Chapter 15 Atrial Fibrillation
Classification of Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation (AF) has been described in various ways, such as paroxysmal or persistent, lone, idiopathic, nonvalvular, valvular, or self-terminating. Each of these classifications has implications regarding mechanisms, as well as response to therapy. At the initial detection of AF, it may be difficult to be certain of the subsequent pattern of duration and frequency of recurrences. Thus, a designation of first-detected episode of AF is made on the initial diagnosis, irrespective of the duration of the arrhythmia. When the patient has experienced two or more episodes, AF is classified as recurrent. After the termination of an episode of AF, the rhythm can be classified as paroxysmal or persistent. Paroxysmal AF is characterized by self-terminating episodes that generally last less than 7 days. Persistent AF generally lasts longer than 7 days and often requires electrical or pharmacological cardioversion. Permanent AF refers to AF in which cardioversion has failed or AF that has been sustained for more than 1 year, or when further attempts to terminate the arrhythmia are deemed futile. With the advent of catheter ablation interventions for AF, patients with persistent AF for longer than 1 year who are considered for ablation have been referred to as having longstanding persistent AF, to distinguish them from patients with permanent AF in whom attempts to restore normal sinus rhythm (NSR) were unsuccessful or have been abandoned.1,2
Although useful, this arbitrary classification does not account for all presentations of AF. Paroxysmal AF often progresses to longer, non–self-terminating episodes. Additionally, the pattern of AF can change in response to treatment. AF that has been persistent can become paroxysmal with antiarrhythmic drug therapy, and AF that had been permanent may be cured or made paroxysmal by surgical or catheter-based ablation. Furthermore, the distinction between persistent and permanent AF is not only a function of the underlying arrhythmia but also a reflection of the clinical pragmatism of the patient and physician. The severity of symptoms associated with AF, anticoagulation status, and patient preference all affect the decision of whether and when cardioversion will be attempted. This decision would then affect the duration of sustained AF and could lead to a diagnosis of persistent or permanent AF.3
Mechanism of Atrial Fibrillation
Advanced mapping technologies, along with studies in animal models, have suggested the potential for complex pathophysiological substrates and modifiers responsible for AF, including the following: (1) continuous aging or degeneration of atrial tissue and the cardiac conduction system; (2) progression of structural heart disease (e.g., valvular heart disease and cardiomyopathy); (3) myocardial ischemia, local hypoxia, electrolyte derangement, and metabolic disorders (e.g., atherosclerotic heart disease, chronic lung disease, hypokalemia, and hyperthyroidism); (4) inflammation related to pericarditis or myocarditis, with or without cardiac surgery; (5) genetic predisposition; (6) drugs; and (7) autonomic effects.2
Mechanism of Initiation of Atrial Fibrillation
The factors responsible for the onset of AF include triggers that induce the arrhythmia and the substrate that sustains it. The triggers are diverse yet may not cause AF in the absence of other contributors. There are two different types of arrhythmias that can potentially play a role in generating AF: premature atrial complexes (PACs) that initiate AF (focal triggers) and focal tachycardia that either induces fibrillation in the atria or mimics AF by creating a pattern of rapid and irregular depolarization wavefronts in the atria for as long as the focus continues to discharge.2,4
The mechanism of initiation of AF is not certain in most cases and likely is multifactorial. Triggers propagating into the atrial myocardium can initiate multiple reentering wavelets and AF. In some patients with paroxysmal AF, impulses initiated by ectopic focal activity propagate into the left atrium (LA) and encounter heterogeneously recovered tissue. If reentry were assumed to be the mechanism of AF, initiation would require an area of conduction block and a wavelength of activation short enough to allow the reentrant circuits to persist in the myocardium.2,4
AF triggering factors include sympathetic or parasympathetic stimulation, bradycardia, PACs (which are the most common cause; Fig. 15-1), atrial flutter (AFL), supraventricular tachycardias (SVTs; especially those mediated by atrioventricular [AV] bypass tracts [BTs]; Fig. 15-2), and acute atrial stretch. Identification of these triggers has clinical importance because treatment approaches directed at elimination of the triggers (e.g., radiofrequency [RF] ablation of the initiating PACs or SVT) can be curative in selected patients.
