Spinal Cord Injury

Thomas N. Bryce

Vincent Huang


16: Spinal Cord Injury









Provide competent patient care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the evaluation, treatment, education, and advocacy for persons with spinal cord injury and disease (SCI/D) across the entire spectrum of care, from the acute injury until death.


1.  Assess comprehensively persons with tetraplegia and paraplegia in both the acute and chronic settings.

      A.  Evaluate the adequacy of the workup for cause of SCI/D and subsequent treatments.

      B.  Perform neurologic assessments as outlined in the International Standards.

      C.  Identify the actual body structure limitations by organ system caused by the SCI/D.

      D.  Identify the potential complications of SCI/D as they relate to level of and completeness of injury.

      E.  Identify the body function limitations caused by SCI/D.

2.  Develop and carry out treatment plans for persons with tetraplegia and paraplegia in both the acute and chronic settings.

      A.  Describe the management of each of the actual body structure limitations or complications by organ system caused by SCI/D.

      B.  Describe preventative strategies for the potential complications of SCI/D.

      C.  Develop specific therapy prescriptions addressing body function, activity, and participation limitations.

3.  Identify the psychosocial and vocational implications of SCI/D problems and strategies to address them.

In taking a history of someone with SCI/D, a chronological description of the development of the condition should be included. If the cause was traumatic, the mechanism of injury should be elicited. If nontraumatic, the workup for cause should be reviewed for completeness. The adequacy of treatment should also always be determined. As SCI/D affects the person who experiences it so profoundly, a thorough inventory of the individual’s prior level of functioning, interests, avocations, vocation, social supports, and living environment should be ascertained. Past medical, surgical, and psychological histories should be elicited as these may affect how someone with SCI/D copes both physically and mentally with the body changes imposed by the SCI/D. Review of systems should include all the systems, since all can be affected. Body structures located above the injury should not be neglected. Traumatic brain injury, for example, may be seen in over a quarter of those with traumatic SCI (1).

Key elements of the physical examination that are particularly specific to SCI/D include assessment of the neurologic, musculoskeletal, and integumentary systems. Neurologic assessment should include motor and sensory testing utilizing the International Standards for Neurological Classification of SCI (ISNCSCI) (2); an evaluation of limb spasticity; and an evaluation of sacral reflexes, anal sphincter tone, and anal volition. These last three elements help determine the status of the bowel and bladder, which are usually affected by SCI/D. Sensory and motor testing provides the data needed to determine the neurologic level of injury as well as completeness of injury. The sensory level is the most caudal dermatome where both light touch and pinprick are normal, whereas the motor level is indicated by the most caudal muscle having grade 3 or better strength where all muscles above are graded 5. The single neurologic level is the most rostral of the sensory and motor levels. The American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS) is a 5-point scale used to specify the severity of SCI (2). AIS “A” defines a complete injury. AIS “B” denotes sensory without motor function present more than three levels below the neurologic level including S4–S5. AIS “C” denotes motor function present more than three levels below the neurologic level but the majority of key muscles below the level are less than grade 3 and sensory or motor function at S4–S5 is present. AIS “D” denotes motor function present more than three levels below the neurologic level where at least half the key muscles below the level are grade 3 or better and sensory or motor function at S4–S5 is present. For AIS “E”, all components of the standardized examination are normal. Musculoskeletal assessment should include measurement of range of motion (ROM) of all major joints, especially the shoulders, which often develop contractures in those with cervical injuries due to inadequate movement, and the hips, which can develop contractures due to heterotopic ossification (HO), a condition of the deposition of true bone at extraskeletal sites. Integumentary assessment is important as pressure ulcers are common over bony prominences in areas of altered sensation in persons who have impairments in functional mobility. Proper staging and assessment of pressure ulcers allow one to develop a comprehensive treatment plan (Table 16.1).

Body structures that are affected by SCI/D include the spinal cord, urinary and alimentary tracts, respiratory system for those with injuries above the lowest thoracic level, the skin, and the skeletal system. Alterations in these body structures cause body function limitations, which in turn lead to activity limitations, and ultimately participation limitations. Affected body functions can be stratified by neurologic level of injury and degree of injury completeness. Maintenance of blood pressure, dysphagia, adequacy of respiration, and motor control of the upper extremities are functions primarily affected in those with cervical injuries. Control of urination, elimination of feces, sexual function, and motor control of the lower extremities are functions that persons with injuries at all levels are affected with. Grasping and manipulating objects, dressing, self-feeding, washing oneself, and transferring oneself are affected by those with cervical SCI/D, while standing, walking, regulating urination and defecation, relationships, sexual activity, and employment are affected in persons with injuries at all levels.

