, Natalie L. Zusman1, Michael B. Cross2, Alexander S. McLawhorn3, Rachel M. Frank4, Bryan D. Haughom5, Peter K. Sculco6, Matthew P. Abdel7, Brandon J. Erickson8, Michael Hellman8 and Nicolas M. Fort9
Hospital for Special Surgery New York, New York, USA
Department of Adult Reconstruction, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, USA
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, USA
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA
Department Orthopaedic Surgery, Rush University, Chicago, IL, USA
Adult Reconstruction Joint Replacement, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, USA
Department Orthopaedic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA
Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USA
1 Principles of Total Knee Arthroplasty
Robert Burns10 , Natalie L. Zusman10 and Michael B. Cross11
Hospital for Special Surgery New York, New York, USA
Department of Adult Reconstruction, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, USA
Take-Home Message
The primary goal in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedures is to provide patients with pain relief and improve function through implantation of a stable prosthesis.
Variations in implant designs include posterior stabilized (PS), cruciate retaining (CR), bicruciate substituting (BCS), and ACL/PCL retaining.
Basic principles of TKA: balance of the soft tissues, equalization of flexion and extension gaps, and restoration of the mechanical axis, joint line, and patellofemoral alignment and mechanics.
Indications and Contraindications
Primary indication: end-stage degenerative osteoarthritis (primary, posttraumatic, secondary to avascular necrosis, osteochondritis, or sepsis).
Additional indications include inflammatory arthropathies, osteonecrosis, tumor, and fracture.
Contraindications: preexisting sepsis or infections (including osteomyelitis) either at knee or distant site and severe vascular disease.
Plain radiographs of the knee should include weight-bearing anteroposterior (AP), lateral (at 30° of flexion), PA flexed (or alternatively a tunnel view), and merchant views of the involved knee, as well as a long-leg hip-to-ankle standing AP radiograph of both limbs to assess asymmetry and mechanical and anatomic limb axes.
AP and lateral plain radiographs of the hips may be indicated in the context of symptoms of groin pain, stiffness, or limited range of motion or may be indicated for severe knee pain with normal knee radiographs.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be indicated to evaluate meniscal and ligament integrity.
The purpose of preoperative templating is to assist the surgeon in selecting an appropriate implant design and size of the femoral and tibial component, as well as assess the patient’s deformity and mechanical versus anatomic axis.
Tibiofemoral angles: Assess the degree of malalignment and/or deformity using a standing AP radiograph:
Anatomic tibiofemoral angle: angle formed from the shaft axis of the femur to the tibia
Mechanical: angle formed from the femoral mechanical axis to the tibial shaft axis
The goal is to template for placing the tibial component at 90° to the anatomic-mechanical axis to model the normal joint line during the gait cycle.
Implant Designs
Total knee replacement: The two most common implant designs are the posterior stabilized (PS) and cruciate retaining (CR). Meta-analyses have shown no difference in implant type with regard to postoperative extension angle, patient satisfaction, complications (such as anterior knee pain), short- and long-term knee society outcomes (pain and function), as well as similar prosthesis survivorship. The most significance difference between the two implant designs is the greater flexion angle and increased range of motion in the PS design as compared to the CR design.
Posterior-stabilized implant
Less technically demanding
Patella clunk syndrome (esp early designs)
Increased range of motion
Tibial post fracture
Predictable knee kinetics
Restricted axial rotation and condylar translation
Cruciate-retaining implant: indicated for patients with a functional posterior cruciate ligament, younger age, and more active lifestyle
Bone preservation
Sagittal laxity/tightness
Potential paradoxical rollback
Increased proprioception
Less flexion
Tibial bearing damage (shear)
Implant Fixation
Cemented: A static fixation without osseointegration potential that provides immediate mechanical stability in the acute postoperative period. Cemented implants are indicated for patients with poor bone quality.
Non-cemented: Biologic interface between the native bone and the implant. A non-cemented implant may be indicated in patients with adequate bone quality. Two non-cemented implant options include hydroxyapatite coating or high-porosity trabecular metal, which function by encouraging bony ingrowth at the implant-bone interface. Traditionally, non-cemented components had a high failure rate, especially on the tibial side.
