Fig. 10.1
Squat on a WBV platform
During whole-body vibration, the mechanism of muscle stimulation seems more complicated than the underlying mechanism of the tonic vibration reflex seen by direct vibration on the muscle tendon or belly. The vibration stimulus from the platform is attenuated by the body structures, and the vibration signals that reach the target muscles are considerably reduced.
The muscle response is stronger for the muscles that are closer to the vibration source due to the stronger stimulus [15]. In general, the indirect whole-body vibration stimulation may stimulate more muscle groups at the same time, whereas the effects of directly applied vibration are more localised [7].
Until now, two different types of commercially available vibration training platforms are recognised. The first type (e.g., Power Plate®) produces vertical synchronous vibrations (VV—vertical vibrations), and the signal is transferred simultaneously (to both legs at the same time). The second type (e.g., Galileo®) produces side-alternating vibrations (RV—rotational vibrations) and delivers the signal asynchronous (first to one leg and then to the other one) which results in an asymmetric perturbation of the legs. It is still a matter of debate which type of platform induces higher muscle activation and results in better training effects. It is suggested that higher peak accelerations can better be tolerated when side-alternating vibrations are applied as a result of the rotational movements around the pelvis and lumbar spine, which diminish the transmission of the signal to the trunk [16, 17]. However, it should be taken into account that RV devices often employ lower frequencies compared with VV devices and those lower frequencies are considered as unsafe due to the possible body resonance [18]. Body resonance may occur when the applied vibration frequency reaches the natural resonance frequency of the human body (natural frequency is determined by the stiffness and mass of the human body) and could be harmful to the body [19].
Immediate Effects of WBV on Muscle Activity
Several studies have tried to evaluate the WBV training stimulus from an efficacy perspective and therefore have demonstrated immediate effects on leg muscle activity during vibration stimulation [13, 20–23]. Muscle activation during vibration may be measured by recording the EMG signals of different target muscles. Most of the vibration studies used surface electromyography to measure muscle activity during whole-body vibration. EMG signals can be used to verify if different vibration parameters (amplitude, frequency) result in different muscular responses.
In our laboratory we showed that vertical WBV exposure can induce an increase in muscular activity of numerous muscles, including rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius when a frequency of 35 Hz and amplitude of 2.5 mm was applied [23]. Greater muscle activation was found when a one-leg squat (knee angle of 125°) was performed compared with a high squat (125°) and a low squat (90°) (Fig. 10.2).

Fig. 10.2
EMG activity of the quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscle in a representative subject while performing a squat with and without vibration (starting after 10 sec); unpublished data
In a study of Abercromby and colleagues, the effects of two different commercially available platforms with the same vibration parameters (30 Hz, 4 mm) were tested, and the main outcomes showed that vertical vibrations led to significantly greater muscle responses of vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius than rotational vibrations, whereas muscle activation of tibialis anterior was higher when rotational vibrations were applied [20]. Cardinale and Lim studied the neuromuscular responses to three different vibration frequencies −30, 40 and 50 Hz—in a group of professional female volleyball players while performing a half-squat position on the vibration platform (knee angle 100°) [13]. The findings of that study reported an increase in muscle activity of vastus lateralis compared with no vibration. The highest muscle response of vastus lateralis was found when a frequency of 30 Hz was applied in comparison to 40 and 50 Hz.
In contrast to the previous studies, Pollock et al. [22] demonstrated that higher amplitude vibration and higher frequencies are associated with greater EMG responses compared to no vibration. WBV training (RV platform) was performed at frequencies between 5 and 30 Hz at high (5.5 mm) and low (2.5 mm) amplitudes, and EMG signals of several lower-limb muscles were recorded. Likewise, Hazell et al. reported a significantly greater muscle response of vastus lateralis, biceps femoris and tibialis anterior when frequency of 45 Hz was applied compared with 25 Hz and 35 Hz [21]. WBV included 25, 35 and 45 Hz frequencies with 4-mm amplitude, and a series of dynamic squats (unloaded with no WBV, unloaded with WBV, loaded with no WBV and loaded with WBV) were performed.
In general, the presented vibration studies applied different vibration frequencies and amplitudes and different EMG filtering. Therefore, it remains unknown which vibration parameters elicit the most beneficial muscle activation; some studies reported that a frequency of 30 Hz is recommended to induce a higher muscle response, while others reported a significant frequency effect, in which the 45 Hz frequency elicited significantly greater muscle activity than lower frequencies.
Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Training on Muscle Strength/Mass, Cardiovascular Fitness, Bone Density and Postural Control in the Older Population
In the following literature overview, we will summarise the effects of WBV training on muscle and bone parameters that have been reported by now, with a main focus on the elderly population. Some research groups assessed the effects of vibration training on different patient populations (Parkinson, stroke, MS, etc.); however, these studies will not be covered in this chapter.
