Stephan J. LaPointe
Due to the nature of the podiatric profession and prevalence of the disease, diabetes is likely to be the most common comorbidity that will be involved in the patient who develops a nonunion in our practices. The American Diabetes Association’s 2007 National Diabetes Fact Sheet states the disease affects 7.8% or 23.6 million Americans. Diabetes retards bone healing. It has been shown that the glycation end products found in diabetes can retard bone healing between 40% and 60% (1). In the experimental animal model, peri-implant bone was shown to be significantly decreased in two studies (2,3) and another showed significantly decreased healing of tendon to bone in the rotator cuff. The strength of bone in fracture healing in the experimental rat model has been shown to be reduced in two studies (4,5). In the diabetic patient population, both tibial pilon fractures and ankle fractures have shown increased complication rates that included nonunion and delayed union (6,7). Studies are currently under way to evaluate the efficacy of fibroblast growth factors in increasing bone growth in diabetes and osteoporosis and early results are promising (8,9). This line of research may eventually lead to the discovery of other treatment options for this subset of patients and ultimately all patients at risk for nonunion (8).
As baby boomers age, the increase in the elderly population will lead to an increase of osteoporosis in the podiatric practice. Osteoporosis strikes many subsets of the world population, including women; the elderly; those suffering from arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and HIV; and the immunocompromised. This disease predisposes people to an increased risk of low trauma and fragility fractures and increases the likelihood for nonunions. Approximately 40% of white women and 13% of white men aged 50 will have a fragility or insufficiency fracture secondary to osteoporosis in the United States. Studies using the rat model have shown decreased healing potential in the early (10,11), middle, and late (12,13) phases of bone healing. One retrospective study showed increased time to healing of femur fractures in a group of patients over 65 with osteoporosis at a mean of 19.4 weeks versus patients aged below 40 years with normal bone mineral density at 16.2 weeks (14). Another prospective randomized trial involving 113 patients showed increased rate of nonunion and complications, with 76% of the 33 failures occurring in patients with osteoporosis (15). As podiatrists, we should also be alerted to the possibility of insufficiency fractures of the calcaneus in the absence of trauma (16) in patients with osteoporosis. These patients will typically present with “ankle” pain with tenderness noted along the superior lateral aspect of the calcaneus with positive bone scan and MRI and negative radiology findings for up to 2 months.
Rheumatoid arthritis has increased risk for osteoporosis secondary to both the disease process and its treatment in the form of prednisone and methotrexate (18). There is a correlation between bony erosions and decreased bone mineral density leading to higher risk for fracture (17). A recent study has also implicated glycation end products similar to those seen in the diabetic patient for the osteoporosis seen in the rheumatoid population (18). Several retrospective studies have looked at fusion rates in the rearfoot. Relative to the ankle fusions, one author published two separate papers. In one, a series of 25 tibiocalcaneal fusions with a retrograde intramedullary nail resulted in one nonunion and three deep infections (19). The second study reviewed 35 ankle fusions, 13 performed percutaneously and 22 open fixated with compression screws. Nine went on to nonunions with no difference between the open versus percutaneous groups. Citing the nonunion rates and decreased patient satisfaction, the authors did not recommend compression screw fixation for ankle fusion in the rheumatoid population (20). Another retrospective study of 32 ankle fusions compared the rate of fusion with external fixation (19) versus internal fixation via 6.5-mm cancellous compression screws (13). They had four failures all secondary to infection in the external fixation group. Three failed to fuse with one secondary to infection in the internal fixation group. They found no differences in fusion rates or complications comparing the two groups (21). The tibiocalcaneal nail was modified with four pins in the calcaneus and inserted in a 15-degree angle to the ankle without a nonunion and two wound complications (22). Another study using a Kuntscher tibiocalcaneal nail and early mobilization had an 80% fusion rate, with two nonunions out of 11 (23). Triple arthrodesis with staple fixation and autologous bone grafting had a 100% successful fusion in 32 feet with all patients relating they would have the procedure again (23). Arthrodesis rates, although generally acceptable in the rheumatoid patient, do present with increased complications and, as expected, somewhat higher failure rates.
