Stress Fractures and Rehabilitation

A plethora of medical literature has been published discussing the demographics, risk factors, anatomic distribution, diagnostic evaluation, and treatment of stress fractures. However, the literature contains a void regarding the rehabilitation and preventive aspects of this frequent injury. This article briefly reviews the risk factors, common sites, and sport-specific and gender-specific stress fractures. In addition, the common clinical presentation, physical examination findings, and diagnostic evaluation are discussed, including high-risk stress fractures. An in-depth review of the treatment and prevention of stress fractures in women is also provided.

Stress fractures are common sports injuries accounting for approximately 10% of all overuse injuries . Studies have shown a 1.5 to 3.5 times increased risk for stress fractures in female athletes compared with male athletes . Women military recruits are 1.2 to 10 times more likely to sustain stress fractures compared with male recruits . A plethora of medical literature has been published discussing the demographics, risk factors, anatomic distribution, diagnostic evaluation, and treatment of stress fractures . However, the literature contains a void regarding the rehabilitation and preventive aspects of this frequent injury. This article briefly reviews the risk factors, common sites, and sport-specific and gender-specific stress fractures. In addition, the common clinical presentation, physical examination findings, and diagnostic evaluation are discussed, including high-risk stress fractures. Highlighted is an in-depth review of the treatment and prevention of stress fractures in women.

Defining stress fracture

Stress fractures are partial bone fractures resulting from repetitive microtrauma. They are classified as fatigue or insufficiency fractures. A fatigue fracture occurs when an abnormal amount of stress is placed on a normal bone. Insufficiency fractures develop when normal stress is applied to an abnormal bone, such as an osteoporotic bone. A third type of fractures occurs when abnormal stress is applied to abnormal bone such as occurs with some female athletes in training who have osteopenia .

Normal bone has ongoing remodeling allowing accommodation to loading. Stress reaction (microfractures) can result if this remodeling system does not keep pace with the applied force. A stress fracture, and most likely a complete fracture, will result if the inciting event continues. The literature debates whether the bone’s failure to adapt has been related to excessive load-bearing forces or inadequate contractile muscular forces . Whichever the cause, early intervention is associated with more rapid healing .

Risk factors

Both intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors have been implicated in the cause of stress fractures ( Table 1 ) . Intrinsic factors include those that are biomechanical (eg, limb malalignment, gait abnormality, muscle imbalance, and small tibia diameter) or biochemical (eg, hormonal imbalance, low bone mass density, bone disease, and nutritional deficits). Extrinsic factors include training errors (eg, overuse, lack of cross training, lack of conditioning, increases in training intensity and duration without an adequate buildup phase, poor technique), environment (eg, nonabsorbent training surface, banked track), and equipment (eg, inappropriate foot wear, prolonged use of foot wear, non–gender specific training equipment).

Table 1

Risk factors for stress fractures

Extrinsic Factors
Training errors Overuse
Lack of cross training (eg, cycling, elliptical trainer, weight training)
Lack of conditioning
Increasing intensity and duration too quickly
Poor technique
Environment Training surface (nonabsorbent, banked, same direction track or street running)
Equipment Footwear (inappropriate or prolonged use)
Intrinsic Factors
Biomechanical Malalignment
Gait abnormality
Muscle imbalance
Narrow tibia width
Biochemical Hormonal imbalance
Low bone mass density
Bone disease
Nutritional deficits

Although they have been studied individually, the interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic factors likely leads to increased risks for stress fractures. Specifically, the amount, intensity, and timing of training plays a significant role in the bone’s ability to adapt to increasing demands. Overtraining and inadequate training surfaces in combination with poor muscular conditioning may overload the bone, resulting in a stress fracture . Some evidence shows that muscle mass is inversely related to stress fracture incidence. Individuals who have less muscle mass may be predisposed to develop a stress fracture, because studies have shown that one of the major roles of muscles is energy absorption . As muscles become fatigued, the nearby bone is exposed to greater forces. Experts have proposed that bone injury may be a secondary event after a primary failure of muscle function. Further studies are needed to define the role of conditioning and strengthening programs in the incidence and treatment of stress fractures in females.

