Early Rehabilitation in Lower-Extremity Dysvascular Amputation

Early Rehabilitation in Lower-Extremity Dysvascular Amputation

Julie D. Ries and Victor Vaughan

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to:

1. Organize and justify each component of a comprehensive physical therapy examination for the individual with transtibial and transfemoral amputation.

2. Utilize and synthesize data collected during the examination to establish diagnosis and prognosis for rehabilitation.

3. Create a well-defined and focused treatment plan that addresses the needs of the individual with transtibial and transfemoral amputation.

4. Identify, justify, and prioritize rehabilitation issues about which individuals with transtibial and transfemoral amputation must be educated.

5. Anticipate functional outcomes of an individual with transtibial or transfemoral amputation, based upon data collected and available evidence.

6. Identify and justify appropriate outcome measures for use with individuals with transtibial and transfemoral amputations.

Persons who have undergone transtibial or transfemoral amputation may approach rehabilitation with a sense of expectancy, excitement, and, often, apprehension. They may be relieved to have healed and curious about the prosthesis that they are about to receive. They may be anxious to commence their prosthetic rehabilitation and may have realistic or not so realistic expectations. To facilitate optimal rehabilitation outcome, the physical therapist must consider the patient’s goals, physical abilities, and mobility needs, along with their previous functional level. This chapter explores the key components of successful rehabilitation for persons with transtibial and transfemoral amputation. It presents a model consistent with the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice,1 with emphasis on the components of a thorough examination. It discusses the evaluation process, which is the synthesis of data to establish a diagnosis and prognosis. The chapter also provides a range of interventions for persons with a new transtibial or transfemoral amputation, from early physical therapy interventions that focus on preparing the limb for use of a prosthesis and building tolerance to prosthetic wear to more functionally oriented activities aimed at ensuring safety and efficiency in gait and functional mobility skills. As prosthetic skills are mastered, interventions progress to more complex, higher-level bipedal activities. With many individuals, vocational, leisure, and sporting activities can be addressed to facilitate the return to a productive and enjoyable lifestyle. This chapter focuses primarily on strategies for initial and intermediate-level rehabilitation, with a short discussion on more advanced prosthetic training. Anticipated functional outcomes for the transtibial or transfemoral prosthetic user are also addressed.

Evidence-based practice requires the integration of best research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values.2 Although more research is needed to help to inform rehabilitation decisions for individuals with lower-extremity amputation,3 limited research does support that individuals who participate in postamputation rehabilitation programs benefit from these programs.46 The goal of this chapter is to provide a foundation for evidence-based practice in the management of individuals with either transtibial or transfemoral amputation.

Components of the Physical Therapy Examination

Effective physical therapy (PT) management for individuals with amputation begins with a thorough and comprehensive initial examination. In the PT examination, the physical therapist must obtain a patient history, conduct a systems review, and administer tests and measures to obtain baseline data. Ideally, data collected represents all levels of the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF)7 including impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions, with attention toward contextual factors for the individual (environmental and personal modifiers).8 This information allows the therapist to establish a diagnostic classification that provides the basis for accurately identifying the appropriate treatment interventions that will lead to optimum outcomes. The PT examination may occur pre-amputation, immediately following amputation, at the time of the prosthetic fitting, or after the individual has already obtained their prosthesis, depending upon the practice setting.

Patient History

The patient history is the collection of health-related data from the past and present. It helps to establish what brought the person to seek PT services and to highlight the individual’s desires and expectations. The person’s perspective of his or her illness, functional limitations, and possible disability has a powerful influence on the rehabilitation process. In fact, a positive outlook is associated with constructive coping and positive adjustment to amputation.9,10

A number of important areas must be explored while taking the patient history (Table 26-1). Although all the areas provide important information, several are very integral to the establishment of the diagnosis and the treatment plan. The person’s general health status may impact the individual’s overall health perception, physical functions, psychological functions, and role and social functions. Discussion of the current condition/chief complaint gives the therapist a sense of the individual’s concerns, previous interventions, mechanism of injury or disease, and course of events. It also helps to understand what the goals and aspirations are for a person with a transtibial or transfemoral amputation. If the individual’s initial goals appear to be over- or underambitious, the therapist can address these issues with education and interaction with peers as possible interventions.

Table 26-1

Important Patient-Client History Component of Physical Therapy Examination

Component Issues to Consider
Social History Cultural beliefs and behaviors
Family and caregiver resources
Social interactions, activities and support systems
Employment/work/leisure Current and prior work
Community and leisure activities
Family/work roles
Living environment Assistive devices and adaptive equipment
Home environment (e.g., stairs? railings? shower vs. tub?)
Projected discharge destination
General health status General health perception
Physical and psychological functions
Social health habits Health risks (e.g. smoking, alcohol, or drug abuse)
Level of physical fitness and exercise habits
Family history Family medical history and health risks
Medical/surgical history Prior hospitalizations, surgeries
Preexisting medical and other health-related conditions
Chief complaint/current condition Concerns that led patient or caregiver to seek PT services
Any current medical or therapeutic interventions
Mechanism of injury/disease including date of onset and course of events
Patient/caregiver/family expectations and goals
Patient/family/caregiver’s perceptions of the person’s emotional response to current situation
Any previous occurrences of this problem and therapeutic interventions
Functional status and activity level Current and prior functional status in self-care, home management activities and activities of daily living
Current and previous functional status in work and community/leisure activities
Medications Medications for chief complaint or other conditions
Other clinical tests Laboratory and diagnostic tests
Review of available records

Format and terminology consistent with The Guide to Physical Therapist Practice.1

The interview process provides valuable insights about the person’s communication ability, emotional status, cognitive abilities, preferred coping strategies, insight into the rehabilitation process, and usual learning style, as well as the availability of emotional and instrumental support systems (assistance with activities of daily living). Information about the person’s pre-amputation level of activity and mobility are helpful in establishing a realistic prognosis. Patients who are ambulatory prior to the amputation surgery are more likely to recover at least a modest degree of ambulation ability with their prosthesis.11 Specific and probing interview questions are often helpful in obtaining clear and accurate information. Although many individuals are accurate historians, others may have an incomplete understanding or imprecise memory of what has happened. It is always advisable to confirm information by interview with family members and review of the medical record.

