8: Closed Reduction and Pinning of Distal Radius Fractures

Closed Reduction and Pinning of Distal Radius Fractures

Dennis E. Kramer


image Unstable distal radius fracture unable to be controlled by cast alone

image Displaced distal radius fracture that is in unacceptable alignment following a reduction and casting maneuver

image Redisplacement following a previous reduction and casting maneuver

image Other consideration that may preclude circumferential cast immobilization:

image For distal radial physeal fractures, multiple reduction attempts or repeated late reduction attempts should be avoided. If reduction remains unacceptable, consider allowing the fracture to heal and observing the deformity over time, proceeding with late corrective osteotomy if remodeling does not occur.

image Distal ulnar fractures often accompany distal radial fractures. Acceptable alignment for distal ulnar fractures includes up to 50% translation and 20° of angulation.


Jun 7, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on 8: Closed Reduction and Pinning of Distal Radius Fractures

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