1 Basic sciences
Basic anatomical terms
The anatomical terms describing the relationships between different parts of the body are based on the anatomical position, in which a person is standing upright, with the feet together and the arms by the sides of the body, with the palms forward. This position, together with the reference planes and the terms describing the relationships between different parts of the body, is illustrated in Figure 1.1.
Within a single part of the body, six additional terms are used to describe relationships:
1. Medial means towards the midline of the body: the big toe is on the medial side of the foot
2. Lateral means away from the midline of the body: the little toe is on the lateral side of the foot
3. Proximal means towards the rest of the body: the shoulder is the proximal part of the arm
4. Distal means away from the rest of the body: the fingers are the distal part of the arm
5. Superficial structures are close to the surface: the skin is superficial to the bones
6. Deep structures are far from the surface: the heart is deep to the sternum.
The motion of the limbs is described using reference planes:
1. A sagittal plane is any plane which divides the body into right and left portions; the median plane is the midline sagittal plane, which divides the whole body into right and left halves
2. A coronal (or frontal) plane divides a body part into front and back portions
3. A transverse (or horizontal) plane divides a body part into upper and lower portions.
Most joints have their largest amount of movement in the sagittal plane, although the coronal and transverse planes can be very important clinically. The directions of these motions for the hip and knee are shown in Figure 1.2 and for the ankle and foot in Figure 1.3. The possible movements are as follows:
1. Flexion and extension take place in the sagittal plane; in the ankle these movements are called dorsiflexion and plantarflexion, where the foot (distal segment) moves up or down relative to the tibia (proximal segment), respectively
2. Abduction and adduction take place in the frontal plane, where the distal segment moves away or towards the midline of the body relative to the proximal segment, respectively
3. Internal and external rotation take place in the transverse plane; they are also called medial and lateral rotation, respectively, the term referring to the motion of the anterior surface of the distal segment relative to the proximal.
Other terms which are used to describe the motions of the joints or body segments are:
1. Varus (adducted) and valgus (abducted), which describe an angulation of a joint towards or away from the midline, respectively, when viewed in the coronal plane. Therefore knock knees are in valgus and bow legs are in varus.
2. Pronation and supination, which are internal and external rotations of the hand about the long axis of the forearm. Pronation of both hands brings the thumbs together, supination brings the little fingers together (aide memoire: you can hold soup in your hands if the palms are upwards). Internal and external rotation of the foot about the long axis of the tibia has also been used to describe pronation and supination of the foot and ankle complex.
3. Inversion (adduction) of the feet brings the soles together; eversion (abduction) causes the soles to point away from the midline when viewed in the coronal plane.
Terminology in the foot is often confusing and lacking in standardisation. This book has adopted what is probably the commonest convention (Fig. 1.3), in which the term pronation is used for a combined movement which consists primarily of eversion but also includes some dorsiflexion and forefoot abduction. Similarly, supination is primarily inversion, but also includes some plantarflexion and forefoot adduction. These movements represent a ‘twisting’ of the forefoot (distal segment), relative to the hindfoot (proximal segment). However, some authorities regard pronation and supination as the basic movements and eversion and inversion as the combined movements. Increasingly the foot is being modelled in multiple segments, most commonly into three or four segments although more have been used. This requires further referencing of the relative movement of the different segments, which will be dealt with later in the chapter.
It could be argued that almost every bone in the body takes part in walking. However, from a practical point of view, it is generally only necessary to consider the bones of the pelvis and legs. These are shown in Figure 1.4.
The foot is a very complicated structure (Fig. 1.5), which is best thought of as having four parts:
1. The hindfoot, which consists of two bones, one on top of the other
2. The midfoot, which consists of five bones, packed closely together
3. The forefoot, which consists of the five metatarsals
4. The toes, which consist of the five sets of phalangeal bones.
The midfoot consists of five bones:
1. The navicular, which is medial and superior
2. The cuboid, which is lateral and inferior
3. Three cuneiform bones (medial, intermediate and lateral), which lie in a row, distal to the navicular.
Joints and ligaments
The hip joint is the only true ball-and-socket joint in the body, the ball being the head of the femur and the socket the acetabulum of the pelvis. Extremes of movement are prevented by a number of ligaments running between the pelvis and the femur, by a capsule surrounding the joint and by a small ligament – the ligamentum teres – which joins the centre of the head of the femur to the centre of the acetabulum. The joint is capable of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and internal and external rotation (Fig. 1.2).
