Charcot Foot and Ankle Deformity
Thomas M. Zgonis
John J. Stapleton
Thomas S. Roukis
The entire topic of Charcot neuroarthropathy (CN) was poorly represented in the medical literature until the last few years. Unfortunately, the number of patients with Charcot foot and ankle deformities and subsequent complications such as ulceration, infection, and amputation has become highly noticeable since the diabetic population has increased to epidemic proportions. CN is a progressive condition that involves the development of pathologic fractures, dislocations, and gross foot and ankle deformities that can lead to ulceration and infection among neuropathic patients. The development of CN is most commonly associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the United States and is the focus of this chapter, but it may also affect any ambulatory patient with loss of protective sensation and pain insensitivity. CN affects less than 1% of diabetic patients but occurs in up to 29% of diabetic patients with sensory neuropathy and loss of protective sensation (1). Other causes of peripheral neuropathy and progression to neuroarthropathy include alcoholism, chemotherapy agents, congenital insensitivity to pain, leprosy, syphilis, and renal dialysis (1).
Many attempts have been made to classify Charcot foot and ankle deformities. Unfortunately, variations of each classification have been published that demonstrate anatomic locations, prevalence, and clinical staging with little information with regard to overall prognosis and treatment. Devastating deformities combined with instability, ulceration, and/or infection require a rational approach by a multidisciplinary team well experienced in managing this condition.
The pathogenesis of CN is still controversial. Two common etiologies are the neurotrophic and the neurotraumatic theories (2,3). Whether the cause of developing a Charcot foot and ankle deformity is the result of a neurogenic endogenous bone dystrophy, traumatization, or a combination of both, the true pathophysiology of this condition was not clearly understood until the last decade. CN and the development of these severe deformities have not been reported among nonambulatory patients, particularly those with spinal cord injuries. The development of a Charcot deformity is found mainly in the weightbearing or load-bearing regions of the human body. Therefore, what we do know as the pathogenesis or the requirements to develop a Charcot foot and ankle deformity is the combination of trauma or stress on the affected lower extremity that has a loss of protective sensation. Trauma can be either in the form of an acute event or as a stress-induced repetitive microtrauma to the affected joints. The notion to support the above findings is that nonambulatory patients do not usually develop Charcot foot and ankle deformities despite having peripheral neuropathy and loss of protective sensation. Understanding the role of trauma in the development of CN is paramount in the overall management of this condition.
In the past, most surgeons proposed amputation for the management of CN given the complexity of the condition and the rationale that long-term functional ambulation was not feasible. Recently, surgeons involved in multidisciplinary teams focused on the diabetic foot and ankle are discovering that functional limb salvage is feasible, and when successful, the overall morbidity and mortality rate for the patient is improved. The survival rates for diabetic amputations at 3 and 5 years following surgery are only 50% and 40%, respectively (4,5 and 6). This statistical analysis alone should encourage any health care provider to refer Charcot deformities to an experienced team at a major health care system or academic institution for management.
In addition, physicians need to be aware of patients who are at risk of developing CN. The goal of this chapter is to provide guidelines to assist the physician in diagnosis and treatment of Charcot deformities about the foot and ankle. The chapter is not focused on a literature review but rather provides the authors’ opinion to a current approach in the surgical management of the Charcot foot and ankle deformities.
The patient with an acute CN presents with either a painful or painless foot and ankle marked with erythema, calor, edema, and deformity (7,8,9 and 10). The presence of pain experienced during the acute CN event is not clearly understood. The authors have found that pain in the acute phase is rarely encountered but may be present in two clinical case scenarios: the patient who is continuing to ambulate (subsequent trauma) on an unprotected extremity while the acute Charcot inflammatory cascade has begun and when acute CN is complicated with infection. In many instances, the diagnosis of acute CN is not being considered in these two scenarios because the examiner excludes the diagnosis given the presence of pain. The presence of pain should not exclude the possibility of developing neuropathic fractures and dislocations. In addition, initial pedal radiographs that are unremarkable may also not exclude the diagnosis of acute CN.
