

The Patient History

Before undertaking any procedure, the physician must begin with a pertinent comprehensive health history and thorough understanding of the patient and their current health condition. Preexisting diagnoses, such as diabetes or hemophilia, may affect wound healing or bleeding.

Allergies to medication, tape, or preparation agents should be elicited along with any personal or family history of bleeding or thrombosis. Anticoagulant use, including aspirin, clopidogrel, warfarin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), ticlopidine, dipyridamole, and fish oil may affect bleeding and hemostasis during any procedure. Short-acting NSAIDs should be held for 1 or 2 days before surgery based on their antiplatelet effect and drug half-life. Aspirin, dipyridamole, ticlopidine, and long-acting NSAIDs should be stopped 7 to 10 days before surgery if the benefit of improved hemostasis during the procedure outweighs the risk of complications from the underlying medical condition for which the medication is prescribed. Warfarin (Coumadin) should be stopped based on risk profiles. Low-risk patients with no thrombotic history who are taking anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation may have their warfarin stopped 3 to 4 days before surgery and may have no “bridging” heparin. If a patient has a high risk for thromboembolism, such as past pulmonary embolism, mechanical valve, or current treatment for deep vein thrombosis, a “bridge” with low-molecular-weight heparin or regular heparin should be given. Warfarin may be resumed immediately after surgery, and then the heparin may be discontinued once the international normalized ratio (INR) is therapeutic (Singer et al., 2008b).

Aspirin and other antiplatelet medications may be resumed 24 hours after surgery. If the patient is high risk and receiving a superficial procedure, the physician should continue the blood-thinning agent and consider using local anesthesia with epinephrine. Local cautery, direct ligation of bleeding vessels, and direct pressure are used as needed for hemostasis. Fish oil taken with aspirin or warfarin may potentiate the antiplatelet effects (Ramsay et al., 2005).

A history of delayed healing or keloid (thick scar) formation should be elicited. A prior vasovagal event or fainting episode warrants preventive measures to reduce the potential risk of complications should a patient faint during or after a procedure.

Skin Preparation

Prepare the skin with an appropriate antiseptic solution starting in the middle of the surgical site and going outward in concentric circles in aseptic fashion. Alcohol, chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine (Betadine), or a combination may be used as an antiseptic cleansing agent (Mangram et al., 1999).

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) updated guidelines in 2002 on skin preparation related to reducing central line infections. The CDC issued additional guidelines for the prevention of surgical site infection in 1999. The U.K. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence–Surgical Site Infection guidelines from 2008 agreed with each of these groups as well. Skin aseptic preparation with chlorhexidine 2% plus 70% isopropyl alcohol was the best at preventing surgical site infections as it achieves greater reductions in skin microflora and has greater residual activity after a single application (Mangram et al., 1999).

Chlorhexidine gluconate is effective even in the presence of blood or serum proteins, whereas blood and serum proteins may inactivate povidone-iodine. However, conflicting data show that a combination of iodine povacrylex in isopropyl alcohol may reduce infection rates greatest in general surgery patients (Swenson et al., 2009). Isopropyl alcohol 70% is effective immediately, but the antiseptic effect is not sustained. Combinations are superior to isopropyl alcohol or chlorhexidine alone (Adams et al., 2005; Hibbard, 2005).

Many surgical site infections are from endogenous staphylococcal skin flora. An increasing number are also resistant to antibiotics, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). No clear guidelines exist on how best to reduce MRSA infections, but good handwashing and aseptic technique are a part of the prevention of MRSA-related surgical site infections (Siegel et al., 2006).


Bites represent special risks for laceration repair. Cat bites often involve deep puncture wounds and should be cleaned and irrigated thoroughly and not closed but allowed to heal by secondary intention. Untreated cat bite infection rates are 18% to 33% (Dire, 1991). Treating cat bites with prophylactic antibiotics significantly reduces infection rates. Dog bites may be more lacerated and after high-pressure flushing at greater than 7 psi (obtained using 50-cc syringes and saline or iodine in water in 1:10 ratio) may be closed primarily in the first 6 hours after the injury. Infection rates for dogs are less than 20% (Dire, 1992).

