Clavicle Fractures

Clavicle Fractures

Cole R. Beavis

Alan F. Barber

The clavicle acts as a strut suspending the shoulder girdle from the thorax facilitating upper extremity function and placement of the hand in space. It is vulnerable to injury due to this unique role, its subcutaneous location, and unusual bony geometry. This is particularly true in the athletic population with sports injuries being the most common mechanism of injury, leading to clavicle fracture in younger patients. These common fractures have historically been treated nonoperatively with reports of uniformly favorable outcomes. More recently, this has been questioned. However, considerable debate exists about the indications for operative management as well as the clinical benefit and cost-effectiveness of surgical treatment of clavicle fractures.

Early descriptions of clavicle fracture management date back to Hippocrates; however, only recently has scientific enquiry led to reproducible descriptions, classification, and treatment recommendations. As the era of evidence-based medicine using patient-oriented outcomes has emerged, investigation into the role of surgical treatment of clavicle fractures has regained a newfound vigor.

Clavicle fractures have been reported to be the most common adult fracture accounting for up to 5% of all fractures. The most comprehensive study of clavicle fracture epidemiology followed more than 1,000 patients with this injury and information about age, gender, mechanism of injury, fracture type, and outcome was collected (1). Review of these cases led the development of a comprehensive classification system. The reported incidence is 29.14/100,000 population/year with a mean age of 33.6 and a male to female ratio of 2.6:1. There are two incidence peaks with males aged 13 to 20 and those in their seventh decade most at risk. The most common mechanism of injury in younger male patients is sports while simple falls account for the most injuries overall. Fracture of the middle third of the clavicle is the most common type accounting for 69% to 81% of all clavicle fractures, whereas distal third injuries account for 16% to 28% (1,2).


Pertinent History

Assessment of all injured patients must be individualized based on the mechanism of injury and potential for associated injury. Appropriate trauma assessment according to the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocol is mandatory in all patients with a high-energy mechanism. A high index of suspicion for associated injuries is particularly important for patients with open fractures, medial third fractures, and clavicle fractures with associated scapular fractures or scapulothoracic dissociation. In these cases, additional imaging to rule out associated chest injury is mandatory. For all clavicle fracture patients, the history typically yields the primary complaint of shoulder pain; however, a comprehensive evaluation requires specific questions about cervical spine, chest, and neurologic symptoms due the potential for additional injuries. Finally, a thorough assessment of an injured upper limb requires assessment of the entire arm distal to the injury. Additional history should include inquiry about previous shoulder injury, level of activity, and expectations regarding return to sport or laboring occupations.

Physical Examination

Examination should begin with the exposure and inspection of both shoulders. In cases of displaced fractures, there is a typical deformity with prominence of the medial fragment due to the weight of the arm, displacing the lateral fragment and the pull of the sternocleidomastoid on the medial fragment. Shortening of the fracture fragments may result in a visible loss of shoulder width associated with protraction of the scapula. Noting the condition of the skin is essential as surgical treatment is indicated in cases of open wounds or blanched skin from excessive tenting. Abrasions are commonly seen in patients who have fallen directly on their shoulder, particularly in cyclists. Typically, these are more lateral over the deltoid
and acromion; however, they may have implications in patients where surgical treatment is being considered if the abrasions extend into the area of planned incisions.

Palpation should be performed systematically examining the sternoclavicular joint, subcutaneous surface of the clavicle, acromioclavicular (AC) joint, acromion and spine of the scapula. Identification of the specific areas of tenderness will allow for decision making regarding the necessary imaging as suspected medial clavicle fractures, sternoclavicular joint injuries, and scapular fractures generally require computed tomography to adequately define the injury. Range of motion is often limited due to pain; however, patients with isolated clavicle fractures will typically allow passive internal and external rotation. The presence of full passive rotation is a reassuring sign that an associated glenohumeral dislocation is unlikely. The proximity of the clavicle to the brachial plexus and subclavian vessels mandates a careful neurovascular examination of the arm. This should include pulse assessment and sensory and motor examination of the distal upper extremity.


Radiographic evaluation should include a minimum of a frontal view of the entire clavicle including the AC joint. Additional oblique views including a 20° cephalic tilt may provide additional information about displacement or shortening. While not typically required for clinical decision making, computed tomography with reformats provides the most information about fracture configuration, displacement, and shortening. Any possibility of glenohumeral joint injury mandates AP and axially lateral views of the glenohumeral joint, whereas potential associated injuries to the chest or cervical spine require additional imaging as indicated by clinical suspicion.

Decision-Making Algorithms and Classification

In the 1960s, two clavicle fracture classification systems were published that have prevailed in the literature for over 30 years. The Allman (3) system described Group II (lateral third) and Group III (medial third) based simply on the location of the fracture. Neer (4) identified the unique nature of distal third fractures and subclassified these based upon the integrity of the coracoclavicular (CC) ligaments. Neer type I fractures have intact ligaments, which keep the fracture fragments relatively well aligned, whereas Neer type II fractures have preserved soft tissue attachments only to the distal fragment with detachment of the CC ligaments from the proximal fragment. This allows the deforming forces of the weight of the arm and pull of the pectoralis musculature to displace the distal fragment inferior and medial due to its intact ligamentous attachments, whereas the proximal fragment displaces posteriorly into the trapezius muscle.

The AO/OTA comprehensive fracture classification system is a very detailed system, which divides the clavicle (identified as bone number 15) into medial end (A), diaphyseal (B), and lateral end (C) segments. Medial and lateral end fractures are then divided into extra-articular (1) or intra-articular (2), whereas diaphyseal fractures are classified as simple (1), wedge (2), or complex (3). Additional subclassification is also possible with this system based upon specific fracture configuration and characteristics. This complex classification system has not been studied for intraobserver agreement and does not have any specific prognostic value and as such is primarily used for research purposes.

A more practical and evidence-based classification system was described by Robinson (1). This Edinburgh classification includes displacement and comminution as key features with therapeutic and prognostic significance and has shown substantial interrater reliability. Table 29.1 outlines the details of this system, which describes type I fractures involving the medial one-fifth (medial to the first rib), type II involving the central three-fifths, and type III involving the lateral one-fifth (lateral to the coracoid). All types are then subclassified based upon displacement with subtype A being less than 100% displaced and subtype B being greater than 100% displaced. Additional
groupings are based upon the amount of comminution or intra-articular involvement.

Table 29.1 Edinburgh classification of clavicle fractures

Type 1—Medial 1/5

1A: Undisplaced

1A1: Extra-articular

1A2: Intra-articular

1B: Displaced

1B1: Extra-articular

1B2: Intra-articular

Type 2—Middle 3/5

2A: Cortical alignment

2A1: Undisplaced

2A2: Angulated

2B: Displaced

2B1: Simple

2B2: Comminuted/segmental

Type 3—Lateral 1/3

3A: Cortical alignment

3A1: Extra-articular

3A2: Intra-articular

3B: Displaced

3B1: Extra-articular

3B2: Intra-articular

Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Clavicle Fractures

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