Pulmonary Vein Triggers
Triggering foci of rapidly firing cells within the sleeves of atrial myocytes extending into the pulmonary veins (PVs) have been clearly shown to be the underlying mechanism in most cases of paroxysmal AF.4 Supporting this idea are clinical studies of impulses generated by single foci propagating from individual PVs or other atrial regions to the remainder of the atria as fibrillatory waves and abolition of AF by RF ablation to eliminate or isolate the venous foci.
Based on several features, the thoracic veins are highly arrhythmogenic. The PV-LA junction has discontinuous myocardial fibers separated by fibrotic tissues and hence is highly anisotropic. Insulated muscle fibers can promote reentrant excitation, automaticity, and triggered activity. These regions likely resemble the juxtaposed islets of atrial myocardium and vascular smooth muscle in the coronary sinus (CS) and AV valves that, under normal circumstances, manifest synchronous electrical activity but develop delayed afterdepolarizations and triggered activity in response to catecholamine stimulation, rapid atrial pacing, or acute stretch.5
Furthermore, the PVs of patients with paroxysmal AF demonstrate abnormal properties of conduction so that there can be markedly reduced refractoriness within the PVs, progressive conduction delay within the PV in response to rapid pacing or programmed stimulation, and often conduction block between the PV and the LA. Such findings are much more common in patients with paroxysmal AF than in normal subjects.2,6 Rapidly firing foci can often be recorded within the PVs with conduction block to the LA. Administration of catecholamines such as isoproterenol can lead to shortening of the LA refractory period, thereby allowing these foci to propagate to the LA with the induction of AF.6 These discontinuous properties of conduction within the PV can also provide a substrate for reentry within the PV itself, although this remains to be proven.5
Non–Pulmonary Vein Triggers
Although more than 90% of triggering foci that are mapped during electrophysiological (EP) studies in patients with paroxysmal AF occur in the PVs, foci within the superior vena cava (SVC), small muscle bundles in the ligament of Marshall, and the musculature of the CS have been identified. Although these latter locations of triggering foci are uncommon in patients with paroxysmal AF, the common factor is that the site of origin is often within a venous structure that connects to the atrium. Other sites of initiating foci can be recorded in the LA wall or along the crista terminalis in the right atrium (RA).5
Mechanism of Maintenance of Atrial Fibrillation
Having been initiated, AF can be brief; however, various factors can act as perpetuators, thus ensuring the maintenance of AF.2 One factor is the persistence of the triggers and initiators that induced the AF, which then act as an engine driving the continuation of AF. In this setting, maintenance of AF is dependent on the continued firing of the focus (the so-called focal driver). However, AF can persist even in the absence of the focal drivers. Without focal drivers, persistence of AF results from a combination of electrical and structural remodeling processes characterized by atrial dilation and shortening of atrial refractoriness (see later). These factors can be present at baseline or, alternatively, induced by the AF itself.
Multiple Wavelet Theory
For many years, the most widely held theory on the maintenance of AF was the multiple wavelet hypothesis, which was a key development in our understanding of the mechanism of AF. Moe and associates noted that, “The grossly irregular wavefront becomes fractionated as it divides about islets or strands of refractory tissue, and each of the daughter wavelets may now be considered as independent offspring. Such a wavelet may accelerate or decelerate as it encounters tissue in a more or less advanced state of recovery.”7 Moe and associates subsequently hypothesized that AF is sustained by multiple randomly wandering wavelets that collided with each other and were extinguished, or divided into daughter wavelets that continually reexcited the atria.7 Those functional reentrant circuits are therefore unstable; some disappear, whereas others reform. These circuits have variable, but short, cycle lengths (CLs), resulting in multiple circuits to which atrial tissue cannot respond in a 1:1 fashion. As a result, functional block, slow conduction, and multiple wavefronts develop. It has been suggested that at least four to six independent wavelets are required to maintain AF. These wavelets rarely reenter themselves but can reexcite portions of the myocardium recently activated by another wavefront, a process called random reentry. As a result, there are multiple wavefronts of activation that can collide with each other and extinguish themselves or create new wavelets and wavefronts, thereby perpetuating the arrhythmia.
