Pulmonary System

Chapter 4

Pulmonary System

Preferred Practice Patterns

The most relevant practice patterns for the diagnoses discussed in this chapter, based on the American Physical Therapy Association’s Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, second edition, are as follows:

Please refer to Appendix A for a complete list of the preferred practice patterns, as individual patient conditions are highly variable and other practice patterns may be applicable.

To safely and effectively provide exercise, bronchopulmonary hygiene program(s), or both to patients with pulmonary system dysfunction, physical therapists require an understanding of the pulmonary system and of the principles of ventilation and gas exchange. Ventilation is defined as gas (oxygen [O2] and carbon dioxide [CO2]) transport into and out of lungs, and respiration is defined as gas exchange across the alveolar-capillary and capillary-tissue interfaces. The term pulmonary primarily refers to the lungs, their airways, and their vascular system.1

Body Structure and Function


The primary organs and muscles of the pulmonary system are outlined in Tables 4-1 and 4-2, respectively. A schematic of the pulmonary system within the thorax is presented in Figure 4-1.


Structure and Function of Primary Organs of the Pulmonary System

Structure Description Function
Nose Paired mucosal-lined nasal cavities supported by bone and cartilage Conduit that filters, warms, and humidifies air entering lungs
Pharynx Passageway that connects nasal and oral cavities to larynx, and oral cavity to esophagus
Subdivisions naso-, oro-, and laryngopharynx
Conduit for air and food
Facilitates exposure of immune system to inhaled antigens
Larynx Passageway that connects pharynx to trachea
Opening (glottis) covered by vocal folds or by the epiglottis during swallowing
Prevents food from entering the lower pulmonary tract
Voice production
Trachea Flexible tube composed of C-shaped cartilaginous rings connected posteriorly to the trachealis muscle
Divides into the left and right main stem bronchi at the carina
Cleans, warms, and moistens incoming air
Bronchial tree Right and left main stem bronchi subdivide within each lung into secondary bronchi, tertiary bronchi, and bronchioles, which contain smooth muscle Warms and moistens incoming air from trachea to alveoli
Smooth muscle constriction alters airflow
Lungs Paired organs located within pleural cavities of the thorax
The right lung has three lobes, and the left lung has two lobes
Contains air passageways distal to main stem bronchi, alveoli, and respiratory membranes
Alveoli Microscopic sacs at end of bronchial tree immediately adjacent to pulmonary capillaries
Functional unit of the lung
Primary gas exchange site
Surfactant lines the alveoli to decrease surface tension and prevent complete closure during exhalation
Pleurae Double-layered, continuous serous membrane lining the inside of the thoracic cavity
Divided into parietal (outer) pleura and visceral (inner) pleura
Produces lubricating fluid that allows smooth gliding of lungs within the thorax
Potential space between parietal and visceral pleura

Data from Marieb E: Human anatomy and physiology, ed 3, Redwood City, Calif, 1995, Benjamin-Cummings; Moldover JR, Stein J, Krug PG: Cardiopulmonary physiology. In Gonzalez EG, Myers SJ, Edelstein JE et al: Downey & Darling’s physiological basis of rehabilitation medicine, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2001, Butterworth-Heinemann.


To accomplish ventilation and respiration, the pulmonary system is regulated by many neural, chemical, and nonchemical mechanisms, which are discussed in the sections that follow.

Mechanics of Ventilation

Ventilation occurs as a result of changes in the potential space (volume) and subsequent pressures within the thoracic cavity created by the muscles of ventilation. The largest primary muscle of inhalation, the diaphragm, compresses the contents of the abdominal cavity as it contracts and descends, increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity.

The contraction of the intercostal muscles results in two motions simultaneously: bucket and pump handle. The combined motions further increase the volume of the thorax. The overall increase in the volume of the thoracic cavity creates a negative intrathoracic pressure compared with outside the body. As a result, air is pulled into the body and lungs via the pulmonary tree, stretching the lung parenchyma, to equalize the pressures within the thorax with those outside the body.