Often, the acute phase of CN represents a time frame in which the patient is being misdiagnosed or being treated for infection alone or acute gout and/or examined for venous obstruction. The authors’ recommendation is to educate the health care provider in these clinical case scenarios as they are usually involved with the initial patient visit. While it may be necessary to treat or rule out other differential diagnoses, the importance of offloading and immobilizing the acute Charcot neuropathic extremity cannot be overlooked as it may lead to gross deformities that ulcerate and further progress to an amputation. The problem commonly arises when the patient is being treated with antibiotics for cellulitis of the lower extremity and is permitted to walk on the affected extremity during an acute Charcot event, allowing further progression of fractures and dislocations.
In the acute phase of CN, if the diagnosis of infection is equivocal, then the patient may be hospitalized and placed on bed rest without antibiotics and evaluated frequently during the admission period. The acute inflammatory process in CN tends to clinically subside, whereas an infectious process worsens. In addition, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can exclude infection when it is negative or determine the presence of soft tissue infection and abscess formation when suspected; however, it is limited in determining if a Charcot deformity is complicated with osteomyelitis because bone marrow edema is present in both. Nuclear medicine imaging that includes simultaneous indium-labeled white cell and technetium-labeled polyphosphate scans may be more helpful in determining if a Charcot deformity is complicated with osteomyelitis (11). The surgeon should realize that at times false-positive results are present, and these studies should be considered in conjunction with the clinical examination (11). Charcot deformities that present with chronic ulcers whether infected or contaminated should be surgically excised prior to staged surgical reconstruction. Deep soft tissue and bone biopsy cultures during this process are obtained to determine the presence of osteomyelitis (12,13).
Furthermore, the examiner needs to be aware of detecting and treating the patient in the subacute phase of CN (9,10). In this case, initial radiographs are usually unremarkable and early osseous changes can only be detected through advanced MRI techniques. The subacute phase also includes the “pre-Charcot” patient, which describes a patient with loss of protective sensation, acute inflammation, and recent trauma (9,10). Trauma in this setting predisposes the patient at risk for developing neuropathic fractures and dislocations. A common example that is frequently encountered is a diabetic patient with peripheral neuropathy that had an open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) of an acute ankle fracture and develops CN at 6 weeks postoperatively once weight-bearing was initiated.
The clinician should always inquire about a history of trauma to determine the possible inciting event. Although cumulative microstress as a result of gait abnormalities, weight gain, or activities of daily living is generally necessary to precipitate a Charcot event, the process may also be provoked by an acute single episode of trauma like a patient with a foot or ankle fracture (10). In the early stages of CN, often small areas of periarticular osseous fragmentation are appreciated along with mild joint subluxations on plain pedal radiographs. Clinically, the foot and ankle should be assessed for minor instability and/or dislocation on the suspected joints and by using the contralateral extremity as a control if feasible. If early radiographic findings are not apparent and strong clinical suspicion is still present, then the patient should be immobilized and serial radiographs are to be repeated every 2 to 3 weeks. MRI is useful in detecting microfractures and bone marrow edema in the early stages of subacute neuroarthropathy (11). Although uncommon, the authors have seen the progression of deformities despite immobilization and non-weight-bearing, as this is probably attributed to the initial traumatic episode that started the cascade of events leading to the development of CN. Finally, the clinician needs to be aware of the prolonged periods of immobilization and protected weight-bearing required for patients with an acute CN event.
The diagnosis of chronic CN is straightforward, as it is usually marked with gross clinical deformities. The dilemma usually occurs when bone destruction is evident on radiographs and is usually mistaken for osteomyelitis. The clinical case scenario of a deformed foot with no ulceration or clinical signs of infection usually rules out the possibility of osteomyelitis. The Charcot deformity should be characterized by which bones are fractured and which joints are subluxed or dislocated along with assessing for the presence of instability. Radiographs are obtained, but often, further evaluation through computed tomography (CT) with 3-D reconstruction views is required to appreciate the subtle detail of each deformity. Fractures and dislocations should be evaluated for osseous healing and bone bridging and their absence should raise suspicion of structural instability. Weight-bearing radiographs when feasible in chronic deformities consisting of anteroposterior, lateral, and hindfoot alignment views of the foot and ankle are initially performed. The examiner should note the affected joints, joint malalignment, plane of dislocations, apex of rigid deformities, relationship of midfoot deformities to the rearfoot and ankle, and the bone quality. Templates of the radiographs can be made to assist in planning out the necessary osteotomies or joint resections to achieve maximum deformity correction. CT scans can be utilized to better visualize the level of deformity that is present, particularly when radiographs are distorted secondary to overlap of the bony architecture.