Primary closure by suturing is not generally recommended for nonfacial bite wounds, especially deep punctures, bites to the hand, and clinically infected wounds. Anecdotal data suggest an increased risk of infection after closure of these wounds. Sterile skin closure strips or delayed closure may be appropriate (Singer et al., 2008a).

Human bites on the hands and specifically overlying the metacarpophalangeal joints are problematic because of potential damage to underlying tissue, tendons, and joint spaces. Hand injuries may therefore lead to aggressive secondary infections of these structures. Profuse flushing of human hand bites or lacerations, prophylactic antibiotics, and consultation are advised. These wounds may need to be surgically opened under anesthesia to flush adequately.

Wounds to both the hands and face need immediate care because infection rates almost double to 29% if not treated within 12 hours. Prophylactic antibiotics should be used with hand and facial bite wounds. Facial wounds may be flushed and closed primarily because of the good blood supply and a risk for poor cosmesis if left open (Henry et al., 2007).


With any laceration or open skin injury, tetanus immunizations should be updated if indicated. If patients have received 3 or more primary tetanus immunizations, they should receive an update if their last immunization was more than 10 years ago for a clean wound and if more than 5 years ago with a dirty wound. Patients should receive tetanus immune globulin (TIG) and begin their tetanus immunization series if they have had less then 3 immunizations in the past. Diphtheria toxoid and pertussis antigens with tetanus toxoid (Tdap) should replace a single dose of Td for adults age 19 through 64 years who have not received a dose of Tdap previously and require a booster. Tdap may be given as close as 2 years after a Td. Td can be given every 10 years when needed after one Tdap is received (CDC, 2009; see Web Resources).

Patients should begin the hepatitis B immunization series for any human bite wounds or for mucus membrane blood exposure. Patients should be offered and consented for baseline testing for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Appropriate follow-up based on test results must be arranged. HBIG is indicated if the patient has injuries from a person known to be positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg); however, needle stick guidelines suggest that the injured patient receive only a hepatitis B immunization series and not HBIG if the contact person has an unknown or negative carrier status. In the case of a needle stick, HIV prophylaxis with three drugs is recommended if the contact person is a known HIV positive. If the source patient has an unknown HIV status, postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) generally is not indicated, unless there is concern that the source is higher risk, in which case two-drug PEP is offered.

Procedure Room

A clean procedure room with a table that elevates and an overhead surgical light that can be adjusted and focused gives the provider the best environment to carry out procedures. An adjustable and mobile mayo stand allows the most comfortable access to sterile trays and instruments during a procedure. Surgical instruments should be stored in sterile packs, ideally set up for specific procedures. Extra equipment may be in individual sterile packs and should be readily available. Check sterility date expiration for all packaged equipment.

Patients should be made comfortable for the procedure with use of an adjustable bed and pillows as needed. Open, supportive conversation with an empathetic approach encourages relaxation and reassurance before, during, and after the procedure. An assistant is helpful in setup and during the procedure and provides support for the patient during care. In children undergoing general surgery, a family-focused dialog and ongoing conversation were similar to using midazolam in reducing anxiety and speeding recovery (Kain et al., 2007).


The most basic sterile pack for skin procedures contains a needle driver, Adson tissue forceps with teeth, iris or suture scissors, and a scalpel handle with blade. The instruments should comfortably fit the physician’s hands.

There are three primary scalpel blade styles used in the outpatient setting. A #10 blade has a large, rounded cutting surface and may be used for longer, straight incisions on larger areas with thicker skin, such as the trunk or limbs. A #15 blade has a smaller, rounded cutting surface to allow more mobility and may be used on most skin procedures, particularly those with nonlinear incisions. A #11 blade has a pointed blade without a curve and is better used for paring superficial lesions, such as warts or calluses, or puncturing skin abscesses. The Adson forceps with teeth has one side with one tooth and the other side with two teeth. Less tissue trauma occurs using the single tooth on the external tissue while everting the skin edges or using a skin hook (Fig. 28-1).