Primary hyperparathyroidism, although rare at 100,000 cases or 1 in 2,719 Americans, can lead to significant bone loss and hypercalcemia. As the name implies, this disease is of the hyperparathyroid gland due to adenoma, hyperplasia, or less likely carcinoma of the parathyroid gland. This population will have elevated parathyroid hormone and calcium levels secondary to increased bone resorption. Secondary hyperparathyroidism occurs when the parathyroid is responding to decreased calcium or increased phosphate levels. The most common cause for this is chronic renal failure. Failing kidneys do not convert enough vitamin D to its active form and do not adequately excrete phosphorus, both leading to hypocalcemia. This in turn stimulates the parathyroid glands leading to increased bone resorption. Other causes for secondary hyperparathyroidism include malabsorption of calcium found in chronic pancreatitis, small bowel disease, and more often now with bariatric surgery specifically gastric bypass. Long-term lithium use will also cause decreased calcium levels and the secondary form. Finally, tertiary hyperparathyroidism occurs when the parathyroid has been up-regulated for a long time even if the original insult is corrected as is sometimes seen following
kidney transplant. In these cases, the parathyroid hypertrophy is irreversible. Regardless of the cause of the overactive parathyroid, the hormone secreted leads to decreased bone density. One study addressed the incidence of secondary hyperparathyroidism in postmenopausal females about to undergo total knee replacement. It evaluated renal function, intact parathyroid hormone, and calcium and phosphorous levels and found 35% of these patients to have secondary hyperparathyroidism. Because of this, preoperative screening for elevated intact parathyroid hormone before total knee replacement was recommended (24). The underlying hypocalcemia can be addressed and in most cases will reverse the hyperparathyroidism. Conversely, parathyroidectomy and hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism result in hypocalcemia and negative changes in bone.
kidney transplant. In these cases, the parathyroid hypertrophy is irreversible. Regardless of the cause of the overactive parathyroid, the hormone secreted leads to decreased bone density. One study addressed the incidence of secondary hyperparathyroidism in postmenopausal females about to undergo total knee replacement. It evaluated renal function, intact parathyroid hormone, and calcium and phosphorous levels and found 35% of these patients to have secondary hyperparathyroidism. Because of this, preoperative screening for elevated intact parathyroid hormone before total knee replacement was recommended (24). The underlying hypocalcemia can be addressed and in most cases will reverse the hyperparathyroidism. Conversely, parathyroidectomy and hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism result in hypocalcemia and negative changes in bone.
Vitamin D plays an important role in bone health. Rickets, a childhood disease, and the adult form, osteomalacia, are secondary to malnutrition with decreased calcium and vitamin D and are more often seen in developing countries (25). However, we are now seeing more cases of rickets in the United States and Europe. There is also a rise in subclinical vitamin D deficiency, especially in the colder climates and during the winter months. There is increased attention being given to the role that subclinical vitamin D deficiency is playing in bone health and increased fracture risks in both the clinical and laboratory setting. Within the last few years, three major labs have seen significant increases in testing, with increases of 74% (Mayo Clinic), 80% (Quest), and 90% (LabCorp). One prospective study compared vitamin D levels in controls of age-matched 41 inpatient and 41 outpatient males and 41 hip fracture patients. Subclinical vitamin D (defined as <50 nmol/L serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D) was 63% in the fracture group, compared with 25% in the control groups. The investigators concluded that subclinical vitamin D and resulting secondary hyperparathyroidism was the leading risk factor for hip fractures compared with age, body weight, tobacco, comorbidity, corticosteroids, and alcohol (25).