The persistence of multiple-circuit reentry depends on the ability of a tissue to maintain enough simultaneously reentering wavefronts so that electrical activity is unlikely to extinguish simultaneously in all parts of the atria. Therefore, the more wavelets are present, the more likely it is that the arrhythmia will be sustained. The number of wavelets on the heart at any moment depends on the atrial mass, refractory period, conduction velocity, and anatomical obstacles in different portions of the atria. In essence, a large atrial mass with short refractory periods and conduction delay would yield increased wavelets and would present the most favorable situation for AF to be sustained.2,8
Single Circuit Reentry Theory
Studies in isolated human atrial preparations questioned the randomness of atrial activity and suggested the presence of a single source of stable reentrant activity (“mother rotor”) that serves as a periodic background focus, with break-up of emanating waves in atrial tissue of variable electrical properties and anatomical obstacles into multiple wavelets spreading in various directions. Although well represented in animal studies, rotors have not been observed in whole human atria studied at the time of thoracic surgery. More recent data using different techniques have shown that functional reentry (or anatomical reentry with a functional component), in the form of spiral waves rotating around microreentrant circuits approximately 1 cm in diameter, was suggested to be the most likely cause of AF. Other studies have shown that these dominant rotors that drive AF invariably originate and anchor in the LA, with the RA activated passively.8,9
Focal Drivers with Fibrillatory Conduction
Although multiple wandering wavelets probably account for most cases of AF, occasionally a single, rapidly firing focus can be identified with EP mapping. Impulses initiated by ectopic focal activity propagate into the atria to encounter heterogeneously recovered tissue. When cardiac impulses are continuously generated at a rapid rate from any source or any mechanism, they activate the tissue of that cardiac chamber in a 1:1 manner, up to a critical rate. However, when this critical rate is exceeded, so that not all the tissue of that cardiac chamber can respond in a 1:1 fashion (e.g., because the CL of the driver is shorter than the refractory periods of those tissues), fibrillatory conduction develops. Fibrillatory conduction can be caused by spatially varying refractory periods or by the structural properties of atrial tissue, with source-sink mismatches providing spatial gradients in the response.2 Thus, fibrillatory conduction is characterized by activation of tissues at variable CLs, all longer than the CL of the driver, because of variable conduction block. In that manner, activation is fragmented.2 This is the mechanism of AF in several animal models in which the driver consists of a stable, abnormally automatic focus of a very short CL, a stable reentrant circuit with a very short CL, or an unstable reentrant circuit with a very short CL. It also appears to be the mechanism of AF in patients in whom activation of the atria at very short CLs originates in one or more PVs. The impulses from the PVs seem to precipitate and maintain AF. Autonomic influences (parasympathetic or sympathetic) can cause some of these rapid discharges. Of note, it has also been suggested that fibrillatory conduction caused by a reentrant driver can potentially be the cause of ventricular fibrillation (VF).
Substrate for Atrial Fibrillation
AF results from the interplay between a trigger for initiation and a vulnerable EP substrate for maintenance. The fact that most potential triggers do not initiate AF suggests some role for functional and structural substrates in most patients. However, the relative contribution of triggers versus substrate can vary with the clinical context, and the exact nature of the interaction between triggers and substrate remains to be elucidated.8
AF commonly occurs in the context of other cardiac or noncardiac pathological conditions, such as valvular disease, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, heart failure, or hyperthyroidism. Depending on the type, extent, and duration of such external stressors, a cascade of time-dependent adaptive, as well as maladaptive, atrial responses develops in order to maintain homeostasis (so-called atrial remodeling), including changes at the ionic channel level, cellular level, or extracellular matrix level, or a combination of these, thus resulting in structural, functional, and electrical consequences. A hallmark of atrial structural remodeling is atrial dilation, often accompanied by a progressive increase in interstitial fibrosis. Atrial arrhythmias, especially AF, are the most common manifestations of electrical remodeling.10
Increased dispersion in atrial refractoriness and inhomogeneous dispersion of conduction abnormalities, including block, slow conduction, and dissociation of neighboring atrial muscle bundles, are key elements in the development of the substrate of AF. Importantly, different pathological conditions can be associated with a different set of remodeling responses in the atria.11
