Special Aspects of Prevention in Children and Adolescents

Childhood is the stage from the child’s second year of life to the beginning of adolescence and can be divided into two stages:

  • The pre-school stage, from 2 to 6 years. In this stage, the child continues his rapid growth and development, the musculoskeletal system is still largely immature, and movement patterns are still quite basic due to an immature neuromuscular system.

  • The school stage, from the ages of around 6 to 12 in girls and around 6 to 14 in boys. This stage shows relative stability in the progression of physical growth and maturity of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems.

Both stages show minimal maturity of the central and peripheral nervous system; therefore, the neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory systems are not prepared to receive high volume (the total amount of activity performed by the subject during an exercise, session or work cycle), high-intensity workloads (the total stimulus applied on the body during physical activity can differ from external load associated with the volume and intensity of training) and internal load (the organic effect within the body as a consequence of the external load). As such, the recommended load of physical activity is low, such as games focused on developing neuromuscular coordination and light aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Adolescence involves the transition from childhood to adulthood. It is time of enormous growth in height, so a great variation exists among children in size, body composition, rate of growth and physical maturation—in summary, significant changes on a physical, mental and social level [14, 53].

Adolescence coincides with the appearance of sexual development traits. It is characterised by the adolescent growth spurt, during which children gain physical, mental and emotional maturity in a very short time.

In boys, for example, peak velocities in lean mass, bone mineral and strength systematically follow peak linear growth (peak height velocity), in that order.

As for girls, menarche is coincident with peak bone mass following after peak height velocity and peak weight velocity, in that order. The common range in the onset of these events is high [3, 58].

Based on all of these factors, we could define childhood as the phase of bodily and psychological growth that precedes puberty or sexual development, while adolescence is the continuity of the process of adaptation and stability of maturation up until adulthood.

If we consider that child development is not only conditioned by physical growth, psychological aspects shall be taken into account when designing strategies and injury prevention programmes.

From the perspective of physical activity in childhood and adolescence, two main goals are to be achieved in both stages: to improve muscle strength and to develop fundamental motor skills [48], by doing a variety of exercises with progressive workloads that are consistent with individual needs, goals and abilities. As these exercises should precede intense training, the warm-up phase of physical activity in schools should be adapted accordingly as common practice.

6.2 Differences of the Child’s Physis Compared to Adults

It is known that a child is NOT an adult, with the main differences in the musculoskeletal system being immature bone in terms of both of its composition (rich in organic matter and water and a relative mineral deficiency) and its architectural structure, elastic joints (in terms of both joint cartilage and capsuloligamentous elements) and a lesser likelihood of muscle hypertrophy, for which at this particular juncture the system is still fragile while being simultaneously influenced by hormonal, nutritional and mechanical factors which give it even greater structural variability [10, 14, 21, 27, 39, 5358].

The growth plate is only present at children’s bones. The child grows thanks to the physis or growth cartilage found in long bones and which appears at different points in time depending on the location [3, 14].

Being aware of huge variability on physis fusion appearance, we could consider that until the age of 10, the growth process occurs largely in parallel in both boys and girls. By contrast, girls undergo a growth spurt between the ages of 11 and 13, while this occurs in boys between 13 and 19, coinciding approximately with the hormonal changes of puberty and the physeal closure which is no longer active at 16–17 in girls and at 17–18 in boys [2, 3, 14, 53].

The structural development of bone originates in the growth plates of long bones, and this growth plate is avascular and aneural and consists of cells (chondrocytes) embedded in an abundant extracellular matrix. These cells are contained in the growth plate at different stages of differentiation, which are organised and arranged into several zones [22, 29, 58].

The growth plate (bone, periosteum and cartilage) is less resistant to stress than adult articular cartilage [22], and also, it is less resistant than adjacent bone to shear and tension forces. The physis may be 2–5 times weaker than the surrounding fibrous tissue [29]. Therefore, when disruptive forces are applied to an extremity, failure could occur through the physis. So physeal injuries may produce irreversible damage to the growing cells, leading to growth disturbance [15, 27].

There is no doubt that microtraumas caused by sport are repetitive by nature and that when they act on nonvascularised or poorly vascularised structures, such as elements of the joints, certain layers of growth cartilage, epiphyseal ossification centres or apophyses with tendinous, aponeurotic insertions become accumulative and thus acquire the ability to trigger the overload injury.

When practising sport, the growing osteoarticular system and, more specifically, the musculoskeletal system are subject to exogenous and endogenous mechanical stresses of pull/pressure, flexion and torsion, namely, self-trauma and microtrauma, which have repercussions on those same structures by triggering inflammatory processes that result in endochondral ossification and subsequent growth [57].

Repetitive altered or asymmetrical loading over growth plate cartilage could produce many skeletal deformities [15, 27]. Premature fusion may create a shortening of the limbs. If this shortening is in the upper limbs, the functional consequences tend to be minimal or insignificant. Load bearing could produce more significant effects on lower limbs, like leg-length inequalities, torsions and deformities resulting from malunion of fractures.