Osteogenesis imperfecta, a genetic disorder compromising the connective tissue structure secondary to malformed type I collagen, results in a very high nonunion rate (26,27,28 and 29). Paget disease, or what is now called osteodystrophia deformans, is an inflammatory reaction possibly secondary to a virus that results in a threephase reaction in bone. Increased osteoclastic activity is followed by a mixed clastic and blastic cycle and ultimately a burned-out phase in which there is hyperdense bone. Many patients may be subacute and not symptomatic. They will have elevated alkaline phosphatase levels with normal calcium and phosphate levels. By itself, this is not a direct contraindication to surgery, but the surgeon must bear in mind that the disease process does alter bone remodeling and results in a higher complication rate.
As podiatrists, we are acutely aware of the role the vascular system plays in lower extremity healing and pathology. We screen all our patients for peripheral vascular disease; however, we must also consider the role of anemia and any myelodysplasias (30,31,32 and 33), which can either slow or prevent bone healing. Although clinical data were lacking, one prospective randomized experimental study induced anemia in the rat model and demonstrated significantly reduced osteogenesis in the anemia model (30).
As of 2005, the United States Department of Human Services reported that just over 20%, or 45 million Americans, smoked tobacco. Tobacco use is the single most devastating user-controlled health risk. One study showed an increase in nonunion rate for hindfoot fusions at the 2.7 times the rate than in nonsmokers. The same study found a residual increase in those who quit smoking, albeit decreased when compared with those who continued to smoke, in nonunion rates (34). Using the Austin bunionectomy as an elective surgical model and radiographic bone healing as the criteria, Krannitz et al (35) found that in the smoking population, time to bone healing was 1.7 times longer. There is no paucity of data on the negative effects of tobacco on bone healing, fractures, and arthrodesis in both the animal model and patient population. It behooves the podiatric surgeon to seriously consider the possible sequela of nonunion in the smoking population. In the author’s practice, all fusion procedures involving the midfoot, hindfoot, and ankle require that the patient quit smoking prior to surgical intervention. All patients undergoing surgery are advised of the increased risk of tobacco use on bone and wound healing.
The correlation between obesity and bone quality or osteoporosis is currently under investigation, with data showing equivocal results. One recent animal model found that mice fed a high-fat diet had an associated decrease in bone mineral density (36). There may also be a genetic relationship between obesity and osteoporosis (37). It is clear that the obese patient does present with higher incidence of orthopaedic complaints including fractures (38,39,40 and 41). There is clear evidence of bone loss secondary to gastric bypass for morbid obesity secondary to decreased vitamin D and calcium and up-regulation of parathyroid hormone (see secondary parathyroidism under comorbidities). Gastric banding has not shown the same effect on bone quality. Another practical consideration of the obese patient is whether the patient will be able to remain non-weight-bearing following surgical intervention and the possible increased load on the fracture or fusion site during the transition to full weight-bearing. One retrospective study including 279 patients undergoing surgical repair of ankle fractures did not find any significant differences in complications, functional outcomes, or time to healing in the obese population (42).
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to an increase in osteoporosis and decreased ability for bone healing. As would be expected, there is also an increase in fall risk and subsequent fractures in this population. An animal model using rats showed that elevated alcohol consumption decreased total bone mineral content with decreased bone formation at periosteal and cancellous sites (43). One retrospective study showed increased healing time in transverse tibial fractures in alcohol abusers (44). A meta-analysis performed in 2007 showed that consuming 0.5 to 1.0 servings of alcohol per day had a lower hip fracture rate than abstainers but 2.0 servings per day increased hip fracture rates. Interestingly, there was increased bone mineral density with alcohol use, but because the reviewed articles failed to stratify the amount of alcohol, it could not determine if higher consumption resulted in decreased density (45).