All persons with SCI/D, regardless of level, are highly susceptible to developing pressure ulcers due to impaired mobility and sensation. Special air-filled or gel bed and wheelchair support surfaces as well as proper positioning can help prevent pressure ulcers from developing and help them heal if they should occur. Persons with impaired sensation and mobility are taught to completely reposition in bed every 2 hours and to perform pressure relief when sitting approximately every 20 minutes for at least 1 minute.

TABLE 16.1 Primary Myotomal Innervations for Key Muscles of ISNCSCI



Elbow flexion


Radial wrist extension


Elbow extension


Distal finger flexion


Finger abduction


Hip flexion


Knee extension


Ankle dorsiflexion


Great toe extension


Ankle plantar flexion


ISNCSCI, International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury.

Musculoskeletal conditions are common; they can cause pain and reduce functional ability in persons with SCI/D. Therefore, preventive measures should be initiated early. Contractures are best prevented by proper positioning in bed, daily passive ROM exercises of all joints, and prophylactic splinting. A common cause of contractures is HO, formation of true bone in ectopic sites (3). HO often develops within 4 months of SCI and most commonly develops around the hips. Individuals with SCI/D develop osteoporosis in the lower limbs and are at increased risk of fractures with minimal trauma. Treatment for mininimally displaced fractures in those who are nonambulatory is usually nonoperative, with a goal of preserving prefracture function, avoiding complications, and assuring proper alignment for healing.

Pulmonary complications, including atelectasis, pneumonia, respiratory failure, and pulmonary embolism (PE), are the leading causes of death for persons with SCI/D. The diaphragm, innervated by the phrenic nerve (C3–C5), is the major primary muscle of inspiration. Intercostal muscles and abdominals are innervated from T1–T11 and T6–T11, respectively. Muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle that contribute to respiration are innervated from C3–C8. Injury to the spinal cord affecting these muscles can result in respiratory compromise and restrictive pulmonary disease with a decrease in all lung volumes. Strategies to maintain optimal pulmonary function include proper positioning; lung expansion; secretion mobilization with postural drainage and chest percussion; and secretion clearance with suctioning, manually assistive coughing, and insufflator-exsufflator use. Adequate hydration and use of bronchodilators and mucolytics are also often indicated.

In the past, renal failure was a leading cause of death after SCI/D. However, by implementating strategies to screen for and reduce the incidence of recurrent infections, hydronephrosis, cancer, and urinary tract stones—predisposing complications of this dreaded outcome—renal failure is now rare. Although transurethral indwelling catheters are usually appropriate during the acute postinjury period to monitor fluid and electrolyte balance, intermittent catheterization (IC) of the bladder is generally accepted as the best option for long-term bladder management for persons who can perform IC themselves (4). Reflex voiding is another viable option for males with upper motor neuron (UMN) bladders who empty (to <200 mL) spontaneously or with suprapubic tapping with low bladder pressures (<40 cm H2O). Long-term bladder drainage with an indwelling suprapubic catheter is another reasonable option for persons who are unable to perform IC.

Neurogenic bowel is a ubiquitous consequence of SCI/D and is often categorized into UMN and lower motor neuron (LMN) subtypes. Suprasacral SCI/D leads generally to a reflexic or UMN bowel in which defecation cannot be initiated by voluntary relaxation of the external anal sphincter. In contrast, destruction of the S2–S4 anterior horn cells or cauda equina produces an areflexic or LMN bowel in which there is no reflexmediated colonic peristalsis. The goal of a bowel program is to allow effective and efficient colonic evacuation while preventing incontinence and constipation. Evacuation of the rectum can be managed by digital stimulation of the anus to trigger reflex colonic contractions for persons with an UMN-type bowel and digital removal of stool for persons with a LMN-type bowel (5).

Symptomatic autonomic dysfunction in SCI/D is common in persons with high-level paraplegia and tetraplegia. Orthostatic hypotension and relative hypotension is nearly ubiquitous in those with higher level injuries. Orthostasis occurs as a result of loss of sympathetic tone and systemic loss of vascular resistance. Management includes application of elastic stockings, abdominal binders, adequate hydration, progressive daily head-up tilt, and, at times, administration of salt tablets, midodrine, or fludrocortisone. Autonomic dysreflexia (AD) is a syndrome that affects persons with a neurologic level at T6 level or above, who are unable to vasodilate the splanchnic vascular bed in response to acute hypertension. It is caused by a noxious stimulus below the injury level leading to sudden reflex sympathetic activity. Symptoms of AD include pounding headache; bradycardia; hypertension; profuse sweating; and cutaneous vasodilatation with flushing of the face, neck, and shoulders. Delay in treatment of AD may lead to intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage, stroke, retinal hemorrhage, seizure, cardiac dysrhythmias, and even death. The most important step of acute management of AD is to find and remove the noxious stimulus, of which bladder distension is the most common, causing the problem (6). Other measures include sitting the person upright, loosening tight clothing, and monitoring the blood pressure until the problem resolves. If symptoms are not relieved quickly with the above measures, which should include bladder emptying in the absence of any other easily identified cause, and the systolic blood pressure remains above 150 mmHg, treatment with a rapidly acting and preferably reversible antihypertensive such as topical nitroglycerine should be considered while searching for other sources of noxious stimuli.

