Disease status
Parameters to be fulfilled per the JIA subcategory
Inactive disease
No active arthritis
No fever, rash, serositis, splenomegaly, or generalized lymphadenopathy attributable to JIA
No active uveitis
Normal ESR or CRPa
A physician’s global assessment of disease activity rated at the best score possible for the instrument used
Clinical remission on medication
6 continuous months of inactive disease on medication
Clinical remission off medication
12 months of inactive disease off all anti-arthritis (and anti-uveitis) medications
Finalized criteria for remission off medication ideally should predict that a patient has ≤ 20 % probability of disease recurrence within the next 5 years.
Over the last 5 years there have been a few studies that have looked at the length of time that patients have spent in active disease and have shown that children with polyarticular JIA spend a majority of time on follow-up in a state of active disease, the ones who were Rf positive and had early evidence of joint damage had a higher proportion of their follow-up in active disease [14]. In another large cohort of 761 patients only 1/3 entered a period of remission over a 40-year observation period, the highest remission rates were achieved by the persistent oligoarticular category [15]. These criteria have also been applied to 54 children who were suffering from systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA) and were treated with antitumor necrosis factor (TNF) agents. This therapy was able to place only 24 % of children in clinical remission [16]. Thus, these criteria have been shown to have a good clinical applicability.
Disease Activity Score (DAS)
Disease activity measures have been only recently developed in pediatrics. The DAS was developed in 1993 as a measure to assess adult rheumatoid arthritis (RA) [17]. The DAS is a composite score that has four components: The swollen joint count of 44 joints, the Richie articular index that grades the joint tenderness on a scale of 0–3, the ESR, and the patient assessment of general health between 0 and 10. The calculation for the DAS and its modifications can be done online at http://www.das-score.nl/www.das-score.nl/dasculators.html.This score, its modified version the DAS28, and the DAS-based European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) response criteria are well-known measures of disease activity in RA. For daily practice, it has been shown that a tight control strategy, including measurement of disease activity using the DAS and planned adjustment of antirheumatic medication, is an effective strategy for RA [18]. The DAS 28 is a popular tool both for day-to-day clinical care and for trials as well. Here, the four variables are 28-joint count for swollen and tender joints, the ESR, and the patient global health assessment. Simple calculators give a numeric score to each patient with scores < 2.6 equaling remission [19].
The DAS scores however do not have features that cover the systemic features of JIA and may not be sensitive enough for children with oligoarthritis as they have only a small number of active joints. Hence, the juvenile arthritis disease activity score (JADAS) was developed.
Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Scores
The JADAS has been developed and published in 2009. The score was developed by 9 pediatric rheumatologists and the components of JADAS were taken from the core set criteria. The four components chosen were active joint count, MD global assessment (0–10), patient global assessment (0–10), and the ESR (normalized from 0 to 10 using the formula, ESR (mm/h) –20/10). The restricted joint count and the functional outcome were excluded as they include damaged joints. The active joint count was taken from a total of 27 joints: cervical spine, elbows, wrists, metacarpophalangeal joints (1, 2, and three), proximal interphalangeal joints, hips, knees, and ankles. Two other versions with a 10 joint reduced count and a 71 joint count were also evaluated. The total score is arrived at by a simple numeric score: 0–57 for the JADAS 27. This score was validated on more than 4500 patients. The study is robust enough to be used on all categories of JIA. The main drawbacks are that the ocular disease component has not been evaluated and that the extra-articular features for SJIA are not fully captured [20]. A comparative Table 13.2 lists the domains for the core set and JADAS. It has been recently shown that not only is the JADAS a good measure of disease activity at a point but also that its change over time is more sensitive than the ACRpedi30 in defining patients who improve [21]. In addition, values for remission, minimal disease activity, and acceptable symptoms have been defined for JADAS [22]. This tool can be easily used in the clinic as it is an indicator of absolute disease activity [11].
Table 13.2
Domains for the core set and JADAS
Measure | Components |
Core set criteria | 1. Physician global assessment of disease activity 2. Parent/patient assessment of overall well-being 3. Functional ability 4. Number of joints with active arthritis 5. Number of joints with limited range of motion 6. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
JADAS | 1. Physician global assessment of disease activity 2. Parent/patient global assessment of well-being 3. Normalized ESR (ESR-20/10) 4. Active joint count |
Disease activity measures for juvenile spondyloarthropathy (JSpA): The JADAS tool during development assessed very few children with JSpA (<1 %) [21]. Specific disease features of JSpA such as enthesitis and spinal inflammation are not captured in JADAS, and conversely disease activity measures for adult spondyloarthropathies such as BASDAI (Bath ankylosing disease activity index) are heavily weighted toward spinal inflammation [23]. The latter is not a very prominent feature early on in children with JSpA. Thus, the juvenile spondyloarthritis (JSpA) disease activity (JSpADA) index was developed in 2014. This measure assesses eight disease features and includes active joint count, active enthesitis count, morning stiffness, clinical sacroiliac disease, uveitis, and back mobility. It was assessed on a retrospective cohort of 178 children with JSpA and was shown to be an effective tool for disease assessment [24].