A form of iatrogenic osteoporosis we also need to consider is disuse osteopenia whenever we require immobilization and/or non-weight-bearing. Aggressive return to activity may result in fractures. There have been cases of calcaneal and tibial stress fractures reported in the literature following treatment for acute leg fractures. Certainly, other causes of disuse osteopenia must also be considered, such as hemiplegia following stroke, spinal cord injuries, or any condition that may immobilize the patients. This can also increase risk of nonunion secondary to the osteoporosis.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly prescribed medications in the podiatric practice, especially when concerning musculoskeletal pain and inflammation. Traditional nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitors and now selective COX-2 inhibitors have both been shown to block the formation of prostaglandins. These same prostaglandins participate in bone healing during the early inflammatory response, osteoclastic resorption, and osteoblastic activity of new bone formation. This mechanism has been implicated in decreased bone healing. Prospective randomized animal studies have demonstrated decreased bone healing with both types of NSAIDs (46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54 and 55). However, in one prospective double-blind clinical trial involving short-term ibuprofen therapy and dental implants, no adverse effects were found on bone healing (56). Balancing the animal studies, lack of strong clinical data implicating NSAIDs and realizing that they reduce ectopic bone formation, most authorities recommend limited to restricted use, especially in patients who may have other risk factors (53,56,57 and 58).
Methotrexate is often used in the treatment of some cancers such as leukemia and for autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. It and other chemotherapy agents such as doxorubicin have been shown to slow down bone healing and result in weaker bone structure during treatment both in the clinical and laboratory setting. It has been recommended that these agents be discontinued during the bone healing process. Any patient who is currently undergoing chemotherapy or requiring any disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs should have his or her history carefully reviewed for any medications that may adversely affect wound or bone healing prior to surgery.
Cyclosporine and other immunosuppressive agents have been shown to have a deleterious effect on bone healing, especially in long-term use seen in organ transplant patients. Paradoxically, these medications are being investigated for the use of immunosuppression during bone transplants. The data show that without immunosuppression, bone and joint transplants typically fail secondary to rejection of the vascular system and their short-term use may be necessary. Upon completion of therapy, the bone has been shown to remodel with new autogenic bone. Certainly, any patient who is requiring long-term immunosuppression must be carefully considered for surgery for other reasons than bone healing. The risk-benefit ratio in this subset must be carefully considered and their treatment optimized should they ultimately require orthopaedic surgery.
There can be iatrogenic causes for failed arthrodesis, osteotomy, or fracture sites. First, we must take counsel with our patients and review their risk factors, their willingness to be compliant, and their ability to do so. Their expectations must be understood and often tempered. The risk of a nonunion should be related to the patient. It may be helpful to refer the patient to physical therapy for gait training and evaluation. This may avoid two scenarios. In the first, patients wake up from the surgery and act surprised when there is a cast on their leg and they are told they cannot bear weight on the foot. Otherwise, the patients may convince themselves and then you that they are capable of remaining non-weight-bearing but fail to do so. If the patient fails gait training, this must certainly be taken into account during the procedure selection and/or type of fixation and lastly whether the risk of the surgery is acceptable.
Intraoperatively, there are two major sources for failure. First, there is the joint resection in the case of an arthrodesis. It is imperative that the subchondral bone is completely resected to expose cancellous bleeding bone. Upon complete resection, it is prudent to perform subchondral drilling to fenestrate the bone to bone interface. This will stimulate bleeding and at the same time will serve as a gauge to determine the effectiveness of the resection. When complete resection is achieved, there should be reduced if not significantly decreased resistance and minimal heat generated when fenestrating the bone. When stabilizing a fracture, fusing a joint, or fixating an osteotomy, the bones must be properly apposed, in good alignment, and ultimately stabilized in that position.
Adequate stable fixation is the next most likely failure point. Placing one to two screws across a joint or fracture does not necessarily mean that stabile fixation has been achieved. Choosing the proper fixation construct is the first step. There are many types of fixation available and that continues to evolve. Sometimes, internal fixation alone will not provide adequate stability, and external fixation is required. Secondly, the execution is just as important as the chosen construct. The surgeon should test the stability of the construct intraoperatively. If the screw placed offers no resistance, it is unlikely to provide adequate stabilization. If there is motion at the fusion or fracture site, this must be resolved before closing.