The interview is a means to gather important information that is used to guide treatment interventions and to begin the process of education about amputation, treatment, and prosthetic training. Many individuals with transtibial or transfemoral amputation do not have a clear understanding of what to expect during rehabilitation or how their disease process might progress. Amputation is not selective to patients of a specific age group, cultural background, educational experience, or socioeconomic level. Every individual benefits by being well-educated about his or her condition and treatment. For many, the events that brought them to rehabilitation may be a blur of disjointed experiences and medical jargon, or a laundry list of conditions that seem unrelated or independent. The physical therapist can help individuals to place their history and experience in a meaningful context, which, in turn, assists them in forming realistic expectations, and may decrease the likelihood of a second amputation.

Systems Review

The systems review provides a gross and limited review of the anatomical and physiological status of the person’s cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal, integumentary, neuromuscular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, and urogenital systems. Cognitive screening is also an important part of the review of systems. This gross screening process aids in focusing and prioritizing the tests and measures portion of the examination. For instance, a gross screen of range of motion and strength of all uninvolved extremities may reveal findings to be within normal limits, eliminating the need for further assessment. An integumentary screen may reveal an intact and healing surgical site, but a stage II sacral pressure ulcer, requiring further assessment and inclusion in the plan of care. The systems review helps to focus the rest of the examination in the most constructive and productive way.

Tests and Measures

The third component of the examination is the employment of appropriate tests and measures to gather objective data about the individual with amputation’s various impairments and activity limitations. Combining this data with the history and systems review, the physical therapist is able to establish a working diagnostic hypothesis. The physical therapist chooses from among an array of possible tests and measures those that will best confirm or deny the developing diagnostic hypothesis. The information gathered in the interview, systems review, and examination allows the physical therapist to establish a suitable plan of care and develop the most appropriate interventions.1 It is important to note that some assessments, such as strength testing or joint play motions, might require modification of technique because loss of limb length necessarily changes where the therapist is able to hold or resist the limb. Table 26-2 provides categories of tests and measures that might be appropriate for the patient with transtibial or transfemoral amputation and some detail of how the therapist might assess each area.

Table 26-2

Tests and Measures Used in the Physical Therapy Examination

Component Issues to Examine
Aerobic capacity During functional activities
During standardized exercise testing
Signs and symptoms of cardiovascular and/or pulmonary systems in response to increased oxygen demand during increased activity
Anthropometric characteristics Body composition
Body dimensions
Arousal, attention, cognition Motivation
Ability to comprehend instructions
Ability to problem solve
Safety awareness and judgment
Assistive/adaptive devices Equipment or devices used during functional activities
Ability to care for devices or equipment
Effectiveness of devices or equipment in correcting impairments, activity limitations or participation restrictions
Safety during use of equipment or devices
Circulation Cardiovascular signs
Physiological responses to position changes
Cranial/peripheral nerve integrity Motor distribution and integrity
Sensory distribution and integrity
Environmental barriers Physical space and environment
Ergonomics/body mechanics Functional and physical performance during work tasks
Safety in work environment
Specific work conditions/activities
Tools, equipment, and workstation design used during job activities
Body mechanics during home and work activities
Gait and balance Static and dynamic balance with and without prosthesis
Balance during functional activities with and without prosthesis
Ambulation with and without prosthesis
Integumentary integrity Activities and positioning that produce or relieve trauma to the skin
Equipment, devices or prosthesis that may produce trauma to the skin
Current skin characteristics and conditions
Activities or positioning that may aggravate the wound or scar
Presence of signs of infection
Wound/scar characteristics (e.g., appearance, mobility, sensitivity)
Joint integrity and mobility Joint play, including accessory movements
Motor function Timing, coordination, and agility
Hand function and dexterity
Muscle performance Strength, power, and endurance
Strength, power, and endurance during functional activities
Orthotic, protective, and supportive devices Components, alignment, and fit of any orthotic or supportive devices
Use during functional activities
Effectiveness of devices in addressing activity limitations and participation restrictions
Safety during use of devices
Pain Location and description of pain with intensity ratings
Current regime for management of pain and effectiveness
Posture Postural alignment and positioning, static and dynamic
Alignment of specific body parts
Prosthetic requirements Components, alignment, fit and ability to care for prosthesis
Use of prosthesis during functional activities
Effectiveness of prosthesis at correcting activity limitations and participation restrictions
Residual limb edema, strength, range of motion, and skin integrity
Safety during use of prosthesis
Range of motion Functional range of motion
Active and passive joint movement
Muscle length and flexibility, soft-tissue extensibility
Self-care and home management Ability to access home
Ability to perform self-care and home management activities
Safety in home and self-care management
Sensory integrity Superficial sensation
Deep sensation
Combined/cortical sensation
Work/community/leisure integration Ability to return to work, community, and leisure activities
Ability to access work site, community, and leisure activities
Safety in work, community, and leisure activities

Format and terminology consistent with The Guide to Physical Therapist Practice.1

The Evaluation Process

The process of evaluation requires the physical therapist to interpret and integrate the information obtained from the history, systems review and the tests and measures to identify the primary areas of impairment, activity limitation, and participation restriction. The physical therapist uses professional judgment to predict or make a prognosis as to the likely functional outcome and time required for effective preprosthetic and prosthetic rehabilitation. The evaluation must include a summary of the individual’s major problems and the presumed underlying cause(s). Problems are prioritized, with those that have the most significant functional implications receiving top priority. This is done within the personal and environmental context of the individual, as the same problem may affect different individuals in different ways. For instance, poor sensation of the residual limb in an individual who is cognitively intact may be easily resolved with education about compensating for the sensory deficit with visual inspection, effectively reducing the risk of compromise of skin integrity. Another individual with the same sensory deficit who also has cognitive impairment may require a more extensive educational intervention that is focused on residual limb care. This individual has a much higher risk of skin problems, and is likely to require the assistance of a caregiver to monitor skin integrity.

Physical therapists must also be skilled in determining the functional implications of specific problems. For instance, a slight knee flexion contracture can be accommodated for in transtibial socket alignment, whereas a significant knee flexion contracture prohibits prosthetic fitting with a conventional prosthesis. Prosthetic prescription and PT intervention may be quite different for two individuals who both present with knee flexion contractures.

