Classification of Raynaud’s phenomenon
Key characteristics
Primary Raynaud’s
Familiar predisposition, young age of onset, lack of digital ulceration, absence of ANA
Secondary Raynaud’s
Connective tissue diseases
Features of SSc, SLE, Inflammatory myopathies, MCTD, UCTD
Distinctive vasculitic rash with gangrene
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
History of thrombosis with positive serology
Thromboangiitis obliterans
Male preponderance, smoking history, lower limb extremities distally with typical arteriographic findings on distal vessels with cork-screw collaterals
Thromboembolic disease
Causes include infective endocarditis, atrial myxoma, proximal vessel disease
Palpable purpura, chronic ulcers with renal and neurological involvement. Serum cryoglobulins and low C4
Other causes
Cold agglutinin disease with haemolysis, positive Coombs. Association with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and female preponderance
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Iatrogenic including drugs (chemotherapeutic agents, non-selective beta blockers, ergotamine and bromocriptine)
Hand arm vibration syndrome
Diagnosis—The diagnosis of secondary RP is dependent on a comprehensive history, careful physical examination and specific laboratory investigations. These features are discussed in general terms below and in more specific detail in relation to the individual associated conditions later in the chapter.
History of RP depends on first confirming that there is indeed a clear history of episodic vascular insufficiency affecting the extremities that is triggered by specific factors such as cold exposure, emotional stress, exercise and on occasion an aggravating medication. An important consideration is the age and gender of the patient. Secondary RP more often occurs in older individuals. It is much more likely when there is no clear history of RP or cold sensitivity prior to the age of 30. In particular it is important to carefully assess whether RP symptoms might in fact have been present for longer than first suggested by the patient who may ignore mild symptoms for many years. Associated symptoms may reflect an underlying connective tissue disease. The presence dermatitis, dry eyes or mouth (sicca symptoms), finger swelling, muscle weakness, fatigue and arthralgia or arthritis are especially important. Symptoms of upper gastrointestinal dysmotility such as dysphagia or heart burn in a patient with RP may indicate a secondary connective tissue disease like SSc. These symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux disease are an important sensitive indicator of disease but very non-specific as these symptoms are very prevalent in the general population that often become more severe or prominent in middle age; the same time that a CTD might be suspected. Finger swelling or puffiness can be the first sign of a CTD and warrants detailed investigation and serial observations. It is, however, not uncommon to have this in primary RP when it likely reflects transient increase in digital vascular permeability. The need to have rings enlarged is an important but again non-specific feature that may suggest an underlying CTD. A history of digital infarction or ulceration or other major trophic change or skin does not occur in primary RP. In addition digital nail abnormalities such as nail dystrophy or onycholysis should be sought, although nail changes are also common in primary RP [4].
On examination it is important to elicit any signs of CTD including those of SLE, SSc or dermatomyositis. There are some specific signs that may point to an associated vasculitis—such as purpura or skin infarcts. Ordering a laboratory test to detect a haematological disorder such as cold agglutinin disease or cryoglobulinaemia is appropriate in cases with typical skin lesions. These are discussed in more details below. It is especially important to identify any internal organ complications as it may be that these develop early and before a defined diagnosis is made. This is evidenced by the relatively high frequency of RP in clinics assessing lung fibrosis, chronic liver disease or pulmonary hypertension as these may all occur in the context of mild CTD in which RP is an important clue to the presence of an associated autoimmune or inflammatory disease. When confronted with an organ based disease and RP, it is important to do further investigations to make a specific diagnosis, as it will not only define therapy for the associated disease by also the approach to management of RP. One of the most important investigations to highlight likelihood of secondary RP are nail fold capillaroscopy defined microvascular structural abnormalities [5, 6] [see Chap. 12]. There are specific patterns seen in particular with SSc and other CTDs including SLE, idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) that can help in diagnosis. Cases of undifferentiated CTD are typically associated with altered nail fold capillaries. The presence of enlarged and giant capillaries with haemorrhages for example suggests early morphological evidence of altered microcirculation in SSc (see Chap. 12). The typical SSc-NVC patterns occur in minority (2–15 %) of patients with SLE particularly those with RP, anticardiolipin antibodies and anti-U1RNP antibodies [7–9]; these cases likely to represent a cohort of patients with subclinical overlap syndrome. A greater variety of capillary abnormalities on the other hand are described for SLE. The most common NVC in SLE are capillary tortuosities with enlargement (2–88 %) but these changes may also occur in other connective tissue diseases [10–12]. The SSc-specific NVC pattern with microhaemorrhages and giant capillaries is on the other hand common among patients with IMM in particular dermatomyositis, and less so in polymyositis [13]. In contrast, there is a growing support that normal capillaroscopy should be incorporated into the diagnostic requirements for RP but it is noteworthy that there is a wide range of nailfold patterns seen in healthy individuals. Other forms of vascular imaging can be used to confirm the presence of RP—such as infrared thermography or laser Doppler flowmetry [14, 15] [see Chap. 13].
