Sports Related Bony Lesions of the Hip: Fractures, Stress Fractures, Avulsion, AVN, Dislocation, and Subluxation
Carlos A.M. Higuera MD
Joshua M. Polster MD
Wael K. Barsoum MD
Viktor E. Krebs MD

Sports related hip injuries are most common in activities that require acceleration-deceleration, side-to-side movement, jumping, kicking, quick directional changes, repetitive twisting, endurance running, and cyclical impact loading.
In athletes, the distinction between an injury, event, and overuse is important in the comprehensive history.
A normal function of the hip joint is requisite for successful sports performance, and is based on the anatomic bony architecture that provides the foundation for movement and inherent mechanical stability. Deviations in bony anatomy can result in biomechanical alterations that amplify force transmission, affect the strength and movement-generating capacity of the muscles, and can increase susceptibility to injury and early degeneration.
Plain radiographs of the hip and pelvis remain the standard for initial evaluation of sports injuries.
Advanced diagnostic imaging such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scans, and radionuclide scans are useful adjuncts when occult injuries and pathology warrant further assessment.
Stress fractures are more common in females and result from overuse and overload injuries sustained during endurance in running, jumping, and dance.
Injuries and lesions of the axial skeleton in the hip joint region, especially those encountered by athletes, are all activity limiting and also have the potential for devastating outcomes. Most bony injuries require an extended recovery and rehabilitation.
Sports related hip injuries are relatively uncommon, occurring in only 2% to 5% of athletes (1). These injuries are most common in sports and activities that require rapid acceleration-deceleration, side-to-side movement, jumping, kicking, quick directional changes, repetitive twisting, endurance running, and cyclical impact loading. There have been reports in the literature describing hip injuries in football, basketball, rugby, soccer, hockey, skiing, martial arts, running, dance, and track and field (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13). Contact sports have the most highly reported incidence of severe skeletal injury to the hip region (4,8,10). In the acute injury the diagnosis can be relatively straightforward, but in the more chronic and subtle injuries the diagnosis can remain undefined in approximately 30% of cases. This difficulty arises from the complex anatomy of the hip joint, its deep anatomic location, and a high frequency of coexisting injuries that can obscure a hip problem (3). The differential diagnosis for hip and groin pain is extensive (Table 32-1), and should be defined by the clinical setting, as most of the etiologies have subtle or no radiographic evidence of abnormality.
A comprehensive history is critical, and in athletes, the distinction between an injury, event, or overuse is important. Most bony lesions of the hip joint fall into the emergent category, and should be approached with a high index of suspicion. Initially, considering the patient’s diagnosis from deep to superficial is an effective strategy, as critical problems that require prompt treatment usually involve the axial skeleton. The most emergent orthopaedic and nonorthopaedic causes of hip and groin pain should be the focus of the initial assessment (Table 32-2), as failure to diagnose these conditions
can result in a potentially devastating situation for the patient/athlete.
can result in a potentially devastating situation for the patient/athlete.
TABLE 32-1 Differential Diagnosis of Hip and Groin Pain in Athletes | |
TABLE 32-2 Emergent Causes of Hip and Groin Pain | ||||||||||||||||||||
The age of the athlete should be considered, primarily in the assessment of hip pain, as the nature of the injuries, tendencies, and pathologies differ with the age. The growth of organized sports and practice schedules for children has increased the number of injuries seen by physicians treating the pediatric age group. Fortunately these young athletes are most likely to sustain only musculotendinous sprains and contusions in the hip and groin region. Skeletal injuries are less frequent in this population, and when present are typically apophyseal avulsions and stress fractures that rarely require treatment beyond conservative rest, icing, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy (14). In the adolescent and young adult athlete, more significant sports related hip injuries are being reported (14,15). This trend may be related to a societal impetus for progressive levels of competition, sport specialization, and unremitting practice that exceeds the repair and regenerative capabilities of the immature and growing musculoskeletal system. Sports injuries to the hip and groin region have been noted in 5% to 9% of high school athletes, a higher percentage than that of the overall population of athletes (9). Another level and type of sports related injury has also emerged in adults and mature athletes, and is associated with the effects of tissue aging, systemic disease, and joint degeneration (3,14).
The goal in all age groups of athletes with hip related injuries is to first understand the types of injuries that occur, make the diagnosis, and rapidly treat the problem so the participants may return to their sport with a pain-free hip. Another objective is to identify any underlying bony abnormalities that increase the susceptibility to injury, and counsel them to modify activities and sport to avoid irreparable damage, when subjected to the high demands and hip joint stresses.
