Chapter 23 PRINCIPLES OF DEFORMITY EVALUATION AND CORRECTION SUPRAMALLEOLAR DEFORMITY CORRECTION Supramalleolar Deformity Classification Osteotomy Location for Supramalleolar Deformity Tibial and Fibular Osteotomy Surgical Techniques Taylor Spatial Frame Application for Supramalleolar Deformity ANKLE DISTRACTION/DEFORMITY CORRECTION: RESULTS AND COMPLICATIONS INTRAARTICULAR DEFORMITY STRATEGIES ANKLE AND SUBTALAR CONTRACTURE Deformity within a bone segment is comprised of length, angulation, rotation, and translation measurements. Angulation and translation are present in both the coronal and sagittal planes, resulting in six measurements that are required to accurately describe a malunion deformity or displaced fracture (Fig. 23-1). In the frontal or coronal plane, normal alignment of the lower extremity is defined as the mechanical axis, a straight line that extends from the center of the hip joint through the knee to the center of the ankle joint (Fig. 23-2). The mechanical axis inferior to the ankle then extends down through the center of the talus and ends approximately 1 cm medial to the center vertical axis of the calcaneal tuberosity (Fig. 23-3A and B).47 Despite variations in body morphology, the weight-bearing mechanical axis is consistent and generally falls 10 mm medial to the center of the knee joint.48 Significant mechanical axis deviations are associated with symptomatic joint pain and the risk of osteoarthritis from asymmetric joint loading. Variations of the mechanical axis through the knee joint beyond 1 cm are not found in asymptomatic populations,47 while variations in the weight-bearing line of the tibia lie within 15 mm of the lowest calcaneal point in 95% of asymptomatic populations.56 In the coronal plane below the knee, the mechanical axis and the anatomic axis of the tibia are parallel. An anatomic axis is a line connecting two midpoints in the diaphysis of a long bone. The anatomic axis in the tibia may fall just medial, about 3 mm, to the mechanical axis. Most radiographs to evaluate and follow patients with distal tibial deformity will not include the knee joint, so a proximal anatomic axis reference is typically used (Fig. 23-4). If the deformity of the distal tibia occurs in the metaphysis and above, then the coronal plane deformity is measured by drawing the anatomic axis as the proximal reference line, and the patient’s LDTA from the uninvolved limb or a standard LDTA of 89 degrees from the center of the ankle joint as the distal reference (Fig. 23-5). Figure 23-5 Coronal plane deformity. An example of an 18-degree varus coronal plane deformity measured as described in Figure 23-4. The proximal anatomic tibial axis and the lateral distal tibial angle are drawn. The lateral distal tibial angle (LDTA) of 90 degrees is normal for this patient, determined from his uninjured side. CORA, center of rotation of angulation. In the coronal plane, if the deformity is located at the ankle joint, it is described as juxtaarticular. This occurs commonly from growth arrest or malunion collapse of a pilon fracture. In these cases, the LDTA is the intersection of the proximal anatomic axis and a line parallel to the distal tibial plafond or talar dome, assuming that they are congruent (Fig. 23-6). To measure coronal plane alignment distal to the ankle, the hindfoot alignment view radiograph described by Saltzman56 is used (see Fig. 23-3A and B). It is a weight-bearing radiograph that shows the distal tibial, ankle joint, and calcaneal tuberosity on a single view. This radiograph requires a specialized mounting box to angle the radiographic plate 20 degrees from the vertical plane. The long axial view is another radiograph that is non–weight bearing; it visualizes the tibia, subtalar joint, and calcaneal tuberosity and does not require a special mounting box (Fig. 23-7). In the sagittal plane, the mechanical axis runs from the center of the hip joint to the center of the ankle, passing through the anterior portion of the knee joint. In normal alignment, the anatomic axis of the tibia in the sagittal plane will intersect the anterior fifth of the tibial plateau and bisect the distal tibia at the ankle. The normal distal tibial angle is 80 degrees, measured anteriorly and thus termed the anterior distal tibial angle (ADTA) (Fig. 23-8). The midtibial line intersects the midpoint of the talar dome and then, more distally, usually the lateral talar process, although the exact location varies with