Autoantibody testing [see Chap. 15] is also central to the investigation of patients with a suspected diagnosis of secondary RP. In cases with a CTD, the serology testing will usually show a positive ANA pattern. The ANA may be secondary to an uncharacterized auto antigen or it may define a specific reactivity such as anti-centromere staining. It is sensible to test any patient with significant RP symptoms as part of baseline investigation and subsequently if there are any new clinical features suggesting the development of an associated connective tissue disease. A negative ANA or low titre ANA (e.g. 1:40 by indirect immunofluorescence) on the other hand would support the diagnosis of primary RP. In the context of secondary RP, there may be disease-specific ANA reactivities that help with diagnosis. Indeed, specific autoantibodies are associated with disease and now are included in the classification criteria for SLE, SSc and IIM [1, 16]. The prognostic significance of altered nail fold capillaroscopy findings and a positive ANA reactivity in patients with isolated RP is discussed in more detail elsewhere (see Chaps. 12 and 15). It should be remembered that some of these cases will fulfil criteria for very early diagnosis of systemic sclerosis (VEDOSS).
In addition, changes in biomechanical properties of the proximal vascular arterial system have been evaluated in distinguishing secondary from primary RP [17]. For example, increased carotid stiffness and elasticity or reduced carotid compliance as determined by ultrasound measurement using a Doppler scanner was found among SSc patients but not among those with primary RP [17]. Interestingly, this difference in vascular stiffness between SSc and primary RP was not observed for muscular femoral arteries.
Risk stratification—refers to the specific features that are present in a patient at diagnosis or early in the clinical course that predict specific progression, likelihood of progression or risk of developing a specific complication of the disease. The concept of risk stratification is borrowed from other medical fields but has particular resonance to the investigation and management of cases with suspected secondary RP.
The most robust markers of progression in a case of true isolated RP are the presence of abnormal nail fold capillary pattern and positive ANA. The specific pattern of ANA is important because a disease-associated antibody is more predictive of an underlying autoimmune disease. For example, a nucleolar pattern of ANA is more likely to be associated with progression from RP alone to definite SSc. It has been determined in a number of large series that the risk of developing CTD is around 15 % within 5 years of the onset of RP. The risk increases with length of follow-up and is much higher if a specific disease related ANA reactivity is present [9, 18]. Making a precise diagnosis of a CTD diagnosis is challenging as this is often a reflection of experience, expertise and clinical suspicion and the interpretation of the presence of a number of clinical features. It is complex in that many features such as skin changes or symptoms of gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) in themselves are not specific. Of more importance is the negative predictive value of normal capillaroscopy and negative ANA. It is very rare to develop a defined CTD if these tests are negative on two occasions separated by a minimum of 12 months of follow-up. The most robust evidence for this concept is the long term follow-up reported in a series published by Koenig et al., a prospective study that is congruent with earlier individual series and a meta-analysis [19, 20].