Establishing a Physical Therapy Diagnosis

The establishment of the diagnosis for a person with lower extremity amputation is relatively straightforward. The diagnosis is determined by a collection of signs and symptoms that delineate the primary dysfunction of the individual. The physical therapist then directs interventions toward resolving that dysfunction. According to the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, Part 2, the preferred practice pattern for a person with an amputation is “Impaired Motor Function, Muscle Performance, Range of Motion, Gait, Locomotion, and Balance Associated with Amputation.”1

Formulating a Prognosis

The physical therapist uses patient history information and specific test findings in the context of knowledge of previous outcomes for individuals with transtibial and transfemoral amputation, to predict each person’s rehabilitation potential and probable functional outcome. Based on the individual’s prognosis, measurable short-term and long-term goals are defined to guide planning for interventions. These goals are also used to inform assessment of outcomes as rehabilitation progresses. An important component of the prognosis is delineation of the likely time frame for achievement of the optimal final outcome. A young, active, healthy person with traumatic transtibial amputation who has few postoperative complications is likely to progress through rehabilitation more quickly, achieving a high level of function in a short period of time. In contrast, a medically frail and deconditioned individual who has had a transfemoral amputation as a result of vascular compromise or nonhealing neuropathic ulcer will likely have a longer rehabilitation course, likely resulting in a less ambitious final functional outcome.

Research findings indicate several prognostic indicators of functional prosthetic use following rehabilitation. All of the following have been found to negatively affect functional prosthetic use, despite rehabilitation efforts: advanced age,1116 presence of comorbidities,1113 level of amputation (transfemoral vs. transtibial),1114,16 and cognitive and/or memory impairment.11,12,17,18 This information is not intended to suggest the exclusion of individuals with any of these predictors from prosthetic rehabilitation efforts; in fact, there is evidence of successful prosthetic rehabilitation in even the oldest old,19 but therapists need to be realistic in assessing the challenges facing each individual prosthetic user. It is generally accepted that the best predictor of postamputation mobility is the level of pre-amputation mobility. Patients who were ambulating prior to their amputation are much more likely to be able to use a prosthesis for ambulation postsurgery.11,12 Consideration of all of these factors should be reflected in the plan of care, as well as the specific goals set and the anticipated rate at which goals will be met.

Plan of Care

The PT plan of care includes information about the frequency, duration, location, and specific PT interventions that are to be used. The plan of care is directly related to the goals delineated by the evaluation/prognostic process. The prioritized problem list provides a foundation for determination of functional short-term and long-term goals that, in turn, direct rehabilitation activities. If independent donning and doffing of a prosthesis are primary short-term goals, the associated treatment plan must include education strategies, opportunities to practice this skill, and remediation or adaptation of any movement components that, if missing, would compromise the individual’s ability to perform this necessary task (e.g., the person may need to improve grip strength or intrinsic hand strength to manipulate prosthetic suspension). The plan includes information about equipment to be ordered, referrals to be made, and the ultimate PT discharge plan.

Preprosthetic Interventions

A variety of skills and physical/functional characteristics create the foundation for successful prosthetic use. These key areas include functional range of motion (ROM) of the hip and (if applicable) knee; functional strength of muscles at the hip and (if applicable) knee; adequacy of motor control and balance; aerobic capacity and endurance; effective edema control and maturation of the residual limb; integrity of the skin and soft tissue; and sensory integrity of the residual limb. It is crucial to address these areas early in the rehabilitation process. Inability to achieve a certain status or level of performance in one area does not prohibit a good prosthetic outcome; however, difficulties in multiple areas have an impact on prosthetic candidacy and use. Each of these areas should be carefully evaluated and appropriate interventions undertaken to achieve at least minimal requirements for functional prosthetic use, if not optimal level of performance.

Range of Motion

Early and aggressive achievement of functional ROM of the involved lower extremity is of paramount importance. The flexor withdrawal pattern of hip flexion, abduction, and external rotation, and knee flexion, is a position associated with lower-extremity pain and is often a position of choice in individuals postsurgically. The elevation of the residual limb on pillows serves to reinforce this undesirable posture and puts these individuals at risk for contracture formation. The development of contractures or tightness of muscles consistent with this position of the residual limb, especially hip and knee flexors, can have a significant negative impact on ultimate prosthetic use.11,20 Maintaining or increasing available ROM at the hip for persons with a transfemoral residual limb and at the hip and knee of the transtibial residual limb continues to be a primary treatment goal as the patient moves from preprosthetic into prosthetic rehabilitation. The prevention of loss of ROM is much easier than efforts to regain lost motion.21 Prone positioning is an excellent strategy to combat contracture formation of the hip flexors and should be prescribed (60 minutes daily) as early as possible for all individuals who are able to tolerate this position. Low load, long duration stretch is safe and can yield significant elastic and plastic changes in soft tissues.21 Active and passive stretching in the side-lying position may be used for those unable to lie prone. Full functional hip ROM into flexion, extension, and adduction is critical to achieving efficient ambulation and functional mobility with a prosthesis. Typical gait on level surfaces requires the hip to move from 30 degrees flexion to 10 degrees extension and requires adduction slightly beyond neutral.22 More extreme ranges of hip flexion are required for transitioning sit to/from stand or reaching forward from a seated position.

To avoid knee flexion contracture in the individual with a transtibial amputation, a postoperative rigid dressing or knee extension splint or board (extending from under seating cushion) can be an effective technique early in the process to position the knee resting in an extended position while seated. Full knee extension ROM is required in typical ambulation on level surfaces22 and for exploiting passive stability at the knee joint in static standing. Individuals with recent transtibial amputation should be encouraged to use the knee extension splint as long as tolerable throughout the day, supplemented with frequent active quadriceps exercises (“quad set”). The person must also be taught to regularly check the integrity of skin of the residual limb while using the splint or board, to minimize risk of pressure-related skin damage that would delay use of the prosthesis.

For individuals with transtibial amputations, achieving knee flexion ROM is sometimes overlooked early in rehabilitation. Typical gait on level surfaces generally requires approximately 60 degrees of knee flexion,22 and 90 degrees or more is required for efficient step-over-step stair ambulation, rising from a seated position, and high-level mobility activities such as kneeling or rising from the floor.

Assessment of ROM of the intact limb is also important, as loss of ROM of either limb has an impact on quality and energy efficiency of gait.23 The importance of functional ROM is also emphasized in individual education and home exercise routines. Table 26-3 summarizes the potential prosthetic problems that are associated with loss of functional ROM. Utilization of a wide variety of active and passive ROM therapeutic exercise techniques is appropriate as early as possible. All exercises that are started during the preprosthetic phase are generally appropriate to continue as prescribed, or to be progressed as tolerated during the prosthetic training phase. Once full functional ROM is achieved, the person must be educated to maintain this level.