Individuals with SCI/D are prone to developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) secondary to stasis of the venous circulation, hypercoagulability of blood, and intimal vascular injuries. The greatest period of risk is during the first 2 weeks following the injury, with the incidence decreasing thereafter. The majority of persons with SCI/D do not have clinical signs or symptoms such as swelling, warmth, or pain. PE and the postphebitic syndrome are potential sequelae of DVT. Because of the high incidence of DVT and potential fatal outcomes of PE, DVT prophylaxis with low-molecular-weight heparin has been shown to be the most effective of the available options. DVT prophylaxis is typically continued for no longer than 3 months as the risk of further DVT is not thought to be greater than the risk of adverse events due to anticoagulation at that point. Warfarin is generally given for 3 to 6 months after the diagnosis of DVT or PE with a target international normalized ratio goal of between 2 and 3. Inferior vena cava filters are indicated for patients who have a contraindication to anticoagulation or have failed anticoagulation.

Spasticity after UMN SCI/D is characterized by several different features including velocity-dependent increases in tonic stretch reflexes, uninhibited spastic co-contractions of agonist and antagonist muscles, and low-threshold phasic muscle spasms occurring in either a flexor or an extensor pattern. Each of these features may be more or less present in any one person. Furthermore, although spasticity can cause difficulty with mobility, positioning, and comfort, it can also be helpful with ambulating and performing activities of daily living, maintaining muscle bulk, and increasing venous return, depending on which features predominate. Treatments include stretching of spastic muscles; proper wheelchair seating and positioning; splinting and casting; standing; keeping warm; functional electrical stimulation; and medications such as baclofen, various benzodiazepines, and tizanidine. More invasive treatment options for spasticity include intrathecal baclofen administration through an implanted pump; percutaneous nerve or muscle blocks with phenol, alcohol, or botulinum toxin; and rarely surgical rhizotomy.

Pain is a significant problem for many individuals with SCI. Approximately 80% of people with SCI report chronic pain, while approximately one-third report chronic severe pain that interferes with activity and affects quality of life (7). There are two basic types of pain, neuropathic and nociceptive pain. Neuropathic pain is pain arising as a direct consequence of an injury or disease affecting the somatosensory system, whereas nocicpetive pain is pain arising from activation of peripheral nerve endings or sensory receptors that are capable of transducing and encoding noxious stimuli. The International Spinal Cord Injury Pain (ISCIP) Classification organizes SCI pain hierarchically into three tiers (7). The first tier includes the main types of nociceptive and neuropathic pain. The second tier includes subtypes for neuropathic (at level, below level, or other neuropathic pain) and nociceptive (musculoskeletal, visceral, or other nociceptive pain) types, while the third tier is used to specify the primary pain source at the organ level as well as the pathology. Medications used to treat neuropathic pain related to SCI/D include anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and opioids. A significant proportion of the chronic pain reported by persons with SCI/D is due to overuse of the upper extremities. Education, physical training, and adaptive techniques for doing activities should be primary interventions to minimize overuse nociceptive pains of the upper limbs.

Key psychological issues related to SCI/D include adjustment to body structure and function limitations as well as pain, coping, family and caregiver roles, and ultimately the assumption of a new identity. Adjustment is usually gradual and may or may not progress in a linear fashion. The influence of social supports and premorbid coping strategies can either help or hinder the adjustment process. Peers with SCI/D can be invaluable in facilitating a positive adjustment and assumption of a new identity.




Demonstrate knowledge of established evidence-based and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological, and sociobehavioral sciences pertaining to SCI/D, as well as the application of this knowledge to guide holistic patient care.