Thermography characteristics of secondary RP have now been evaluated and may eventually provide additional information for risk stratification. This approach together with other non-invasive methods of assessing vascular reactivity to cold challenges may help define a secondary process causing RP [see Chap. 13]. The sensitivity and specificity of these features is currently under investigation and will be important together with other practical considerations in introducing this into routine clinical practice.
Individual Conditions Associated with Secondary RP
Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma; SSc)
SSc is the most frequent CTD associated with RP in more than 90 % of patients. Raynaud’s phenomenon is an important early symptom of SSc and often precedes the onset of other signs and symptoms. Moreover, presence of SSc specific antibody (anti-centromere, anti-topoisomerase or anti-RNA polymerase) and/or capillaroscopic findings have been shown to be the best predictors of Raynaud’s progression to SSc [19]. Therefore, the early recognition of patients with RP at particular risk to develop SSc is of key importance. The presence of RP is now part of the preliminary criteria for very early diagnosis of SSc (VEDOSS) proposed by the EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research group (EUSTAR) [2]. These criteria include digital puffiness with sclerodactyly, abnormal capillaroscopy with SSc pattern and positive ACA and anti-Scl70 antibodies (Fig. 8.1). Similarly, RP is now incorporated as one of the classification criteria recently updated by an ACR-EULAR committee [1]. The length of time from onset of RP is important as there are clear differences in the duration of RP according to both disease subset and ANA subtype. The different disease course of SSc subtypes makes the determination of the true onset date of SSc very challenging. In practice both the onset date for RP and for the first non RP manifestation of SSc are used to define disease onset. Most now agree that the new onset RP should be regarded as a first manifestation of SSc. This is only clear once an alternative diagnosis does not emerge or if there is disease progression with clinical signs to fulfil the criteria for SSc or VEDOSS. In clinical research the common practice is to use the first non RP manifestation of the disease to provide a more easily defined time on disease onset. This standardisation is used across all subtypes because it can be regarded as a time when internal organ manifestations of SSc are likely to occur. The interval between RP onset and the first non-RP sign in SSc will also predict the prognosis. A short interval is usually indicative of a more aggressive disease course. Differences in the length of time between RP onset and the development of SSc features have been shown to differ for different specific SSc related autoantibodies. The shortest interval is seen in those patients with anti-RNA polymerase III specificity compared to the other two hallmark SSc antibodies (ACA and anti-Scl70) [3, 21].

Fig. 8.1
(a) The early phase of scleroderma with oedema and thickened skin on hand and fingers; (b) Telangiectasia on the palm of the hand in a patient with scleroderma
The definite pathogenesis of SSc is still not fully understood (see Chap. 5), but there is loss of normal control of vascular reactivity in SSc-associated RP. There are structural obliterative vascular abnormalities of both microvasculature and peripheral arteries including digital artery. Although the latter are involved, the vascular process predominantly affect the microcirculation and arterioles. Macrovascular disease has been reported in particular in association with ACA [22]. Presence of macrovascular disease with involvement of ulnar artery in particular in those with ACA has been shown to have a worse outcome with increased risk of digital amputation (Fig. 8.2) [22–25]. It is noteworthy that the thumb is more likely to be involved in secondary RP than in primary RP [26]. Thumb involvement in addition to late onset RP (>40 years of age) and those with worsening RP attacks are key clinical indicators that should alert the clinician to the possibility of an underlying connective tissue disease/disorder [27].

Fig. 8.2
Ulnar artery occlusion in a case of secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon. Digital subtraction angiogram in a 36-year-old female with limited cutaneous SSc and severe Raynaud’s phenomenon. In these images the ulnar artery tapers out in the distal forearm (arrow). The palmar arch is incomplete, and there is poor runoff to the digital arteries
Patients with SSc often experience intense attacks that are painful and usually asymmetrical. Digital ulcerations as a consequence of severe digital vasculopathy with finger pulp loss as well as pitting scars are considered important features that have been incorporated into the new classification criteria of SSc [1].
