ICD-10-CM code
ICD-10 category
Signs and symptoms
Heat stroke and sunstroke
Failure of body to dissipate heat
CNS dysfunction (e.g., irritability, confusion, coma, aggressive behavior)
Extreme hyperthermia (>40.0 °C)
Heat syncope
Circulatory instability
Fainting episode due to a reduction in central venous return
Heat cramp (exercise-associated muscle cramp)
Water and electrolyte imbalance
Painful, involuntary muscle contractions
Anhydrotic heat exhaustion (includes prostration due to water depletion)
Water and electrolyte imbalance
Nausea, anorexia, fatigue/weakness, tachycardia, loss of concentration, prominent sensation of thirst, decreased urine output
Body temperature typically <40.0 °C
Salt depletion heat exhaustion
Water and electrolyte imbalance
Nausea, anorexia, fatigue/weakness, tachycardia, loss of concentration, hemoconcentration, muscle cramps, vomiting
Body temperature typically <40.0 °C
Unspecified heat exhaustion
Unspecified causes: physical exertion (diagnosis of exclusion)
Nausea, anorexia, fatigue/weakness, tachycardia, loss of concentration, dizziness, confusion, pallor, profuse sweating, minimal CNS disturbances
Body temperature typically <40.0 °C
Transient heat fatigue
Psychological causes
Extreme tiredness, reluctance to perform physical work, deterioration of skilled performance in the absence of water and/or salt depletion
Heat edema
Water and electrolyte imbalance
Pooling of fluid in interstitial spaces causes swelling in the extremities
Other heat and light effects
Various causes
Signs and symptoms NOS
Unspecified heat and light effects
Various causes
Signs and symptoms NOS
While ICD-10-CM serves as the universal means of classifying medical conditions, some entities further classify heat-related illnesses for purposes of reporting and calculating incidence rates. For example, within the US Military, only hospitalizations, outpatient medical encounters, or records of reportable medical events with a primary or secondary diagnosis of the medical conditions that are considered heat illnesses (heat stroke [T67.0] and heat exhaustion [T67.3–5]) are classified as such [46]. The other taxonomies within code T67 do not qualify in the case definition of heat illnesses in this particular setting. Furthermore, issues related to the interpretability of the relevant ICD codes and/or correctly classifying heat-related illnesses to the appropriate ICD code exist, particularly when attempting to discern between the various etiologies of heat exhaustion (T67.3–T67.5) or between heat stroke and heat exhaustion in a field-based setting [47, 48].
Specific to heat stroke, it is classified by ICD-10-CM code T67.0. Heat stroke can be classified as either classic heat stroke (CHS) , which typically occurs in the elderly or infants during times of excessive heat (e.g., heat waves), or exertional heat stroke (EHS) which is caused by the inability to dissipate metabolically produced body heat during physical activity. Although CHS and EHS demonstrate differing etiologies, they are classified under the same universal coding, which makes it difficult to distinguish in large-scale epidemiological data [49].
To further understand the impact of EHI in a given population, acknowledging overall and condition-specific epidemiological data is necessary. Examining emergency department (ED) data for treatment of heat illness in the United States shows that the annual incidence rate for heat illness is between 21.5 and 31.19 per 100,000 person-years and incidence rate for heat stroke is 1.34 per 100,000 person-years [21, 50–52]. These data also show that the incidence of heat illness and heat stroke is more likely to occur in men, during the summer months or during times of anomalously high temperatures for a given time of the year, and as age increases [21, 50–54].
Given that the aforementioned data reports cases across the lifespan, one must take into consideration the data points involving young children or elderly individuals. While these populations are at risk for heat illness, the injury insult is typically due to physiologic (e.g., incomplete development of thermoregulatory body systems in young children, decline in thermoregulatory capacity and/or presence of contributing comorbidities in the elderly) or external causes (e.g., no access to air conditioning or domiciles providing relief to extreme heat) that are exacerbated to exposure to extreme heat typically seen during heat waves [55–58] rather than physical exertion. When re-examining ED data on incidence of heat illness in age groups 15–34 and 35–64, ages that are most likely associated with recreational physical activity and/or occupational work, incidence rates increase to 41.8 and 32.8 per 100,000 person-years, respectively, with the former age group exhibiting a 39% higher incidence than the 35–64 age group [51]. This trend holds true when examining heat stroke incidence, in that of the 8,251 heat strokes treated in EDs in the United States from 2000 to 2010, 54% occurred in ages 20–59, which is typically more associated with recreational and occupational activities [21].
Heat Illness in Military Settings
EHI risk has been extensively studied within military operations due to the extent in which these injuries can affect the outcomes related to the preparation/training of warfighters and mission success during times of war. Research dating back to the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century began to characterize the factors responsible for the onset of EHI [4]. During World War I, while fighting in Mesopotamia, Macedonia, and South West Africa, British soldiers experienced heat-related hospital admissions rates of 0.1–77.39 per 1000 personnel, with the warmer summer months experiencing a larger rise of heat-related incidents [4]. Similar trends were also seen during World War II; higher incidence of heat illness occurring during hotter times of the calendar year and/or in geographical locations exposing the warfighters to thermal stress [4]. Following World War II, the US Armed Forces still exhibited increased rates of EHI; this was most notably due to the expanded reach of the US Armed Forces around the world and the increased numbers of individuals going through basic training [5]. While the incidence rates for heat exhaustion and heat stroke varied between 16.0–56.8 and 1.5–9.1 per 100,000 per year, the advancements in the development of environmental-based activity modifications greatly reduced the incidence of training-related EHI [5].
Heat Illness in Athletic Settings
Within the athletics setting, the risk of EHI is typically present in situations where athletes are performing intense exercise in hot environmental conditions or required to wear protective equipment as part of their sport’s uniform. Sports such as American football, field hockey (particularly the goalie), and running events are sports where there is greatest risk. Within the United States, of the 54,983 EHIs treated in EDs from 1997 to 2006, 41,538 (75.5%) were sport related, with American football and recreational exercise (e.g., running) being the most common types of activity involved with EHI in men and women within the ≤19 and 20–39 age groups [52].
Recent work by Kerr et al. [23] expands on this previous work showing that American football and girls’ field hockey remain the sports with highest risk of EHI among secondary school athletics. In addition, girls’ cross-country also exhibited EHI incidence rates that are more than two times greater than all other secondary school sports aside from American football and field hockey [23]. Moreover, girls’ (incidence rate [IR], 1.18 per 10,000 athlete exposures [AEs]) and boys’ (0.52 per 10,000 AEs) cross-country and American football (0.61 per 10,000 AEs) EHI incidence rates are largest in competition than all other secondary school sports [23].