Often, the chronic stage of CN about the foot and ankle is associated with the presence of complex wounds that are either contaminated or infected. Deep soft tissue infection resulting in osteomyelitis complicates the clinical case scenario further. Many publications and scientific articles have focused on differentiating CN from osteomyelitis. The clinical concern is not differentiating between the two but whether the Charcot deformity and dystrophic bone is further complicated with osteomyelitis when an ulcer is present. Charcot deformities with ulcerations that display clinical evidence of infection marked by purulent or malodorous drainage can be assumed to be complicated with a deep infection. Ulcerations that clinically present with bone exposure are also treated for osteomyelitis.
Brodsky proposed a classification system based on the anatomic location of the neuroarthropathy and also emphasized the duration of treatment and attempted prognosis (14). Type 1 neuroarthropathy involved the Lisfranc joint (tarsometatarsal joint) and the naviculocuneiform joint. Initially, it was proposed as being rarely associated with chronic instability, plantar prominences, rocker bottom deformity, and possible ulcer formation. Type 2 involved the rearfoot complex (the subtalar, talonavicular, and calcaneocuboid joints). These deformities typically resulted in longer periods of immobilization with gross deformities. Type 3A involved the ankle joint. Often, the talus is grossly dislocated, leading to severe frontal plane instability and ulceration around the medial or lateral malleoli. Type 3B is a pathologic fracture of the calcaneus that leads to tendo Achilles dysfunction. This classification system represents the most common joints to be involved. However, as CN is becoming more prevalent, the deformities more commonly encountered involve multiple joints from the ankle to the midfoot and even the forefoot.
The authors suggest that each Charcot deformity is unique and different on each patient and that certain clinical and functional parameters are needed to facilitate the development of a rational treatment plan. The deformities are usually too broad and distinct and in most cases classification is not feasible or clinically beneficial. Eichenholtz (9,10 and 11) described a staging system as opposed to a classification system that was initially based
on radiographic findings, but then clinical parameters were added to the common utilization of staging Charcot deformities as acute, coalescence, and remodeling. The first (acute) stage as we previously mentioned is when the foot is inflamed with the presence of erythema and edema and radiographs may demonstrate acute fractures, dislocations, and bone fragmentations. The second (coalescence) stage marks that early healing and reparative process as the foot is less inflamed, the edema decreases, and warmth begins to subside and radiographs may display resorption of bone fragmentation. The third (remodeling) stage involves resolution of the inflammatory process and consolidation of bone fragments and fractures. This staging system is useful in distinguishing acute from chronic Charcot deformities. The authors suggest evaluating any Charcot deformity for its presence in an acute or chronic stage, determining which joints are subluxed or dislocated, evaluating the presence of a heel cord contracture and plane of instability, and also diagnosing the presence of soft tissue compromise, ulceration, or associated infection along with possible vascular compromise. Each deformity needs to be evaluated closely, and all of the above findings need to be well understood before the patient is treated either conservatively or with surgical intervention.
on radiographic findings, but then clinical parameters were added to the common utilization of staging Charcot deformities as acute, coalescence, and remodeling. The first (acute) stage as we previously mentioned is when the foot is inflamed with the presence of erythema and edema and radiographs may demonstrate acute fractures, dislocations, and bone fragmentations. The second (coalescence) stage marks that early healing and reparative process as the foot is less inflamed, the edema decreases, and warmth begins to subside and radiographs may display resorption of bone fragmentation. The third (remodeling) stage involves resolution of the inflammatory process and consolidation of bone fragments and fractures. This staging system is useful in distinguishing acute from chronic Charcot deformities. The authors suggest evaluating any Charcot deformity for its presence in an acute or chronic stage, determining which joints are subluxed or dislocated, evaluating the presence of a heel cord contracture and plane of instability, and also diagnosing the presence of soft tissue compromise, ulceration, or associated infection along with possible vascular compromise. Each deformity needs to be evaluated closely, and all of the above findings need to be well understood before the patient is treated either conservatively or with surgical intervention.