Hybrid fixation: The femoral (or tibial) component is cementless, while the tibial (or femoral) and patellar components are cemented.
Surgical Approaches
Medial parapatellar approach:
Overview: most common approach
Good exposure to all three compartments.
Facilitates difficult primary TKA and is recommended for revision TKA.
Rectus snip can be easily used in cases of a difficult exposure.
Disadvantages: potential disruption to extensor mechanism
Midvastus approach:
Vastus medialis fibers split parallel.
Patellar eversion.
Preservation of the patellar vasculature
Preservation of the vastus medialis insertion on quadriceps tendon
Potentially allows for accelerated rehabilitation
Reduced need for lateral retinacular release
Disruption of the vastus medialis.
Articular surface exposure can be inferior in obese patients compared to separating the vastus medialis and quadriceps.
Less than 80° of preoperative knee motion
Hypertrophic arthritis
Previous high tibial osteotomy
Subvastus (“southern”) approach:
Incision is made inferior to the vastus medialis.
Elevation of the vastus medialis from the medial intermuscular septum.
Patellar eversion.
Preservation of the patellar vasculature
Preservation of the extensor mechanism
Reduced need for lateral retinacular release
Earlier clinical recovery
Exposure is less predictable.
Increased difficulty everting patella.
Muscular thighs
Patients with marked deformity in knee
Revision TKA
Previous knee arthrotomy
Lateral parapatellar approach:
Primary indication is severe valgus deformity (common deformity in rheumatoid arthritis).
Lateral arthrotomy starts lateral to the quadriceps tendon and extends 1–2 cm lateral to the patella and through the medial edge of Gerdy’s tubercle, ending in the anterior compartment fascia.
Iliotibial band release/lengthening.
Medial patellar eversion.
Direct exposure to the pathological features of the valgus deformity
Improved patellar tracking via preservation of the vastus medialis
No need for lateral release
Minimal risk of patellar avascular necrosis because of preservation of medial blood supply
Difficult to address medial pathology.
The common peroneal nerve is at risk for damage during this approach.
The lateral meniscus may be incised accidentally if arthrotomy is performed too close to the joint line.
Increased difficulty medially everting the patella.
Fixed varus deformity
Arterial injury: The prevalence of arterial injury following TKA is 0.03–0.17 % and most commonly involves the popliteal artery. The major risk factor is preexisting peripheral arterial disease, and the risk is compounded by the use of a tourniquet during the procedure.
Arthrofibrosis: Stiffness after TKA, also termed arthrofibrosis, prevalence ranges in the literature from 1 to 25 %. Proposed risk factors include poor preoperative range of motion, previous operations, diabetes, depression, and poor patient education; perioperative, surgeon technique and operative time; and postoperative, infection and poor pain control and patient compliance with physiotherapy.
Aseptic loosening: Aseptic loosening is one of the most common reasons for revision TKA and is best diagnosed by radiographic presence of radiolucent lines around the components, periprosthetic fractures, and changes in component positions in successive radiographs.
Mortality: Incidence of mortality has been reported as 0.2 % at 20 days and 1.6 % at 1 year postoperative. Independent predictors of mortality include increased patient age, diabetes, and simultaneous bilateral TKA.
Peroneal nerve injury: The prevalence of common peroneal nerve palsy is 0.3–9.5 %, although these numbers are thought to be underestimates of the true prevalence given the wide spectrum of nerve injury presentations. Controversy surrounds proposed risk factors, but some are thought to be younger age, higher body mass index, preoperative valgus deformity, preoperative flexion contracture, and duration of perioperative tourniquet use.
American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons Board of Directors. Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: evidence based guideline 2nd ed. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 2013. Website. http://www.aaos.org/research/guidelines/GuidelineOAKnee.asp. Accessed 15 Jul 2014.
Bercik MJ, Joshi A, Parvizi J. Posterior cruciate-retaining versus posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty: a meta-analysis. J Arthroplasty. 2013;28(3):439–44.
Brown TE, Harper BL, Bjorgul K. Comparison of cemented and uncemented fixation in total knee arthroplasty. Orthopedics. 2013;36(5):380–7.
