Evidence-Based Guidelines in Workers’ Compensation
Gregory T. Carter, MD, MS, Editor
I want to extend my sincerest thanks to the editors of this issue of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America , Drs Andrew Friedman and Gary Franklin. I also want to thank all of the authors who contributed to this very special issue. Under the progressive, forward-thinking leadership of Dr Franklin and his team at the Department of Labor and Industries, the Industrial Insurance Medical Advisory Committee (IIMAC) was formed in 2007. The Washington State Legislature authorizes the IIMAC to advise the Department of Labor and Industries on matters related to the provision of safe, effective, and cost-effective treatments for injured workers, including but not limited to the development of practice guidelines and coverage criteria, review of coverage decisions and technology assessments, review of medical programs, and review of rules pertaining to health care issues. This issue represents some of the best work from the IIMAC, and I think clinicians will find this text remarkably useful.
Note from the Publisher: On behalf of Elsevier and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics, I would like to thank Dr. Carter for his years of service, dedication, and contributions to the publication. The August 2015 issue of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics will be the last one under Dr. Carter’s editorship. We would like to wish him well in all his future endeavors.
Jennifer Flynn-Briggs, Senior Clinics Editor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics
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