Needle drivers should fit the physician’s hand; the ring finger fits in the lower circle of the handle, and the thumb may fit in the top circle of the handle with the index finger extended along the shaft to stabilize the needle driver. Load the needle by locking the needle driver about three-quarters the way up the shank of the needle, with the needle held perpendicular to the needle driver. Sharps are kept in the same area of the sterile field to develop a system for reducing needle stick injuries.


Three basic types of suture exist: natural absorbable, synthetic absorbable, and nonabsorbable. Sutures are sized according to the 1937 U.S. Pharmacopeia classification system. Smaller suture has a higher number of zeroes (2-0 is 00 and 4-0 is 0000). The physician should use the smallest size that provides adequate tensile strength initially to close the wound and not to fail during the healing process. The clinician should use deep sutures to reduce surface tension if the wound is deep and there is high skin surface tension. Ideally, skin sutures gently approximate the skin edges with minimal tension.

Absorbable types of suture include plain gut, chromic gut, and synthetic sutures made of polyglycolic acid, polylactic acid, polydioxanone, and caprolactone. Plain gut suture used externally has a tensile strength lasting 5 to 7 days, whereas chromic gut used internally has a tensile strength lasting 10 to 14 days. The synthetic absorbable types of suture vary in length of tensile strength and rate of absorption. Nonabsorbable suture is made of nylon, special silk, polypropylene, or polyester. These sutures are made in different colors and are inert. Most have long-lasting tensile strength. Non-absorbable sutures are used externally but can be used internally for prolonged tissue reinforcement. Nonabsorbable sutures cause less immune response and therefore less scarring. Frequently, they are used superficially when cosmetic outcome is critical.

Traditionally, it was advised that absorbable suture be used only if it is placed below the skin’s surface because of its porous structure and a possible wick for bacteria on the skin surface. However, this recommendation is not evidence based. A meta-analysis of two randomized, controlled trials (RCTs, Jadad scores 3) comparing absorbable versus nonabsorbable sutures in the management of traumatic lacerations and surgical wounds showed no changes in infection rates, scar appearance, patient satisfaction, or dehiscence. In children, the benefit is not requiring suture removal (Al-Abdullah et al., 2007).

Plain gut sutures last intact for 5 to 7 days and may be used to close small mucosal lacerations or excisions. Plain gut sutures do not survive long enough for use on deep tissue reapproximation. Use 5.0 to 6.0 nylon suture on the face, and remove in 3 to 5 days. If the wound is elsewhere on the trunk, extremities, or other areas with tension, use 3.0 to 4.0 nylon sutures and remove in 10 to 14 days.


Topical Anesthesia

An equal mixture of prilocaine 2.5% and lidocaine 2.5%, EMLA cream may be used as a topical anesthetic. EMLA works best if applied to the dermal site at least 1 hour before the procedure and covered with an occlusive dressing. It is not used more often because of the time needed for onset of anesthesia, increased expense, and risk of methemoglobinemia in susceptible individuals such as those with congenital disease, pyruvate kinase–deficient and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)–deficient patients, and those with rare, acquired forms resulting from medications (e.g., prilocaine, antimalarials, sulfonamides). Patients under 3 months of age are vulnerable to developing methemoglobin because the breakdown product ortho-toluidine can produce methemoglobinemia following systemic doses of prilocaine approximating 8 mg/kg. A rectangle measuring 1.5 × 0.2 inches is about 1 g of EMLA or 25 mg of prilocaine. The maximal area of application is age and weight dependent (Table 28-1).

Other topical anesthetics are used in some circumstances. Ethyl chloride cools the skin superficially and works well for needle punctures. Unfortunately, it is flammable and has a brief action, limiting its usefulness. A 30% lidocaine cream must be applied with an occlusive patch at least 45 minutes before any procedure. Liposomal encapsulation forms of topical tetracaine and lidocaine are as efficacious as EMLA (Eidelman et al., 2005). Lidoderm patches are a 5% concentration and are not potent enough for surgical skin anesthesia. (See Tuggy Video: Topical Anesthesia.)

