Trapezius (1), rhomboideus (2), splenius capitis (3), semi spinalis (4), multifidus (5), longissimus cervicis (6), splenius cervicis (8)
Ilio costalis (7), levator scapula (9),posterior (10), middle (11) and anterior scalene (15), sternocleidomastoid (16)
Longus colli (12 + 13 + 14), infrahyoid muscles: omohyoid (18) et sternohyoid (19), platysma (17)

Fig. 12.1
Paraspinal cervical muscles-cross section at C6
They serve two essential roles in the function of the cervical spine:
Motion of the head and neck segment . It is hard to precisely define the individual function of each muscle; in addition each differs regarding the head position, the chief muscle in action and the unilateral or bilateral character of muscle activation [13].
Despite the fact that all muscles contribute to these two functions [17], it seems that the deep muscles are more involved in maintaining postural stability, whereas the superficial muscles are involved in movement of the cervical spine. This notion conforms with several biomechanical and electrophysiological studies [18]. Finally, Schomacher has recently shown that the recruitment threshold of muscle fibers of these deep muscles varies according to the spinal level, with a lower recruitment threshold for the inferior cervical spine [19].
Volume varies significantly from person to person, and thus there is much variation in the forces generated by muscle masses [20]. As for the skeletal striated muscles, consider the correlation between the cross sectional area of a muscle and its potential generated force, a factor that seems to explain the observed differences between men and women [21–24]. In parallel to the volume variation, muscle insertion variations can be noticed particularly for the deepest muscles of the neck [16].
12.3 Biomechanical Basis of the Cervical Musculature Protective Effect
There are several morphological parameters that influence the stability of a cervical spine under external constraint. Those elements have been cited in the literature review of Stemper in 2011 [25].
Vertebral body morphology: larger vertebrae are associated with a higher rupture threshold.
Cervical spine curvature: kyphotic spines seem to be at a higher risk of traumatic lesion.
Articular facet orientation: articular processes of smaller volume and vertical orientation offer less significant stability.
These parameters define passive stability, whereas active stability is ensured by the paraspinal cervical muscle.
Even with the lack of studies that define paraspinal muscular incompetence as a risk factor of serious accidents, it has been known for several years that this musculature intervenes during impacts to decrease the extent of the motion [26, 27]. This protective mechanism consists of a simultaneous contraction of all the muscles inducing an axial contraction of the whole cervical spine [28, 29].
At the experimental level, some evidence seems to imply that the muscle mass plays a role of “active protection” during a cervical spine trauma. Recently published laboratory measurements suggest that an important muscle force of the cervical spine reflects more efficient active protection in the case of a violent trauma of the head [30]. These results seem like they would be useful for screening of individuals at risk of severe injury but they were not confirmed by a study Mihalik undertook on 37 ice hockey players during one season [31]: Analysis of the acceleration meter in the players’ helmets showed there was no less-violent trauma in subjects with higher muscle force peaks.
The biomechanical role of the paraspinal muscles as a passive protector has been significantly less studied. Nonetheless, its importance seems to be far from negligible and its role increases along with the stretching constraints. The deep muscles are involved first then the superficial larger ones which have more significant leverage [32, 33]. Regarding this subject, analysis by finite element method seems to be promising, allowing simulations of different accidents. The use of a valid experimental model has recently established that the muscular absorption of constraints linked to a traumatic shock were minimal in the case of traumas in hyperextension. This result suggests higher spine vulnerability in this position [33].
Finally, as it ages, the cervical spine becomes rigid and loses its flexibility [34]. Biomechanically, this loss of flexibility exposes the subject to an increased risk of spinal lesions [35, 36]. This will in turn expose athletes at the end of their career to an increased risk of cervical osteoligamentary rupture in the case of an excessively hyperflexed posture. Therefore an athlete at career’s end should be extra vigilant about preparing the cervical spine muscles for action.
12.4 Neurophysiological Aspect of Prevention
When exposed to a violent impact, the response-time is one of the critical parameters. It has been studied in particular for whiplash type accidents. EMG of the sternocleidomastoid muscle reveals that the latent time after sudden acceleration is slightly longer for men than women, about 8 ms and becoming even longer with age [29, 37, 38]. Overall, displacement of the cervical spine will occur between 20 and 40 ms after an impact causing displacement of the head [39, 40]. The muscular delay in activation occurs around 120 to 150 ms with the peak of activation ranging between 200 and 250 ms in subjects aged between 20 and 30 exposed to the most violent traumas [41]. During a direct shock impacting the top of the head, which happens with the spear tackle in American football [4, 42], spinal lesions were noticeable within 2 ms [40].
This muscular contraction is divided into two phases: a reflex contraction and a voluntary contraction [29]. Brault also notes the risk of a muscular lesion if the reflex contraction arises after the head has already started a movement. As for trunk muscles, Moorhouse and Granata estimate that the reflex muscular activity is around 40 % responsible for maintaining stability when facing a postural perturbation [43].
These activation delay notions are of extreme importance in some collision sports where spinal cervical trauma is associated with skull trauma that might lead to a concussion [44]. At that moment, the player on the verge of losing consciousness can no longer “defend” himself through muscular recruitment allowing him to rigidify his spine.