Even in the setting of lone AF, whereby no structural heart disease is apparent, there is accumulating evidence that occult abnormalities (e.g., patchy fibrosis, inflammatory infiltrates, loss of myocardial voltage, conduction slowing, altered sinus node function, and vascular dysfunction) can be observed and likely represent an early stage of atrial remodeling contributing to the substrate of AF.12
Atrial Fibrosis
Atrial fibrosis plays an important role in the pathophysiology of AF. Atrial fibrosis results from various cardiac insults that share common fibroproliferative signaling pathways. Fibrotic myocardium exhibits slow and inhomogeneous conduction, likely secondary to reduced intercellular coupling, discontinuous branching architecture, and zigzagging circuits. When combined with inhomogeneous dispersion of refractoriness within the atria, conduction block provides an ideal substrate for reentry. The greater the slowing of conduction velocity is in scarred myocardium, the shorter the anatomical circuit will need to be to sustain a reentrant wavelet. In fact, reentrant circuits need be only a few millimeters in length in discontinuously conducting tissue. Thus, atrial regions with advanced fibrosis can be local sources for AF. Such a hypothesis would not preclude the remainder of the atria from showing fibrillatory conduction or intact, functional reentrant waves, or both.10,13
The normal aging process results in anatomical changes likely to yield inhomogeneous conduction that can potentially create the milieu necessary for the development of reentry. These changes are probably magnified by the presence of certain disease processes, such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, and heart failure. The strong association of sinus node dysfunction and AF (the bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome) also suggests that replacement of atrial myocytes by interstitial fibrosis likely plays an important part in the pathogenesis of AF in older adults, although in some instances the bradycardia component is a functional response to the tachycardia. Furthermore, AF itself seems to produce various alterations of atrial architecture that further contribute to atrial remodeling, mechanical dysfunction, and perpetuation of fibrillation. Longstanding AF results in loss of myofibrils, accumulation of glycogen granules, disruption in cell-to-cell coupling at gap junctions, and organelle aggregates.10
Changes in AF characteristics during evolving fibrosis also have a direct impact on why electrical or drug treatment, or both, ultimately fails to achieve conversion to NSR. In the markedly fibrotic and discontinuous atrial tissue, characterized by discontinuous anisotropy, a marked degree of gap junctional uncoupling, and fiber branching, the safety factor for propagation is higher than in normal tissue. As a consequence, blocking of the Na+ current to the same degree as is necessary for the termination of functional reentry may not terminate reentry caused by slow and fractionated conduction in fibrotic scars of remodeled atria. Conduction in discontinuous tissue is mostly structurally determined and leads to excitable gaps behind the wavefronts. If a gap is of critical size, the effectiveness of drugs that prolong atrial refractoriness will be limited. Furthermore, scar tissue is likely to exhibit multiple entry and exit points and multiple sites at which unidirectional block occurs. This can potentially lead to activity whose appearance in local extracellular electrograms changes from beat to beat, as well as beat-to-beat CL variability. Although such regions can be expected to respond to defibrillation, AF may resume after extrasystoles or normal sinus beats immediately after conversion, with unidirectional block recurring as a result of the presence of scar.
Atrial Stretch
Atrial stretch and dilation can play a role in the development and persistence of AF. Clinically, AF episodes occur more frequently in association with conditions known to cause elevated LA pressure and atrial stretch, such as acutely decompensated systolic or diastolic heart failure. Additionally, the echocardiographic LA volume index and restrictive transmitral Doppler flow patterns are strong predictors of the development of AF.8,14
The structure of the dilated atria can potentially have important EP effects related to stretch of the atrial myocardium (so-called electromechanical feedback). Acute atrial stretch reduces the atrial refractory period and action potential duration and depresses atrial conduction velocity, potentially through a reduction of cellular excitability by the opening of stretch-activated channels or changes in cable properties (membrane resistance, capacitance, core resistance), or both. Regional stretch for less than 30 minutes turns on the immediate early gene program, thus initiating hypertrophy and altering action potential duration in affected areas. Moreover, acutely altered stress and strain patterns augment the synthesis of angiotensin II, which induces myocyte hypertrophy. By regionally increasing L-type calcium (Ca2+) current (ICaL) and decreasing the transient outward potassium (K+) current (Ito), angiotensin II can contribute to arrhythmogenic electrical dispersion. Altered stretch of atrial myocytes also results in opening of stretch-activated channels, increasing G protein–coupled pathways. This leads to increased protein kinase A and C activity, and enhanced ICaL through the cell membrane, and increased release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, thus promoting afterdepolarizations and triggered activity.10 Furthermore, acute stretch can promote an increase in dispersion of refractoriness and spatial heterogeneity by causing conduction block and potentially contributing to the development of AF.8,14,15
