Osteosarcoma of the Jaws

Fig. 12.1
Periapical and occlusal radiographs showing a mixed lesion with ill-defined borders in the alveolar ridge, with destruction of the alveolar cortical plate


Fig. 12.2
Periapical and occlusal radiographs showing a well-defined mixed lesion in the alveolar ridge, between the central incisors, with displacement of teeth


Fig. 12.3
Lateral craniofacial and occlusal radiographs exhibiting a sclerotic radiodense lesion in the maxilla


Fig. 12.4
MR images evidencing a large radiolucent lesion in the ascending ramus


Fig. 12.5
CT scan images showing a large tumor involving the maxilla and maxillary sinus with extension into the soft tissues


Fig. 12.6
CT scan images showing destruction of the lingual plate and tumor invasion into soft tissues of the floor of the mouth


Fig. 12.7
Gross specimen and radiograph images of the specimen


Fig. 12.8
Microscopic images of osteosarcoma of the jaw (hematoxylin-eosin). (a) Note atypical cell proliferation and osteoid matrix formation, (b) atypical chondroid tissue with cell and nuclear pleomorphism, (c) fibroblastic pattern, (d) stellate myxoid cells, (e) fibrohistiocytic pattern, and (f) epithelioid pattern

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Jan 2, 2017 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Osteosarcoma of the Jaws

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