Progressive acral skin ulcerations may either resolve leaving small scars, digital pits or evolve to tissue necrosis or gangrene. Bone resorption may occur over the digits and even self-amputation at the phalanges can occur. Several studies have reported the complications of severe digital vasculopathy [28–30]. In our cohort of over 1,100 patients follow-up over an 18-month period for frequency of complications of digital vasculopathy including digital ulceration, critical digital ischaemia or gangrene, nearly 18 % of these patients developed these complications in particular those with diffuse subset (Fig. 8.3) [28]. Twelve percent required at least hospitalisation during the follow-up period requiring intravenous prostacyclin. Various groups reported that 11–15 % of patients underwent either digital amputation or gangrene [31, 32]. A study comparing bosentan to placebo in the prevention of digital ulcers (RAPIDS-2) reported digital amputation in 1–2 % of patients per year [33]. These results suggest that digital vasculopathy associated with RP in SSc contributes to significant morbidity with a negative effect on quality of life with significantly more impairment in work and daily activities. These patients require more support from others [34]. Digital ulcerations are also associated with worse non-vascular disease manifestations in particular severe skin and interstitial lung disease [35].

Fig. 8.3
Severe gangrene with autoamputation in a patient with limited SSc and Raynaud’s phenomenon
Management centres specialise upon specific management of RP as well as the overall management of the non-vascular manifestations of SSc. The specific approach to managing RP is reviewed in Chaps. 20 and 23. All patients should be educated as to importance of non-drug therapy as reviewed in Chap. 19. It is remarkable that despite the underlying severe vascular changes that cutaneous and digital blood flow can approach normal in a warm environment. In fact, avoiding cold temperatures is the most important intervention for managing RP in patients with SSc. Smoking cessation is also recommended [36]. The relationship of smoking and digital vasculopathy is perhaps less clear although there is sufficient evidence to indicate that smokers are at risk of persistent ulcer disease and thus, require more hospitalisations [22, 32, 37]. A calcium channel blocker is generally the drug of first choice. However, if this is not well tolerated or ineffective, then there are several other alternatives exist. However, the evidence base to support the use of other vasodilators is not strong. These agents include angiotensin II receptor antagonist, an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) blocker, a selective serotonin reuptake antagonist or phosphodiesterase V inhibitor. Various combinations of the above vasodilators may be tried for those who failed to achieve a satisfactory response to single agent alone but again this approach has not been formally evaluated in clinical trials. Parenteral treatment such as prostacyclin (epoprostenol or iloprost) may also be considered although this is generally reserved for most severe cases that are refractory to simpler measures.
Specifically for digital ulceration (see also Chap. 21), the endothelin-1 receptor antagonist bosentan has been shown to prevent SSc-related digital ulcers in two randomised, double-blind controlled clinical trials [33, 38]. Bosentan reduces the number of new digital ulcers by 30–48 % and the effect was most marked in those with severe digital ulcer burden (more than three ulcers at baseline). However, bosentan did not have an effect on healing rate of existing ulcers.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
SLE is much more common CTD (Fig. 8.4) than SSc but RP is less common in SLE affecting about 10–45 % of these patients. RP is reported to be more prevalent among female patients and less prevalent among those with late-onset SLE [39–41].

