Prevention of Musculotendinous Pathologies

© ISAKOS 2017
Gian Luigi Canata, Pieter d’Hooghe and Kenneth J. Hunt (eds.)Muscle and Tendon Injuries10.1007/978-3-662-54184-5_10

10. Prevention of Musculotendinous Pathologies

Peter Myers , Joanne Bullock-Saxton2 and John Fitzgerald2

Brisbane Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Centre, Brisbane, Australia

Active Rehabilitation Physiotherapy, Brisbane, Australia



Peter Myers

10.1 Introduction

Musculotendinous (MT) injury and tendinopathy occur for a wide variety of reasons. The pathophysiology of injury and the principles of rehabilitation have been addressed by other authors of this text. This chapter focuses on what evidence exists for prevention of musculotendinous injury.

The clinician must be mindful that there are many variables that may interact to make a patient susceptible to the development of MT injury. In addition, the properties of the muscle, tendon and enthesis tissue vary widely, and the tissue mechanical characteristics will generally determine the type of injury sustained. Injury patterns can include a strain, a partial tear, an intra-substance tear, a complete disruption or a low-grade overuse inflammatory response.

Predicting MT injury with the goal of being able to prevent it is an imprecise science and relies on the skill, experience and intuition of the clinician. Such a prediction requires an awareness of the potential for injury and bringing together information relating to medical history (Lin et al. 2004) (Magnaris et al. 2004) medication use, comorbidities such as diabetes or inflammatory conditions, activity level, skill repetition and nature of activity, external environmental factors as well as intrinsic collagen qualities and physical biomechanical characteristics. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to explore each of these potential areas in detail; however, we will attempt to highlight known factors which should alert a clinician to the fact that damage to the MT unit may ensue. In addition, while many of the underlying principles discussed can be applied to many parts of the body, this chapter will restrict itself to lower limb injury.

10.2 General Principles of Injury Prevention

Acute MT injuries classically result from a single tensile overload incident. Chronic injuries however result from repetitive excessively loaded events (Sandrey 2003) (Magnaris et al. 2004). It has been suggested that acute injuries may indicate the presence of a chronic pathology predisposing to the injury (Magnaris et al. 2004).

Historically, prevention of MT injury during sports participation has centred on stretching, strengthening and the preparticipation warm-up. This has developed to include specific exercises such as plyometrics, eccentric training and neuromuscular stretching among others along with the use of anatomical modifying aids such as orthotics, taping and bracing. An association between static stretching exercises and a reduced incidence of MT injuries were reported in college football players (Cross and Worrell 1999), and in a prospective cohort study of male soccer players, those with less hamstring flexibility were more likely to sustain a hamstring MT injury (Witvrouw et al. 2003). Many ailments associated with running can readily be explained by anatomy and biomechanics. Gallo et al. in a recent review (Gallo et al. 2012) found little evidence for stretching and conditioning for prevention of lower limb soft tissue running injuries. Overall, evidence that interventions could reduce lower limb pain and injury after intense running was considered weak. However, their continued use does not appear to cause harm and probably aids in athletic performance in many individuals and may therefore reduce risk of injury in some.

Genetic. It has been shown (Baumert et al. 2016) that certain gene variations, or polymorphisms, are associated with a propensity to exercise induced muscle soreness and possibly to an increased risk of delayed recovery or even of MT disruption. This knowledge may not benefit the majority of athletes but certainly could assist elite athletes in planning their training schedules to maximise recovery and reduce overload injuries.

Traumatic. It is known that concentric exercises can lead to an increased likelihood and degree of exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) and that this can be reduced by eccentric exercises. As it is known that EIMD may in turn predispose to MT injury, it is important that eccentric exercises be incorporated into a preparticipation exercise program. Concentric exercises enable strength and enhance joint stability, but most MT injuries occur during eccentric load, thus emphasising that eccentric exercises should form a part of a regular training session (Gleeson et al. 2003).

Fatigue has been implicated in many sports injuries. In English professional soccer, significantly more hamstring tears occur towards the end of both halves suggesting fatigue to be a factor (Woods et al. 2004). While muscles are injured at the same length, regardless of fatigue, fatigued muscles are less able to absorb energy, in eccentric load, before reaching the degree of elongation which causes the injury (Petersen and Holmich 2005). Thus, endurance training is an important factor in aiming to prevent MT injuries.

Dietary and Body Habitus. Apart from causing obesity, which is in itself a risk factor for MT injury, excessive intake of lipid can cause a dyslipidaemia which can weaken tendons biologically. This is a theoretical and uncommon problem but may be relevant in the elite athlete with altered lipid metabolism (Scott et al. 2015)

Patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more have an increased risk of Achilles or posterior tibial tendinopathy (Frey and Zamora 2007). Elevated BMI is also associated with MRI evidence of patellar tendon pathology (Scott et al. 2015). Rupture of the tibialis posterior tendon has been shown to be associated with hypertension, diabetes and obesity (Holmes and Mann 1992). Each of these conditions should be managed medically before the patient begins an activity which would risk developing a tendinopathy.

