
CHAPTER 11 The tibia

Common Causes of Pain in the Anterior Aspect of the Lower Leg

Note: Knock-knee and bow-leg deformities are included with the knee joint.

Anterior Tibial Compartment Syndrome

This is a common complication of fractures of the tibial shaft, but may follow a period of intense lower limb activity: hence it is common in athletes. It gives rise to pain in the front of the leg. This is due to oedema and swelling within the confines of the anterior compartment, which lead in turn to ischaemia in the anterior tibial muscles. In severe cases where swelling is progressive there may eventually be muscle necrosis. The leg is diffusely swollen and tender, and the skin has a glossy appearance. Tibialis anterior and extensor hallucis longus are first affected, with weakness and later inability to extend the ankle and great toe. The dorsalis pedis pulse may be absent, and there may be sensory loss in the first web space due to ischaemic changes in the deep peroneal nerve. In high-risk and suspect cases compartment pressure monitoring is advisable. In severe cases immediate surgical decompression of the anterior tibial compartment is essential if muscle necrosis is to be avoided.

Jun 5, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on tibia

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