Local Anesthesia

For most office procedures, a local injection is a quick and easy way to provide anesthesia, by blocking the fast sodium channels and stopping pain fiber neurotransmission. However, an injection of local anesthetic may distort skin edges and adversely affect skin anatomy and alignment. Consider marking incisions and vital alignment before infiltrating with a local anesthetic. Anesthetize before flushing the wound in repair of contaminated lacerations. Infiltration of 1% lidocaine does not damage local defenses, promote infection, or exhibit antimicrobial activity that would obscure a culture from a wound (Edlich et al., 2010).

There are two groups of local anesthetics: amides and esters. Allergies are more common to the esters. Allergy to an amide is usually caused by the preservative methylparaben. If a patient has an ester allergy, use an amide; no cross-reactivity occurs between classes (Archar an Kundar, 2002) (Box 28-1).

The most common locally injected anesthetic is lidocaine, with or without epinephrine; 1% lidocaine contains 10 mg/mL of lidocaine. Lidocaine dosing should not exceed 4.5 mg/kg without epinephrine (maximum 300 mg in adults, or 30 mL of 1% lidocaine) or 7 mg/kg of lidocaine with epinephrine (maximum 500 mg in adults, or 50 mL of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine) (Tetzlaff, 2000). Others list the recommended safe dose of infiltrated lidocaine as 200 mg or less in an adult, which is 20 mL of 1% lidocaine (Rosenberg et al., 2004). If doing a paracervical or pudendal block, the maximum total dose over 90 minutes is 200 mg of lidocaine, or 20 mL of 1% lidocaine total (10 mL per side). Lidocaine has an elimination half-life of 1.5 to 2.5 hours in most patients, and average infiltrative anesthesia lasts 2 to 6 hours. Bupivacaine has a longer onset and length of action and an elimination half-life of 2.7 hours in adults and 8 hours in neonates. Data on mixing lidocaine and bupivacaine are limited.

Some local anesthetics have epinephrine as an additive to help with hemostasis in very vascular locations. Buffering any local anesthetic containing epinephrine with a 1:10 ratio of sodium bicarbonate to anesthetic before injection helps reduce discomfort during the injection by neutralizing the acidic properties of the fluid. The current dogma is to avoid the use of epinephrine on end-artery areas, including fingers, ears, nose, lips, penis, and toes. However, a recent review on the use of local anesthesia with epinephrine in a digital block challenges this dogma (Mohan and Cherian, 2007). To be safe, epinephrine should not be used in distal-end vascular beds until the data are more conclusive. (See Tuggy Video: Local Anesthesia.)

Complications with Local Anesthesia

Recognizing the various side effects and reactions to local anesthesia is critical to prevent serious complications. The most common complication with the use of local infiltrative anesthesia is a vasovagal episode. The patient may look pale, begin to sweat, and then feel faint or even fall unconscious. Although accompanied by one or two tonic-clonic beats in some cases, this is not considered a seizure. Lying the patient down in reverse Trendelenburg positioning with both legs elevated can increase blood return to the heart and improve vagally depressed cardiac output. Atropine can reverse vagal bradycardia but is rarely needed. Recovery occurs spontaneously within minutes, but the queasiness may persist for 30 to 60 minutes.

Inadvertent instillation of an anesthetic into a blood vessel may cause seizures, jitteriness, or palpitations and may be avoided by always aspirating before infiltrating the local anesthetic. If a flash of blood is obtained on aspiration, pull the needle back partially, aspirate again, and instill only if no blood return occurs. Other reactions to local anesthesia are discomfort, bruising, and edema of the injection site. True anaphylaxis to lidocaine is estimated to occur in less than 1% of injections (Haugen and Brown, 2007). Administer diphenhydramine (Benadryl), 25 to 50 mg orally, intravenously, or intramuscularly in adults and 1 mg/kg in children, and epinephrine 1:1000 subcutaneously every 5 minutes as needed. The adult dose of epinephrine 1:1000 is 0.3 to 0.5 mL/kg and the pediatric dose 0.01 mL/kg at the same intervals. Emergency response personnel should be notified, and prolonged observation may be warranted.

Wound Irrigation

Wound healing is affected by infection, tension, perfusion, and alignment. Cleaning a wound with tap water or isotonic saline removes debris and bacteria mechanically from the wound and reduces infection rates. One study found no clinically important differences in infection rates between wounds irrigated with tap water or a normal saline solution (Valente et al., 2003).