1. The medial collateral ligament (MCL), which prevents the medial side of the joint from opening up (i.e. it opposes abduction or valgus)
2. The lateral collateral ligament (LCL) similarly opposes adduction or varus
3. The posterior joint capsule, which prevents hyperextension (excessive extension) of the joint
4. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), in the centre of the joint, between the condyles; it is attached to the tibia anteriorly and the femur posteriorly. It prevents the tibia from moving forwards relative to the femur and also helps to prevent hyperextension of the knee as well as excessive internal rotation of the tibia
5. The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), also in the centre of the joint, is attached to the tibia posteriorly and the femur anteriorly and prevents the tibia from moving backwards relative to the femur and also helps to limit external rotation of the tibia.
The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are named for the positions in which they are attached to the tibia. They appear to act together as what engineers call a ‘four-bar linkage’, which imposes a combination of sliding and rolling on the joint and moves the contact point forwards as the joint extends and backwards as it flexes. This means that the axis about which the joint flexes and extends is not fixed, but changes with the angle of flexion or extension. Pollo et al. (2003) challenged this description, saying that it only occurs in the unloaded knee and that during walking, the tibia moves backwards relative to the femur as the knee flexes.
No description of the anatomy of the foot is complete without a mention of the arches. The bones of the foot are bound together by ligamentous structures, reinforced by muscle tendons, to make a flexible structure which acts like two strong curved springs, side by side. These are the longitudinal arches of the foot and they cause the body weight to be transmitted to the ground primarily through the calcaneus posteriorly and the metatarsal heads anteriorly. The midfoot transmits relatively little weight directly to the ground because it is lifted up, particularly on the medial side. The posterior end of both arches is the calcaneus. The medial arch (Fig. 1.6) goes upwards through the talus and then forwards and gradually down again through the navicular and cuneiforms to the medial three metatarsals, which form the distal end of the arch. The lateral arch (Fig. 1.7) passes forwards from the calcaneus through the cuboid to the lateral two metatarsals.
Muscles and tendons
The following is a brief account of the muscles of the pelvis and lower limb, including their major actions. Most muscles also have secondary actions, which may vary according to the position of the joints, particularly with biarticular muscles. The larger and more superficial muscles are illustrated in Figure 1.8.
Muscles acting only at the hip joint
1. Psoas major originates from the front of the lumbar vertebrae. Iliacus originates on the inside of the pelvis. The two tendons combine to form the iliopsoas, inserted at the lesser trochanter of the femur; the main action of these two muscles is to flex the hip.
2. Gluteus maximus originates from the back of the pelvis and is inserted into the back of the shaft of the femur near its top; it extends the hip.
3. Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus originate from the side of the pelvis and are inserted into the greater trochanter of the femur; they primarily abduct the hip.
4. Adductor magnus, adductor brevis and adductor longus all originate from the ischium and pubis of the pelvis. They insert in a line down the medial side of the femur and adduct the hip.
5. Quadratus femoris, piriformis, obturator internus, obturator externus, gemellus superior and gemellus inferior originate in the pelvis and insert close to the top of the femur; they all externally rotate the femur, although most also have secondary actions.
6. Pectineus originates on the pubis of the pelvis; it runs laterally and inserts on the front of the femur, near the lesser trochanter; it flexes and adducts the hip.
Muscles acting across the hip and knee joints
1. Rectus femoris originates from around the anterior inferior iliac spine of the pelvis and inserts into the quadriceps tendon; it flexes the hip, as well as being part of the quadriceps, a group of four muscles which extend the knee.
2. Tensor fascia lata originates from the pelvis close to the anterior superior iliac spine and is inserted into the iliotibial tract, a broad band of fibrous tissue which runs down the outside of the thigh and attaches to the head of the fibula. The muscle abducts the hip and the knee.
3. Sartorius is a strap-like muscle originating at the anterior superior iliac spine of the pelvis and winding around the front of the thigh, to insert on the front of the tibia on its medial side; it is mainly a hip flexor.