Inflammation and Atrial Fibrillation
There is increasing evidence that implicates inflammation in the pathogenesis of AF. Clinically, AF occurs frequently in the setting of inflammatory states such as cardiac surgery and acute pericarditis. Additionally, the levels of inflammatory biomarkers (C-reactive protein [CRP] and interleukin-6 [IL-6]) are significantly increased in patients with AF, findings suggesting the presence of systemic inflammation in these patients. Elevation of the levels of CRP and IL-6 has been shown to predict future development, recurrence, and burden of AF.16–18 There is also evidence suggesting that inflammation is involved in electrical and structural atrial remodeling. Furthermore, inflammation appears to increase the inhomogeneity of atrial conduction directly, potentially via disruption of expression of connexin proteins, leading to impaired intercellular coupling.16
It is also likely that inflammation can be a consequence of AF. CRP levels decrease following restoration of sinus rhythm. Rapid atrial activation in AF results in Ca+2 overload in atrial myocytes that can potentially result in cell death, which induces a low-grade inflammatory response. The inflammation, in turn, can induce healing and repair that likely enhance remodeling and promote perpetuation of the arrhythmia.16
Currently, the exact role of inflammation in AF is poorly defined, and it remains unclear whether inflammation is actually involved in the mechanisms underlying AF or whether it is simply an epiphenomenon. Therapies directed at attenuating the inflammatory burden (e.g., glucocorticoids, statins, and angiotensin II inhibitors) appear promising, although early clinical trials do not support a significant benefit.19
Atrial Remodeling in Atrial Fibrillation
It is well known from clinical practice that AF is a progressive arrhythmia. Eventually, in 14% to 24% of patients with paroxysmal AF, persistent AF will develop, even in the absence of progressive underlying heart disease. Furthermore, conversion of AF to NSR, electrically or pharmacologically, becomes more difficult when the arrhythmia has been present for a longer period. In fact, the arrhythmia itself results in a cascade of electrical and structural changes in the atria that are themselves conducive to the perpetuation of the arrhythmia (“AF begets AF”), a process known as remodeling.20 Recurrent AF can potentially lead to irreversible atrial remodeling and eventually permanent structural changes that account for the progression of paroxysmal to persistent and finally to permanent AF, characterized by the failure of electrical cardioversion or pharmacological therapy, or both, to restore and maintain NSR. Even after cessation of AF, these abnormalities persist for periods that vary in proportion to the duration of the arrhythmia.17,21
Changes in atrial EP features that are induced by AF can occur through alterations in ion channel activities that cause partial depolarization and abbreviation of atrial refractoriness. These changes promote the initiation and perpetuation of AF (electrical remodeling) and the modification of cellular Ca2+ handling, which causes contractile dysfunction (contractile remodeling), as well as atrial dilation with associated structural changes (structural remodeling). Electrical remodeling can potentially begin within a few hours after the onset of AF, whereas the structural changes are slower, likely starting after several weeks.17
Electrical remodeling results from the high rate of electrical activation. The EP changes typical of atrial myocytes during AF are shortening of the atrial refractory period and action potential duration, reduction in the amplitude of the action potential plateau, and loss of response of action potential duration to changes in rate (abnormal restitution). Whereas the normal atrial action potential duration shortens in response to pacing at shorter CLs, AF results in loss of this rate dependence of atrial action potential duration, and the atrial refractory period fails to lengthen appropriately at slow rates (e.g., with return to NSR). These changes can explain the increased duration of AF because, according to the multiple wavelet theory, a short wavelength results in smaller wavelets, which increase the maximum number of wavelets, given a certain atrial mass.2,20 Tachycardia-induced changes in refractoriness are spatially heterogeneous, and there is increased variability both within and among various atrial regions that may promote atrial vulnerability and AF maintenance and provide a substrate for reentry.
