1. Name the noncontractile and contractile elements of muscle tissue.
2. Give examples of concentric and eccentric contractions.
3. State two definitions of strength.
4. List methods used to measure strength.
5. Compare muscle contraction types related to tension produced and energy liberated.
6. Identify clinical features of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
7. List three clinically relevant exercise programs to enhance strength.
8. Explain opened and closed kinetic chain exercise.
9. Identify goals and applications of strength training programs for the elderly.
Strength training is physical activity intended to increase muscle strength and mass.46 Adults who engage in strength training are less likely to experience loss of muscle mass and functional decline.63
Maintaining, enhancing, and regaining strength are critical for improving body function during all phases of recovery after surgery, injury, or disease affecting the musculoskeletal system. Strength training, resistance training, and weight training are synonymous and refer to physical conditioning that uses isometric, isotonic, or isokinetic exercise to develop muscle.28 Resistance exercise is any form of active exercise in which a dynamic or static muscle contraction is resisted by an outside force, applied either manually or mechanically. Therapeutic exercise is resistance training that is applied in a systematic and individualized manner designed to improve, restore, or enhance physical function. The physical therapist assistant (PTA) must understand the basic foundations of strength development and, more importantly, how to apply principles of strength gaining during recovery after immobilization, surgery, or musculoskeletal injury. In this chapter the PTA is introduced to basic concepts and universally accepted principles that can be applied in numerous clinical situations with various orthopedic pathologies.
A muscle’s strength or tension-generating capacity is determined by a number of diverse but interrelated factors, including neural control (motor unit recruitment and rate coding; the number and rate at which the motor units are fired), cross-sectional area (muscle fiber number and size), muscle fiber arrangement (angle of pennation or how fibers are aligned in relation to a imaginary line between the muscle’s origin and insertion), muscle length (length tension ratio; muscle produces the greatest tension when it is near or at the physiologic resting position at the time of contraction), angle of pull (muscle’s tension generating capacity is increased when the tendon is perpendicular to the bone), and fiber type distribution (high percent of type I: low force production, fatigue resistant; or type IIA and IIB: high force production, rapid fatigue).6,41 One also has to consider other factors, such as energy stores of the muscle, recovery from exercise, fatigue, age, gender, and state of health of the muscle; they may effect tension generation.
The body of an individual muscle is surrounded by noncontractile connective tissue called the epimysium. Within the muscle are bundles of fibers called fasciculi, which are surrounded by another noncontractile connective tissue called the perimysium. The endomysium is a noncontractile connective tissue that surrounds each individual muscle fiber. The individual muscle fibers are composed of myofibrils that lie parallel to each other and the muscle fiber itself (Fig. 4-1, A). The structural components of the myofibrils are called myofilaments, and they comprise two predominant proteins, actin and myosin. The functional, or contractile, unit of a muscle fiber cell is called the sarcomere (Fig. 4-1, B). Myosin (a thick protein) and actin (a thin protein) are actively involved with the mechanics of muscular contraction, which involves a complex and highly structured series of chemical and mechanical events.
Muscle Fiber Types
Generally two distinct types of muscle fibers have been identified in humans. These fibers are classified by their contractile and metabolic characteristics (Fig. 4-2).
Type II fibers can be further broken down into three distinct subclassifications: type IIA; type IIAB; and type IIB.49,73 These fiber types differ mainly in terms of contraction velocity and endurance and are classified as intermediate fiber types with both aerobic and anaerobic capacities.
The type IIA (fast-oxidative-glycolytic [FOG]) fiber has a fast contraction speed and a moderate capacity for energy transfer from both aerobic and anaerobic sources.
The type IIB (fast-glycolytic [FG]) fiber possesses the greatest anaerobic capacity and the fastest shortening speed.
The type IIAB fiber is rare and undifferentiated and may contribute to reinnervation and motor unit transformation.
The motor unit is the basic unit of movement. It consists of the anterior motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates. A motor unit contains only one specific muscle fiber type. Motor unit recruitment is the adding of motor units to increase force. The Henneman size principle proposes an orderly recruitment of motor units within a motor neuron pool during a defined movement task.36a When a low force is needed, only the slow twitch motor units (type I) are activated; and with increasing force requirements, larger and faster motor units (type IIA, type IIB) are recruited. Therefore the orderly recruitment of muscle fibers during contraction proceeds according to increased force requirements, as shown in Fig. 4-3.