Accessory muscles of inspiration, noted in Table 4-2, are generally not active during quiet breathing. Although not the primary actions of the individual muscles, their contractions can increase the depth and rate of ventilation during progressive activity by increasing the expansion of the thorax. Increased expansion results in greater negative pressures being generated and subsequent larger volumes of air entering the lungs.

Although inhalation is an active process, exhalation is a generally passive process. The muscles relax, causing a decrease in the thoracic volume while the lungs deflate to their natural resting state. The combined effects of these actions result in an increase of intrathoracic pressure and flow of air out of the lungs. Contraction of the primary and accessory muscles of exhalation, found in Table 4-2, results in an increase in intrathoracic pressure and a faster rate of decrease in thoracic size, which forces air out of the lungs. These motions are outlined schematically in Figure 4-2.6,7

In persons with primary or secondary chronic pulmonary health conditions, changes in tissue and mechanical properties in the pulmonary system can result in accessory muscle use being observed earlier in activity or may even be present at rest. Determination of the impairment(s) resulting in the observed activity limitation can help a clinician focus a plan of care. In addition, clinicians should consider the reversibility, or the degree to which the impairment can be improved, when determining a patient’s prognosis for improvement with physical therapy. If reversing a patient’s ventilatory impairments is unlikely, facilitation of accessory muscle use can be promoted during functional activities and strengthening of these accessory muscles (e.g., use of a four-wheeled rolling walker with a seat and accompanying arm exercises).

Ventilation and Perfusion Ratio.

Gas exchange is optimized when the ratio of air flow (ventilation image) to blood flow (perfusion image) approaches a 1 : 1 relationship. However, the actual image ratio is 0.8 because alveolar ventilation is approximately equal to 4 L per minute and pulmonary blood flow is approximately equal to 5 L per minute.2,8,9

Gravity, body position, and cardiopulmonary dysfunction can influence this ratio. Ventilation is optimized in areas of least resistance. For example, when a person is in a sitting position, the upper lobes initially receive more ventilation than the lower lobes; however, the lower lobes have the largest net change in ventilation.

Perfusion is greatest in gravity-dependent areas. For example, when a person is in a sitting position, perfusion is the greatest at the base of the lungs; when a person is in a left side-lying position, the left lung receives the most blood.

A image mismatch (inequality in the relationship between ventilation and perfusion) can occur in certain situations. Two terms associated with image mismatch are dead space and shunt. Dead space occurs when ventilation is in excess of perfusion, as with a pulmonary embolus. A shunt occurs when perfusion is in excess of ventilation, as in alveolar collapse from secretion retention. These conditions are shown in Figure 4-3.

Gas Transport.

O2 is transported away from the lungs to the tissues in two forms: dissolved in plasma (PO2) or chemically bound to hemoglobin on a red blood cell (oxyhemoglobin). As a by-product of cellular metabolism, CO2 is transported away from the tissues to the lungs in three forms: dissolved in plasma (PCO2), chemically bound to hemoglobin (carboxyhemoglobin), and as bicarbonate.

Approximately 97% of O2 transported from the lungs is carried in chemical combination with hemoglobin. The majority of CO2 transport, 93%, occurs in the combined forms of carbaminohemoglobin and bicarbonate. A smaller percentage, 3% of O2 and 7% of CO2, is transported in dissolved forms.10 Dissolved O2 and CO2 exert a partial pressure within the plasma and can be measured by sampling arterial, venous, or mixed venous blood.11 See the Arterial Blood Gas section for further description of this process.


Pulmonary evaluation is composed of patient history, physical examination, and interpretation of diagnostic test results.