Deciding which patients are surgical candidates depends on a multitude of factors and each clinical scenario is different. The basic question that the authors answer prior to deciding if surgery is indicated and worth pursuing is the following: would foregoing surgery and further continuation of treatment significantly compromise the patients’ ability to ambulate, increase morbidity and mortality, and/or increase the likelihood of infection and amputation? If the answer is yes, then the authors tend to proceed with an extensive perioperative protocol for surgical correction of the Charcot foot and/or ankle. A multidisciplinary team approach needs to be established to adequately develop risk stratification for each patient based on the associated comorbidities that are typically encountered such as uncontrolled blood sugar, renal failure, coronary artery disease, chronic anemia, autonomic neuropathy, and obesity. In addition, major limb amputation may be preferable, especially when multiple procedures are anticipated.
Often, multiple psychosocial factors must be considered and addressed if surgery is planned (15). Patients and their families and/or social network must understand what is required and expected of them during the perioperative period. Patients are often nonambulatory for extended periods of time with severe mobility issues and high rehabilitation demands that may not be suitable in a home environment. The placement of patients in subacute and rehabilitation facilities must be addressed and patients must be willing to participate. A patient’s inability to comply or comprehend despite appropriate intervention by psychiatry and/or nurse educators is a contraindication to surgery.
Smoking cessation may also be established throughout the perioperative period and risks need to be explained in detail to the patient. Contraindications for surgery include patients who are medically unstable. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus evident by elevated hemoglobin A1C levels is precluded from elective surgery until the hyperglycemia levels are well controlled. In addition, patients with poor cardiac output should receive cardiac consultation including echocardiogram and/or stress thallium scan to determine if they are surgical candidates. Poor renal status is often a relative contraindication, and procedure selection may be altered given the fact that complication rates are high. Active infection is a contraindication to osseous reconstruction and for definitive soft tissue coverage. Any soft tissue infection and osseous infection should undergo surgical débridement and antibiotic therapy for management. Definitive surgery is delayed until resolution of active infection. Peripheral arterial insufficiency is a contraindication to surgery until vascular intervention is performed and acceptable distal perfusion is confirmed. Venous insufficiency is a relative contraindication and should be managed with compressive dressings, immobilization, and patient education prior to surgical intervention to ensure optimal edema control to prevent wound healing complications.
Surgery for the management of CN is often indicated for failed ORIF fracture cases. Broken or loosening of retained hardware associated with an unstable or malunited fracture and gross deformity in the neuropathic lower extremity is an indication for surgery. The presence of infection or soft tissue loss may necessitate urgent surgery followed by staged surgical procedures to achieve functional limb salvage. Surgical intervention is often indicated with unstable Charcot joints that result in deformity and bony prominences that can lead to future ulceration, infection, and amputation. Our experience has been that CN of the midfoot without the presence of ulceration is more amenable to conservative management, whereas Charcot deformities of the rearfoot and ankle result in deformity that ultimately requires surgical intervention to become braceable and more functional.
The acute Charcot process associated with erythema, acute edema, and calor is a relative contraindication for surgery. The exception to this would be an acute Charcot joint with gross dislocation that may benefit from stabilization and gradual correction with external fixation until the acute inflammatory stage resolves to facilitate later reconstruction (7,8,12,16,17). More recent literature, however, has shown that surgical intervention during the acute stage of CN has produced acceptable outcomes (16,18). However, there is typically a longer convalescence period following surgery in the acute phase. For example, applying external fixation in the acute phase can increase the time a patient requires an external fixator, and the potential for complications associated with the external fixator can increase. At this time, the authors prefer to wait until the erythema subsides, skin lines are present, and the temperature is within 1°F of the contralateral extremity before proceeding with surgery.
The timing of surgery and the strategies employed are paramount and should be understood and agreed on by both the surgical and nonsurgical disciplines managing the diabetic patient. The overall strategy for surgery on a medically stable patient with a Charcot deformity is as follows: the first step is eradication of infection, if present, through adequate surgical débridement and parenteral antibiotics, the second step is a comprehensive vascular assessment with possible vascular surgery if warranted, and the final step is soft tissue and skeletal reconstruction to obtain wound closure, deformity correction, and stability to achieve functional limb salvage (8,10,12). Unfortunately, the determination of limb salvage cannot always be made until the surgeon begins to progress down this treatment algorithm to adequately determine if limb salvage is a
realistic option. A consistent stepwise approach combined with sound surgical principles is paramount for successful surgical intervention of the complicated neuropathic lower extremity in those selected patients.
realistic option. A consistent stepwise approach combined with sound surgical principles is paramount for successful surgical intervention of the complicated neuropathic lower extremity in those selected patients.

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