Several authors [8, 15, 27] have described that certain sports, like gymnasts, have altered relative growth of the radius and ulna which could be associated with repetitive growth plate injuries and/or altered loadings selectively retarding radial or ulnar growth, while in asymmetry sports like tennis [27], professional players had wider bones on their playing-side arms. They have also described that bone length differences between dominant and nondominant arms on the playing-side ulnar and 2nd metacarpal were, respectively, 3 % and 3.7 % longer than on the nondominant side, while control subjects presented no measurable differences.

As the joint, and in particular the growth cartilage, is the weak link in this assembly, it is thought that the risk of injury could be increased at this site during the growth spurt [2, 3, 34, 38] (Fig. 6.3). The muscle-tendon elongates in response to longitudinal growth in the long bones of the extremities, which could produce a temporary disparity between muscle-tendon and bone lengths. Therefore, it has been suggested that the growth spurt may also increase susceptibility to growth plate injury by causing an increase in muscle-tendon tightness about the joints and an accompanying loss of flexibility [35], and if excessive muscular stress is applied, a muscle-tendon imbalance is created which may predispose to injury [11, 13]. On the other hand, it has been questioned whether a reduction in flexibility happens during the adolescent growth spurt [21].

6.2.1 Acute Physeal Injury

Salter and Harris [46] designed a system (Fig. 6.1) that is generally used: Evolutive prognosis of each type of fracture depends on the blood supply, the presence of germinal cells and the fracture’s displacement. For type I and II fractures, as opposed to what has been initially believed, these injuries are not as innocuous and can be associated with risk of growth impairment [38, 39, 46]. If germinal cells remain with the epiphysis, and circulation is unchanged, prognosis can be more favourable.


Fig. 6.1
Schematic drawing of epiphyseal injuries (Adapted from Salter and Harris Classification [46])

Type III injuries have a good prognosis if the fracture is not displaced, the blood supply is unchanged and the separated portion of the epiphysis is still undamaged. Surgery is in some cases necessary to restore the joint surface to normal. In type IV injuries, surgery is needed to restore the joint surface to normal and to align seamlessly the growth plate. Type IV injuries have a poor prognosis unless the growth plate is totally and accurately realigned.

Approximately 15 % of all fractures in children involve the physis. Injuries that would cause a sprain in an adult can be a potentially serious growth plate injury in a child [28, 35, 38, 39].

6.2.2 Chronic Physeal Injury

Several authors [8, 15, 27, 57] have described sports training as a main factor to precipitate pathological changes of the growth plate and, in extreme cases, cause growth disturbance. This chronic injury is very common in children and appears to happen through repetitive loading, like physical activity of high intensity or duration, which disturbs the mineralisation of the hypertrophied chondrocytes in the zone of provisional calcification (hypertrophic zone continues to widen because of constant growth in germinal and proliferative areas) and interferes with metaphyseal perfusion [38]. Stress fractures or osteochondroses (Osgood-Schlatter disease, Sever’s disease) are the most common overuse injuries during childhood and adolescence (Table 6.2).

Table 6.2
Location and eponyms for osteochondroses





Carpal scaphoid

Preiser disease


Kienböck disease

Medial cuneiform

Buschke disease


Köhler disease


Mouchet disease

Tarsal scaphoid

Köhler disease

Vertebral body

Calvé disease (Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease)


Vertebral epiphysis

Scheuermann disease and Scheuermann kyphosis

IIiac crest

Buchman disease

Symphysis pubis

Pierson disease

Ischiopubic junction

Van Neck disease or phenomenon

Ischial tuberosity

Valtancoli disease

Calcaneal apophysis

Sever disease or phenomenon

Accessory tarsal navicular or ostibiale externum

Haglund disease

Second metatarsal

Freiberg disease (or Freiberg infarction)

Fifth metatarsal base

Iselin disease


Diaz disease

Distal tibial epiphysis

Lewin disease

Proximal tibial epiphysis

Blount disease

Tuberosity of the tibia

Osgood-Schlatter disease

Secondary patellar center

Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome (Sinding-Larsen disease, jumper’s knee)

Lesser trochanter of the femur

Monde-Felix disease

Greater trochanter of the femur

Mandl or Buchman disease

Capital epiphysis of the femur

Legg-Calve-Perthes disease


Thiemann syndrome

Metacarpal heads

Mauclaire disease

Proximal epiphysis of the radius

Schaefer disease

Distal epiphysis of the ulna

Burns disease

Medial humeral condyle

Froelich disease

Lateral humeral condyle

Froelich disease

Capitellum of the humerus

Panner disease (see Little League Elbow Syndrome)

Humeral head

Hass disease


Friedrich disease

These alterations may cause asymmetric or irregular growth, or they may involve the entire physis and result in an overall slowdown of the rate of growth or even complete cessation of growth. In either case, premature closure of some or all of the physis may occur.

6.3 Functional Anatomical Aspects of Children and Adolescents

There are many anatomical differences between children and adolescents if we compare them with adults, which is why practising adult-level physical activity as a youth can result in injury and disease. The ongoing change to their anthropometric and organic components produces significant differences in the different stages of development between childhood and adulthood.