Patient History

In addition to the general chart review presented in Chapter 2, other relevant information regarding pulmonary dysfunction that should be ascertained from the chart review or patient interview is listed as follows1113:

• History of smoking, including packs per day or pack years (packs per day × number of years smoked) and the amount of time that smoking has been discontinued (if applicable)

• Presence, history, and amount of O2 therapy at rest, with activity and at night

• Exposure to environmental or occupational toxins (e.g., asbestos)

• History of pneumonia, thoracic procedures, or surgery

• History of assisted ventilation or intubation with mechanical ventilation

• History or current reports of dyspnea either at rest or with exertion. Dyspnea is the subjective complaint of difficulty with respiration, also known as shortness of breath. A visual analog scale or ratio scale (Modified Borg scale) can be used to obtain a measurement of dyspnea. The American Thoracic Society Dyspnea Scale can be found in Table 4-3. Note: The abbreviation DOE represents “dyspnea on exertion”

• Level of activity before admittance

• History of baseline sputum production, including color (e.g., yellow, green), consistency (e.g., thick, thin), and amount. Familiar or broad terms can be applied as units of measure for sputum (e.g., quarter-sized, tablespoon, or copious)

• Sleeping position and number of pillows used


A wealth of information can be gathered by simple observation of the patient at rest and with activity. Physical observation should proceed in a systematic fashion and include the following:

Observation of Breathing Patterns

Breathing patterns vary among individuals and may be influenced by pain, emotion, body temperature, sleep, body position, activity level, and the presence of pulmonary, cardiac, metabolic, or nervous system disease (Table 4-4). The optimal time, clinically, to examine a patient’s breathing pattern is when he or she is unaware of the inspection because knowledge of the physical examination can influence the patient’s respiratory pattern.


Description of Breathing Patterns and Their Associated Conditions

Breathing Pattern Description Associated Conditions
Apnea Lack of airflow to the lungs for >15 seconds Airway obstruction, cardiopulmonary arrest, alterations of the respiratory center, narcotic overdose
Biot’s respirations Constant increased rate and depth of respiration followed by periods of apnea of varying lengths Elevated intracranial pressure, meningitis
Bradypnea Ventilation rate <12 breaths per minute Use of sedatives, narcotics, or alcohol; neurologic or metabolic disorders; excessive fatigue
Cheyne-Stokes respirations Increasing depth of ventilation followed by a period of apnea Elevated intracranial pressure, CHF, narcotic overdose
Hyperpnea Increased depth of ventilation Activity, pulmonary infections, CHF
Hyperventilation Increased rate and depth of ventilation resulting in decreased PCO2 Anxiety, nervousness, metabolic acidosis
Hypoventilation Decreased rate and depth of ventilation resulting in increased PCO2 Sedation or somnolence, neurologic depression of respiratory centers, overmedication, metabolic alkalosis
Kussmaul respirations Increased regular rate and depth of ventilation Diabetic ketoacidosis, renal failure
Orthopnea Dyspnea that occurs in a flat supine position. Relief occurs with more upright sitting or standing Chronic lung disease, CHF
Paradoxic ventilation Inward abdominal or chest wall movement with inspiration and outward movement with expiration Diaphragm paralysis, ventilation muscle fatigue, chest wall trauma
Sighing respirations The presence of a sigh >2-3 times per minute Angina, anxiety, dyspnea
Tachypnea Ventilation rate >20 breaths per minute Acute respiratory distress, fever, pain, emotions, anemia
Hoover’s sign* The inward motion of the lower rib cage during inhalation Flattened diaphragm often related to decompensated or irreversible hyperinflation of the lungs

CHF, Congestive heart failure; PCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide.

†Data from Johnson CR, Krishnaswamy N, Krishnaswamy G: The Hoover’s sign of pulmonary disease: molecular basis and clinical relevance, Clin Mol Allergy 6:8, 2008.

*Hoover’s sign has been reported to have a sensitivity of 58% and specificity of 86% for detection of airway obstruction. Hoover’s sign is associated with a patient’s body mass index, severity of dyspnea, and frequency of exacerbations and is seen in up to 70% of patients with severe obstruction.†

Data from Kersten LD: Comprehensive respiratory nursing: a decision-making approach, Philadelphia, 1989, Saunders; DesJardins T, Burton GG: Clinical manifestations and assessment of respiratory disease, ed 3, St Louis, 1995, Mosby;

Observation of breathing pattern should include an assessment of rate (12 to 20 breaths per minute is normal), depth, ratio of inspiration to expiration (one to two is normal), sequence of chest wall movement during inspiration and expiration, comfort, presence accessory muscle use, and symmetry.