Ultimately, the patient and surgeon share a common goal: a painless hip that is strong enough and mobile enough to allow normal function and activity. The use of thorough history and comprehensive physical exam when evaluating hip injuries will establish the working foundation for successful and safe sports participation.

Hip Joint Anatomy and the Biology of Development
The hip joint is classified as an enarthrosis, or ball and socket joint. The slightly incongruous articulation occurs between the acetabulum, which is less than a hemisphere, and the femoral head, which is normally about two-thirds of a sphere. It is a complex joint and allows rotational movement in three anatomic planes: sagittal, coronal, and transverse. The capsule, which is reinforced by the iliofemoral, pubofemoral, and ischiofemoral ligaments, contains and stabilizes the joint, protecting it from the extremes of motion. The capsule tightens in extension, providing maximum passive stability, and loosens in flexion. In flexion, the 27 separate musculotendinous units that cross the hip joint work both individually and in groups to provide positional dynamic stability. These muscles are unique in their large volume and length, spanning the hip and knee joint both anteriorly and posteriorly, and allowing the hip joint to generate large forces through an extremely broad range of motion between 240 to 300 degrees (Table 32-3).
Table 32-3 Normal Hip Joint Range of Motion | ||
Understanding the normal and abnormal growth and development of the bony hip joint in relation to its muscular, ligamentous, and capsular support is paramount in comprehending the injuries and pathologic conditions that can affect it. Both the acetabulum and proximal femur develop from multiple primary ossification centers, and their final shape is influenced by a dynamic interaction between the developing bone, joint position, and its response to internally and externally transmitted forces (15,16). The physeal growth sections of the iliac, pubic, and ischial portions of the acetabulum join centrally through a common epiphysis, the triradiate cartilage. This common epiphysis is responsible for relatively spherical expansion of the acetabulum during growth, and simultaneously accommodates uninterrupted congruency with the femoral head as it enlarges. In addition to growth of the head, complex structural dynamics occur during development of the proximal femur, which includes elongation and anteversion of the femoral neck, differentiation of the extra-capsular greater and lesser trochanteric apophyses, and transition of the neck-shaft angle (17). Hip joint structural maturation occurs from before birth to approximately age 16 to 18, when the majority of the physeal growth plates have closed. Critical time frames include; formation of acetabular morphology by age 8 to 9, structural quiescence from 9 to 12, rapid growth of the capital femoral epiphysis from age 13 to 15, and closure of the triradiate cartilage and femoral epiphysis by age 16 (16,18). These time frames are important, as they correspond to the types of hip injuries that can occur in the growing athlete.
Applied Biomechanics
The normal function of the hip joint is requisite for successful sports performance, and is based on the anatomic bony architecture that provides the foundation for movement and inherent mechanical stability. The prime function of the hip joint is to act as a fulcrum to provide a mechanical advantage to the muscles moving the leg, stabilizing the pelvis, and holding the body upright. The biomechanical study of hip kinematics and kinetics describes this relationship and defines how the joint interacts with the surrounding soft tissues and environment to generate motion and accommodate the static and dynamic forces that are generated and absorbed. The explanation of joint reactive forces and gait analysis is beyond the scope of this chapter, but should be reviewed by the physician evaluating and treating hip injuries and disorders. Awareness of the normal or “ideal” biomechanical configuration can be helpful in assessing radiographs, providing clues to the mechanism of injury, making a difficult diagnosis, and planning surgical correction.
Deviations in the bony anatomy of the hip can result in biomechanical alterations that amplify force transmission, affect the strength and moment-generating capacity of the muscles, and can increase susceptibility to injury and early degeneration (19). Developmental dysphasia of the hip (DDH) is the most frequently encountered example, and describes a variety of structural problems and malformations that can also result in increased susceptibility to instability, subluxation, and/or dislocation of the joint (20). In the athletic population, the less severely affected joints are typically diagnosed after an injury, and should be evaluated for variations in acetabular position/joint center location, femoral neck anteversion angle, head-neck angle, neck length, and resultant leg length discrepancy.
Clinical Evaluation of Bony Hip Lesions
The history and chief complaint are critical in the initial assessment of an athlete with a hip injury, and the information gathered allows the physician to formulate a provisional diagnosis, focus the physical exam, and direct the most appropriate diagnostic testing. Considering the entire patient without isolating the hip injury is of paramount importance. Other historical information that is necessary includes a general medical history, account of previously treated musculoskeletal conditions, family history, and a social history. Autonomous treatments, modalities, compensations, and responses should also be noted. For some bony hip lesions the consequences of a delayed diagnosis and treatment can be significant, and may be the difference between life-long disability and a normally functioning joint.