Chmell MJ, Moran MC, Scott RD. Periarticular fractures after total knee arthroplasty: principles of management. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 1996;4(2):109–16.
Feeley BT, Gallo RA, Sherman S, Williams RJ. Management of osteoarthritis of the knee in the active patient. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2010;18(7):406–16.
Hoppenfeld S, deBoer P, Buckley R, editors. Surgical exposures in orthopaedics: the anatomic approach. 4th rev. ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009.
Hsu HP, Garg A, Walker PS, et al. Effect of knee component alignment on tibial load distribution with clinical correlation. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1989;248:135–44.
Li N, Tan Y, Deng Y, Chen L. Posterior cruciate-retaining versus posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014;22(3):556–64.
Lie SA, Engesaeter LB, Havelin LI, et al. Early postoperative mortality after 67,548 total hip replacements: Causes of death and thromboprophylaxis in 68 hospitals in Norway from 1987 to 1999. Acta Orthop Scand. 2002;73:392–9.
Lonner JH, Lotke PA. Aseptic complications after total knee arthroplasty. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 1999;7:311–24.
Nelson CL, Kim J, Lotke PA. Stiffness after total knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005;87(S1):264–70.
Ranawat CS Padgett DF, Ohashi Y. Total knee arthroplasty for patients younger than 55 years. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1989;249:27–33.
Schinsky MF, Macaulay W, Parks ML. Nerve injury after primary total knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 2001;16(8):1048–54.
Smith DF, McGraw RW, Taylor DC, et al. Arterial complications and total knee arthroplasty. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2001;9:253–7.
Williams DH, Garbur DS, Masri BA. Total knee arthroplasty: Techniques and results. BCMJ. 2010;52(9):447–54.
2 Prosthesis Mechanical Alignment, Q Angle
Alexander S. McLawhorn12
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, USA
Take-Home Message
Restoration of neutral mechanical alignment requires perpendicular cuts to the mechanical axes of the femur and the tibia.
Femoral component should be lateralized and placed parallel to the neutral rotational axis of the femur (i.e., epicondylar axis) or externally rotated 3° relative to the posterior condylar axis (if using a posterior referencing system); preoperative valgus deformity may require more external rotation of the femoral component if using a posterior referencing system.
Q angle should be minimized by avoiding internal rotation of the tibial and femoral components, by lateralizing the femoral component, and by placing the patellar component superior and medial.
Alignment Goals
Restore near-neutral mechanical coronal alignment to the lower extremity.
Accepted range of coronal alignment is ±3° from neutral (0°).
Mechanical axis should pass through the central 1/3 of the knee.
Minimize Q angle.
Preoperative Radiographic Evaluation
Standing AP, flexed PA (the Rosenberg view), hip-to-knee standing alignment, and merchant and lateral radiographs of bilateral knees.
Identify medial or lateral joint space gapping (can be a sign of collateral ligament insufficiency), subluxation of femur on the tibia (on AP and/or lateral), and bone defects.
Anticipate the need for ligament releases to balance the knee and/or ↑ prosthetic constraint for MCL/LCL incompetence.
Standing full-length radiographs (AP and lateral) assist in determining femoral valgus cut angle if femoral or tibial deformity is present or in very tall (>190 cm) or short (<152 cm) patients.
Excessive preoperative deformity and femoral bowing ↑ risk of postoperative malalignment.
Merchant view evaluates patellofemoral articulation and articular congruence (patellar tilt).
Preoperative patellar tilt predicts risk of postoperative tilt.
Long-Leg Alignment
Mechanical axis of limb passes from center of femoral head to center of ankle (i.e., center of plafond).
Normally passes through central 1/3 to slightly medial of knee joint; if passes medial 1/3 = varus alignment; if passes lateral 1/3 = valgus alignment.
Quantified by mechanical axis deviation (MAD), measured as perpendicular distance from center of knee to mechanical axis of the limb:
Normal MAD: 8 ± 7 mm medial to center of knee
Varus MAD: >15 mm medial to center of knee
Valgus MAD: >10 mm lateral to center of knee
Anatomic tibiofemoral angle formed by line bisecting femoral diaphysis and a second line bisecting tibial diaphysis; normal angle: 5–7° valgus.
