Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: Structural Allograft

Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: Structural Allograft
Mark E. Easley
Samuel B. Adams Jr.
James A. Nunley II
  • Sixty percent of the talus’ surface area is covered by articular cartilage.
  • The talus is contained within the ankle mortise.
    • Superior talar dome articulates with the tibial plafond.
    • Medial dome articulates with the medial malleolus.
    • Lateral dome articulates with the lateral malleolus.
  • Talar blood supply
    • Posterior tibial artery
      • Artery of the tarsal canal
      • Deltoid ligament branch
  • Peroneal artery
    • Artery of the tarsal sinus
  • Dorsalis pedis artery
  • The pathogenesis for osteochondral lesions of the talus (OLTs) is not fully understood.
  • Theories include the following:
    • Trauma
    • Idiopathic focal avascular necrosis
  • In general, OLTs do not progress to diffuse ankle arthritis.
  • However, large-volume OLTs may lead to subchondral collapse of a substantial portion of the talus and thus create deformity, higher contact stresses, and a greater concern for eventual ankle arthritis if left untreated.
  • Patients may or may not report a history of trauma.
  • Ankle pain, typically on the anterior aspect of the ankle, is a common complaint.
    • Pain is usually experienced on the side of the ankle that corresponds with the OLT, but it may be poorly localized to the site of the OLT. In fact, sometimes, medial OLTs produce lateral ankle pain and vice versa.
    • Pain is rarely sharp, unless a fragment of the OLT should act as an impinging loose body in the joint.
    • It is typically a deep ache, with and after activity, and is usually relieved with rest.
  • Antalgic gait
  • May be associated with malalignment or ankle instability
  • Typically, tenderness on side of ankle that corresponds with OLT, but not always
  • Rarely crepitance or mechanical symptoms
  • With chronic OLT, some degree of ankle stiffness is anticipated.
  • Plain radiographs
    • Small OLTs may be missed.
    • Large OLTs are usually identified on plain radiographs, three views of the ankle, weight bearing.
    • Radiographs are often limited in characterizing OLTs because the two-dimensional study cannot define the threedimensional OLT.
    • Particularly useful in assessing lower leg, ankle, or foot malalignment, which needs to be considered in the management of OLTs
    • May detect incidental OLTs (patient has radiograph for a different problem and an OLT is incidentally identified on plain radiographs)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    • Excellent screening tool when OLT or other foot-ankle pathology is suspected
    • Will identify incidental OLT but defines other potential soft tissue pathology
    • Demonstrates associated marrow edema that may lead to overestimation of the OLT’s size
  • Computed tomography (CT)
    • Ideal for characterizing OLTs, particularly large-volume defects
    • Defines OLT size without distraction of associated marrow edema
    • Defines the character of the OLT and extent of its involvement in the talar dome
  • Diagnostic injection
    • Intra-articular
    • An anesthetic versus anesthetic plus corticosteroid
    • May have some therapeutic effect, even for several months
    • If the source of pain is the OLT, then intra-articular injection should relieve symptoms from OLT (and any intra-articular pathology). If the pain is not relieved, then extra-articular diagnoses should be considered.
  • Loose body in ankle joint
  • Ankle impingement (anterior or posterior)
  • Chronic ankle instability (lateral or syndesmosis)
  • Ankle synovitis or adjacent tendinopathy
  • Early ankle degenerative change
  • Activity modification
  • Bracing
  • Physical therapy if associated ankle instability
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories or COX-2 inhibitors
  • Corticosteroid injection
  • Viscosupplementation
Preoperative Planning
  • Indications for this surgery include the following:
    • Large-volume OLTs not amenable to other joint-sparing procedures
    • Failed arthroscopic surgery (débridement and microfracture)
    • Failed open procedures (cylindrical osteochondral transfer)
  • Large-volume OLTs typically are not amenable to autologous osteochondral transfer (talus or knee).
  • We favor reconstruction of the large talar defect with an allograft talus. Although we prefer fresh allograft tissue, we have on occasion used fresh frozen tissue.
  • Scheduling of this procedure with fresh allograft tissue is similar to organ transplantation but with a wider window for implantation after procurement.
    • Multiple tissue banks have the ability to obtain fresh allograft tali.
    • Once a donor talus is identified, the tissue bank performs appropriate screening.
    • If the talus is deemed safe for implantation and represents a match based on radiographic size, on average 14 to 21 days of reasonable chondrocyte viability remains for the talar allograft to be used.
  • Although fresh structural talar allograft reconstruction for large-volume OLTs has gained a foothold as an accepted treatment among reconstructive foot and ankle surgeons, not all third-party payers cover this procedure. We do not seek an allograft talus for our patients from the tissue banks until our patient has secured insurance coverage for the procedure.
  • In seeking an allograft talus that is suited for the patient, the surgeon must:
    • Be sure that the talus is the correct side (right or left).
    • Provide the tissue bank with the optimal size of talar graft. Tissue banks use different methods for talar sizing.
      • Plain radiographic dimensions (if the defect in the diseased talus is particularly large, making measurements difficult, radiographs of the healthy, contralateral talus may be needed)
      • CT scan measurements (may be more accurate, with measurements possible in three dimensions)
  • The surgeon should check for associated pathology that may need to be addressed at the time of allograft talar reconstruction:
    • Osteophyte removal
    • Ligament reconstruction
    • Corrective osteotomies
      • Calcaneal
      • Supramalleolar
  • The surgeon determines the optimal surgical approach.
    • In our hands, this depends on the amount of talus that will be reconstructed.
    • A portion of the medial talar dome (usually posteromedial) typically warrants a medial malleolar osteotomy.
    • A portion of the lateral talar dome (often centrolateral) typically necessitates ligament releases (anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular) with or without lateral malleolar osteotomy.
    • Involvement of the majority of the medial or lateral talar dome, particularly if involving its respective talar shoulder, usually can be performed through an anterior approach without osteotomy by replacing one-third to one-half of the talar dome.
  • Patient education
    • This is a complex procedure.
    • The patient must understand that the intent is to implant allograft tissue.
    • There is a negligible, but real, risk of disease transmission and possible graft rejection by the host.
    • There is no guarantee that the procedure will work and a revision procedure may be required, such as arthrodesis, which will eliminate joint motion.
  • Before anesthesia and moving the patient into the operating room, the surgeon should inspect the allograft to be sure it is the correct side (right or left) and for cartilage defects that may be present directly at the site that the graft is to be harvested.
  • The patient is positioned supine.
  • For a lateral OLT, a bolster under the ipsilateral hip typically affords better access to the lateral talar dome.
  • We routinely use a thigh tourniquet.
  • As noted earlier, the approach depends on the size and location of the OLT.
  • For medial OLTs amenable to reconstruction of only a portion of the medial talar dome: direct medial approach, similar to that for open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of a medial malleolar fracture, with a medial malleolar osteotomy
  • For lateral OLTs amenable to reconstruction of only a portion of the lateral talar dome: lateral approach, combining typical approaches for ORIF of a fibular fracture and the extensile exposure for a modified Brostrom procedure
  • For large medial or lateral OLTs, involving the majority of the medial or lateral talar shoulder: anterior approach, similar to that for ankle arthrodesis or total ankle arthroplasty; typically no malleolar osteotomy is required.
Jul 24, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: Structural Allograft

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