Table 26-3

Prosthetic Consequences of Limitations in Range of Motion

Range of Motion Limitation Potential Functional Limitation Implication
↓ Hip extension Inability to achieve upright posture in stance and inability to take advantage of extensor moment at hip; hip and low back extensors firing continually to maintain upright
Compensatory anterior pelvic tilt
Compensatory knee flexion in transtibial prosthetic
Body cannot progress beyond prosthetic leg during gait
Fatigue of hip and low back extensors
Chronic low back pain
Instability during stance phase of gait
Decreased step and stride length of contralateral limb in gait
↓ Hip adduction Abducted stance in gait (wide base of support) Abductor lurch/lateral lean on ipsilateral side during stance decreasing gait efficiency
↓ Internal rotation Toe-out stance and gait
Pelvic progression over stance limb in gait may be limited (contralateral pelvis rotates anteriorly from fulcrum of weight bearing hip; if limited internal rotation, this will impede pelvic rotation on fixed femur)
Knee joint pain and/or pathology in transtibial prosthetic user because of lack of anterior/posterior orientation of knee joint
Decreased step and stride length of contralateral limb in gait
↓ Knee extension in transtibial prosthetic user Limb functionally shorter
Inability to take advantage of extensor moment at knee; knee extensors firing continually to maintain knee extension
Gait deviations associated with leg length discrepancy
Quadriceps fatigue, decreased midstance stability in gait
↓ Knee flexion in transtibial prosthetic user Inability to place foot flat on the floor when sitting
Inability to climb or descend stairs step over step
Inability to weight bear through prosthesis during sit-to-stand transfers
Limited to step-to-step method, which may be less efficient and slower


In a systematic review, van Velzen et al.24 found several studies that demonstrated significant strength differences between muscles of the amputated limb as compared to the sound limb in subjects with transtibial and transfemoral amputations. Deficits in muscular endurance of the amputated limb as compared to the sound limb25 and weakness of both the amputated and the sound limb in comparison to age-matched norms26 have also been demonstrated. Although we cannot draw direct relationships between strength impairment and specific activity limitations, there has been some evidence to support the impact of weakness on activity level performance. For instance, hip extensor strength in persons with lower-extremity amputation has been identified as a useful predictor of performance on the 6-minute walk test,27 and increased abductor strength in individuals with transtibial amputation is correlated with improved weight bearing on the prosthetic limb in quiet stance.28

Accurate strength assessment can help to elucidate the potential causes of gait deviations, as deviations are often related to strength deficits. Knowing which muscles are weak will serve to guide therapeutic exercise interventions. Gathering muscle strength measures in the initial stages of prosthetic training will also establish baseline strength levels against which progress can be demonstrated.

Early in the prosthetic training process, it is important to evaluate baseline strength in several ways. Assessing hip and, in persons with transtibial amputation, knee strength of the residual limb becomes somewhat more subjective, as the standard lever arm for providing resistance has been altered by the amputation. Isokinetic instrumentation or hand held dynamometers may be used to evaluate muscle strength, although the validity and reliability of these tests has not been well-established for this population.26,29 Functional strength of the hip and knee during closed chain activities and eccentric control are equally important, as they reflect muscle activity during normal gait.

Although strengthening programs should address all muscles of the residual limb and sound limb, prioritizing exercises that address hip extensor strength in the amputated side is appropriate, as hip extension strength has been identified as a strong predictor of gait outcome in persons with amputation.27,30 Hip abductor strength is a priority for frontal plane stability and knee extensor strength is key for knee stability in the sagittal plane in individuals with transtibial amputation, so these muscle groups must also be emphasized in a preprosthetic exercise program. Stability of the hip and pelvis, especially in stance on the prosthetic side, is one of the key ingredients in achieving effective forward progression over the prosthesis during gait. In persons with amputations appropriate hip extensor and abductor strength is critical to achieving stability of the pelvis over the prosthetic limb during single limb stance in gait.27,30 Strengthening exercises targeting hip extensors and abductors should be initiated early and progressed appropriately.

Although pre-amputation weakness of proximal muscles is often subtle with little to no observable abnormalities in pre-amputation gait patterns, these impairments of strength and muscle endurance may be magnified in prosthetic gait. Periods of disuse prior to and following amputation typically produce further weakness in much of the involved limb’s musculature. Without adequate proximal muscle strength and with the loss of distal musculature because of the amputation, problems with gait are likely.

Attention to strengthening of the hip extensors, abductors, adductors, and, in the person with transtibial amputation, the quadriceps and hamstrings are paramount to achieving optimal ambulation abilities. This is best addressed in the early phases of rehabilitation but should continue throughout the rehab process. Core strengthening of the abdominal and paraspinal muscles is important to develop as a strong core is essential for trunk stabilization during mobility training for transfers and gait. The degree of strengthening for the extremities and the positioning of the individual’s limb in gravity resistance or gravity neutral position will depend upon existing strength levels. Utilization of closed chain (e.g., residual limb on bolster or gymnastic ball, or individual in kneeling position if tolerated) and open-chain exercise techniques, with both concentric and eccentric muscle contractions, are appropriate and effective. Progressive resistance protocols are often used to improve strength and muscle endurance. Resistance may be applied manually or with equipment, such as cuff weights, elastic bands, or pulley weights. Using body weight is an effective way to introduce resistance training. Resistance is generally not applied at or near the suture line until the surgical wound is well healed. Basic physiological principles of strengthening (e.g., overload principle, specificity of training) are employed in the design of an appropriate resistance training program. Resistance exercises should specifically target muscles identified as weak in the examination and muscles that are functionally required in gait, transfer, and mobility activities. Strengthening within the context of functional activities is desirable. Correct exercise technique is critical to achieving the desired strength gains with the ultimate goal of minimizing an individual’s activity limitations.

As an individual’s strength improves, exercises become more functionally oriented as well as more intense. Closed-chain exercises can take on greater emphasis during the latter stages of rehabilitation as the intervention focus may be exclusively on upright functional activities. Table 26-4 highlights some exercises that may be helpful in strengthening an individual with transtibial or transfemoral amputation.

The strength requirements for ambulation with a prosthesis are similar but not identical to those of normal gait. Both the involved and intact lower extremities display increased muscle activity during their respective stance phases. Specifically, activity of the ipsilateral hip extensors and, in the case of transtibial amputation, knee extensors is increased and prolonged during stance as compared to persons without amputation.30,31 The intact limb is subject to increased ground reaction forces, presumably a result of the absence of the normal foot and ankle mechanism of the involved side.32,33 Hip abductors and extensors and knee extensors of the intact limb must respond to these increased forces. They demonstrate an increase in power generation and muscle activity.34

It is clear that PT interventions must address the strength not only of the residual limb, but of the uninvolved limb and trunk as well. Persons with amputation often go through protracted periods of inactivity before and after amputation. Because of this “disuse,” the patient often experiences generalized loss of strength. Adding exercises that address the trunk, upper extremities, and uninvolved limb will generally be beneficial to overall functional mobility as the demand on them will be increased during preprosthetic and prosthetic training.