Many studies recommend 7 psi (lb/in2) or greater for adequate irrigation of dirty wounds and 0.5 psi for clean wounds. Irrigation of the wound with a 35-mL syringe and a 19-gauge needle produces 7 psi, whereas using a bulb syringe only produces 0.5 psi, which is inadequate to flush and decontaminate a dirty wound. The potential for lateral subcutaneous dissemination with use of high-pressure irrigation can make a clean wound more susceptible to infection, so it should be reserved for contaminated wounds where benefits are greater than the risk of dissemination. The low-pressure bulb syringe is used for clean lacerations. The pressure is more important in dislodging adherent bacterial and small particles than the amount of solution used. Splash protection should be used by all health care personnel (Edlich et al., 2010).

There is debate on using povidone-iodine (Betadine) to cleanse dirty wounds. In general, avoid Betadine surgical scrubs within the laceration because it can be toxic to tissue. If used, dilute Betadine 1:10 with water. Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide may also be toxic to tissue inside a laceration and should be used with care. Poloxamer-188 solutions are safe to use within wounds and are even used on ophthalmologic skin surgeries to cleanse the conjunctiva and by dentists to cleanse oral mucosa.

Principles of Healing

Wound healing begins immediately after the initial trauma or cut. Traditional descriptions of wound healing use three distinct but overlapping phases (inflammatory, proliferative, remodeling), whereas others use four phases to better describe the healing process. Surgical technique and smoking are modifiable risk factors for poor wound healing. Other factors affecting wound healing include anemia, diabetes, malnutrition, HIV infection, and cancer.

Trauma to surrounding tissue by the injury and surgical techniques (e.g., too much tension on sutures) may affect healing. Adequate oxygenation and blood flow are critical to good healing. Medications that affect healing include steroids, NSAIDs, and immunosuppressive medications.

Stages of Healing

Regenerative or Remodeling Phase

The remodeling stage is a continuation of the proliferative phase, with ongoing maturation of collagen. The thickening collagen leads to an increased resistance to shearing and tearing forces. The regenerative phase is characterized by epithelialization and scar formation. This last phase may take up to 1 year. Collagen type III is converted into the mature type I collagen (Fig. 28-5). The extracellular matrix and cells within the wound are regulated by cytokines and integrins (transmembrane cell receptors) (Fig. 28-6).

Principles of Skin Closure

Closure techniques should minimize skin trauma, result in good skin-edge approximation without undue tension, and result in a cosmetically pleasing appearance (Fig. 28-8). The best cosmetic results can be achieved by using the finest suture possible, depending on skin thickness and tension. Generally a 3-0 (000) or 4-0 (0000) suture is appropriate on the trunk, 4-0 or 5-0 on the extremities and scalp, and 5-0 or 6-0 on the face. Forceps with teeth and skin hooks should be used to reduce crush injury to wound edges. Use the least amount of sutures to close the skin with good approximation and without deep, open space. Sutures on the face should be removed about day 3 to day 5, wounds not under tension on day 7 to 10, and wounds under tension, on the hands, or over joints on day 10 to 14. If you remove a suture and the wound opens up, cease removing the other sutures and place a sterile strip while asking the patient to return in 2 days.

Sutures are an option along with staples, tissue adhesives, and use of hair to tie edges together on some scalp wounds. Avoid staples in the scalp if computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is planned. Expedient cleaning, debridement, and closure with the least trauma to the wound and patient should be the goal.

Skin Tension Orientation

Surgeons searching for an ideal guide for elective incisions have developed 36 named guidelines. Karl Langer (1819–1887) studied and drew skin lines of cleavage after noting that round punctures in cadaveric skin produced ellipses. The topographic orientation of these lines coincides with the dominant axis of mechanical tension in the skin. Langer lines were developed by studying skin tension in cadavers with rigor mortis and therefore may not be representative of a living human’s skin tension lines. Kraissl noted tension lines in living tissue and developed lines oriented perpendicular to the contraction of the underlying muscles. Later, Borges described relaxed skin tension lines (RSTLs), which follow furrows formed when the skin is relaxed and are produced by pinching the skin. These are only guidelines, however, and many factors contribute to the camouflaging of scars, including wrinkles and contour lines. RSTLs are formed by the natural tension on the skin from underlying soft tissue and rigid bony or cartilaginous substructure.