1.  Describe the epidemiology, anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of SCI/D.

2.  Describe the different SCI syndromes.

3.  Assess the expected functional outcomes by neurologic level injury after SCI/D.

4.  Examine the ethical and socioeconomic issues pertinent to the care of the SCI/D patient.

5.  Educate patients on making patient-centered decisions regarding their plans of care.

SCI/D results in temporary and permanent changes to motor, sensory, and/or autonomic function resulting in multibody system dysfunction. Trauma results in approximately 12,000 injuries per year in the United States, of which 4 out of 5 are experienced by men (8). Approximately 42% of the injuries result from motor vehicle crashes, 20% from falls, and 17% from violence (9). Approximately 30% of the injuries cause incomplete tetraplegia, 25% complete paraplegia, 20% incomplete paraplegia, and 20% complete tetraplegia (9). Life expectancy today remains significantly below that expected for persons without SCI. Persons acquiring paraplegia from a traumatic etiology at 20 years of age have a life expectancy shortened by 14 years, while persons acquiring an SCI with ventilator dependency at 40 years of age have a life expectancy shortened by 32 years (9). The leading causes of death after SCI are diseases of the respiratory system accounting for one-fifth of the deaths, of which four-fifths are due to pneumonia (9).

The spinal cord is organized into a series of tracts that carry motor (descending) and sensory (ascending) information; 31 pairs of nerve roots (8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal) extrude from the spinal cord. Each spinal segment has a pair of ventral (motor) and dorsal (sensory) spinal nerve roots. The cervical nerves exit above the corresponding vertebrae and the thoracic and lumbar nerves exit below the corresponding numbered vertebrae.

During embryologic development, the vertebral column elongates more than the spinal cord. Therefore, the spinal cord is shorter than the spinal canal, and the individual spinal cord segments do not line up with the corresponding numbered vertebrae. The spinal cord terminates as a conical structure known as conus medullaris at the L1–L2 intervertebral disk. Below the L1–L2 intervertebral level, the nerve fibers of the cord continue as the cauda equina, named as such because it resembles a horse’s tail.

A cross-sectional view of the spinal cord reveals gray and white matter. The central gray matter is subdivided into two horns on each side called the ventral (anterior) and dorsal (posterior) horns. The dorsal horns contain projections of the cell bodies of sensory fibers from dorsal root ganglia, and the ventral horn contains motor neurons. The peripheral white matter is subdivided into three columns on each side called anterior, lateral, and posterior columns. The posterior column is further subdivided into tracts: fasciculus gracilis located in the medial posterior column and fasciculus cuneatus located in the lateral posterior column relay touch, vibration, and position sense for T7–S5 dermatome and above T7, respectively. This posterior column ascends ipsilaterally and decussates at the medulla. The anterolateral spinothalamic tract, located peripherally in the lateral column, contains fibers that carry information for pain and temperature (laterally) and touch and pressure (anteriorly). This tract decussates within three segments of their origin and ascends contralaterally to the thalamus. The corticospinal tract is located centrally and posteriorly in the lateral column and carries information for voluntary and reflexive movement.

UMNs are corticospinal neurons originating in the cerebral cortex and synapsing in the anterior horn with LMNs. LMNs originate in the anterior horn of the spinal cord and exit via spinal nerves to target muscles. Damage to UMNs leads to spasticity, while damage to the anterior horn cell or nerve roots (LMNs) leads to decreased muscle tone, absent muscle stretch reflexes, and flaccid paralysis.

A subset of incomplete SCI/D has been grouped by clinical presentation into six SCI syndromes: Brown-Séquard syndrome (BSS), central cord syndrome (CCS), anterior cord syndrome (ACS), posterior cord syndrome (PCS), conus medullaris syndrome (CMS), and cauda equina syndrome (CES). BSS is defined by ipsilateral proprioceptive and motor loss and contralateral pain and temperature sensation loss below the level of the lesion due to injury to the spinal cord in which one side is damaged more than the other. Of all the SCI clinical syndromes, BSS has the best prognosis for ambulation. CSS is characterized by disproportionately more motor impairment of the upper than the lower extremities with varying degrees of neurogenic bowel and bladder and sensory loss below the level of the lesion. It is the most common of the SCI syndromes, usually the result of falls, especially in older individuals with cervical spondylosis who experience a hyperextension injury. ACS is characterized by paralysis and dysesthesia below the level of lesion, with preservation of touch, position, and two-point discrimination. It is associated with flexion injuries or vascular insufficiency produced by occlusion of the anterior spinal artery. PCS is the least common of the SCI clinical syndromes and is characterized by selective injury to the posterior columns, resulting in a loss of proprioceptive and vibratory sense below the level of lesion. CMS is an injury of the sacral cord (conus) and lumbar nerve roots within the spinal canal characterized by a combination of UMN and LMN signs (Table 16.2).


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Mar 13, 2017 | Posted by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION | Comments Off on Spinal Cord Injury

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