Mechanical tibiofemoral angle formed by mechanical axes of femur and tibia (see below); normal angle: 1 ± 2° varus.
Postoperative neutral mechanical axis permits even load distribution across medial and lateral condyles of prosthesis.
Femoral Alignment
Anatomic axis of femur (AAF) defined by a line bisecting femoral diaphysis.
Determines entry point of femoral intramedullary cutting guide, which parallels anatomic axis.
Normal distal femur is in 5–7° of anatomic valgus.
Mechanical axis of femur (MAF) defined by line from center of femoral head to intersection of anatomic axis and intercondylar notch.
Valgus cut angle (VCA) defined as difference between AAF and MAF; normal angle: ~6°.
Template VCA on standing full-length AP radiograph.
VCA perpendicular to mechanical axis of femur and limb.
Since proximal femoral offset does not vary significantly from patient to patient, VCA tends to vary with patient height; tall patients require VCA <5°; short patients require VCA >7°.
Consider VCA of 3° in valgus knees to “overcorrect” alignment; however, this is surgeon preference rather than an accepted rule.
Tibial Alignment
Anatomic axis of tibia (AAT) defined by line that bisects tibial diaphysis.
Determines entry point for tibial intramedullary cutting guide.
Normal tibia in 2–3° of anatomic varus.
Mechanical axis of tibia (MAT) defined by line from center of tibia plateau to center of ankle; usually coincident with AAT, unless tibial deformity.
Proximal tibia cut should be perpendicular to mechanical axis of tibia.
Limb Alignment and Implant Survival
>3° of tibial component varus risks early implant failure, usually through medial plateau bone collapse.
>8° of femoral component valgus contributes to early implant failure.
Historically superior implant survivorship and patient satisfaction for neutral to slightly valgus limb alignment (between 2.5° and 7.4° of anatomic valgus).
Recent literature questions whether modern implant survivorship is improved for TKA aligned ±3° from neutral (0°).
Excessive preoperative malalignment (>8° of varus or >11° of valgus) has ↑ risk of failure; can be incompletely mitigated by postoperative neutral alignment.
Soft tissue balance is also key factor in load distribution across prosthesis and for implant survival.
Q Angle
Q angle is defined as angle between line from anterior-superior iliac spine (ASIS) to center of patella (axis of quadriceps) and second line from center of patella to tibial tuberosity (axis of patellar tendon).
Normal angle: 11 ± 7°.
Varies with patient height; greater in short patients; less in tall patients.
Larger Q angles ↑ lateral subluxation forces on the patella; risk for pain, mechanical symptoms, accelerated wear, and dislocation.
Intraoperative Management
Femoral Component
Can use a combination of anteroposterior (Whiteside’s line), transepicondylar, or posterior condylar axes to assess axial femoral rotation.
Anteroposterior axis (Whiteside’s line) defined as a perpendicular line from center of trochlear groove to intercondylar notch and the neutral rotational axis (i.e., transepicondylar axis).
Transepicondylar axis (TEA) defined as line connecting medial sulcus (insertion of MCL) and lateral epicondyle; some believe TEA may most consistently produce a balanced flexion gap but is difficult to determine intraoperatively.
Posterior condylar axis defined as line tangent to posterior condyles; in normal knee, 3° internally rotated relative to transepicondylar axis; if lateral femoral condyle hypoplastic, referencing posterior condylar axis internally rotates femoral component.
Internal rotation of femoral component ↑ Q angle.
Medialization of femoral component ↑ Q angle.
Tibial Component
Place tibial component in neutral rotation, centered over medial 1/3 of tibial tubercle.
Internal rotation of tibial component ↑ Q angle, by causing relative external rotation of the tibial tubercle.
Medialization of tibia component ↑ Q angle.
Patellar Component
Implant superiorly on patella and/or medialize.
Medialization ↓ Q angle, but smaller patellar component needed.
Perform lateral release, if intraoperative lateral subluxation of patella observed during trialing:
Required less often with medialization of component.
Release the tourniquet prior to performing a lateral release, as tourniquets may cause false subluxation of the patella.