Composite Tools for JIA
The Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR) includes 15 parent or patient-centered items that assess well-being, pain, functional status, health-related quality of life, morning stiffness, disease activity, disease status and course, joint disease, extra-articular symptoms, side effects of medications, therapeutic compliance, and satisfaction with illness outcome. This was designed in 2011 and was proven to have content and face validity. This is therefore a parent-/patient-reported outcome (PRO) that encompasses several domains in one instrument [25]. The JAMAR should be filled by both parent and child as they may have different perceptions especially with active disease [26]. It is important for the pediatric rheumatologist to take into consideration the PRO to help make the right therapeutic choice for the child. The other composite indices for JIA evaluation are Juvenile Arthritis Parent Assessment Index (JAPAI) and the Juvenile Arthritis Child Assessment Index (JACAI).
Disease Damage Indices
Juvenile Arthritis Damage Index
The juvenile arthritis damage index is an additional clinical instrument that encompasses all forms of damage that may accumulate in patients with JIA over time. This instrument is derived from the physical examination and a brief review of the patient’s clinical history. It is composed of two parts: assessment of articular damage (JADI-A) and extra-articular damage (JADI-E). The validation of this instrument was accomplished by evaluating 158 JIA patients with disease duration of at least 5 years, seen consecutively over 21 months. No ERA patients were included in this cohort. The JADI is intended to rate the extent of damage, defined as persistent changes that are not due to currently active arthritis, and that are present for at least 6 months despite previous therapies, including exercise and rehabilitation. This instrument is suitable for measuring long-term outcome in large cohorts and for comparing the long-term effectiveness of diverse treatment strategies in different centers and in different countries [27]. The JADI however underestimates the joint damage in children with ERA as it does not assess enthesitis and spinal limitation which affect functional status in ERA [28].
Radiographic Evaluation of Joint Damage
This is complex and usually not used in day-to-day clinical care of children with JIA. There are several problems in radiographic assessment of disease activity: The evaluation needs skill and standards for different ages as the ossification centers change in children because of normal growth. It is important to understand that there is a considerable lag time to the development of erosions such that radiographic changes often represent past damage rather than current disease. This science is very well developed for the patient with adult RA where the radiographic changes are taken as outcome measures in trials. This has not been done for any pediatric trial to date.
A few radiographic evaluation systems for JIA are discussed below:
- 1.
The Poznanski score [29]:
Briefly, this method is based on the measurement of the radiometacarpal (RM) length, which is the distance from the base of the third metacarpal bone to the midpoint of the distal growth plate of the radius and of the maximal length of the second metacarpal bone (M2). The RM/M2 score, which represents the carpal length and constitutes Poznanski’s score, reflects the amount of radiographic damage in the wrist. A more negative score indicates more severe radiographic damage (that is, the shorter the radiometacarpal length is relative to the second metacarpal bone length, the more severe the radiographic damage). The main advantage of this system is that it is not dependent on the degree of ossification of the carpal bones, and normal standards are available. The disadvantages, however are that it only measures cartilage damage (bone erosions are not captured), it is unreliable in case of advanced carpometacarpal joint destruction, and it cannot be used once there is radiographic closure of the growth plates of the second metacarpal bone. Additionally, it is a valid measure only in a subset of children with JIA where the wrist joint is involved [30].
- 2.
The Dijkstra score
The Dijkstra score assesses the presence or absence of swelling, osteopenia, joint space narrowing, growth abnormalities, subchondral bone cysts, erosions, and malalignment. These signs were combined in the Dijkstra composite score, to assess inflammation (DI), growth (DG), and damage (DD). Progression is defined as an increase in either the DG or the DD score [31].
- 3.
Sharp and Larsen scoring system
Sharp and Larsen scoring system is a standard method of radiographic evaluation for RA and is based on the assessment of joint space narrowing (JSN) and erosions in the wrist and hand joints. It has been recently tested in 25 children with poly JIA where it was found to be reliable and valid for assessment of radiographic progression of the joint disease [32].
- 4.
The Childhood Arthritis Radiographic Score of the Hip (CARSH)
This recently described score assesses and scores the radiographic abnormalities of the hips. It evaluates: joint space narrowing (JSN), erosion, growth abnormalities, subchondral cysts, malalignment, sclerosis of the acetabulum, and avascular necrosis of the femoral head [33].
Ultrasound and MRI Evaluation of Joint Disease
Ultrasound evaluation of joints is now used in day-to-day clinical practice in many centers across the world and has been shown to impact the diagnosis or guide a therapeutic change in up to 58.5 % patients with JIA. There is considerable evidence that it is more sensitive than clinical examination and useful for injection placement and to direct alteration of therapy [34, 35].
Recent publications suggest that MRI is a powerful tool to detect early structural damage in JIA; however prognostic value of bone erosions revealed only by MRI remains to be established in longitudinal studies. This would need validation as data from adult RA patients give contrary results and suggest that erosions detected by MRI provide low specificity for RA. Bone marrow edema in this study was the most specific MRI lesion for RA in this setting [36, 37].