Balance and Postural Control

Effective postural control during functional tasks has two fundamental components: (a) controlling the body’s position in space for purposes of stability (maintaining center of mass over base of support) and (b) orientation of the trunk and limbs in space (appropriate relationship between body segments and between body and environment).35 The normal balance mechanism relies on visual, vestibular, and somatosensory input. Visual and vestibular information add awareness of position in space with respect to objects in the environment and to gravity and somatosensation provides information about the positions of the joints of the lower extremity and the pressures through those joints. With loss of the distal limb to amputation, somatosensation and proprioception can no longer provide direct information about limb’s interaction with support surfaces. Balance deficits are well documented in persons with amputation,24,36 as are deficits in balance confidence.37,38 Balance performance is associated with ambulation outcome following amputation15,24,27,39 and reduced balance confidence has been linked to a loss of perceived ability with the prosthesis, a loss of performance with the prosthesis, and a reduction in a sense of social importance.40 Additionally, the incidence of falls in persons with amputation is higher than in age-matched peers,36,40 and many falls occur during the inpatient postoperative period,41 especially during transitional movements such as transfers to/from wheelchairs.42

Before discussing standing balance, it is important to mention that some individuals will have difficulty adjusting to changes in sitting balance following transtibial or transfemoral amputation. Prior to receiving the prosthesis, lack of a second foot on the floor, or in the case of transfemoral amputation, loss of the surface area of the thigh on the seating surface, alters the base of support while sitting; and loss of the mass of the lower extremity impacts the location of the body’s center of gravity in sitting. Most individuals adjust fairly quickly in achieving static sitting stability, but the inability to weight shift onto that foot can challenge dynamic sitting balance, especially with reaching tasks requiring movement anterior and ipsilateral to the amputated side. For this reason, seated reaching ability is evaluated during the initial examination and is addressed in treatment as necessary. Once an individual is training with a prosthesis, practicing dynamic sitting balance activities usually progresses quite quickly.

In the preprosthetic phase, standing balance assessment and training might include single-limb standing in the parallel bars or at a support surface with decreasing reliance on upper-extremity support. Ability to stand on the sound limb without upper-extremity support has been associated with better prosthetic gait outcomes in individuals with unilateral lower-extremity amputation,15,24,27 making this an important skill to assess and train as early as possible.

In patients with transtibial amputation, if the individual can tolerate a kneeling position over the healed surgical site, or in individuals with either transtibial or transfemoral amputations, if they can tolerate gentle pressure to the healed distal end, the individual may stand with the intact limb on the floor and the residual limb resting on an elevated surface (low mat, gymnastic ball, or foam block) that allows minimal weight bearing and balance support. Preprosthetic gait training with an appropriate assistive device is another useful and functional approach to upright balance training.

Because sensory and proprioceptive input from the distal segment is absent after amputation, a new prosthetic user must learn to compensate for this lack of important postural information. In individuals with nonvascular amputations (sensory status of remaining limb presumed intact), quiet stance is characterized by asymmetrical weight bearing (sound limb greater than prosthesis) and an alteration of the location and trajectory of the center of pressure on both the prosthetic limb and the sound limb.43 These sound limb variations are strategies to compensate for the prosthetic limb in maintaining upright balance. Because the vast majority of lower-extremity amputations are the result of vascular pathology, the underlying sensory mechanisms that help to inform the balance compensation cannot be presumed to be intact. Balance assessment and training is, therefore, a significant and justifiable component of the prosthetic rehabilitation process.

Prosthetic users may learn to deduce the position of the prosthetic foot and contact with the support surface by the angle of the hip or, in the case of the person with transtibial amputation, the knee, and/or pressures felt within the prosthetic socket. Early in gait training, the person with a transfemoral amputation may make an exaggerated effort to dig the prosthetic heel into the floor at initial contact, so as to use the resulting pressure at the posterior residual limb as an indicator of contact with the floor and to assure prosthetic knee extension. The individual may learn to interpret this sensory experience as the secure position for proceeding with loading response and progressing into midstance.

In addition to the loss of direct sensory knowledge of contact with the floor, the loss of muscles at the ankle often compromises postural responses. Nashner44 describes three stereotypical motor responses that are used to ensure that the center of mass stays within the base of support in response to unexpected anteroposterior perturbations: ankle, hip, and stepping strategies. These postural strategies are also evident during functional activities, such as ambulation.35 The ankle strategy movement pattern, evident in normal postural sway, requires intact ROM and strength of muscles at the ankle. After amputation, this strategy is no longer available to the involved limb, so that the person may not be able to resolve the balance perturbation using intact limb response only, and instead may need to rely on a hip strategy (movement of the trunk over the base of support) or a stepping strategy (moving the base of support under the center of mass) when a postural response is necessary.

Individuals with transtibial and transfemoral amputations must be able to respond to environmental demands during ambulation and other functional tasks in anticipatory (feed forward) and reactive (feedback) modes. Therapists can design activities to assess and encourage postural control in varying tasks and environments.45 For example, successfully catching and throwing a ball requires the person to anticipate postural demands (in an effort to throw) and react to postural disruptions (in an effort to catch). Reaching activities in standing help individuals develop skill and confidence in their anticipatory postural responses and, should the reach distance be excessive, their reactive postural responses as well. Individuals with higher functional demands will require more advanced training. Therapists must consider the person’s ultimate likely functional requirements and design a variety of balance tasks to help the individual achieve those levels.

Cardiovascular Endurance

A thorough assessment of a person’s cardiovascular status followed by appropriate cardiovascular endurance training is an integral part of pre-prosthetic and prosthetic management. The energy requirements for an individual who is using a prosthesis for ambulation are higher than those of an individual who ambulates on two intact lower limbs. Aerobic capacity of persons with amputations has been demonstrated to be lower than age-matched peers, even in younger individuals with traumatic amputations.46 An extensive literature review by Waters47 identifies some of the key physiological considerations for gait in persons with prostheses:

• The energy cost of walking is greater in individuals with amputations than those without.

• Higher level amputations are associated with higher energy costs of walking than lower level amputations.

• Persons with amputations as a consequence of vascular pathology demonstrate greater energy cost of walking than those with traumatic amputations; this may likely be associated with overall fitness level.

• Customary walking speed decreases with higher level of amputation.

• Average rate of oxygen consumption during self-selected walking may not be significantly greater than normal, as users of prosthetics often adjust (decrease) their speed.