Fig. 8.4
Cutaneous lupus in a young woman with SLE and RP
On the other hand, RP is reported to be more common among patients with lupus associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) as compared to those without PAH (62–80 % of patients with SLE-PAH) [42, 43]. This may reflect that a generalised vascular disease is present in these patients and suggest that a there is the potential role of pulmonary arterial vasospasm in pathogenesis of PAH in SLE. It is also noteworthy that RP may precede the onset of SLE in about half of patients with SLE. Therefore, in cases presenting with RP defining specific features that permit a robust diagnosis of SLE are important. The severity of RP symptoms vary but are often not the most troublesome feature for patients. A change in severity should prompt assessment for associated complication especially thromboembolic disease in the presence of an anti-phospholipid antibody or an associated vasculitis. It is important to distinguish typical uncomplicated RP from vasospasm related to a secondary complication caused by a necrotizing inflammatory vessel process or a thrombotic event. These events mimic RP but are different in presentation and consequences. Critical ischemic from a lupus related vascular disease usually presents with asymmetrical vasospasm or involvement of a single or few digits with evidence of tissue ischemia (ulcerations) and associated other signs of active lupus. It is also important to consider the presence of coexistent macrovascular disease as SLE patients have a substantially increased risk of atherosclerosis compared to the healthy population [44]. It is noteworthy that other important complications such as small vessel vasculitis, acrocyanosis and cryoglobulinaemia may coexist with RP in SLE [45, 46]. Conflicting results have been reported on association of RP and the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies in SLE. Although RP may not be directly associated with an anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) is important to recognise its presence in lupus patients for specific management is warranted; a hypercoagulable state would require anti-platelet therapy or anti-coagulation [47]. There appears to be autoantibody clustering and clinical subsets exist in SLE patients but this may be subject to geographical variation. For example, RP was reported to be more common among those with anti-nRNP antibodies compared to other antibodies associated with SLE (including anti-Sm, SSA and SSB antibodies) but this association is less robust when anti-nRNP antibody is clustered with anti-Sm antibody. This was not replicated in recent studies [48, 49].
The significance of RP in predicting the development of SLE is unclear. There is some evidence to suggest that the presence of RP may associate with specific disease manifestations of SLE. Central nervous system complications including epilepsy and psychosis and peripheral neuropathy may be more common in SLE patients with RP while secondary Sjögren’s syndrome may be more common in SLE patients without RP [50]. Some studies also suggest that skin and joint involvement, oral ulcers, thrombotic events and myopathy may associate with SLE but these associations are variable across different studies [50, 51]. These studies indicate that RP may be prognostically relevant in SLE.
Although no specific or pathognomonic capillaroscopic change is observed in SLE, enlarged capillaries, haemorrhages with avascular areas may be more prominent in patients with SLE and RP compared to patients with SLE without RP [10, 52]. Whilst it is unclear if RP in SLE is associated with more severe course of disease, it is important to note that those individuals with SLE and RP with typical SSc-NVC changes should be closely monitored for development of major internal organ involvement.
Treatment of RP in SLE reflects that of other connective tissue diseases with first line approaches centred on vasodilators. Specific requirement for additional therapy such as anti-platelet, anticoagulation and statins will need to be considered in the context of the thrombotic risk and macrovascular disease in SLE. Related to SLE, chilblain lupus erythematosus (see Chap. 11) should be considered in patients with cold-induced purpuric rash and it is important to note that a minority of these cases may progress to develop SLE. This may be diagnosed on its clinical presentation and histopathological assessment.
Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy (IIM)
Along with SSc, some of the most troublesome cases of secondary RP in association with connective tissue disease are associated with IIM and specifically with polymyositis (PM). This may in part reflect a systemic vasculopathy that is a hallmark of the disease; there may also be an associated vasculitis. RP develops in about 40 % of patients with IIM and in half of cases with anti-Jo-1 antibody associated antisynthetase syndrome [53].
It is important to recognise that many of the early features of IIM and PM are quite non-specific. The presence of the typical rash of DM makes earlier diagnosis more likely (Fig. 8.5a, b). A constellation of signs that are suggestive of the systemic features of IIM associated with anti-synthetase antibodies include fever, proximal muscle weakness, interstitial lung disease, “mechanic’s hands” and a nonerosive symmetrical polyarthritis of small joints. RP may be present at disease onset or appear later as the disease progresses. In IIM, persistent or severe digital ischemia leading to digital ulceration or infarction is uncommon [54]. Several case series have evaluated clinical risk factors that predispose to malignancy in dermatomyositis [55–57]. Interestingly the absence of Raynaud’s was reported to be associated with increased risk of malignancy; this remains to be confirmed [58]. Among the myositis autoantibodies that define the clinical phenotypes of IIM patients, RP appears to be common among patients with anti-signal recognition particle (SRP) and anti-synthetase autoantibodies [59]. Patients with anti-SRP associated myositis (5–8 % of cases with IIM) have severe refractory myositis [60].

