Surgical Treatment of Nerve Injuries in Continuity

Surgical Treatment of Nerve Injuries in Continuity

Matthew E. Hiro

Randy R. Bindra


  • The cross-sectional anatomy of the peripheral nerve is discussed in detail in Chapter 88.

  • Endoneurial tubes form the basic conduit for the Schwann cell-encased axon.


  • Several mechanisms may cause a nerve injury in continuity, but the most common is nerve stretch.

    • When a nerve is subject to blunt injury or stretch, axonal disruption can occur without externally visible injury to the nerve.

    • Stromal elements are more resilient to stretch and remain preserved to a variable extent (FIG 1).

      FIG 1 • Pathogenesis of a nerve injury in continuity. The effect of increasing stretch is seen, from normal nerve at the top to complete rupture at the bottom. Neural elements fail first in response to stretch; epineurium fails last.

    • The type of recovery seen after an injury depends on preservation of the endoneurial tube.

  • In the mildest forms of injury, with preserved endoneurial tubes, regenerating axons follow their original path. The destination is reached with good outcome. There is no axonal mismatch, and the recovery is termed uncomplicated regeneration.

  • When the endoneurial tube is disrupted, axonal regeneration is disorganized. Axons sprout and grow in a different direction and mismatch occurs. This form of repair, termed complex regeneration, is associated with a clinically less satisfactory outcome.

  • With more severe forms of stretch injury, additional disruption of the perineurium occurs, resulting in a greater fibrotic response and resultant scarring of the nerve.

    • The nerve trunk, which externally appears uninterrupted due to the intact epineurium, demonstrates an injured segment that is enlarged due to intraneural fibrosis surrounding a mass of disorganized axons. This is referred to as a neuroma in continuity (FIG 2).


  • Pathoanatomy associated with the injury, pathologic changes resulting from this altered anatomy, and functional recovery are closely related.

  • More anatomic disruption results in a stronger pathologic response and worse outcome.

  • Sunderland’s classification of injury severity is useful to categorize injury and plan treatment.

    • Type I

      • The mildest form of injury involves loss of axonal function without actual structural interruption: neurapraxia (FIG 3A).

      • Type I injury is seen after mild stretch injuries, tourniquet palsy, and external compression of a nerve, as in radial nerve compression in “Saturday night palsy.”

      • Although structurally intact, axons fail to conduct impulses, secondary to malfunction of ion channels along the injured segment.

        FIG 2 • Neuroma in continuity. The enlarged part of the nerve consists of a mixture of intact and damaged axons surrounded by scar tissue and regenerating axons.

        FIG 3 • Sunderland classification of nerve injury. A. Sunderland type I, neurapraxia. Nerve injury demonstrating preserved nerve structure with functional loss B. Sunderland type II, axonotmesis. Preservation of the endoneurial tube with wallerian degeneration of the distal axon. C. Sunderland type III. The fascicular structure is preserved due to intact perineurium. As the endoneurium is disrupted, regenerating axons wander within the fascicle, resulting in a less optimal recovery. D. Sunderland type IV. A severe disruption of the nerve. Although the epineurium is intact, loss of fascicular organization makes recovery unlikely without surgical intervention. E. Sunderland type V, neurotmesis. Complete structural disruption with loss of continuity.

      • No visible change in the microscopic or macroscopic appearance of the nerve is present, and there is no wallerian degeneration of the distal segment.

      • Electrophysiologic testing does not reveal a conduction block or denervation potentials.

      • Recovery starts within a few weeks and can be expected to be complete.

      • Because axons recover conductivity in a variable pattern, clinical recovery follows a random pattern.

    • Type II

      • There is structural disruption of the axon, but the endoneurium is preserved (FIG 3B).

      • Type II injury is seen after more severe stretch injuries, such as radial nerve palsy resulting from a closed humerus fracture.

      • Wallerian degeneration results and electrophysiologic tests reveal distal conduction block and denervation.

      • As regenerating axons progress distally, proximal muscles are reinnervated first. Clinically, recovery occurs in a proximal to distal direction.

      • Because there is no axonal mismatch, recovery usually is complete but takes longer, usually several months.

    • Type III

      • The axon, myelin sheath, and endoneurium are interrupted (FIG 3C).

      • Recovery is less predictable because regenerating axons may not follow previous pathways (complicated regeneration).

      • With the perineurium preserved, recovery can take place without surgical intervention but usually is incomplete due to axonal misdirection.

      • Injury to small vessels within the endoneurium leads to an inflammatory response. Fibroblast activation results in a variable degree of interfascicular scarring that may impede nerve regeneration.

    • Type IV

      • In more severe stretch injuries, the internal nerve structure is completely disrupted, leaving only an intact epineurium (FIG 3D).

      • Retraction of fascicles and scarring within the nerve are present. Even though the nerve is in continuity, no clinically significant recovery can be expected without surgical intervention.

    • Type V

      • Complete rupture or laceration of the nerve with retraction of the nerve ends (see Chap. 113) (FIG 3E)

    • Type VI

      • Mixed injuries with components of types I to V


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