10.2.1 Around the Hip

Gluteal Tendinopathy. While this condition is uncommon in athletes, it can occur as an overuse injury. An association with increased acetabular anteversion has been suggested by MRI study (Moulton et al. 2015). This would support abnormal biomechanics along with overuse as causative factors in this injury. Prevention would therefore rely on awareness of altered hip biomechanics and appropriate training schedules for the individual athlete.

10.2.2 Hamstrings

Injuries to the hamstring tendons are the most prevalent of all MT injuries resulting from sports participation. These can be disabling, recurrent and slow to recover from. Despite their prevalence, there is no recognised reliable protocol for prevention of hamstring injuries. Fiorentino and Blemker (Fiorentino and Blemker 2014) in a very elegant study have shown that an individual’s muscle-tendon dimensions can contribute to strain injury susceptibility especially in the biceps femoris long head. They have shown that peak tissue strain occurs at the proximal myotendinous junction and increases as the aponeurosis width narrows and the muscle width widens. Again, this may not be relevant to most active people; however, it is very relevant to an elite level sprinter. This information is relevant for strength and conditioning trainers who, ideally, should guide athletes to a slow progression of hamstring strength development in the hope that muscle-tendon dimension imbalance does not occur.

A systematic review by Hibbert et al. did suggest that eccentric hamstring training is effective in prevention of hamstring strains but noted that poor methodology and the heterogeneity of studies limited their ability to recommend clinical protocols (Hibbert et al. 2008).

10.2.3 Quadriceps Quadriceps Tendon

Ruptures of the quadriceps tendon classically occur in males in their sixth decade from a sudden eccentric contraction (Clayton and Court-Brown 2008). The classic site is in the hypovascular zone 2–3 cm proximal to the patella (Ilan et al. 2003). There may be predisposing factors present such as obesity, diabetes, inflammatory arthropathy and quinolone or steroid use, but this is uncommon. Partial tears are rare and generally do not require surgery, whereas complete tears are best managed surgically. Apart from avoiding the injury situation, there is no means of preventing such an injury. Rectus Femoris

MT injuries of the rectus femoris are uncommon in American football (Gamradt et al. 2009) but more common in Australian rules football most likely because of the high frequency of kicking and a fatigue factor with running (Orchard 2001). Surgery is rarely required but recovery can be slow. There is a high incidence of recurrent injury in those who return to sport (Orchard 2001). There has been a case report of bilateral rectus femoris rupture in a patient receiving quinolone therapy (Karistinos and Paulos 2007). Prevention is best achieved by appropriate strength, flexibility and endurance of the quadriceps mechanism in preparation for sports activity.

10.2.4 Patellar Tendon

Patellar tendonitis (PT)—classically referred to as jumper’s knee—is a very troublesome condition for an athlete. While most can tolerate the condition and adjust for it to a degree, athletes cannot perform at their peak level while this condition remains painful. The capacity of the lower limb to absorb the ground reaction forces at the point of landing from a jump or decelerating is the key to understanding, treating and preventing this condition (Van der Worp et al. 2014). This involves flexibility of all joints of the lower limb along with strength and endurance of the muscles controlling those joints. Another issue in the pathogenesis of PT is the change in the angle between the patella and the patellar tendon with knee flexion. The effect of this change in angle is most marked in the deeper more central fibres of the tendon. The angle change increases with deeper knee flexion and is even more increased in patients with patella alta. These patients are more prone to a variant of PT which involves the proximal fat pad.

A patient’s susceptibility to PT has been shown to be related to a stiffer movement pattern at the point of landing resulting in a shorter landing time. The authors recommended a more flexible landing pattern as a means of possibly preventing PT (Van der Worp et al. 2014). The same authors assess age, playing at the national level and volleyball (compared with basketball) to be positive risk factors for PT (Van der Worp et al. 2012). Also, in volleyball players, the total amount of jumping (number and frequency) rather than total training volume appears to be a more important risk factor for PT (Bahr and Bahr 2014).

Others have shown that the relationship between hip and knee flexion with landing can be a predictor of the presence and severity of patellar tendon injury (Mann et al. 2013). It has previously been shown that a deeper knee flexion angle can accurately predict the presence of PT in volleyball players (Richards et al. 1996). This is not surprising in the light of current knowledge as the pain of the condition would have caused weakness of the quadriceps thus requiring further flexion at both the hip and the knee in order to absorb the ground reaction forces.

10.2.5 Calf

Strain injuries of the medial head of gastrocnemius are a fairly common injury making up some 3.6% of soccer injuries. The differing functions and anatomical attachments of the gastrocnemius and soleus with the fast twitch type IIb fibres of gastrocnemius spanning two joints by joining with the slow twitch type I fibres of soleus spanning only one joint predispose this construct to injury at the attachment area. Injury is classically caused by sudden dorsiflexion of the plantar flexed foot with the knee in extension or sudden knee extension with the ankle dorsiflexed. Middle-aged and poorly conditioned athletes engaged in an unaccustomed more strenuous activity are more prone to this injury (Gallo et al. 2012).

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