Risk factors

Both intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors have been implicated in the cause of stress fractures ( Table 1 ) . Intrinsic factors include those that are biomechanical (eg, limb malalignment, gait abnormality, muscle imbalance, and small tibia diameter) or biochemical (eg, hormonal imbalance, low bone mass density, bone disease, and nutritional deficits). Extrinsic factors include training errors (eg, overuse, lack of cross training, lack of conditioning, increases in training intensity and duration without an adequate buildup phase, poor technique), environment (eg, nonabsorbent training surface, banked track), and equipment (eg, inappropriate foot wear, prolonged use of foot wear, non–gender specific training equipment).

Table 1

Risk factors for stress fractures

Extrinsic Factors
Training errors Overuse
Lack of cross training (eg, cycling, elliptical trainer, weight training)
Lack of conditioning
Increasing intensity and duration too quickly
Poor technique
Environment Training surface (nonabsorbent, banked, same direction track or street running)
Equipment Footwear (inappropriate or prolonged use)
Intrinsic Factors
Biomechanical Malalignment
Gait abnormality
Muscle imbalance
Narrow tibia width
Biochemical Hormonal imbalance
Low bone mass density
Bone disease
Nutritional deficits

Although they have been studied individually, the interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic factors likely leads to increased risks for stress fractures. Specifically, the amount, intensity, and timing of training plays a significant role in the bone’s ability to adapt to increasing demands. Overtraining and inadequate training surfaces in combination with poor muscular conditioning may overload the bone, resulting in a stress fracture . Some evidence shows that muscle mass is inversely related to stress fracture incidence. Individuals who have less muscle mass may be predisposed to develop a stress fracture, because studies have shown that one of the major roles of muscles is energy absorption . As muscles become fatigued, the nearby bone is exposed to greater forces. Experts have proposed that bone injury may be a secondary event after a primary failure of muscle function. Further studies are needed to define the role of conditioning and strengthening programs in the incidence and treatment of stress fractures in females.

Common sites for stress fractures

Stress fractures are seen most commonly in the lower extremities. The most common site for both males and females is the tibia . Sport-specific sites include the tibia, metatarsals and fibula in runners and dancers, the humerus in overhead throwing athletes and the rib and clavicle in rowers . Gender specific stress fracture patterns in women include femoral, pelvic, and metatarsal stress fractures ( Table 2 ) .

Table 2

Site- and sport-specific stress fractures

Site Sport or activity
Lower extremity
Pelvis Running, race walking
Femur Running
Patella Jumping sports, soccer, basketball, baseball (catcher)
Tibia Running, soccer, aerobics, ballet
Fibula Running, skating
Metatarsals Running (2nd and 3rd), ballet dancing (base of 2nd)
Axial skeleton
Lumbar spine (pars intra-articularis) Gymnastics, football (lineman), water-skiing
Ribs (1st) Throwing sports
Ribs (other) Rowing and swinging sports (tennis, golf, baseball batting)
Upper extremity
Coracoid process of scapula Trap shooting
Humerus Throwing, racket sports
Olecranon Throwing sports
Ulna Tennis, javelin
Metacarpal Tennis, handball

Gender-specific issues

The incidence of stress fractures is higher in women than men. A proposed mechanism in young athletic women relates higher stress fracture rates to premenopausal osteopenia or osteoporosis caused by a hypoestrogenic state resulting from hypothalamic amenorrhea. A positive correlation exists between menstrual dysfunction and low bone density . Likewise, menstrual dysfunction and stress fractures are also positively correlated . Cortical bone mass seems to be preserved in amenorrheic women . One study correlated osteopenic dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan results with cancellous (ie, femoral neck) more strongly than with cortical bone (ie, tibial) stress fractures . This study helps support the use of DEXA scan screening in the active amenorrheic woman who has a stress fracture . Other factors such as inadequate nutrition, inappropriate conditioning, and anatomic differences have been implicated in the increased incidence of stress fractures in female athletes .