Groin and/or thigh pain are a typical consequence of hip joint capsule or sensorial inflammation. The possibility of infection should always be considered in a patient with the acute onset of groin and thigh pain, especially when it is constant and unremitting accompanied by fevers, chills, and malaise. Bony hip lesions can present similarly with an acute limp or inability to bear weight, but also can result in more chronic situations with vague nonlocalized pain and/or limited motion, which impairs functional ability. The pain characteristics should be investigated, noting the location, severity, and frequency. A team physician is in a unique position to do this because in many cases they are present to witness the incident and/or receive the patient exiting the field of play. This real-time history and exposure can make the diagnosis straightforward. In situations where the injury is not witnessed, the patient’s account and description of the events surrounding the problem become more important.
Aspects of the history in this athletic population that can influence a prompt diagnosis and expedient treatment include: a) the age of the patient, b) injury acuity, c) description and mechanism of the injury event, and d) potential for overuse. These historical aspects will be detailed for each of the bony hip lesions discussed in this chapter.
Aspects of the history in this athletic population that can influence a prompt diagnosis and expedient treatment include: a) the age of the patient, b) injury acuity, c) description and mechanism of the injury event, and d) potential for overuse. These historical aspects will be detailed for each of the bony hip lesions discussed in this chapter.
Physical Exam
The physical examination begins the moment a physician encounters the injured athlete, on the field or in the office. The exam differs for the acute and more chronic injury, and should be guided by the patient’s level of pain and guarding. Active and passive motion is significant in this triaxial joint, varies considerably between individuals, and should be measured side to side for relative equivalence. In the acute hip injury, when motion is restricted, palpation of the bony and soft tissue landmarks for pain and asymmetry is most important. Fractures and dislocations result in abnormalities that should be quickly recognized, and should increase the level of urgency to acquire appropriate diagnostic tests and prepare for expedient treatment. In the patient with a subacute or chronic hip problem, the exam follows basic principles. A general musculoskeletal exam including an assessment of gait, posture, physical maturity, muscular symmetry, and body habitus should be done before focusing on the injured hip. Specific exam maneuvers and findings will be presented in this chapter as they relate to the bony lesions and injuries presented.
Plain radiographs of the hip and pelvis remain the standard for initial evaluation of sports injuries. Routine radiographic evaluation of a painful hip joint should include the anteroposterior (AP) view of the pelvis and dedicated AP and frog lateral views of the symptomatic hip (21). The information derived either establishes a diagnosis of the primary disorder or screens for other differential pathology, directing acquisition of advanced imaging techniques. In the acute injury setting detection of fracture is paramount, and involves systematic inspection of bony landmarks; iliopubic line–anterior column, ilioischial line–posterior column, obturator rings, anterior acetabular rim, posterior acetabular rim, and medial acetabular wall (radiographic tear drop). Slight variation and malalignment should be scrutinized for symmetry, as they may represent fractures that are not immediately obvious. When clinical presentation does not coincide with the radiographic findings, advanced studies should be considered.
Advanced diagnostic imaging such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scans, and radionuclide scans are useful adjuncts important when occult injuries and pathology warrant further assessment. MRI imaging with or without intra-articular contrast has been considered the second line of evaluation by many because of its high sensitivity and specificity for the wide range of bony, intra-articular, and soft tissue problems that can occur in the hip region (21,22,23). In situations where no radiographic abnormalities are visible, MRI imaging has become an indispensable technique with the capability to differentiate the most frequent diagnoses responsible for the painful hip.

Hip fractures, and fracture-dislocations are extremely uncommon in sports. When they do occur, they are associated with direct trauma encountered during contact and high-speed sports such as football, rugby, snow/cross-country skiing, cycling, and all forms of motor sports/racing (3). The injury is more common in the mature athlete, and the incidence may be directly related to increased age, and osteopenic bones. These high-energy and often violent injuries have the potential to damage the blood supply to the proximal femur and femoral head, and even when treated appropriately have a possible higher risk for a compromised long-term prognosis and poor outcome (24,25). Stress and avulsion hip fractures are fortunately the most common type encountered in sports, and occur in a younger age group, and carry a much better prognosis (14).