• It is generally more efficient for an individual with a prosthesis to ambulate with the prosthesis (with or without assistive device), than it is to ambulate with the assistive device without the prosthesis. The one exception to this may be the person with a vascular transfemoral amputation, where the energy expenditure is similar with and without prosthesis, likely a result of the substantial dependency on the assistive device, even when using the prosthesis.

The energy expenditure for overground walking in people with unilateral transtibial amputation may be 10% to 36% higher than that of individuals without amputation,4852 with the lower end of the range representing those with non–vascular-related amputations, and subjects who were more physically active. Individuals with transfemoral amputations demonstrate even higher energy requirements, 27% to 65% higher than people without an amputation.50,5355 Physical conditioning is an essential component of rehabilitation for individuals with lower-extremity amputation, especially those with cardiopulmonary or vascular compromise. Individuals with vascular amputations are significantly less active than their peers.56 Improving metabolic efficiency (aerobic capacity) has a direct impact on the potential for functional ambulation even for the frailest and most deconditioned individuals.57 The ability to gain an exercise intensity of greater than or equal to 50% VO2 has been associated with “successful” prosthetic outcome (i.e., ability to walk 100 m with or without cane) in older adults with high-level amputations (transfemoral and hip disarticulation).58,59 Endurance activities during the preprosthetic rehabilitation phase (e.g., wheelchair propulsion, single-limb ambulation with an appropriate assistive device, bilateral upper or unilateral lower-extremity ergometry) can help improve cardiovascular status before prosthetic training. Individuals often continue these activities as they enter into the prosthetic phase of rehabilitation. As the condition of the person’s residual limb and wearing tolerance permit, ambulation with the prosthesis can be used as an additional cardiovascular endurance activity. The 2-minute walk test with prosthesis may be a useful tool to document changes in functional exercise capacity for an individual with amputation.60,61 For those whose endurance may be a limiting factor for prosthetic ambulation, the PT plan of care must include a cardiovascular exercise component as a priority. Individuals who are taught to monitor their own pulse, respiratory rate, and/or perceived rate of exertion are able to participate more fully in prosthetic rehabilitation and prosthetic training. To develop an effective cardiovascular conditioning program, the therapist uses knowledge of the person’s past medical history and cardiovascular pathophysiology, adapting the program to provide an appropriate challenge without surpassing their physiologic capabilities. The therapist must recognize the influence of cardiopulmonary pathologies, such as unstable angina or advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, on the individual’s ability to improve his or her endurance and adjust goals and intervention strategies as appropriate. For individuals with few cardiovascular restrictions, more advanced cardiovascular exercises can be utilized as rehabilitation progresses. Brisk walking and/or use of exercise equipment (e.g., treadmill, stationary bicycle, stair climber, or elliptical machine) are excellent endurance training activities for the appropriate person. An amputation need not prevent individuals from participating in health and wellness exercise programs during and following their rehabilitation.

Edema Control of Residual Limb

Reduction of postsurgical edema is critical in the early postoperative rehabilitation phase. Use of rigid postoperative dressings (e.g., cast) after transtibial amputation appear to be superior to soft dressings (including ace wrapping) in controlling volume of the residual limb62,63 and are associated with a shorter time frame from amputation to initial prosthetic fitting64,65; however, this type of postoperative care is not routinely used throughout the United States, perhaps because of physicians’ hesitancy to be blinded to the surgical site for 5 to 7 days postsurgery. When the more common soft dressings are used, ace wrapping for compression is applied over the transtibial residual limb dressing. Ace wraps should be applied in oblique angles (not circumferentially, so as to avoid a tourniquet effect), with gradual increase in pressure from distal to proximal, and always extending above the knee (as the transtibial prosthetic socket engulfs the medial and lateral aspects of the knee). Patients and family members should be instructed in wrapping technique, as the Ace wrap typically needs to be reapplied several times per day.

The transfemoral residual limb does not lend itself to rigid postoperative dressings and is more challenging to Ace wrap, as it requires anchoring over the pelvis and it may be difficult for a patient to elevate the pelvis for wrapping. Nevertheless, efforts at compression wrapping postsurgically should be a part of the treatment plan.

After the staples or sutures are removed, use of a commercial pressure garment (“shrinker”) is suggested for persons with either transtibial or transfemoral amputation. Residual limb edema plays a big role in determining when initial prosthetic fitting will take place—if the prosthesis is fitted too early and the residual limb is still substantially shrinking, this will affect the intimacy of prosthetic socket fit, making training more difficult and increasing the risk of complications caused by a poorly fitting socket.

Prerequisites for initial prosthetic fitting include sutures removed, surgical wound healed or healing, and edema controlled, with distal measurements less than or equal to proximal measurements. The importance of continued shrinking efforts, even after prosthetic training has begun, should be emphasized. Individuals usually must continue to wear a shrinker sock when they are not wearing their prosthesis, at least during early training efforts. If patients allow the edema to return to the limb the socket may no longer fit and aggressive efforts to reduce limb volume will need to precede any further prosthetic training.

Initiation of weight-bearing activities in the prosthetic socket significantly decreases limb edema and accelerates maturation of the residual limb as a result of total contact within the socket and the pumping of muscle contractions during weight-bearing activities and movement. Shrinking of the residual limb in early prosthetic training is accommodated for with the addition of layers of appropriate ply thickness of prosthetic socks to maintain a snug residual limb-prosthesis interface. Given fluctuations in residual limb size during early training and the need for an intimate socket fit, new prosthetic users must carry extra socks with them whenever they are going to be out for longer than 2 to 3 hours.

As mentioned, during early prosthetic rehabilitation, individuals continue to use a shrinker when not wearing the prosthesis to reduce the likelihood of insidious edema when the prosthesis is not being worn. Individuals prone to fluid volume fluctuations (e.g., those with kidney dysfunction or congestive heart failure) will likely need to use a shrinker indefinitely. For others, whose residual limb ultimately reaches a stable size and shape, a shrinker may not be necessary once the prosthesis is consistently being used. The decision to discontinue the use of a shrinker permanently is based on two factors: (a) consistency in the number of sock ply worn during the day and (b) the ability to don the prosthesis without decreasing the usual number of sock ply after a night’s sleep without the shrinker.

Significant changes in body weight can also dramatically affect socket fit. Patients should be educated regarding the importance of limiting weight gain or loss so as not to compromise socket fit.