Fig. 8.5
(a) Mechanic hands with erythema, and (b) scaling on palms and papules of Grotton’s sign on dorsum
In the appropriate clinical setting, the diagnosis is confirmed by one or more investigations with serology (including anti-Jo-1 antibody), muscle enzymes (creatine kinase, LDH, aldolase), electromyography, muscle biopsy and imaging. Some patients may have nailfold capillary abnormalities but these changes are not specific to IIM [61]. The severity of interstitial lung disease largely determines the long term outcome and therefore treatment is often governed by the extent and severity of lung disease. Most of these therapies for the systemic features of IIM do not have a direct impact on RP. RP directed treatment strategies follow those of other types of secondary RP.
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD)
Although the concept of mixed connective tissue disease is somewhat controversial it is clear that a reasonably homogeneous group of patients can be identified that fulfil one of more of the established criteria for classification of MCTD [62, 63]. Compared to the other autoimmune rheumatic diseases, there is a high prevalence of RP in patients with MCTD of up to 90 %, which is similar to that observed in SSc. It is also commonly the initial symptom of the disease with no other features of MCTD at initial presentation. Although the existence of MCTD as a unique entity is debatable, RP is a major feature in this cohort of patients. There are important and characteristic clues that may help to identify the subset of patients with RP who may progress to develop MCTD. These include nailfold capillary changes, autoantibody specificity and clinical features in particular features of SSc, lupus, myositis, Sjögren’s and arthritis. However, there may be an operational distinction between those that have more features of SSc that can be at substantially greater risk of some complications such as scleroderma renal crisis, lung fibrosis. Pulmonary arterial hypertension occurs in MCTD and outcomes seem to be determined by coexistent features—patients with features of SLE have a much better long-term outcome than MCTD cases with prominent features of SSc. Together the features of RP, nailfold changes and associated PAH confirm that vasculopathy is a frequent feature of MCTD and also challenges the concept that this is often a mild disease. There are characteristic capillary nailfold changes in patient with MCTD particularly when compared with those with SLE. Only few patients with SLE demonstrate an SSc-NVC pattern; in contrast, up to 56 % of patients with MCTD would exhibit an SSc-NVC in particular the slow SSc pattern with giant or megacapillaries and nailfold haemorrhages [64, 65]. For this reason, a diagnosis of MCTD should be considered when s slow SSc-NVC pattern with irregularly enlarged or giant loops with minimal capillary loss is observed. Presence of anti-U1-RNP antibody also assists to identify a cohort of patients with RP that are at risk of developing visceral complications in particular pulmonary hypertension. Anti-U1-RNP antibody may be detected across a spectrum of connective diseases other than MCTD including SLE, SSc and undifferentiated connective tissue disease [66].
In terms of the RP, there is often a very florid cyanotic phase in cases of RP with anti U1-RNP but overall the RP tends to be less severe than in patients with SSc. This suggests that the process is a little different from SSc, and points to AV shunt closure with the preservation of nutritional arterial flow and venous stagnation suggesting less structural vascular disease in MCTD. It may be that this is the reason there is less severe complications of vascular insufficiency such as ischaemia and ulceration in these cases. While there are no reliable predictors that may identify patients who have MCTD who are at risk for developing severe complications from RP, those patients that do show these vascular complications secondary to RP often have an overall SSc clinical phenotype.