In a concentric contraction, tension is produced and shortening of the muscle takes place (Fig. 4-4, A). The action produced by a concentric contraction brings together or approximates the origin and insertion of the contracting muscle. In a concentric exercise, tension is developed and shortening of the muscle occurs to overcome an external force, such as a weight.
An eccentric muscle contraction is sometimes referred to as a lengthening contraction. In an eccentric contraction, tension is produced; however, lengthening of the muscle occurs so that the net action is opposite that produced by a concentric contraction (Fig. 4-4, B). The origin and insertion of the contracting muscle move farther apart during the contraction. Eccentric exercise involves loading of a muscle, causing a physical lengthening of the muscle as it attempts to control the load when lowering the weight. For example, as one slowly descends to sit in a chair and moves from a standing to a sitting position, the quadriceps muscles must eccentrically contract to control the rate of descent or one would suddenly fall into the chair.
In an isometric contraction, tension is produced but no joint movement or action takes place (Fig. 4-4, C). Isometric exercise involves a muscle contraction against a force with no significant movement occurring. Examples include pushing or pulling against an immovable object or holding a weight in a particular position. Isometric exercises are used when joint movement is restricted or not possible. A form of isometric exercise is a muscle-setting exercise. Setting exercises are muscle contractions performed without movement or resistance. An example is a quadriceps set, or quad set. (The word “set” is used to describe an isometric contraction.) If the quadriceps contracts as a knee is held straight, tension is produced within the muscle but no change in joint angle takes place. Clinically, setting exercises are used to decrease pain, facilitate muscle contraction, increase circulation, and retard muscle atrophy.
An isotonic muscle contraction is not an accurate name for what happens physiologically. The name implies that the resistance, force, load, or tension remains constant, but actually the tension or force created in a muscle during this type of action must change as the joint angle changes. For example, when one lifts a barbell (constant resistance), the amount of force generated by the contracting muscle varies at different angles during the movement, even though the weight itself remains constant. This occurs because changes in the muscle length as well as the muscle tendon’s angle of pull alter the mechanical advantage of the muscle throughout the movement, resulting in variations of force developing capacity. Therefore a more precise and descriptive term, isoinertial,55 can be used in place of isotonic. The term isotonic is used in this book to describe the action of variable velocities of movement with a constant load. Examples of isotonic resistance equipment are barbells, dumbbells, and ankle weights, which are collectively referred to as free weights.
Strength is a broad term. Generally strength is the ability of a muscle to generate force, or more specifically the maximum force generated by a single muscle or related muscle group.50 Other definitions of strength include “The ability to exert force under a given set of conditions defined by body position, the body movement by which force is applied, movement type, and movement speed”36 and “The maximal force a muscle or muscle group can generate at a specified velocity.”45 The American Physical Therapy Association defines muscle strength as “the muscle force exerted by a muscle or group of muscles to overcome resistance under specific set of circumstances”; muscle performance as “the capacity of a muscle or group of muscles to generate forces”; muscle power as “the work produced per unit time or the product of strength and speed”; and muscle endurance as “the ability to sustain forces repeatedly or to generate forces over a period of time.”5 Functional strength has been described as the ability of the neuromuscular system to produce, reduce, or control forces, contemplated or imposed, during functional activities, in a smooth, coordinated manner.41
Work is used to describe the result or product of a force exerted on an object and the distance the object moves.36
Force can be described as either linear or rotary.66
Linear force is described as Force = Mass × Acceleration.
Rotary force is expressed as Force = Mass × Angular acceleration.
Torque is the ability to cause rotational movement.
Power is defined as the time rate of doing work, which can be expressed in several ways.55
Velocity is defined as a vector that describes displacement.
Overall, these terms help describe resultant muscular performance as they relate to the development of strength.
