Posterior Spinal Instrumentation Techniques for Spinal Deformity
Han Jo Kim
Lawrence G. Lenke
Yongjung J. Kim
Anthony S. Rinella
Pedicle screw instrumentation has improved rigid fixation of the spine, lessening the need for anterior procedures while providing improved corrections. At our institution, spinal deformities are rarely approached with a combined anterior/posterior approach. We routinely use only the posterior approach for the vast majority of deformities. There are many benefits to using pedicle screws compared to hooks or sublaminar wires. Threecolumn fixation provided by the pedicle screw has shown biomechanical superiority and greater pullout strength (1,6). In addition, the ability to address the anterior column provides a greater ability to control for spinal deformity correction in the coronal, sagittal, and axial planes. In addition, fewer vertebral motion segments may need to be instrumented while obviating the need for any postoperative bracing. Other benefits include secure fixation during revision surgery settings where the posterior elements might be distorted or nonexistent (i.e., laminectomy) as well as to adequately stabilize the spine after three-column osteotomies. In patients with spinal deformity, pedicle screw fixation has demonstrated greater three-dimensional correction with decreased rates of curve progression and higher fusion rates (2,7, 8, 9, 10). This has allowed for improved chest wall correction and improved pulmonary function particularly in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) by obviating the need for thoracoplasty.
The majority of this chapter concentrates on the advantages and techniques of using pedicle screws in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine, with an emphasis on deformity analysis, surgical planning, and techniques for instrumentation and correction. For the purposes of simplicity and clarity, we will focus on adolescent idiopathic deformities. However, these techniques can be applied to adult deformities as well.
The indications for surgery in adolescent idiopathic deformities (scoliosis and Scheuermann kyphosis) are consistent in the literature. Long-term studies have demonstrated that larger curves (greater than 45 degrees) in the coronal plane tend to progress into adulthood, and surgical stabilization should be considered. Additional considerations are patients who have pain, which is refractory to physical therapy and other conservative methods for management. It is not advisable to manage adolescent back pain with narcotic use. Typically, patients may have pain along the convexity of the curve after activity or with muscle spasms along the concavity. However, in patients with Scheuermann kyphosis, pain along the lower thoracic spine or distal to the kyphosis is typical due to compensatory lumbar hyperlordosis. In either case, the pain should resolve when lying down, and this is a good indication of whether surgery would be helpful. However, back pain alone is not a good indication for surgery and provides less predictable surgical outcomes.
Surgery is indicated in patients with progressive scoliotic curves greater than 45 degrees, with or without back pain, that have not obtained relief from physical therapy and for patients with a significant amount of distress from the appearance of their deformity (rib hump, gibbus).
Deformity Analysis
The selection of appropriate fusion levels, aiming to maximize correction while fusing the least levels as possible, is an important consideration in spinal deformity surgery. For AIS, the Lenke et al. (7) classification simplified and clarified the decision-making process by including all curve types and sagittal plane measurements in addition to the flexibility theories postulated by King et al. (4). Proximal thoracic (PT), main thoracic (MT), and thoracolumbar/lumbar (TL/L) curves are analyzed, in addition to thoracic sagittal measurements (T5-T12), with special attention given to the thoracolumbar junction (T10-L2). Structural and compensatory curves must be differentiated. Briefly, all major curves (largest Cobb measurement) greater than 40 degrees are considered “structural,” whether the curve decreases to less than 25 degrees on side-bending radiographs or not. For all other minor curves, those that decrease to less than 25 degrees are considered “compensatory” and nonstructural, which generally do not need to be fused. Correspondingly, those that side bend greater than 25 degrees are considered structural minor curves, which generally do need to be fused. Sagittal measurements of the thoracolumbar junction must be considered, because a kyphotic angle that is greater than or equal to 20 degrees in this region (T10-L2) implies a double major curve, regardless of coronal flexibility measurements. Specific measurement ratios must be taken into account with flexibility measurements close to the 25-degree threshold. The initial goal of these ratios was to help distinguish true and false double major curves within the King et al. (4) system; however, they apply today to threshold values in the Lenke et al. (7) system as well.
In analyzing scoliosis, the relative Cobb angles, apical vertebral translation (AVT), apical vertebral rotation (AVR), sagittal plane measurements, as well as shoulder balance and pelvic obliquity should be considered. The thoracic AVT is the distance from the center of the vertebral body at the thoracic apex to the C7 plumb line (C7PL). Similarly, the TL/L AVT is measured from the center of the lumbar apical vertebral body to the center sacral vertical line (CSVL). When the patient is perfectly balanced, the C7PL and CSVL are the same. The AVR is assessed using the Nash-Moe rotation index, which is graded on a scale from 0 to 4 where 0 is neutral or no rotation to grade 4, which is the most severely rotated (one pedicle is invisible, and the contralateral pedicle crosses the midline).
In analyzing kyphosis, the normal sagittal plane parameters are measured including the thoracic kyphosis from T2-T5 to T5-T12, the thoracolumbar kyphosis from T10 to L2, and the lumbar lordosis, which is measured from L1 to S1. In addition, we also consider the maximum kyphosis, which is measured from the vertebral endpoints showing the maximum deformity. Then, to consider sagittal balance, the sagittal sacral vertical line is used. Recently, occipitocervical parameters have been introduced (3). They provide guidelines for the orientation and position of the skull in relation to the cervical spine as well as the thoracic spine in relation to the maintenance of forward gaze and global sagittal balance.
Clinical assessment of the deformity is also an important aspect of deformity analysis. It is not unusual for curves with lower magnitudes to demonstrate large clinical deformities, or vice versa, where curves with larger magnitude only have smaller amounts of clinical deformity. This information is important for the surgical decision-making process with regard to the selection of fusion levels. For example, large clinical deformities might make selective fusions a less likely option in selecting fusion levels. This clinical impression should be correlated with standing, supine, and push-prone radiographs. Frequently, analysis of the relative heights of the clavicles, coracoid processes, and the T1 rib angle in relation to horizontal line can help predict postoperative shoulder position. These images can help determine rigid curves, which might require osteotomies for correction. During the clinical exam, it is important to note which shoulder is higher as supine or pushprone radiographs may indicate the contralateral shoulder to be higher. This is usually due to the flexibility of the lumbar or MT curve, or the rigidity of the PT curve, which is important to consider when determining fusion levels and the amount of correction desired as to not overcorrect the MT curve, thus resulting in shoulder imbalance.
Selection of Fusion Levels
To determine endpoints of the fusion, radiographic considerations are based on the Harrington stable zone and the neutral vertebra in addition to the aforementioned assessment of the clinical deformity present. The stable vertebra is the most proximal TL/L vertebra bisected by the CSVL. This lower
endpoint is considered to be the most safe, but frequently we can stop one to two levels short of the stable vertebra, depending on rotation, curve magnitude, flexibility, coronal and sagittal balance, as well as other factors. Review of supine, push-prone, and lateral bending radiographs provides a sense of the postoperative balance. As a rule, the lowest instrumented vertebra (LIV) can be chosen as the most cephalad TL/L vertebra “touched” by the CSVL (Fig. 19-1) unless a significant amount of rotation exists at this level.
endpoint is considered to be the most safe, but frequently we can stop one to two levels short of the stable vertebra, depending on rotation, curve magnitude, flexibility, coronal and sagittal balance, as well as other factors. Review of supine, push-prone, and lateral bending radiographs provides a sense of the postoperative balance. As a rule, the lowest instrumented vertebra (LIV) can be chosen as the most cephalad TL/L vertebra “touched” by the CSVL (Fig. 19-1) unless a significant amount of rotation exists at this level.

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