One more critical factor that must be considered after surgery is when and how to begin to load the fusion, osteotomy, or fracture. One must remember and respect Wolff’s law. During the immobilization period, if that has been required, the bone has not been physiologically loaded. The transition to loading may determine the overall outcome of the procedure even if all other factors have been considered. The location and type of repair must be considered. In the case of an ankle fracture repair of a supination-external rotation type 2, the fibula is not directly loaded and the transition to full weight-bearing may not be critical, assuming the patient does not subject the ankle to the same supination-external rotation load. Protecting this patient can be accomplished in a fracture walker, full weight-bearing cast, or ankle brace to transition. In the case of a base wedge osteotomy, the bone is going to be loaded in a cantilevered fashion upon full weight-bearing, significantly increasing the level of load at the osteotomy. The bone, although radiographically healed, may not be strong enough to resist this load and may fail by undergoing plastic deformation without complete failure or fail altogether. This may result in a less functional first ray with significant sequela. In the latter case, it behooves us to slowly transition the patient to full weight-bearing. Serial radiographs at this time to verify that the osteotomy is not failing are recommended.
The surgeon must understand and optimize the physiology and demands of the patient before surgery. In the operating room, he or she must provide adequate resection, good apposition, and stable fixation to provide the best environment for bone healing to succeed. Finally, the transition to functional use of the affected limb must be managed to ultimately avoid a nonunion.
Before surgical treatment of the nonunion is undertaken, the patient should be evaluated for any mitigating factors that
may have led to the nonunion. Is the patient using tobacco? Has the patient started to use NSAIDs for another condition? Is the patient willing and able to be compliant with the postoperative course of treatment? Any prior surgical procedures should be evaluated for iatrogenic causes. Was the surgical construct adequate and properly executed? Anything that can be done going forward to optimize the care should be done before surgical intervention. Conservative options toward nonunion treatment should be considered. These include hyperbaric oxygen, bracing or casting, and external bone stimulators, as well as behavior modification such as discontinuation of tobacco.
may have led to the nonunion. Is the patient using tobacco? Has the patient started to use NSAIDs for another condition? Is the patient willing and able to be compliant with the postoperative course of treatment? Any prior surgical procedures should be evaluated for iatrogenic causes. Was the surgical construct adequate and properly executed? Anything that can be done going forward to optimize the care should be done before surgical intervention. Conservative options toward nonunion treatment should be considered. These include hyperbaric oxygen, bracing or casting, and external bone stimulators, as well as behavior modification such as discontinuation of tobacco.
One requirement that should be imposed is the discontinuation of tobacco prior to consideration of any surgical treatment in that patient population. External support in the form of casting or bracing should be employed if appropriate. Various forms of external bone stimulation and hyperbaric oxygen can be used adjunctively to promote bone healing.
Functional bracing promoting osteogenesis via micromotion at the injury site is commonly employed for long bone fractures of the upper extremity (59,60 and 61). This same technique has been shown to provide excellent results of fractures of the femur and tibia including nonunions (62,63,64,65,66,67 and 68). In one study of 1,000 consecutively treated tibial fractures, the nonunion rate was 1.1%, with minimal increased shortening or angular deformity noted following the treatment (63). With regard to nonunion of lower extremity fractures, functional bracing has been successful even after surgical intervention in many cases.
External bone stimulation includes pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs), capacitive coupling (CC), combined magnetic fields (CMFs), low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS), and extracorporeal shockwave wave therapy (ESWT). Since 1972, there have been efforts to use electrical energy to stimulate bone healing (69). PEMFs have been studied quite extensively in the laboratory and animal models to evaluate its effect on everything from mesenchymal bone cell differentiation to tibial healing rates in the rat model and everything in between. With regard to nonunion, there was one randomized prospective double-blind study with 34 tibial nonunions over 5 years that showed increased healing rates in the actively treated PEMF group (70). Another prospective randomized double-blind study demonstrated that PEMF had no effect on the bone mineral density of the regenerate bone during limb lengthening with external fixators using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. However, they did show significant positive difference in bone mineral density in the tibial segment distal to the osteotomy of the actively treated group (71). Other studies including one systematic review all concur that PEMF has a positive effect on nonunion healing rates (72) (Figs. 87.1 and 87.2).