Soft-Tissue Mobility of Residual Limb

Soft-tissue and bony adhesions that limit tissue mobility around the incision scar and the surrounding area may have an impact on prosthetic tolerance, comfort, and use. Surgical amputation can include muscle-to-muscle (myoplasty), muscle-to-fascia (myofascial), and/or muscle-to-bone (myodesis) surgical fixations to stabilize the remaining muscle.66,67 Scarring or adhesions can occur among any or all of these tissues. The normal stresses and shearing forces of cyclic loading and unloading during gait require that soft tissue throughout the residual limb be mobile. If the soft tissue is not able to move independently of the scar tissue or skeletal structures, the stress can lead to tissue breakdown and/or discomfort. Soft-tissue mobilization techniques early in the rehabilitation process can help establish appropriate tissue mobility in the residual limb. Once the surgical incision is securely closed, soft-tissue massage can be an effective tool in maintaining tissue mobility. Deep friction massage may be helpful in managing scar tissue that is restrictively adhered. Individuals can be instructed in the use of this modality with specific guidelines for proper technique. Appropriate deep friction massage targets movements between skin, subcutaneous soft tissue and fascia, and muscle layers. Improper deep friction massage technique is ineffective in managing scar tissue and potentially harmful for the person with fragile skin and soft tissue. Friction generated between the fingers and skin results in skin irritation, blistering, or breakdown and can delay prosthetic use until adequate healing occurs.

Sensory Status of Residual and Remaining Limb

Residual limb and sound limb sensibility is formally assessed during the initial PT examination. Standard sensation testing guidelines are used to assess all sensory modalities (pain, temperature, light touch, deep pressure, proprioception, vibration). Semmes-Weinstein monofilament testing may be used to assess for protective sensation of the sound limb. Several commonly occurring post-amputation sensory phenomena can have implications for functional outcome in patients with amputation. These include hyposensitivity, hypersensitivity, phantom sensations, and phantom limb pain.


Hyposensitivity is most often encountered among those with a history of diabetes, neuropathy, traumatic nerve damage, or vascular disease. Limited research suggests that deep pressure remains intact, but superficial pain sensibility is impaired in transtibial residual limbs.68 Individuals with amputation who have impaired sensation are at high risk for skin breakdown because they may not recognize discomfort associated with skin irritation resulting from repetitive stresses and pressures. Inclusion of education about the preventative need for visual inspection, and practice time to perform visual inspection of the residual limb for signs and symptoms of soft-tissue lesions can reduce the risk of skin breakdown. Adaptive equipment, such as mirrors, or the assistance of caregivers may be necessary for people with concurrent limitations in flexibility and/or visual impairment.


Early in rehabilitation, it is not uncommon to encounter a generalized hypersensitivity of the residual limb. This hypersensitivity is thought to be a consequence of nerve damage from amputation surgery itself.69 Hypersensitivity can be effectively managed by bombarding the residual limb with tactile stimuli using a variety of textures and pressures. Strategies for reducing hypersensitivity include gently tapping with the fingers, massaging with lotion, touching with a soft fabric (e.g., flannel or towel), rolling a small ball over the residual limb, and implementing a specific wearing schedule for shrinker socks and removable rigid dressings. Intensity of intervention is based on the individual’s tolerance to the sensory stimulation. The techniques can be progressed in intensity, type of modality used, and duration of stimulus (e.g., touching the limb with a rougher fabric and increasing wearing time for the shrinker socks). Individuals with amputations are strongly encouraged to use these techniques independently as part of their home program. Over time these techniques should help reduce the hypersensitivity with the ultimate goal of tolerance to normal sensory input without discomfort. Physiologically, overloading the nervous system with sensory stimuli is thought to encourage habituation via downregulation of neural receptors.

Localized hypersensitivity may be an indication that a troublesome neuroma has developed at the distal end of a surgically severed peripheral nerve. A neuroma is suspected when localized tapping sends a shock sensation up the leg. If conservative clinical treatment is unsuccessful in reducing the hypersensitivity and pain caused by a neuroma, injection of a local anesthetic directly into the region or surgical removal may be necessary.

Phantom Limb Sensations

Phantom limb sensations are quite common after amputation.7072 Many individuals report experiencing feelings of itching, tingling, numbness, or sensations of heat and cold in the toes or foot of the limb that has been amputated. Although the sensation can include the entire missing extremity, proximal sensation often fades leaving only distal perceptions, a phenomenon known as “telescoping,” presumably related to the large area of somatosensory cortex dedicated to the distal extremity.7274 Phantom limb sensation is a relatively harmless condition that tends to resolve in 2 to 3 years without treatment.72 It has potential functional implications, as it may be useful in providing a semblance of proprioceptive feedback from the prosthesis. Be alerted, however, as to the importance of educating individuals of the potential danger of phantom limb sensations: nighttime falls are not uncommon when, half asleep, an individual attempts to stand and walk to the bathroom, expecting their phantom foot to make contact with the floor.

Phantom Limb Pain

Phantom limb pain occurs in 60% to 80% of all persons with amputation.70,72,74,75 Incidence of phantom limb pain has been demonstrated to be higher with upper-extremity amputations as compared to lower-extremity amputations,72,76,77 with proximal as compared to distal amputations,72 and demonstrated to decrease over time.70,72,74,76 When phantom pain occurs, it is most often described as a cramping, squeezing, aching, or burning sensation in the part of the limb that has been amputated. The spectrum of complaints may vary from occasional mild pain to continuous severe pain. The absence of observable abnormalities of the residual limb is common. Although the etiology of phantom pain is not definitively understood, changes in the peripheral nervous system, the spinal cord, and reorganization at the level of the cerebral cortex may all be involved in the perception of phantom limb pain.7072,74 The association between the etiology of amputation (vascular versus traumatic) and the incidence of phantom pain is unclear, but there does appear to be higher incidence of phantom pain in individuals who experienced pain in the limb prior to amputation.70,74,78 Whatever the etiology and predisposing factors, phantom limb pain is challenging to manage and disabling if the pain is severe. Presently, there are no evidence based practice recommendations for the management of phantom limb pain. Clinically, strategies used to address phantom limb pain include medications (antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and analgesics), neural blockade, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators, heat and cold modalities, acupuncture, biofeedback, firm pressure applied to the residual limb (e.g., massage, compression or prosthetic socket), mirror box therapy, phantom exercises of the phantom limb, psychological treatment, and patient education.70,72,73,79,80

Residual Limb Pain

Residual limb pain is another potential limiting factor in persons after lower-extremity amputation. Common early after surgery, this pain usually subsides over time.70,72,74 Ongoing complaints of residual limb pain should prompt careful inspection of the residual limb, as the therapist may pick up on signs of infection or small cutaneous or subcutaneous problems that could be manifesting as pain. This careful inspection and follow through is especially important in individuals with diabetes and vascular disease, as those who have an initial distal amputation at any level are at substantial risk of revision of amputation to a higher level. In a recent study of 277 subjects with diabetic amputation, 27% of patients required surgical revision by 1 year, and 61% by 5 years.81