The hip fractures may be divided into the following categories, based on the anatomical configuration of the joint: femoral head fractures, femoral neck fractures, intertrochanteric hip fractures, subtrochanteric fractures, and acetabular fractures. The majority of reported cases refer only to fractures of the femoral neck or proximal portion of the femoral shaft (26). Regardless of the configuration and etiology, traumatic displaced and nondisplaced fractures of the hip are best treated surgically with open reduction and internal fixation (27). In athletes, these are season-ending injuries, with the potential to be career ending and disabling.
Clinical and Radiographic Evaluation
Patients with suspected hip fractures should always go through the trauma initial assessment (Advance Trauma Life Support). Special attention should be placed on the ipsilateral upper extremity to rule out possible associated injuries. At the same time, careful evaluation of the lower extremity should be performed to identify other injuries. A neurovascular assessment needs to be done as soon as possible. When a life-threatening condition is identified, it should be managed first. The patient should be transported as soon as possible to a facility that can perform definitive evaluation and treatment.
During the physical exam, pain and deformity around the hip joint are the hallmarks for a fracture, which usually present as shortening with deformation in flexion and rotation, depending on the fracture pattern. The athlete is disabled with severe groin pain and an inability to bear weight on the affected limb. When a hip fracture is suspected, AP and lateral radiographs should be performed and will usually reveal the fracture pattern. However, occult or stress fractures of
the femoral neck may require additional imaging to establish the diagnosis. MRI is the most commonly used diagnostic test after radiographs, and helps to identify the location and verticality of the fracture (23,28). When the hip pain has been present for several days, a bone scan may be useful to identify stress fractures and pathologic fractures associated with tumors and/or infections.
the femoral neck may require additional imaging to establish the diagnosis. MRI is the most commonly used diagnostic test after radiographs, and helps to identify the location and verticality of the fracture (23,28). When the hip pain has been present for several days, a bone scan may be useful to identify stress fractures and pathologic fractures associated with tumors and/or infections.
Selection of the appropriate treatment is based on the fracture pattern, patient age, associated injuries, and medical comorbidities.
Femoral head fractures should undergo emergent closed reduction with a posterior CT scan evaluation to determine displacement (25). These fractures are treated based on fragment location, size, displacement, and stability. When the displacement is minimal, the fracture can be treated nonsurgically with limitation of weight-bearing and daily activities, if the patient is reliable. If significant displacement is present, open reduction and internal fixation should be performed expediently within 6 hours of the injury, with titanium screws. When associated with acetabular fractures, usually located on the posterior wall, a concomitant internal fixation of the acetabulum is performed.
Femoral neck fractures are treated based on the Garden classification (29), as nondisplaced (stage I and II) and displaced (stage III and IV), because prognosis is also grouped in this manner. The Orthopaedic Trauma Association classification is also broadly used. Nondisplaced fractures are treated with internal fixation using multiple parallel cannulated cancellous screws, near the cortex of the femoral neck avoiding varus, shortening and external rotation displacement. Nonsurgical treatment is reserved for very friable patients. Displaced fractures should be treated emergently to avoid necrosis of the femoral head (10,24,25). If closed reduction is adequate, internal fixation should be performed based on the verticality pattern. If closed reduction cannot be performed, open reduction is indicated. Radiographic examination of the contralateral hip may guide the anatomical angle orientation of the femoral neck. In older patients, a hemiarthroplasty or total hip arthroplasty are recommended depending upon the degree of degenerative arthritis in the acetabulum (30).
The equivalent of the femoral neck fracture in the adolescent athlete is a slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). These injuries can occur up until the growth plates are closed, and are most commonly seen in 11 to 14 year old males who are overweight and growing rapidly (15,31). SCFE commonly presents as a limp, groin pain, limited passive internal rotation of the hip, and/or isolated medial knee pain. The onset can be associated with acute trauma or chronic overuse, but does not require these mechanisms for establishment of the diagnosis. In either acute or chronic situations, the diagnosis is critical, and should top the differential list in this age group. If the diagnosis is suspected the athlete should be immediately placed on crutches nonweight bearing, sent for bilateral hip radiographs, and referred to an orthopaedic surgeon. The standard treatment for these lesions is surgical pinning in situ for stabilization. Up to 40% of cases have been reported bilaterally, and long-term monitoring of both hips is indicated in any patient with a confirmed diagnosis (15,31). Delayed treatment may result in slip progression, and increases the incidence of subsequent avascular necrosis (AVN).

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