CC has not been as extensively studied as PEMF. There have been several prospective studies. One study looked at the effect of CC in the horse model and showed no increase in metaphyseal bone to affect increased strength or healing rates in 12 horses examined (73). A randomized prospective double-blind clinical study involving 40 hips diagnosed with avascular necrosis treated by decompression and bone graft with and without CC showed no significant differences (74). Another prospective randomized double-blind study involving 21 patients with long bone nonunions showed that 6 of 10 with CC and none of the 11 placebo-treated patients went on to heal. The only modality used in this study was CC, and it was highly statistically significant at the p < 0.004 level (75).
CMF has not been clinically evaluated for the treatment of nonunion. However, there were two clinical studies that showed positive effects of CMF bone healing. One study looked at the effect of CMF on spinal fusion rates in a multicenter randomized double-blind study involving 201 evaluated patients. They found a higher fusion rate of 64% in the actively treated group as compared with 43% in the placebo group (76). Hanft et al (77) found decreased time to consolidation (11 weeks) using CMF in acute Charcot arthropathy when compared with the placebo group (23.8 weeks). They also showed less destruction in the integrity of the foot in the CMF group.
LIPUS has been extensively studied in the animal model to evaluate both bone healing and tendon to bone healing with positive results. In the clinical setting, there were three prospective randomized double-blind studies. One study involved 22 acute fibular fractures fixated with bioabsorbable screws using x-ray and computed tomography data to determine level of bone healing at 9 weeks. This study found a positive effect that was not statistically significant, although they point out there may have been too few patients. The power of their study was not presented, so it may be that the parameters they used and/or the number of patients was not high enough to produce a statistically significant result (78). Another study looked at delayed union of fibular osteotomies performed in combination with tibial osteotomies. Bone biopsies were performed on 13 patients following either sham or active LIPUS for 2 to 4 months. The LIPUS-treated bone had 47% more osteoid thickness, 27% increase in mineral apposition, and 33% higher bone volume. Angiogenesis was not increased, pointing primarily at osteoblastic activity as the source of increased bone healing (79). Another study evaluated healing rates of 21 pedicled radius bone grafts for scaphoid nonunions. All patients healed, but time to healing was 38 days faster for the LIPUS group (56 days) versus the sham group (94 days) (80) (Fig. 87.3).
ESWT applies high-energy sound waves to tissues to stimulate bone and bone to tendon or ligament healing. It requires expensive equipment administered in a clinical setting. All laboratory and animal studies reviewed were positive in favor of increasing bone and bone to tendon healing. However, there was a dearth of quality data for the treatment of nonunion in the clinical setting. One meta-analysis extracted 924 nonunions with a 76% cure rate in level 4 studies, suggesting that ESWT may indeed expedite bone healing, but concludes that further studies are required (81).
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been extensively studied in the animal model, with some studies showing support for its use (82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95 and 96). Others studies had equivocal results in which early bone healing may be positively influenced but not necessarily affecting long-term bone healing (97,98 and 99). Another set of animal studies had no significant difference with the use of PRP (100,101,102,103,104,105 and 106). In the clinical setting, again some studies were favorable for its use in nonunions. However, one series of four studies using the oral model did not show PRP to positively affect bony ingrowth (107,108,109 and 110). The only prospective randomized study compared PRP with BMP-7 in 120 patients with long bone nonunions and showed the latter to be superior to PRP in healing (111). Two reviews of the literature published in 2009 were published, with one concluding that there is no clinical evidence to support PRP (112) and the other stating that its use was not yet definitive (113), with both reviews agreeing, however, that the procedure is safe.

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