Muscle Strength/Mass
The increased muscle activity during vibration training caused by the TVR, leading to a mechanical overload, may result in improvements in neuromuscular parameters after long-term WBV training. For obtaining increases in strength by WBV, it is evident that the load of a WBV training programme, determined by training volume and training intensity, must be high enough to create an overload on the muscle, resulting in a supercompensation situation, which can end in an increased force-generating capacity. In general, the training load of a WBV programme is low at the beginning but increases gradually according to the ‘overload’ principle [24]. Training volume can be increased by increasing the duration of one vibration session, the number of series per exercise or the number of different exercises. Training intensity can be increased by shortening the rest periods between the exercises, increasing the amplitude and/or frequency of vibration and increasing the load on the muscles (e.g., by changing the execution form from two-legged to one-legged exercises).
Several studies evaluated the effects of long-term WBV training, on muscle strength in the elderly population (Table 10.1). We will go into some of those studies in more detail.
Table 10.1
Whole-body vibration training in elderly—studies focussing on strength
Study | Age (years) | Population | Frequency (Hz) | Amplitude (mm) or acceleration (g) | Platform | Duration | Outcomes |
Bautmans, 2005 [45] | 77.5 | Nursing home residents | 30–50 | 2–5 mm | VV | 6 weeks (3x/wk) | No changes in isokinetic leg extension |
Bogaerts, 2007 [25] | 67.3 | Community-dwelling men | 35–40 | 2.5–5 mm | VV | 1 year (3x/wk) | An increase in jump performance, isometric knee-extension strength, thigh muscle mass |
Machado, 2010 [26] | 79 | PMW | 20–40 | 2–4 mm | VV | 10 weeks (3–5x/wk) | No changes in isotonic muscle strength An increase in isometric muscle strength and in thigh muscle cross-sectional area |
Roelants, 2004 [24] | 58–74 | PMW | 35–40 | 2.5–5 mm | VV | 6 months (3x/wk) | An increase in CMJ, isometric and isokinetic muscle strength |
Russo, 2003 [29] | 60.7 | PMW | 12–28 | NR | RV | 6 months (2x/wk) | An increase in muscle power No changes in bone characteristics |
Trans, 2009 [27] | 60.4 | Female patients, diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis | 30–35 | NR | VV | 8 weeks (2x/wk) | An increase in isometric knee-extension strength |
Verschueren, 2011 [37] | 70 | PMW, + vitamin D | 30–40 | 1.6–2.2 g | VV | 6 months (3x/wk) | No muscle hypertrophy of the lower limb |
Von Stengel, 2012 [28] | 68.5 | PMW | 25–35 | 1.7–2 mm | NR | 18 months (2x/wk) | An increase in isometric extension strength but no additive effects compared to the same exercises without vibration |
In community-dwelling postmenopausal women (58–74 years), we performed a 6 months WBV training study [24]. Eighty-nine postmenopausal women were randomly assigned to a WBV group (n = 30), a resistance training group (RES, n = 30) or a control group (n = 29). The WBV group and the RES group trained three times a week for 24 weeks. The WBV group performed unloaded static and dynamic knee-extensor exercises on a vibration platform (35–40 Hz, 1.7–2.5 mm, total duration 3–30 min). The RES group performed dynamic leg press and leg extension exercises increasing from low (20 repetitions maximum (RM)) to high (8RM) resistance. The control group did not participate in any training. Isometric and dynamic knee-extensor strength increased significantly in the WBV group by 15.0% and 16.1%, respectively, and in the RES group by 18.4% and 13.9%, respectively, after 24 weeks of training, with the training effects not significantly different between these groups. Countermovement jump height enhanced significantly in the WBV group by 19.4% and in the RES group by 12.9% after 24 weeks of training. Most of the gain in knee-extension strength and speed of movement and in countermovement jump performance had been realised already after 12 weeks of training. The results of WBV were thus comparable with those achieved by conventional resistance training. As can be seen in Table 10.1, several later studies, in different age categories, also found significant increases in isometric knee-extension strength [25–28]. The additional effect of vibration training compared with the same exercises performed without vibration did however not reach significance in the study of von Stengel [28].
Russo et al. [29] found an improved muscle power and velocity of movement in older women after 6 months WBV (10–28 Hz, 3x 1–2 min, 2x/week).
Most studies suggest that especially untrained or older individuals with low fitness levels could benefit from WBV. This assumption is supported by a review article of Rehn et al. [30]. Nine of the 14 analysed WBV studies reported an increase in leg strength or power, whereby eight of these studies included untrained or elderly subjects.