Studies have shown a higher risk for stress fractures in female track and field athletes that had more restrictive eating habits . Nutrition’s role in stress fracture development is not fully understood. Matched by age and body mass index (BMI), ballet dancers who have stress fractures tend to show more restrictive eating habits compared with both nondancers and dancers who have no stress fractures .

Common clinical presentation


Stress fractures are characterized by the insidious onset of localized pain and swelling over the involved bone. Patients may report increased activity or change in training regimen before the onset of symptoms. Initially, the pain occurs with activity and responds to rest. The athlete may note a decline in performance secondary to pain. Pain may progress, occurring during activities of daily living such as walking. If the inciting activity continues, the patient will notice pain at rest and nocturnal symptoms may develop. Many patients have vague complaints, and without a high level of suspicion the stress fracture may be missed, especially in the hip region. When evaluating a female patient, practitioners must inquire about a history of menstrual abnormalities (eg, delayed menarche, amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea), stress fractures, disordered or restrictive eating habits, a family history of osteoporosis, or any other potential secondary causes of osteopenia/osteoporosis.


A comprehensive musculoskeletal and functional examination is important for diagnosing stress fractures. The key findings of this examination are listed in Box 1 . Patients who have lower extremity stress fractures may present with antalgic gait. The lumbar spine and lower extremity alignment must be observed while patients are standing and, if feasible, while performing their sports-specific activity. This observation provides insight into patterns of load-bearing and may identify a biomechanical reason for the development of the stress fracture. For example, biomechanical foot abnormalities, including pes cavus or hyperpronation, may be observed in standing, gait, or sport-specific assessments.

Box 1

  • Observation

  • Gait abnormality

    • Antalgic on involved side

    • Excessive pronation

  • Reduced muscle mass

  • Lower extremity biomechanical assessment

    • Pes Cavus

    • Pes Planus

    • Rear foot or forefoot pronation

  • Poor functional strength

    • Unable to maintain hip in neutral position during unilateral squat

  • Palpation

  • Localized tenderness

  • Edema

  • Strength

  • Weakness of supporting musculature, including adjacent joints

  • Flexibility

  • Tightness of musculature of involved extremity, especially muscles spanning two joints

  • Provocative maneuvers

  • Pain with application of tuning fork caused by vibratory stress

  • Pain with load applied in lever across fracture site (use caution; risk for completing fracture)

Physical examination key findings

Palpation over the affected region of the bone may reveal pain, sometimes exquisite and well-localized tenderness. Tibial stress fractures usually present along the medial border of the tibia in the lower or upper one third. Stress fracture is differentiated from medial tibial stress syndrome (previously known as shin splints), which present with more diffuse tenderness along the middle to distal third of the posteromedial border of the tibia at the origin of the medial ankle musculature. In fibular stress fractures, seen more commonly in men, the location is usually 6 to 8 cm proximal to the lateral malleolus. Tarsal or metatarsal stress fractures present with localized foot tenderness; in runners the distal 2nd and 3rd metatarsal shaft is involved, whereas the base of the 2nd metatarsal is most common in dancers.

Manual muscle testing and range-of-motion testing can identify strength and flexibility deficits that can be addressed during the rehabilitation program but should be performed with caution in the involved extremity (see “Rehabilitation” section). Beyond the usual seated myotomal strength testing, testing hip abduction strength against gravity in side-lying is important. Functional strength testing such as unilateral squatting may reveal common patterns of weakness in women, such as increased knee valgus, indicative of hip abduction weakness. Provoking pain over the suspected fracture site with a vibrating tuning fork or ultrasound should increase clinical suspicion of a stress fracture. Another clinical test used in the setting of clinical or radiographic uncertainty is a lever mechanism. For example, the examiner can evaluate for a femoral stress fracture by applying a force across the distal femur bone in the seated position using the edge of the examination table as a fulcrum while fixing the patient’s proximal femur. Pain provocation is a positive finding. However, the load must be applied gradually and cautiously while monitoring the patient’s reaction to avoid completing the fracture.

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Apr 19, 2017 | Posted by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION | Comments Off on Stress Fractures and Rehabilitation

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