Care of Sound Limb

Ongoing assessment of the intact lower extremity should be made the responsibility of the individual with the amputation, with support of the physical therapist. Individuals with diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, or peripheral vascular disease who have lost one leg as a result of the disease process have a significant chance of losing the other leg, given the symmetrical distribution of these disease processes and the increased functional demand on the remaining limb after the amputation. The added burden to the remaining limb extends beyond the preprosthetic period. Once ambulatory with a prosthesis, individuals will preferentially initiate level surface walking with the prosthetic limb, placing a larger burden on the sound limb for stability and propulsion.82 And as an ambulatory individual makes adjustments to increase walking speed, this, too, will increased demands on the sound limb.83

Contralateral major limb amputation has long been known to be a very real threat in those with diabetes and vascular compromise,84 and this is continually being reaffirmed. A 2006 study by Izumi demonstrated amputation of the contralateral limb of 12% of subjects with diabetes within 1 year of initial amputation, 44% within 3 years, and 53% within 5 years.81 To minimize the risk of loss of the remaining limb, close monitoring of limb condition (especially for subtle or insidious trophic, sensory, or motor changes) and optimal foot care is essential. Ongoing, systematic, and frequent assessment of pulses, edema, temperature, and skin is suggested. Education about the importance of a daily routine of cleansing, drying, and closely inspecting the foot (including the plantar surface and between the toes) is crucial. Podiatric care of nails, corns, and plantar callus, appropriately fitting footwear or accommodative foot orthoses, and avoidance of barefoot walking are three additional imperatives for the longevity of the remaining foot. If unable to perform daily foot inspection independently because of disease or visual impairment or decreased agility, individuals must be able to direct a caregiver in inspecting the foot. Even if individuals are physically incapable of performing certain tasks for their own health and safety, they are ultimately responsible for their own care. Developing or improving on a person’s skill at directing assistance is a useful and realistic PT treatment goal.

Initial Prosthetic Training

Prosthetic fitting with an initial prosthesis (also called a temporary or training prosthesis) occurs when the surgical incision is healed (or healing without complications) and girth measurements at the distal residual limb are equal to or less than proximal girth measurements. The timeline from surgery to initial prosthetic fitting generally takes 6 to 12 weeks, although younger individuals with traumatic amputation and no other complications may be fitted as early as 2 to 3 weeks, and older dysvascular individuals may require substantially longer than 12 weeks, often because of delayed wound healing issues.

As a new residual limb matures and shrinks in size, the person will add additional ply (layers) of prosthetic sock to ensure adequate fit in the prosthesis. Typically, when the intimacy of fit within the socket is compromised by 15 or more ply of sock, a new prosthetic socket is indicated. How quickly the initial socket needs to be replaced varies depending on the pattern of shrinkage of the residual limb. For some, the first replacement socket may be necessary in 2 to 3 months, whereas others may use their initial socket for 6 months or more. The socket may be replaced several additional times as the residual limb continues to shrink in the first postoperative year. A definitive prosthetic socket is prescribed when the residual limb size is stable for an 8- to 12-week period, as indicated by girth measurements and by a consistent number of sock ply for prosthetic fit. Although some people are ready for their definitive prosthesis within 6 months after surgery, others do not achieve stable residual limb size for 12 to 18 months or longer. With each new socket, close monitoring of the residual limb throughout the adjustment period is necessary.

Several important components of rehabilitation involving prevention of skin breakdown and safe use of equipment can be effectively addressed in group classes or through printed materials. These components include care of the sound limb, donning and doffing the prosthesis, establishing a prosthetic wearing schedule, management and prevention of skin breakdown, positioning with the prosthesis, and care of equipment.

Prosthetic Prescription

The members of the interdisciplinary team involved in the care and rehabilitation of persons with amputation include the surgeon, a physiatrist, a prosthetist, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a social worker, a rehabilitation nurse, and a vocational rehabilitation counselor. Many hospitals and rehabilitation centers have established prosthetic clinics that bring together the appropriate professionals to address the needs and problems of prosthetic users. Determining prosthetic candidacy is the first major clinical decision to be made. Although the research literature has identified predictors of outcome of prosthetic use,11,14,15,27 the team considers the individual’s needs, motivation, and functional capacity in deciding about prosthetic candidacy. Factors that are most often considered in determining whether to fit an individual with a prosthesis include:

1. Medical history: Disabling medical conditions may prohibit successful prosthetic use. An earlier referenced systematic review by Sansam11 suggests some studies relate increased number of comorbidities with poorer prosthetic outcome. Advanced cardiac or pulmonary disease that significantly impairs functional status before amputation has an impact on a person’s prosthetic candidacy. A history of cerebrovascular accident with hemiplegia of the side opposite the amputation may limit functional prosthetic use, although some evidence suggests that degree of motor impairment is more predictive of outcome than the side of involvement.11

2. Premorbid and present level of function: An individual who required substantial assistance for functional mobility before amputation may have limited prosthetic training goals. Pre-amputation ambulation ability is predictive of prosthetic walking ability.11,12 Additionally, individuals who are independent with functional activities, activities of daily living, and ambulation with an assistive device postamputation, will do well with a prosthesis.

3. Body build: Morbid obesity may pose significant challenges to prosthetic fitting. Individuals should not, however, be excluded from prosthetic fitting and training on the basis of their weight alone, as Kalbaugh and associates demonstrated that prosthetic outcome in overweight and obese individuals was comparable to that of a cohort of typical weight.85 Interestingly, the study demonstrated that prosthetic outcome in the overweight and obese individuals was superior to individuals classified as underweight, although these findings were confounded by the increased numbers of comorbidities in the underweight group.

4. ROM: Significant hip and knee flexion contractures are best addressed prior to prosthetic fitting if an individual is to achieve efficiency and functional independence with a prosthesis, as contractures have been shown to have a negative impact on functional prosthetic outcome.11,20

5. Support at home: People who are likely to require assistance must depend on family members, significant others, or formal caregivers to help with one or more prosthetic tasks. The potential to be a limited household ambulator with a prosthesis may be important in reducing the burden of care for caregivers and may allow a person to remain at home with a caregiver as opposed to living in an institutional setting.

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Jul 12, 2016 | Posted by in PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION | Comments Off on Early Rehabilitation in Lower-Extremity Dysvascular Amputation

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