Postoperative Assessment
CT scan is best for assessing malrotation of femoral and tibial components.
AP axis of femoral component should be perpendicular to TEA, and posterior condylar axis of prosthesis should be parallel to TEA:
Mild internal rotation (IR) ≤3°.
Moderate IR 4–6°.
Severe IR ≥6°.
≥4° of IR may benefit from early revision.
Tibial component rotation defined as angle between a line bisecting the tibial tubercle and a line drawn perpendicular to the posterior aspect of the tibial insert:
Up to 18° of IR can be normal, based on this measurement technique.
≥27° of IR is usually abnormal and symptomatic.
Arima J, Whiteside LA, McCarthy DS, White SE. Femoral rotational alignment, based on the anteroposterior axis, in total knee arthroplasty in a valgus knee. A technical note. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1995;77(9):1331–4.
Bargren JH, Blaha JD, Freeman MA. Alignment in total knee arthroplasty. Correlated biomechanical and clinical observations. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1983;173:178–83.
Berend ME, Ritter MA, Meding JB, Faris PM, Keating EM, Redelman R, Faris GW, Davis KE. Tibial component failure mechanisms in total knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2004;428:26–34.
Berger RA, Rubash HE, Seel MJ, Thompson WH, Crossett LS. Determining the rotational alignment of the femoral component in total knee arthroplasty using the epicondylar axis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1993;(286):40–7.
Bindelglass DF, Cohen JL, Dorr LD. Patellar tilt and subluxation in total knee arthroplasty. Relationship to pain, fixation, and design. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1993;(286):103–9.
Bonner TJ, Eardley WG, Patterson P, Gregg PJ. The effect of post-operative mechanical axis alignment on the survival of primary total knee replacements after a follow-up of 15 years. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2011;93(9):1217–22.
Cates HE, Ritter MA, Keating EM, Faris PM. Intramedullary versus extramedullary femoral alignment systems in total knee replacement. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1993;(286):32–9.
Deakin AH, Basanagoudar PL, Nunag P, Johnston AT, Sarungi M. Natural distribution of the femoral mechanical-anatomical angle in an osteoarthritic population and its relevance to total knee arthroplasty. Knee. 2012;19(2):120–3.
Fang DM, Ritter MA, Davis KE. Coronal alignment in total knee arthroplasty: just how important is it? J Arthroplasty. 2009;24 (6 Suppl):39–43.
Hofmann AA, Tkach TK, Evanich CJ, Camargo MP, Zhang Y. Patellar component medialization in total knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 1997;12(2):155–60.
Hsu RW, Himeno S, Coventry MB, Chao EY. Normal axial alignment of the lower extremity and load-bearing distribution at the knee. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1990;(255):215–27.
Jeffery RS, Morris RW, Denham RA. Coronal alignment after total knee replacement. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1991;73(5):709–14.
Lewonowski K, Dorr LD, McPherson EJ, Huber G, Wan Z. Medialization of the patella in total knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 1997;12(2):161–7.
Mahaluxmivala J, Bankes MJ, Nicolai P, Aldam CH, Allen PW. The effect of surgeon experience on component positioning in 673 press fit condylar posterior cruciate-sacrificing total knee arthroplasties. J Arthroplasty. 2001;16(5):635–40.
Mantas JP, Bloebaum RD, Skedros JG, Hofmann AA. Implications of reference axes used for rotational alignment of the femoral component in primary and revision knee arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 1992;7(4):531–5.
Marx RG, Grimm P, Lillemoe KA, Robertson CM, Ayeni OR, Lyman S, Bogner EA, Pavlov H. Reliability of lower extremity alignment measurement using radiographs and PACS. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2011;19(10):1693–8.
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Nagamine R, Whiteside LA, White SE, McCarthy DS. Patellar tracking after total knee arthroplasty. The effect of tibial tray malrotation and articular surface configuration. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1994;(304):262–71.
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Ritter MA, Faris PM, Keating EM, Meding JB. Postoperative alignment of total knee replacement. Its effect on survival. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1994;(299):153–6.
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3 Ligament Balancing: Coronal and Sagittal
Rachel M. Frank14 and Michael B. Cross13
Department of Adult Reconstruction, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, USA
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA
Take-Home Message
Ligament balancing is critical for successful TKA outcomes.