4. Semimembranosus and semitendinosus are two of the hamstrings; both originate at the ischial tuberosity of the pelvis and are inserted into the medial condyle of the tibia; they extend the hip and flex the knee.
5. Biceps femoris is the third hamstring; it has two origins – the ‘long head’ comes from the ischial tuberosity and the ‘short head’ from the middle of the shaft of the femur. It inserts into the lateral condyle of the tibia and is a hip extensor and knee flexor.
6. Gracilis runs down the medial side of the thigh from the pubis to the back of the tibia on its medial side; it adducts the hip and flexes the knee.
Muscles acting only at the knee joint
1. Vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and vastus lateralis are three elements of the quadriceps muscle. They all originate from the upper part of the femur, on the medial, anterior and lateral sides, respectively. The fourth element of the quadriceps is rectus femoris, described above. The four muscles combine to become the quadriceps tendon. This surrounds the patella and continues beyond it as the patellar tendon, which inserts into the tibial tubercle. Quadriceps is the only muscle which extends the knee.
2. Popliteus is a small muscle behind the knee; it flexes and helps to unlock the knee by internally rotating the tibia at the beginning of flexion.
Muscles acting across the knee and ankle joints
1. Gastrocnemius originates from the back of the medial and lateral condyles of the femur; its tendon joins with that of the soleus (and sometimes also the plantaris) to form the Achilles tendon, which inserts into the back of the calcaneus. The main action of these muscles is to plantarflex the ankle, although the gastrocnemius is also a flexor of the knee.
2. Plantaris is a very slender muscle running deep to the gastrocnemius from the lateral condyle of the femur to the calcaneus; it is a feeble plantarflexor of the ankle.
Muscles acting across the ankle and subtalar joints
1. Soleus arises from the posterior surface of the tibia, fibula and the deep calf muscles. Its tendon joins with that of the gastrocnemius (and sometimes plantaris) to plantarflex the ankle. The soleus and gastrocnemius together are called the triceps surae.
2. Extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus, tibialis anterior and peroneus tertius form the anterior tibial group. They originate from the anterior aspect of the tibia and fibula and the interosseous membrane. The former two are inserted into the toes, which they extend; the latter two are inserted into the tarsal bones and raise the midfoot on the medial side (tibialis anterior) or lateral side (peroneus tertius). Tibialis anterior is the main ankle dorsiflexor; the others are weak dorsiflexors.
3. Flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior, peroneus longus and peroneus brevis are the deep calf muscles and all arise from the back of the tibia, fibula and interosseous membrane. The former two are flexors of the toes; the peronei are on the lateral side and evert the foot; tibialis posterior is on the medial side and inverts it. All five muscles are weak ankle plantarflexors.
Muscles within the foot
1. Extensor digitorum brevis and the dorsal interossei are on the dorsum of the foot; the former muscle extends the toes and the latter muscles abduct and flex the toes.
2. Flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis and abductor digiti minimi form the superficial layer of the sole of the foot; they flex the toes and abduct the big toe and the little toe, respectively.
3. Flexor accessorius, flexor hallucis brevis and flexor digiti minimi brevis form an intermediate layer in the sole of the foot; between them they flex all the toes.
4. The adductor hallucis is in two parts – the oblique and transverse heads. It adducts the big toe.
5. The plantar interossei and the lumbricals lie in the deepest layer of the sole of the foot; the former adduct and flex the toes, the latter flex the proximal phalanges and extend the distal ones.
The above five groups of muscles are known together as the intrinsic muscles of the foot.
Spinal cord and spinal nerves
The spinal cord is an extension of the brain and plays an active role in the processing of nerve signals. Like the brain itself, it consists of white matter, which is bundles of nerve fibres, and grey matter, which contains many cell bodies and nerve endings, where the synapses (connections) between nerve cells take place. The spinal cord lies within the spinal canal, which is formed in front by the vertebral bodies and behind by the neural arches of the vertebrae (Fig. 1.9). The vertebrae are divided into four groups: cervical (7 vertebrae), thoracic (12), lumbar (5) and sacral (5). It is usual to use the abbreviated names, for example, the fourth thoracic vertebra is known as ‘T4’.

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