The most notable differences are at the osteoarticular level, and as this is still a developing system, it is physically vulnerable to loads, which may not seem excessive in other circumstances. The existence of other areas of growth, which are fragile under the mechanical stresses they receive, as well as the accelerated and often irregular growth of musculotendinous structures, can cause injuries.

At the organic level, there are other differences which also facilitate the occurrence of injuries and overloads during development, including thermoregulatory, cardiorespiratory, endocrine, nervous and adipose tissue (BMI) systems, and so on. Not to mention biomechanical and postural aspects typical of these ages and deriving from factors occurring prior to axis alignment.

It is vital to identify intrinsic factors of the child, namely, flexibility, elasticity, leg-length differences, axes of the limbs, nutritional state, systematic health problems, or poor prior rehabilitation, as these will be associated with extrinsic factors, namely, ground surface (natural grass, artificial turf or outdoors hard track) (Fig. 6.2), footwear, climate, trauma, loads, and poor technique, which are the main causes of injury.


Fig. 6.2
Extrinsic factor as ground floor (Artificial turf or outdoors hard track) should be considered as one of the most important when overuse injury is present

The inverse relationship between the intensity of the microtrauma and the capacity of absorption on the surface of contact (i.e. hardness of the ground) must be taken into account [1, 26].

Probably, the risk is increased at adolescent growth spurt due to injuries attributable to such factors as decreased physeal strength and considerable augmentation of muscle-tendon tightness [13, 35]. The reduction of physeal strength is promoted by a lag of bone mineralisation behind bone growth during pubescent spurt, thus rendering the bone temporally more porous and more prone to injury during this stage [2, 57]. It has been observed that vigorous activity at early ages can cause a greater risk of bone deformities, although the veracity of this hypothesis is still being studied to determine whether intense activity during adolescence can abnormally alter the growth plate in the epiphyseal extension before and/or after closure of the physis [50].

In children, both tendon and ligament structures are strong and elastic, enabling them to withstand mechanical loads better than their areas of insertion, resulting in bone deterioration in the event of intense trauma or repeated microtrauma. For this reason, injuries to the growth cartilage and epiphysis are often observed alongside a low incidence of ligament injuries [35].

Moreover, dietary and nutrient recommendations for adolescents are needed in order to ensure correct nutrition to optimise bone growth and consolidation during this important life stage [58]. An adequate dietary intake of calcium, vitamin D, proteins and other minerals, as well as iron for girls, shall largely determine the correct osseous, muscular and organic growth in adolescents [10, 18, 33, 34].

Body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) is probably the most commonly used indicator for anthropometry assessments, as it is easy to use in measurements and shows a reasonable relation to body fatness in the general population. Heavier weight causes greater forces, which are absorbed through soft tissue and joints, thus perhaps related to an increased risk of injury. To this respect, several authors have reported an increased rate of injury among heavy players or players with high BMI [1, 10].

Therefore, it is of critical importance that the total caloric intake and quantities of macro- and micronutrients are adapted according to the needs of the child or adolescent.

Historically, observations of functional and morphological differences have indicated a less effective thermoregulation in children when exercising in a hot environment since they have a smaller body surface area than adults, with the problem occurring when exercising in extreme temperatures due to excess heat gain or heat loss in cold situations.

Heat shocks and heat exhaustion, particularly in hot climates, are more likely to occur in children than in adults, because children produce more heat relative to body mass, their sweating capacity is low, and they also tend not to drink enough compared to adults [11]. For this reason, to be able to establish a correct guideline of hydration during and after physical activity (drink 1.5 L of water for each kilogram of weight lost during activity) is important to reduce the occurrence or recurrence of injury. This practice should be followed in training as well as in competition

Strength is the amount of tension that can be produced by a muscle in a voluntary contraction. During pubescence, young boys and girls commence to increase muscle strength and demonstrate a high capacity and responsiveness to an increased training load, but it is important to note that in this stage it is easier to create an exercise overload that may induce overtraining; however, their bone structure is less stable and can be injured easier than in previous phases due to excessive loads or training volume [5].

It is important to underline that resistance training exercise, involved at multifaceted programme of physical activities, should commence at prepubertal ages and should be maintained throughout the pubertal development, to obtain a well-developed bone structure activity before pubertal growth spurt. This resistance programme training stimulates both bone and skeletal muscle hypertrophy to a greater degree than observed with normal growth in nonphysically active or sedentary children [48, 54, 56].

6.4 The Importance of the Coach, the Family and the Social Environment

Regardless of the chosen sport, the main concern of parents, trainers and health professionals has to be the health and wellbeing of the child. It is essential to plan childhood sporting activity carefully, as a poorly guided or practised sport can have harmful physical and psychological consequences, in some cases irreversible.

All people in the child’s environment (family, coach, physiotherapists, doctors, etc.) and who have a more or less significant involvement in the planning of the child’s physical activity must at least be aware of all aspects which could, at any given time, expose the child or adolescent to injury or any other negative effect deriving from the practice of sport (risk factors, injury mechanisms, etc.). Ideally, they should also be familiar with the positive effects of physical activity on the body of a child or adolescent, both physiologically and psychologically.

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