Strength can be measured by six methods:
Manual muscle testing (MMT) is a isometric method of muscle testing that is designed to measure muscle strength requiring no equipment other than the examiner’s hands. This technique was introduced in the early 1900s and its use is widely accepted in the health care professions.61 It is used to generally grade a muscle’s isometric contraction capacity at a specific joint angle against a manually applied force or gravity. Performing a MMT requires extensive time, effort, and attention to detail while performing the correct technique to ensure that the results obtained are as accurate as possible.61 The tester must have a comprehensive and detailed understanding of kinesiology to accurately and consistently reproduce manual grading of muscle strength (performance). The grading scale for this test is clinically easy to use and is outlined in Table 4-1. The disadvantage of isometric strength testing is that because muscle length is held constant, isometric strength testing provides muscle strength data at only one point in the range.59 MMT is valid from grades 0 to 5; however, when MMT scores exceed grade 4, the MMT loses it ability to discriminate between gradations of strength. In cases where measurement and documentation of strength level is critical above a MMT grade 4, an alternative form of measuring strength should be used.59
Table 4-1
Score | Description |
Grade 5/Normal | Patient can hold the position against maximum resistance, has complete range of motion. There is a wide range of normal. |
Grade 4/Good | Patient can hold the position against strong to moderate resistance, and has full range of motion. Grade 4/good and below represents true clinical weakness. |
Grade 3+/Fair + | Patient can complete a full range of motion against gravity and hold end position against mild resistance. |
Grade 3/Fair | Patient can tolerate no resistance but can perform the movement through the full range of motion. |
Grade 2+/Poor + | Patient has full range of motion in the gravity eliminated position and can take some resistance. |
Grade 2/Poor | Patient has full range of motion in the gravity eliminated position. |
Grade 2−/Poor – | Patient can complete partial range of motion in the gravity eliminated position. |
Grade 1/Trace | The examiner can detect visually or by palpation some contractile activity. |
Grade 0/Zero | The muscle is completely quiescent on palpation or visual inspection. |
From Hislop HJ, Montgomery J: Daniels and Worthingham’s muscle testing: techniques of manual examination, ed 7, St Louis, 2002, Saunders.
Cable tensiometry is used to isometrically measure a muscle’s strength (Fig. 4-5). Essentially this tool is a mechanical form of manual muscle testing. The tensiometer provides the advantage of versatility for recording force measurements at virtually all angles of a joint’s ROM and may be more sensitive for grading muscle strength above grade 4. This method is used primarily to measure strength in normal subjects in research projects. Many tests were developed in the 1950s to describe static force or isometric strength by use of the cable tension method.15,16
Dynamometry is used extensively in physical therapy. Hand-held dynamometers (Fig. 4-6) are used to quantify grip strength, and the standing-back dynamometer is used to evaluate back extension strength. In this latter example, many factors contribute to the subject’s ability to generate tension or force during the back pull, including the patient’s motivation, degree of pain (if any), arm length, leg length, height, weight, and the obvious contribution from other muscle groups. These variables make dynamometry an unreliable, nonspecific testing tool.
An isotonic one-repetition maximum lift is used to test strength using commercially available exercise equipment or barbells and dumbbells. In this method the patient performs a single, full ROM lift, such as a bench press (Fig. 4-7), shoulder press, or arm curl, for a particular muscle group. Applying this method is difficult because the tester and patient must first establish a reasonable starting weight through trial and error, fatigue becomes a factor if many trials are needed, and precise performance or execution of the proper lift is determined subjectively by the tester. This method is best used for normal subjects, in a sports medicine environment, or with uninvolved body parts not necessary for stabilization of a disabled joint.
Perhaps the most widely used and clinically relevant method of objective, reproducible strength testing is through isokinetics. The data collected with isokinetic testing document strength (force production), torque, power, and work.60 As stated, isokinetics employs a fixed speed, or velocity, of movement that allows for maximum loading throughout the full ROM. If a patient experiences pain during any part of the test, or does not apply a maximum force throughout the entire ROM, the velocity remains constant with a variable resistance that is totally accommodating to the individual.19 To test for strength, slow speeds (30° to 60° per second) are generally used.48 Because isokinetic equipment can be interfaced with computers, a hard-copy graph of the data can be used for evaluation and exercise prescription. In addition to being a valid and reliable tool for strength testing, isokinetics also can evaluate neuromuscular endurance, speed of muscle contraction, and muscular power.40
The determination of an individual’s readiness to return to normal levels of activity is a common issue in rehabilitation. To resolve this issue, clinicians have incorporated functional testing following rehabilitation. Functional testing involves the evaluation of broad skills necessary to perform complex movements versus traditional methods that focus on isolated joint testing. This is particularly important when dealing with athletes who may be returned to activity too soon after rehabilitation because of inaccuracies in the assessment of their functional ability resulting from more traditional assessment methods.18
Examples include the following:
One-leg hop for distance: The patient performs a single-leg hop for distance with each lower extremity.