the position of ankle dorsiflexion or plantar flexion.71,72 Sagittal plane deformities at or above the metaphysis are measured in a similar fashion to coronal plane deformity, using a proximal anatomic axis reference and a distal ADTA of 80 degrees or the patient’s normal ADTA (Fig. 23-9). Juxtaarticular deformities are measured using the proximal anatomic axis line and a line along the distal tibial plafond (Box 23-1 and Fig. 23-10). Figure 23-9 Sagittal plane deformity. An example of a 10-degree recurvatum sagittal plane deformity measured as described in Figure 23-8. The proximal anatomic tibial axis and the lateral distal tibial angles are drawn. Intersection of the two lines above the apparent apex usually indicates the presence of a translational deformity. ADTA, anterior distal tibial angle; CORA, center of rotation of angulation. The rotational component of a deformity is often the most challenging to measure and treat. Measuring rotation can be performed clinically,22,31,38,64,65 radiographically,18,24,52 by fluoroscopy,7 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),59 ultrasound,25,26 or computed tomography (CT).* Below the knee joint, a perpendicular line extending from the tibial tubercle normally matches the axis of the second toe. Clinical methods to measure rotation include the thigh-foot angle, the thigh-transmalleolar method, the second toe test,35 and the footprint method.22,31,64 These measurements are well established, easily performed, and can be used as estimations of rotation. However, they are only approximate because of variations in the position of the patella, the tibial tubercle, and the foot, which result in variability in measurements.3,42 Computed tomography is considered the gold standard for measuring tibial rotation.* Lee et al35 describe the simplest method of measuring tibial torsion by using two-dimensional CT. On a CT scan, tibial rotation is defined as the angle between the transarticular axis of the proximal tibia—a line connecting both posterior condyles, and the transmalleolar axis of the ankle—a line connecting the medial and lateral malleoli (Fig. 23-12).34 An important factor regarding rotational deformities is their influence on the accuracy of coronal plane angular measurements on standard anteroposterior radiographs.68 McCann et al41 demonstrated this in a sawbone tibia model. They found that increasing tibial rotation increased error in the angular measurement. For example, an internal rotation deformity of 25 degrees led to a false 5-degree increase in the amount of varus measured. Appropriate radiographic techniques to prevent this error are described below. Standing, full-length, lower-extremity, 51-inch anteroposterior (AP) radiographs from the hip to the ankle are obtained if there is a known or suspected leg-length discrepancy (LLD) or to assess possible deformity above the knee. A block placed under the shorter limb will assist in accurate measurement and determination of LLD. Deformity in the lumbar spine that creates a fixed pelvic obliquity may also create LLD (Fig. 23-13). The AP foot radiograph is measured for talo–first metatarsal angle, talocalcaneal angle, navicular coverage, and joint subluxation, fusion, coalitions, or arthritis. The lateral foot view is measured for talo–first metatarsal angle, navicular–cuneiform malalignment, talocalcaneal angle, calcaneal pitch, and the joint pathology described for the AP view. Normal foot angles have been well defined by Gentili et al.16 The reliability and reproducibility of measurements obtained from digital versus conventional radiographs has been validated in multiple studies.20,21,37,55,60 In general, digital radiographic measurements are as accurate or improve accuracy and save time compared with conventional printed radiographs. Compensatory deformities can occur in the foot. Deformities of the distal tibia usually are compensated in the subtalar joint and the forefoot. The subtalar joint will compensate for a distal tibial varus deformity by moving into an everted position. Because the average eversion in the subtalar joint is 10 degrees, varus deformities greater than 10 degrees may cause symptoms on the lateral border of the foot. Further compensation occurs in the forefoot, with distal tibial varus compensated by forefoot pronation. This is seen as a valgus forefoot or a plantar flexed first ray when the patient’s foot is examined in the non–weight-bearing position. Distal tibial