Measures of Physical Function
Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ)
The most commonly used tool for assessing physical function is (CHAQ). This is an instrument that has been derived from the adult health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) [2]. It has two indices: disability and discomfort. The disability index assesses the physical function in eight domains: dressing and grooming, arising, eating, walking, hygiene, reach, grip, and activities. There are a total of 30 items; each question has a 4-point scale of difficulty scored from 0 to 3. The index is calculated as a mean of the eight functional areas. Discomfort is determined by the presence of pain, measured on a visual analogue scale (VAS) from 0 to 100 mm. The scores are judged as follows: normal (<0.13), mild (0.13–0.63), moderate (0.63–1.75), and severe disability (>1.75) [38].
This tool is very important for both the longitudinal follow-up of patients in the clinic and also as an outcome measure in clinical trials. Drawbacks of this tool are the ceiling effect that is seen with a tendency for the scores to cluster around the normal end of the scale, especially in children with oligoarticular JIA. It is used to assess function in children with JIA, lupus, and juvenile dermatomyositis [2, 39, 40].
Juvenile Arthritis Functional Assessment Scale (JAFAS)
This disability assessment tool, the JAFAS, was developed for, and validated in, patients with juvenile arthritis in 1989. It takes ten minutes to administer and is an observer-based scale. The scale is valid for children 7 through 16 years. The main disadvantage of this tool is that it needs some standard equipment and also a trained observer [41].
Juvenile Arthritis Functional Assessment Report (JAFAR)
This disability assessment tool, the JAFAR, contains 23 items, scores each from 0 to 2, higher score for more difficulty, maximum score possible is thus 46. This scale is administered to children over 7 years, can be completed by child/parent. This score has good reliability and validity; however as it cannot be given to children under 7 years, the tool is not useful for a large number of JIA patients [42].
Quality of Life Measures
Childhood Health Questionnaire (CHQ)
The Childhood Health Questionnaire (CHQ) is a generic instrument that is designed to capture the physical, emotional, and social components of health status of children of at least 5 years of age. It comprises 15 subscales and yields 2 summary measures: the physical score (PhS) and the psychosocial score (PsS). Higher scores in the scales indicate better HRQoL [3]. The CHQ is a tool that is commonly used as an outcome measure to study the quality of life in JIA. In a recent survey that assessed 6639 children from 32 countries, the CHQ was lower in JIA patients than healthy age-matched controls in both the physical and psychosocial domains; the physical domain tended to show larger effects [43].
Study of HRQoL is also an important tool to be assessed in children on biologic therapy. A recent study on 53 patients with JIA from seven Dutch centers measured the HQoL by the CHAQ, CHQ, and Health Utilities Index mark 3 (HUI3) at the start and after 3, 15, and 27 months of treatment. This study concluded that the HRQoL of patients with refractory JIA was substantially improved by the use of etanercept for all aspects impaired by JIA. Information on HRQoL is thus crucial to understand the complete impact of etanercept treatment on patients with JIA and their families [44].
There are several other HRQoL measures that have been developed and validated for JIA: The Juvenile Arthritis Quality of Life questionnaire (JAQQ) and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) to name a few [45, 46]. The PedsQL measure has both a generic and a rheumatology specific component. Electronic completion of HRQoL questionnaire prior to the clinic consult allow the pediatric rheumatologist to focus on issues that bother the young patient and allow discussion and probable solutions to the problems that the child faces [47]. This significantly improves parent and child satisfaction with the care received.
The Cost of JIA
The economic impact of JIA has been studied, predominantly from the USA and Europe. Mean annualized direct cost per child with JIA in a study of 70 children from the USA published in 1992, in the pre-biologic era, was $ 7,905 (Indian Rupees: 3.6 lakhs). The family cost including absenteeism from work was 1524$ per year [48]. Another recent study, published from Germany, studied the mean cost of JIA patient care per year in 2009. This was 4663 Euro (INR 2.9 lakhs) [49]. This clearly reflects the difference in costs of health-care delivery across the world as the latter data is 17 years later, has included the costs of biologics, and yet is lower than that published from the USA. The cost in the UK has been estimated to be lowest with a mean of 1649 pounds (INR: 1.12 lakhs). The highest cost here was for consultation with a pediatric rheumatologist [50].
There is a huge concern about the cost of biologics in the treatment of JIA. A Finnish study has estimated that after combining etanercept with the nonbiologic standard treatment, the total costs of refractory JIA calculated per year were only slightly higher than those of traditional therapy. This finding must be evaluated in light of the reduced inflammatory activity of the joint disease and the probable reduction of lifetime pain and disability produced by the disease [51].
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
As SLE is a multisystem disease, a composite measure is needed to capture information about multiple organ systems. SLE disease course is characterized by relapses and remissions. Due to this patients develop organ damage. It is critical and challenging to differentiate between disease activity and damage. For example, in a patient with lupus nephritis, new onset proteinuria could be due to relapse of disease or damage. In one scenario we need to increase immunosuppression and in another reduce it. Further SLE also impacts physical and social health and to measure QOL generic tools like CHAQ and CHQ are used though a child-friendly, simple tool called SMILEY has recently been developed.

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