Sjögren’s Syndrome
RP is reported to occur in about 13–33 % of patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) but the true prevalence of RP in this disease is not known due to variable definition of SS and different methods used to assess RP [67, 68]. It is reported that RP often precedes the onset of sicca symptoms in 37–50 % of SS patients [68, 69] and may be an early feature of SS. However, given that both RP and SS are common, it is probable that some patients with RP may develop SS and the two processes are indeed independent of each other. Compared with the other CTDs discussed the severity of RP is often less in Sjögren’s and indeed a substantial number of cases that fulfil classification criteria do not manifest clinical RP. When RP occurs the symptoms and features are similar to those in patients with MCTD and it may be that these cases are indeed a form of overlap connective tissue disease.
Analysis of the clinical features of this subset of patients with RP showed a higher frequency of systemic involvement with extraglandular features of cutaneous and articular involvement [68, 69]. Similar to other CTDs, RP was noted significantly more frequently in SS patients with PAH, again suggesting a common biological link in the pathogenesis of RP and the vasculopathy of PAH. In support of this observation, RP is also reported to be more common in those with cutaneous vasculitis in Sjögren’s compared to those without vasculitis [70]. Some studies also reported that sensorimotor neuropathy and mononeuritis multiplex in Sjögren’s are associated with RP, cutaneous vasculitis, and renal involvement, suggesting an immunovascular injury. It is possible that patients with SS and RP represent a subset with a homogeneous clinical phenotype. It is of interest to speculate that this may be related to its genetic background in that some studies have described an association with HLA-DR3 and DR4 of RP in SS [71, 72].
Most studies indicate that the clinical course of RP is generally benign in patients with SSc compared to those with other CTDs; in particular SSc [68, 73]. In one series of 40 patients, no vascular complications were observed and pharmacological treatment with vasodilators was required in only 40 % of patients [69].
Rheumatoid Arthritis
The frequency of RP in RA is not well established in that early studies suggest that RP is rare among patients with RA [74]. However, recent studies suggest that it may occur in up to 63 % of patients with RA. [75] However, both these studies are of small scale perhaps accounting for the heterogeneous results. Climate conditions, time trend, exact definition, and objective diagnostic criteria of the prevalence of RP in patients with RA may also explain the sources of heterogeneity. Finally, the differences in prevalence were also due to the lack of a precise definition for RP. This points out that an important factor which affects determining the prevalence of RP is an exact definition and objective diagnostic criteria (see Chap. 3).
A recent meta-analysis of 28 studies with over 3,700 patients reported that 12.3 % of patients suffering from RA also suffer from RP but there was significant heterogeneity among the included studies in its prevalence. It is possible that some of the patients included in these studies may have overlap syndrome with associated conditions, in particular SSc, in which the incidence of RP is frequent. In contrast to earlier studies that suggest females are commonly affected than males [76, 77] with both RA and RP, more recent studies suggest the opposite [78, 79] and the reasons for this are unclear.
RA has been reported to occur in 8–32 % of patients with overlap connective tissue diseases in particular with SSc and SS [80, 81]. The possible development of associated connective disease in patients with RP and RA was evaluated in a prospective study (n = 71). The authors reported that RP was associated with sclerodactyly and that higher rheumatoid factor titres were associated with longer RP duration [82]. Contemporaneous onset of RP with RA did not affect the erosive nature of the joint disease whereas late onset of RP after onset of RA may have a deleterious effect on joint disease. In majority of cases, SSc RA overlap patients predominantly were affected with limited cutaneous SSc. Apart from RP, patients with overlap SSc RA may develop digital ulcers, lung fibrosis, oesophageal dysmotility and cardiac involvement [83]. Serological examination for anti-CCP antibody and rheumatoid factor may help to identify this subset of patients. Moreover, anti-CCP antibody correlates with arthritis and erosive disease [83]. Specific SSc antibodies (ACA and anti-Scl70 antibodies) have also been reported in these cases [81]. It is therefore important to consider coexisting connective tissue diseases among patients with RP and RA in particular those with early features of SSc.

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