Superior results in scar revision arise from making incisions parallel or nearly parallel to RSTLs. The Borges RSTLs and Kraissl lines may be the best guides for elective incisions of the face and body and are often mislabeled “Langer lines.” Cosmetic appearance is best if RSTLs are used on the face. The face can be divided into parallel variations of the four main facial lines: the facial median, nasolabial, facial marginal, and palpebral lines. When doing punch biopsies, stretch the skin 90 degrees perpendicular to follow the RSTLs so that the resulting ellipse-shaped wound and closure are parallel. This also improves cosmesis (Fig. 28-9).

Tissue Adhesive

On clean lacerations under low tension in dry areas, skin adhesives are an appropriate substitute for standard suturing materials and methods. Adhesives may also work on shallow, irregular, beveled lacerations and are useful on pediatric scalp lacerations. Since 1998, the long-chain medical tissue adhesive, 8-carbon 2-octylcyanoacrylate (OCA), has been available in the United States for tissue adhesive closure of wounds. OCA is more durable and flexible than the short-chain butylcyanoacrylates. The long-chain cyanoacrylates create less dehiscence in wounds longer than 8 cm. Avoid adhesive use in moist or hairy areas, on mucous membranes, if hemostasis is required, over joints or highly mobile tissue, and in bite wounds or dirty lacerations. Consider the adhesives to have about the same strength as 5.0 sutures. If OCAs are used, the patient may shower immediately, but if the butylcyanoacrylates are used, the repaired wound should be kept dry for at least 48 hours. Moisture exposure increases dehiscence risk (Singer and Dagum, 2008). If the area to repair is under higher tension, deep sutures to approximate the skin edges before closing with a superficial adhesive results in better outcomes (Singer and Thode, 2004).

Tissue adhesive agents form their own bandage, and no additional care is needed. Full tensile strength is achieved after 21⁄2 minutes. Because antibiotic and white petrolatum ointments can remove tissue adhesive, patients must be instructed to avoid using these on the repaired wound (Forsch, 2008).

Dehiscence occurred on 2.5% of wounds closed with tissue adhesives in an animal study comparing 2-cm and 10-cm laceration repairs with adhesive versus various suture types and different stitches. In the 2-cm wounds, results were identical. The 10-cm wounds favored deep suturing even if tissue adhesive was used. The final decision on the method and materials used for wound closure depends on the length and location of the wound as well as the time for closure and efficiency of closure (Zeplin et al., 2007). (See Tuggy Video: Tissue Glue.)

Suture Placement

Interrupted Sutures

Individually placed single sutures are the most common form of closure. Although slower than using a running suture, single sutures usually appear better cosmetically and have a reduced risk for dehiscence. Slightly everting skin edges will result in the best wound appearance. Enter the skin 2 to 3 mm from the skin edge with the needle perpendicular to the skin plane, and rotate the wrist smoothly. Go an equal distance in depth as the horizontal distance from the wound edge. If unable to obtain an equidistant bite on the opposite side in one step, use an additional step. Bring the needle out through the laceration, then enter at the same level within the laceration, and come out through the skin at a symmetric distance from the wound’s edge (Fig. 28-11). (See Tuggy Video: Instrument Tie.)

One may reduce the risk for dog-ears by placing a suture in the middle of a laceration and then another in the middle of the remaining gaps until equal tension and alignment approximate the skin edges in a cosmetic and hemostatic fashion. If bleeding persists, ligate or cauterize the vessel before further closing. If suturing a landmark such as vermillion borders on lip edges, consider marking opposing points before instilling anesthesia, then place an aligning suture there first.

Planning excision of an ellipse with a 3:1 to 4:1 length/width ratio has been the standard recommendation, but recent data suggest less tissue removal and better healing if a round excision is used, with adequate margins and repair of any subsequent dog-ears that develop. With this technique, 59% of the repairs required dog-ear repair (Seo et al., 2008).

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