In a meta-analysis of 13 RCTs, it was concluded that whole-body vibration is beneficial for enhancing leg muscle strength among older adults [31]. More specifically they found a significant treatment effect on knee-extension dynamic strength (standardised mean difference = 0.63), leg extension isometric strength (standardised mean difference = 0.57) and functional measures of leg muscle strength such as jumping height (standardised mean difference = 0.51) and performance in sit-to-stand (standardised mean difference = 0.72) among older adults compared with no intervention.
As such, WBV training in older community-dwelling women appears to be a safe, suitable and efficient strength training method with a low starting threshold for those who are not attracted to or not able to perform conventional resistance training. The major part of the subjects who followed a WBV training programme was very enthusiastic and motivated to continue after the end of the study, indicating that WBV has a potential for application in the geriatric and therapeutic sector [24].
Several studies have assessed the effect of WBV on lean body mass (LBM), as measured with DXA, and did not find any effect of WBV training. For example, in our study in 2004 [32], after 6 months of vibration training, increases in maximum strength were reported, but no changes occurred in the total body LBM. In a study of von Stengel [28], increases in LBM were found both for a training group with vibration as a group that performed similar exercises without vibration. However, the effect of resistance training on LBM was not enhanced by the addition of a vibration stimulus.
In contrast, in studies in which local muscle mass was determined with CT scan, increases in muscle mass at the thighs were reported [25, 26], which indicates that the effects of WBV training on muscle mass might be rather site specific. In our 1-year training study, we assessed the effects of WBV training on the muscle mass of the upper leg measured by CT. We compared the results of the WBV group (n = 31, 67.3 ± 6 0.7 years) with those of a fitness (FIT) group (n = 30, 67.4 ± 0.8 years) and a control (CON) group (n = 36, 68.6 ± 0.9 years). Muscle mass increased significantly in the WBV group (3.4%) and in the FIT group (3.8%) with the training effects not significantly different between the groups. No significant changes were found in the CON group (see Fig. 10.3).

Fig. 10.3
Muscle mass in the control group (CON), the fitness training group (FIT) and whole-body vibration group (WBV) at baseline (PRE) and 1 year later (POST). *Significant pre-post difference within group (p < 0.05); adapted from Bogaerts et al. 2007 [25]
Cardiovascular Fitness
Almost no studies assessed the effects of vibration on cardiovascular fitness. In one of our studies [33], 220 community-dwelling adults (mean age 67.1 years) were randomly assigned to a WBV group, fitness group or control group. The WBV group exercised on a vibration platform, and the fitness group performed cardiovascular, resistance, balance and stretching exercises. The control group did not participate in any training. To investigate whether WBV might be a cardiovascular stimulus in that population, we assessed HR during training. Heart rate increased significantly up to 62% of heart rate reserve (HRR) in a traditional vibration session and up to 80% of HRR in a more dynamic training session, in which 15 s of traditional standing exercises on the platform was alternated with 15 s stepping on and off the vibrating platform. After 1 year of training, peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) and time-to-peak exercise (TPE) as measured during progressive bicycle ergometry increased significantly both in the WBV and fitness groups. Both training groups improved similarly in VO2peak (see Fig. 10.4). The fitness group improved significantly more in TPE than the WBV group.

Fig. 10.4
VO2 peak in the control group (CON), the fitness training group (FIT) and whole-body vibration group (WBV) at baseline (PRE) and 1 year later (POST). *Significant pre-post difference within group (p < 0.05); adapted from Bogaerts et al. 2009 [33]
Bone Density
Rubin showed in animals that exposure to high-frequency (30 Hz) and low-amplitude (0.2 g) vibrations may lead to an improved quality and quantity of the bone [34]. Based on these results, WBV training with its high-frequency (25–60 Hz) and high-amplitude (1–10 mm) stimulation was put forward as a potential tool in the prevention and/or treatment of osteoporosis.
We performed a study of 6 months WBV training (35–40 Hz, 2.02–5.09 g, 3–30 min, 3x/week) in postmenopausal women (age, 58–74 years) that were randomly assigned to a whole-body vibration training group (WBV, n = 25), a resistance training group (RES, n = 22) or a control group (CON, n = 23) [32]. The WBV group and the RES group trained three times weekly for 24 weeks. As mentioned before, the WBV group performed static and dynamic knee-extensor exercises on a vibration platform. The RES group trained knee extensors by dynamic leg press and leg extension exercises, increasing from low (20 RM) to high (8 RM) resistance. The CON group did not participate in any training. We found a net gain of 1.5% in hip bone density (measured on DXA), compared to a control group that did not follow an exercise intervention. No changes in hip BMD were observed in women participating in resistance training or age-matched controls (−0.60% and −0.62%, respectively; not significant). Serum markers of bone turnover did not change in any of the groups.

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