valgus will be compensated with subtalar inversion and forefoot varus (Fig. 23-16). Figure 23-16 Compensation for tibial varus (A) or valgus (B) deformity with subtalar motion. LDTA, lateral distal tibial angle. The need to correct the compensatory deformities depends on their extent and rigidity. The goal of correction is to create a plantigrade foot, and the compensatory deformity may be treated with arthrodesis, osteotomy, or tenotomy to achieve this goal. Muscle imbalance may also be associated with a compensatory deformity and require treatment with tendon transfer (Table 23-1). Table 23-1 Normal Joint Motions Compensatory to Different Distal Tibial Deformities Once the CORA is determined, then the surgeon must decide the osteotomy location. If possible, the osteotomy is made at the CORA. After correction, the bony segment will be straight, the deformity will be corrected, and the proximal and distal mechanical axis lines will be realigned (Fig. 23-17). Figure 23-17 Osteotomy at center of rotation of angulation (CORA). Postoperative radiograph of patient shown in Figure 23-5. Osteotomy performed at CORA, followed by gradual correction with a Taylor Spatial Frame. The bone is accurately realigned with a lateral distal tibial angle (LDTA) of 90 degrees and no secondary translation. In the case of a distal tibial varus deformity, the distal tibial segment, along with angular correction will translate medially to correctly realign the limb mechanical axis (Fig. 23-18). If there is a distal valgus deformity, the distal segment is translated laterally along with the angular correction. Figure 23-18 Osteotomy proximal to center of rotation of angulation (CORA). Postoperative radiograph of patient shown in Figure 23-6. Osteotomy is performed proximal to the CORA, followed by gradual correction with a Taylor Spatial Frame. The bone is accurately realigned with a lateral distal tibial angle (LDTA) of 90 degrees, but there is a secondary medial translation. The optimal osteotomy technique preserves periosteal blood supply and minimizes thermal bone necrosis.56 The use of power saws should be avoided in the tibia.15 The preferred osteotomy technique varies with the anatomic location. A multiple drill hole technique is preferred in the diaphyseal region of the tibia, whereas a Gigli saw osteotomy is preferred in the metaphyseal regions of the tibia. With gradual correction techniques, the osteotomy is usually completed after an external fixator has been applied.
Ring External Fixation in the Foot and Ankle
Principles of Deformity Evaluation and Correction
Normal Alignment and Deformity Measurement
Radiographic Evaluation
First, center the beam on the region of the deformity, and include the joint proximal and distal to the deformity (Fig. 23-14).
Second, orient the joint toward the beam. If the knee joint is the region of interest, then the patella should be centered within the femoral condyles. The lateral view is at 90 degrees to this.46 If the distal tibia and ankle are the location of the deformity, then the malleoli should be oriented as if taking an ankle AP radiograph, with the tibial-fibular overlap approximately 6 mm. In equinovarus foot deformity, the radiographer aligns the beam with the foot flat against the floor, angling the leg inward (Fig. 23-15).
Third, obtain standing radiographs whenever possible to assess intraarticular wear or ligamentous laxity contributing to the overall deformity (see Fig. 23-8).
Fourth, if there is a suspected leg-length discrepancy, or it is unknown whether there is deformity around the knee or hip, then obtain a 51-inch standing AP radiograph and measure the mechanical axis. If the mechanical axis falls outside of the center of the knee joint, then measure the coronal plane joint orientation angles at the hip and knee to determine whether there is a deformity above the distal leg (see Fig. 23-2).
Digital versus Plain Radiographs
Compensatory Deformities
Distal Tibial Deformity
Compensatory Motion
Common Compensatory Range
1° subtalar eversion
2° forefoot pronation
1° subtalar inversion
2° forefoot supination
1° ankle dorsiflexion
2° knee hyperextension
1° ankle plantar flexion
2° knee flexion
Internal torsion
1° hip external rotation
2° forefoot pronation
External torsion
1° hip internal rotation
2° forefoot supination
Deformity Correction
Supramalleolar Deformity Correction
Tibial and Fibular Osteotomy Surgical Techniques
Ring External Fixation in the Foot and Ankle