Sagittal imbalances in either the flexion or extension gap can be corrected with altering the femur and/or soft tissues, whereas imbalances in both the flexion and extension gap can be corrected by altering the tibia and/or polyethylene thickness.
Coronal plane balancing can be achieved by gradually, stepwise releasing the contracted medial (for varus deformity) or lateral (for valgus deformity) soft tissues.
An intraoperative flexion contracture can be managed by releasing the posterior capsule and posterior osteophytes and/or resecting more distal femur.
In general, soft tissues are contracted on the concave side of the deformity and loose/attenuated on the convex side.
“Balanced knee”:
Full ROM (however the passive flexion achievable postoperative is dependent on preoperative motion)
Symmetric medial/lateral balance at full extension, midflexion, and 90° flexion
Near-neutral varus/valgus mechanical alignment in extension and flexion
Balanced flexion/extension gap without medial/lateral tightness or laxity
Well-tracking patella
Correct rotation balance between components
Coronal plane balancing → correcting varus/valgus deformity
Sagittal plane balancing → correcting (equalizing) flexion/extension gap
Gap balancing technique → Bony resection on the tibia and femur is determined by the intraoperative tension of the ligaments.
Measured resection technique → Bony resection on the tibia and femur is made first, and the ligaments are balanced depending on the bony resection.
Etiology of a Poorly Balanced Knee
Coronal plane imbalance: Medial or lateral ligamentous complexes become tight and/or stretched depending on deformity.
Sagittal plane imbalance: Often caused by a progressive flexion contracture deformity from a tight posterior capsule, tight hamstrings, or large posterior osteophytes; improper intraoperative tibial and femoral bone resection can lead to intraoperative sagittal plane imbalance.
Standard AP, lateral, merchant views + the Rosenberg view (45° flexion PA view)
Bilateral long-leg standing axis films to assess overall limb alignment
Treatment Operative
Coronal Balancing
Varus deformity:
Lateral structures on convex side of deformity → attenuated.
Medial structures on concave side of deformity → contracted.
Goal → Release medial structures, and tighten lateral structures.
A near-neutral alignment after the bony resections should be achieved prior to performing soft tissue releases.
Algorithm for a gradual medial release:
Remove osteophytes, meniscus + capsule attachments on the medial side of the tibia.
Release deep MCL:
Do not release superficial MCL → will result in valgus instability requiring a constrained prosthesis or repair with augmentation.
Can release posteromedial corner (semimembranosus and posteromedial capsule).
Can consider partial superficial MCL release, but should be used with extreme caution:
Posterior oblique portion → Release if tight in extension.
Anterior portion → Release if tight in flexion.
Valgus deformity:
Lateral structures on concave side of deformity → contracted
Medial structures on convex side of deformity → attenuated
Goal → Release lateral structures, and tighten medial structures.
A near-neutral alignment after the bony resections should be achieved prior to performing soft tissue releases.
Lateral release:
Remove osteophytes, lateral capsule.
Release iliotibial band (ITB) if tight in extension.
Release popliteus/posterolateral corner if tight in flexion.
Release lateral collateral ligament (LCL) if tight in flexion and extension → may require a constrained prosthesis.
If the MCL is incompetent, a constrained total knee arthroplasty will be required.
When releasing the posterolateral corner, be cautious of the peroneal nerve.
The inside-out technique can be used using lamina spreaders and/or tensors to determine which structures are tight on the lateral side of the knee and thus which need releasing.
Sagittal Balancing
Traditional teaching in TKA has focused on obtaining equal flexion/extension gap → tibial insert stable through entire arc of motion.
Symmetric gap (flexion and extension) → Adjust tibia (or polyethylene).
Asymmetric gap → Adjust femur.
Adjusting femoral component size alters anteroposterior (AP) diameter:
Will help with flexion gap
Does not affect prosthesis height → thus does not affect extension gap
Flexion contracture:
Posterior structures on concave side of deformity → contracted.
Goal → Carefully release posterior structures.
Posterior release → can more safely be performed in flexion to allow popliteal artery to fall further out of field:
Remove posterior osteophytes.