Auscultation is the process of listening to the sounds of air passing through the tracheobronchial tree and alveolar spaces. The sounds of airflow normally dissipate from proximal to distal airways, making the sounds less audible in the periphery than the central airways. Alterations in airflow and ventilation effort result in distinctive sounds within the thoracic cavity that may indicate pulmonary disease or dysfunction.

Auscultation proceeds in a systematic, side-to-side, and cephalocaudal fashion. Breath sounds on the left and right sides are compared in the anterior, lateral, and posterior segments of the chest wall, as shown in Figure 4-4. The diaphragm (flat side) of the stethoscope should be used for auscultation. The patient should be seated or lying comfortably in a position that allows access to all lung fields. Full inspirations and expirations are performed by the patient through the mouth, as the clinician listens to the entire cycle of respiration before moving the stethoscope to another lung segment.

All of the following ensure accurate auscultation:

• Make sure stethoscope earpieces are pointing up and inward (toward your patient) before placing in the ears.

• Long stethoscope tubing may dampen sound transmission. Length of tubing should be approximately 30 cm (12 in) to 55 cm (21 to 22 in).12

• Always check proper function of the stethoscope before auscultating by listening to finger tapping on the diaphragm while the earpieces are in place.

• Apply the stethoscope diaphragm firmly against the skin so that it lays flat.

• Observe chest wall expansion and breathing pattern while auscultating to help confirm palpatory findings of breathing pattern (e.g., sequence and symmetry). For example, decreased chest wall motion palpated earlier in the left lower lung field may present with decreased breath sounds in that same area.

Breath sounds may be normal or abnormal (adventitious or added) breath sounds; all breath sounds should be documented according to the location and the phase of respiration (i.e., inspiration, expiration, or both) and in comparison with the opposite lung. Several strategies can be used to reduce the chance of false-positive adventitious breath sound findings, including the following:

To maximize patient comfort, allow periodic rest periods between deep breaths to prevent hyperventilation and dizziness.

Normal Breath Sounds.

Clinically, tracheal or bronchial and vesicular breath sounds generally are documented as “normal” or “clear” breath sounds; however, the use of tracheal or vesicular breath sounds is more accurate.

Abnormal Breath Sounds.

Breath sounds are abnormal if they are heard outside their usual location in the chest or if they are qualitatively different from normal breath sounds.14 Despite efforts to make the terminology of breath sounds more consistent, terminology may still vary from clinician to clinician and facility to facility. Always clarify the intended meaning of the breath sound description if your findings differ significantly from what has been documented or reported. Abnormal breath sounds with possible sources are outlined in Table 4-5.

Adventitious Breath Sounds.

Adventitious breath sounds occur from alterations or turbulence in airflow through the tracheobronchial tree and lung parenchyma. These sounds can be divided into continuous (wheezes and rhonchi) or discontinuous (crackles) sounds.12,14

The American Thoracic Society and American College of Chest Physicians have discouraged use of the term rhonchi, recommending instead that the term wheezes be used for all continuous adventitious breath sounds.15 Many academic institutions and hospitals continue to teach and practice use of the term rhonchi; therefore it is mentioned in this section.

Continuous Sounds

Voice Sounds.

Normal phonation is audible during auscultation, with the intensity and clarity of speech also dissipating from proximal to distal airways. Voice sounds that are more or less pronounced in distal lung regions, where vesicular breath sounds should occur, may indicate areas of consolidation or hyperinflation, respectively. The same areas of auscultation should be used when assessing voice sounds. The following three types of voice sound tests can be used to help confirm breath sound findings:


The third component of the physical examination is palpation of the chest wall, which is performed in a cephalocaudal direction. Figure 4-5 demonstrates hand placement for chest wall palpation of the upper, middle, and lower lung fields. Palpation is performed to examine the following:

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Jul 18, 2016 | Posted by in MANUAL THERAPIST | Comments Off on Pulmonary System

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