Single-leg triple hop for distance: The patient performs a single-leg triple hop for distance with each lower extremity.
Timed single-leg hop (minitrampoline): The patient hops on the trampoline a maximum number of times in 30 seconds.
Vertical jump: The patient performs a two-legged vertical jump for height.
Generally, muscle contractions are characterized by the amount of tension the contraction produces and the amount of energy liberated (ATP use) by the contraction. The most common clinically applicable way to strengthen muscle is with concentric and eccentric contractions using isotonic (isoinertial)55 progressive resistive exercise (PRE). Ankle or cuff weights, hand-held weights (dumbbells), and weight machines are examples of isotonic equipment used in physical therapy practice.∗ Elftman23 has demonstrated that the production of maximal force of contraction by various methods occurs in a predictable fashion, as seen in Fig. 4-8.
The force of contraction is expressed as the amount of tension developed per unit of contractile tissue. In terms of energy liberated (ATP use), eccentric muscle contractions use the least ATP, and concentric contractions use the most (Fig. 4-9).3
Based on this information, it appears that eccentric muscle contractions are more energy efficient and produce greater tension per contractile unit than both concentric and isometric contractions. However, Davies19 points out that much of the tension produced by eccentric muscle contraction results from stress imposed on the noncontractile serial elastic components (perimysium, epimysium, and endomysium) of the muscle. Therefore eccentric muscle contractions stimulate both contractile and noncontractile elements, whereas concentric contractions and isometrics focus on the contractile elements.60
The PTA must consider the context in which each muscle contraction type is used clinically. Fundamentally implementing multiple muscle contraction types during all phases of rehabilitation is well supported.8,35,69 In comparing muscle contraction types, it is best to view the decision concerning which type to use, when to use it, and in what pathologic conditions it should be used as a progression or continuum rather than a choice of one type over another. Davies19 has described a classic model of exercise progression (Box 4-1) that can be used as a general guide. Certain criteria must be established for the progression from one type of contraction to another.
First, exercise variables and parameters must be understood so that necessary adjustments can be made in a patient’s exercise prescription (Box 4-2).The criteria established for progressing from one exercise mode to another is based on many factors and is patient specific. In general, pain usually dictates the time frame for progression, although swelling also does to a lesser degree. The sequence proceeds from the least intense to more challenging exercises with increased joint forces and metabolic demands.
Some of the advantages and disadvantages of concentric and eccentric isotonic exercise and isokinetic exercise equipment are outlined for general comparison in Table 4-2.
Table 4-2
Comparison of Isotonics versus Isokinetics
Commercially Available Machines and Free Weights | Isokinetics |
Strength training must be individually tailored to meet the goals of recovery. As stated by DeLee and colleagues,21 “Function increases with use; functions we do not use, we lose. The intensity, duration, and frequency of activity are all related to the functional capacity that is developed.”
The stimuli for adaptive changes in skeletal muscle are described as frequency, intensity, and duration.12 Human skeletal muscle responds and adapts to these stimuli and is characterized by the nature, rate, magnitude, and duration of the stimulus.8 In a clinical situation, the stimulus provided to human muscle is the conditioning or training program. These programs are based on certain principles that lead to the necessary adaptive changes, which in turn affect function. The principles of overload, specificity, and reversibility25 as well as progression and transfer of training6 provide the foundation for the strength training programs used in physical therapy and are as follows.
The overload principle6 is the guiding principle of exercise prescription. If muscle performance is to improve, a load that exceeds the metabolic capacity of the muscle must be applied. A muscle must be challenged to perform at a level greater than that to which it is accustomed.
The specific adaptations to imposed demands25 (SAID) principle

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