Pierce/release posterior capsule (e.g., off the posterior femoral condyles).
Consider medial/lateral gastrocnemius release or hamstring releases in rare situations.
Strategies for achieving equal flexion and extension gaps:
Tight in flexion, tight in extension → Cut more tibia.
Loose in flexion, loose in extension → Use thicker PE or thicker tibial insert.
Tight in flexion, balanced in extension → Downsize femoral component.
Can also:
Release or resess the PCL (for cruciate-retaining designs).
Increase the posterior slope in tibia.
Resect more posterior femoral condyle (i.e., anteriorize the femoral component).
Release posterior capsule (use with caution as this may affect extension gap as well).
Tight in flexion, loose in extension → Downsize femoral component and use thicker tibial insert.
Balanced in flexion, tight in extension → Resect more distal femur or release posterior capsule (again, releasing the posterior capsule may also loosen the flexion space).
Balanced in flexion, loose in extension → Augment distal femur, or distalize the joint line (will require a revision component if augments are used); may also downsize the femoral component (or anteriorize the femoral component) and increase the thickness of the polyethylene.
Remember → Altering femoral component size does not affect extension gap.
Loose in flexion, tight in extension → Resect more distal femur, and upsize femoral component.
In revisions, can use thinner distal femoral augmentation.
Loose in flexion, balanced in extension → Upsize femoral component, or increase the size of posterior augments (in revisions).
Can also posteriorize femoral component (may require an augment), provided that doing so will not notch the anterior femoral cortex.
Correction of severe combined deformity of valgus + flexion contracture can lead to peroneal nerve palsy from over-lengthening a previously contracted nerve:
At baseline in these patients, nerve on concave side → tight
With correction of alignment, nerve put on even more stretch
Treat in the recovery with immediate knee flexion and removal of dressing:
Allow up to 3 months for return of function.
Although recovery of function can occur, complete nerve recovery occurs in less than 30 % of patients.
Posterior release can lead to popliteal artery injury.
A flexion contracture present postoperatively, which was corrected intraoperatively, is often due to tight hamstring tendons.
Not balancing flexion gap (if left too loose) in a posterior-stabilized (PS) knee can lead to cam-post dislocation, resulting in a posterior knee dislocation .
Arthroplasty Salvage Options for Knees That Have Instability Not Correctable by Soft Tissue Balancing
Coronal plane instability (varus/valgus) – can be treated with a constrained prosthesis with a thicker post.
Anteroposterior instability with an incompetent extensor mechanism – requires a hinge-type prosthesis with extensor mechanism reconstruction.
Knee arthrodesis can also be considered.
Global knee instability requires a hinge-type prosthesis.
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Manson TT, Khanuja HS, Jacobs MA, Hungerford MW. Sagittal plane balancing in the total knee arthroplasty. J Surg Orthop Adv. 2009;18:83–92.
Mihalko WM, Saleh KJ, Krackow KA, Whiteside LA. Soft-tissue balancing during total knee arthroplasty in the varus knee. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2009;17:766–74.
Morgan H, Battista V, Leopold SS. Constraint in primary total knee arthroplasty. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2005;13:515–24.
Verdonk PC, Pernin J, Pinaroli A, Ait Si Selmi T, Neyret P. Soft tissue balancing in varus total knee arthroplasty: an algorithmic approach. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2009;17:660–6.
Whiteside LA, Mihalko WM. Surgical procedure for flexion contracture and recurvatum in total knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2002:189–95.
Yercan HS, Ait Si Selmi T, Sugun TS, Neyret P. Tibiofemoral instability in primary total knee replacement: a review, part 1: basic principles and classification. Knee. 2005;12:257–66.
4 Implant Designs in TKA
Bryan D. Haughom16 and Michael B. Cross15
Department of Adult Reconstruction, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, USA
Department Orthopaedic Surgery, Rush University, Chicago, IL, USA
Take-Home Message
TKA implant designs range from relatively unconstrained (cruciate retaining and posterior stabilized) to more constrained designs (non-hinged and hinged). Every effort is made to minimize the amount of constraint needed in both primary and revision settings.Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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