As with all striated muscles of the human body, spinal muscle masses are also subject to fatigue. In fact, maintaining the head in a desired position requires a large recruitment of muscles, particularly if the spine is subject to supramaximal constraints during an intense physical effort. A contraction is called exhausting if it is maintained at a tension level superior to 15 % of the maximal force of a given subject, the endurance being defined by the amount of time during which such a contraction can be maintained [45]. These elements might explain why the majority of accidents occur in the beginning of the season when physical preparation hasn’t yet reached its objectives, as suggested by Mall who has analyzed the collected data from the (American) National Football League over a period of 11 years [46], although other authors find that these lesions become more frequent as the season progresses [47]. As for age related effects, studies indicate that the delay in action of the muscular recruitment becomes progressively longer and the muscular healing following intense physical activity becomes longer as well, although this has not been specifically proven in the case of spinal muscles [48].
12.5 Efficacy of Muscular Reinforcement Programs in Sports Related Trauma
Many authors recommend implementation of cervical spine physical preparation programs for high risk activities following a traumatic event [49, 50]. Furthermore, in some disciplines, the condition of the cervical spine constitutes a performance factor that allows the player to get the better of the adversary.
Numerous studies have proved that a reinforcement program is effective for improving the performance of the cervical musculature [51–53]. Various preparation schemes using isometric or static protocols have been described, although neither is clearly superior. Note that even though the benefits of conditioning the cervical musculature are recognized with regards to maximal isometric force, dynamic stability under constraint does not seem to be significantly improved.
12.6 Cervical Muscle Evaluation
After a problem affecting the cervical spine, many authors agree that return to play cannot be expected until the muscular force has returned to normal [49].
On the other hand, paraspinal muscular incompetence would be an interesting risk factor to screen for in a severe accident.
On this basis, it seems useful to evaluate two parameters:
The maximal isometric muscle force.
Muscle fatigability.
The maximal muscular force can be measured through isometric or dynamic methods. Isometric measurements are mostly used. To mention a few:
Manual muscle testing: In which the evaluator rates the force of some muscle groups from 0 to 5.
Handheld dynamometry: Evaluation modalities remain the same; however the rating is achieved through a dynamometer.
Fixed frame dynamometry: The head and trunk are fixed; the measures are taken by a dynamometer.
Isokinetic dynamometry
Muscular fatigability is defined as the loss of the muscle’s capacity to generate a force. This refers us to the definition of endurance as the capacity to maintain repeated muscular efforts or generate a force in a given period. Assessment of these parameters is rarely used in clinical practice. To mention a few:
Subjective methods: the subject describes the fatigue.
Clinical tests (“time dependent methods”): evaluation of the maximal duration of maintaining a posture, the maximal number of repetitions, etc. EMG: the appearance of electrical modifications. These methods lack standardization.
So far, there is no normal value for these measures. In fact, it seems that the large variability in evaluation protocols as well as the heterogeneity of the studied population explains to a high extent the difficulty in obtaining reliable and reproducible values [54, 55]. In this context, consider the study by Oliver who has assessed a sample of premier league rugby players in an attempt to define some norms in regard to their positions, keeping in mind that some are more exposed to spine trauma [56]. Unfortunately, these measuring systems and the expertise of a well-trained operator can be hard to obtain. Couvet considered this problem and asked how to determine whether performance on isometric tests could be correlated to simple evaluations. The results, awaiting confirmation on larger series, seem to indicate that simple and inexpensive evaluations could contribute in keeping away, from some high risk positions, those subjects who failed to pass these tests. The French Rugby Federation has since implemented a technical passport partially based on those results [57].
Finally, qualitative analyses of muscular mass seem promising in high level sports fields but they are currently still at their beginning and do not allow definition of precise objectives in terms of physical preparation. The development of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) which is a three component model, allows analysis of bone mineral density in addition to muscle mass and fat mass [58, 59]. Volume analyses are not routinely used, although it seems that single muscle area analysis would help to account for the importance of the whole musculature [60].
12.7 Preventive Strategies of the French Rugby Federation
Rugby is a contact sport and players are exposed to cervical spinal cord accidents [47, 61–64]. Many studies have identified the risks associated with periods of the game and with positions. (Fig. 12.2).

Fig. 12.2
The scrum. Forward is the most exposed position, with an average of 15 scrums per game
For several years now, the French Rugby Federation has implemented a preventive policy aiming to limit the number of severe medullary accidents related to the practice of rugby. We can clearly describe the annual prospective epidemiological data collection of these accidents, rules modifications, as well as screening measures of subjects at risk based on the clinical assessment with cervical spine MRI cuts for professionals and players registered on the sports ministry lists [5, 65].
In France, the ability of a player to move towards a high risk position is evaluated on two levels:
On the medical level: Every player should pass a medical visit at the beginning of the season, and submit a medical certificate of suitability. It is at this point that the physician can decide whether the athletes can participate, based on the clinical assessment. An MRI of the cervical spine should be prescribed in complex cases. The criteria set in 2002 are constantly being updated according as new data becomes available.
The player receives a certificate stating that he is “capable of playing in first line”, and which the referee should verify before each game.
On the technical level: The federation has recently implemented a validation procedure for the ability to play in front positions. It is based on a functional muscular evaluation of the cervical spine and on the technical skills of the player in some game situations. The certificate indicates «first line player» and will be valid for the entire career in sports of the player, except in the case of a prolonged suspension.
This evaluation has two stages.
The first takes place in the clubs under the supervision of a trained specialist. It consists of biometric and muscular evaluation completed by a number of tests to screen for any cervical paraspinal muscular incompetence. (Fig. 12.3).
The second takes place in a federal structure under the supervision of a technical counselor of the federation. The main goal is to verify the technical and muscular ability in simulated game situations. (Fig. 12.4).Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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