The mechanism for electrical remodeling and shortening of the atrial refractory period is not entirely clear. Several potential explanations exist, including ion channel remodeling, angiotensin II, and atrial ischemia. Shortening of the atrial action potential can be caused by a net decrease of inward ionic currents (Na+ or Ca2+), a net increase of outward currents (K+), or a combination of both. The decrease of ICaL seems to be responsible for shortening of the atrial action potential, whereas the decrease of Ito is considered to result in loss of physiological rate adaptation of the action potential. The reduction in ICaL can be explained by a decreased expression of the L-type Ca2+ channel α1C subunit, likely as a compensatory mechanism to minimize the potential for cytosolic Ca2+ overload secondary to increased Ca2+ influx during the rapidly repetitive action potentials during AF. Verapamil, an L-type Ca2+ channel blocker, was shown to prevent electrical remodeling and hasten complete recovery without affecting inducibility of AF, whereas intracellular Ca2+ overload, induced by hypercalcemia or digoxin, enhances electrical remodeling. Electrical remodeling can be attenuated by the sarcoplasmic reticulum’s release of the Ca2+ antagonist ryanodine, a finding suggesting the importance of increased intracellular Ca2+ to the maladaptation of the atrial myocardium during AF. Angiotensin II may also be involved in electrical and atrial myocardial remodeling, and angiotensin II inhibitors may prevent atrial electrical remodeling. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors reduce the incidence of AF in patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction after myocardial infarction and in patients with chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy. Atrial ischemia is another possible contributor to electrical remodeling and shortening of the atrial refractory period via activation of the Na+-H+ exchanger.10,11
Furthermore, persistent AF can result in other changes within the atria, including gap junctional remodeling, cellular remodeling, and sinus node remodeling. Gap junctional remodeling is manifest as an increase in the expression and distribution of connexin 43 and heterogeneity in the distribution of connexin 40, both of which are intercellular gap junction proteins.20 Cellular remodeling is caused by the apoptotic death of myocytes with myolysis, which may not be entirely reversible. AF results in marked changes in atrial cellular substructures, including loss of myofibrils, accumulation of glycogen, changes in mitochondrial shape and size, fragmentation of sarcoplasmic reticulum, and dispersion of nuclear chromatin.20
Sustained AF has also been associated with structural changes, such as myocyte hypertrophy, myocyte death, impaired atrial contractility, and atrial stretch and dilation, which act to reduce conduction velocity.20 Atrial dilation increases electrical instability by shortening the effective refractory period and slowing atrial conduction.10 These structural changes, many of which probably are irreversible, appear to occur more slowly, over periods of weeks to months.
In addition to remodeling of the atria, the sinus node can undergo remodeling, resulting in sinus node dysfunction and bradyarrhythmias caused by reduced sinus node automaticity or prolonged sinoatrial conduction. The phenomenon of sinus node remodeling may contribute to the episodes of bradycardia seen in the tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome and may reduce sinus rhythm stability and increase the stability of AF.20 As mentioned earlier, elements of the sinus bradycardia appear to be functionally reversible if the tachycardia is prevented.
Studies suggest that the PVs are more susceptible to electrical alterations resulting from AF than the atria. Although the PVs display significantly longer refractory periods at baseline than the atria, they exhibit more prominent shortening of refractoriness after a brief episode of pacing-induced AF. Moreover, the short-term presence of AF does influence PV EP features by slowing the conduction velocity without affecting the conduction times of the atria. Structural changes in the atria after remodeling, such as stretch, can also result in increased PV activity. Atrial stretch can lead to increased intraatrial pressure, causing a rise in the rate and spatiotemporal organization of electrical waves originating in the PVs. These changes imply that electrical and structural remodeling increases the likelihood of ectopic PV automaticity and AF maintenance. Therefore, rather than AF begets AF, one can vary that theme: “PV-induced paroxysmal AF begets PV-induced chronic AF.”22
Atrial tachycardia (AT)–induced remodeling can potentially underlie various clinically important phenomena, such as the tendency of patients with other forms of supraventricular arrhythmias to develop AF, the tendency of AF to recur early after electrical cardioversion, the resistance of longer duration AF to antiarrhythmic medications, and the tendency of paroxysmal AF to become persistent.2
Role of Autonomic Nervous System in Atrial Fibrillation
Cardiac function is modulated by both the extrinsic and the intrinsic cardiac autonomic nervous systems. The extrinsic (central) system is composed of the vagosympathetic system from the brain and spinal cord to the heart. The intrinsic system is composed of a large network of autonomic cardiac ganglia buried throughout the epicardial fat within the pericardial space. Groups of several cardiac ganglia comprise plexuses that coalesce in specific locations, and different groups of ganglia have different sites of innervation throughout the heart. Atrial ganglia contain afferent neurons from the atrial myocardium and from the central autonomic nervous system, and efferent cholinergic and adrenergic neurons, with heavy innervation of the PV myocardium and the atrial myocardium surrounding the ganglionic plexuses. Additionally, an extensive array of interconnecting neurons creates a communication network among the different ganglionic plexuses, as well as between the ganglionic plexuses and the atrium and PV myocardium. The intrinsic system receives input from the extrinsic system but acts independently to modulate numerous cardiac functions, including automaticity, contractility, and conduction.23,24
Several studies have suggested that both divisions of the autonomic nervous system are involved in the initiation, maintenance, and termination of AF, with a predominant role of the parasympathetic system. Electrical stimulation of autonomic nerves on the heart itself can facilitate the induction of AF. Increased vagal tone is frequently involved in the onset of AF in patients with structurally normal hearts. Parasympathetic stimulation shortens the atrial refractory period, increases the dispersion of refractoriness, and decreases the wavelength of reentrant circuits that facilitate initiation and perpetuation of AF. Long-term vagal denervation of the atria renders AF less easily inducible in animal experiments, presumably because of increased EP homogeneity. On the other hand, vagal stimulation results in maintenance of AF, and catheter ablation of the parasympathetic autonomic nerves entering the RA from the SVC prevents vagally induced AF in animal models. Sympathetic stimuli also shorten the atrial refractory period and increase the vulnerability to AF.23,25
Experimental evidence suggests that the electrical properties of the PVs are also modulated by changes in autonomic tone.6 Anatomical studies revealed that the LA and PVs are innervated by adrenergic and cholinergic nerve fibers. A collection of ganglia is localized on the posterior wall of the LA between the superior PVs. Subsequent studies found that ganglionated plexuses clustered at the PV entrances (within fat pads) could be stimulated without atrial excitation. For patients with PV foci, a primary increase in adrenergic tone followed by a marked vagal predominance was reported just prior to the onset of paroxysmal AF. A similar pattern of autonomic tone was reported in an unselected group of patients with paroxysmal AF and various cardiac conditions.25 Activation of the ganglionic plexuses at the PV-LA junction can potentially result in conversion of PV ectopy to AF. Furthermore, ablation of the ganglionated plexuses located at the atrial entrances or antra of the PVs can potentially abolish or reduce AF inducibility.
Role of the Pulmonary Veins in Atrial Fibrillation
There is little controversy now that the PVs play a major role in triggering and maintaining AF, as established by animal and human models, especially in the setting of paroxysmal AF. First, fibrillatory conduction is likely initiated by rapid discharges from one or several focal sources within the atria; in most patients with AF (94%), the focus is in one of the PVs (Fig. 15-1). Extra-PV sites can also trigger AF, but this occurs in a few cases, likely no more than 6% to 10% of patients. AF is also perpetuated by microreentrant circuits, or rotors, that exhibit high-frequency periodic activity from which spiral wavefronts of activation radiate into surrounding atrial tissue. Conduction becomes slower and less organized with increasing distance from the rotors, likely because of atrial structural remodeling, resulting in fibrillatory conduction. Interestingly, the dominant rotors in AF are localized primarily in the junction between the LA and PVs. One study also demonstrated that the PV-LA region has heterogeneous EP properties capable of sustaining reentry (microreentry or macroreentry). Finally, vagal inputs may be important in triggering and maintaining AF, and many of these inputs are clustered close to the PV-LA junction. Thus, the PVs play a critical role in triggering and maintaining AF.
Pulmonary Vein Anatomy
PVs can have variable anatomy. Most hearts examined are found to have four PVs with discrete ostia, but the remainder (approximately 25%) has a common ostium, either on the left or on the right (Fig. 15-3).4 The PV ostia are ellipsoid with a longer superoinferior dimension, and funnel-shaped ostia are frequently noted in patients with AF. The right superior PV is located close to the SVC or RA, and the right inferior PV projects horizontally. The left superior PV is close to the vicinity of the LA appendage, and the left inferior PV courses near the descending aorta. PVs are larger in patients with AF than in normal subjects, in men than in women, and in persistent versus paroxysmal AF. Significant variability of PV morphologies exists, however, including supernumerary right PVs (in 8% to 29% of patients; Fig. 15-4), multiple ramification and early branching (especially of the right inferior PV), and common ostium of left-sided or, less frequently, right-sided PVs.
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