Operative Treatment of Femur Fractures Using a Greater Trochanteric Entry IM Nail

Operative Treatment of Femur Fractures Using a Greater Trochanteric Entry IM Nail

Jonathan H. Phillips

Fractures of the shaft of the femur are among the most common causes for admission of children to hospitals. Treatment of these fractures accounts for a significant percentage of surgical procedures that are performed to treat pediatric fractures. The incidence of pediatric femur fracture in the United States is approximately 19.15 per 100,000 annually. Higher figures have been quoted in the Scandinavian literature. Management of this injury has undergone a significant evolution in the past decade, with more emphasis given to operative management than previously. Several options exist for surgical management including external fixation, plating, elastic, and more rigid intramedullary (IM) nailing. This chapter describes a technique for antegrade fixation of children’s femur fractures with a nail introduced just lateral to the greater trochanter. It avoids the piriformis fossa and thus has the advantage of reducing the risk of avascular necrosis of the capital femoral physis.


As in all trauma situations, the child with a femur fracture for whom the use of this nail is being considered should be thoroughly evaluated clinically. Particular emphasis is placed on the diagnosis of any concomitant knee or hip injuries. Preoperative orthogonal radiographs of the injured femur are necessary, and an anteroposterior pelvis radiograph, along with radiographs of the ipsilateral knee, is advisable.

Careful evaluation of the limiting diameter of the IM canal is mandatory. As mentioned above, because the minimum diameter of both the proximal end and the tip of this nail is 8.5 mm, a 9-mm canal is the smallest that can accommodate this device without IM reaming. The nail is usually inserted unreamed, though the IM canal can be reamed if necessary. In the indicated age group (older than 8 years), however, this technique is seldom needed.

Preoperative evaluation of the radiographs for occult fracture comminution will avoid surprises during the operation. It is common to have undisplaced fracture lines around the radiographically obvious fracture, particularly with a spiral fracture pattern. Often, a fracture extension distally toward the supracondylar region or proximally to the trochanters can be diagnosed before becoming clinically evident during nail insertion. As long as these fracture line extensions are recognized, allowance for them can be achieved by modifying the surgical technique. For instance, if there is concern about comminution of the fracture by the nail in a very complex fracture pattern, a mini-open technique with temporary bone clamp stabilization of the fracture during nail insertion may be useful.

Certain fracture patterns are more troublesome for nail insertion. The proximal subtrochanteric fracture typically leads to an underestimation of the degree of displacement in both the axial and the sagittal planes. The deforming force of the psoas muscle pulls the proximal fragment into external rotation and sometimes into marked flexion. With a more “parallel to the ground” approach using reamers and awls, the thin posterior cortex of the intertrochanteric area can be easily breached, causing unnecessary delay and intraoperative revision of the nail’s entry pathway. Thorough preoperative evaluation will usually allow the surgeon to anticipate this potential problem, which can be minimized by placing the patient on the fracture table with flexion of the hip. In addition, starting the entry point for the nail more posteriorly and aiming the guide pin for the proximal entry point anteriorly (toward the ceiling) will be helpful in these proximal femur structures.

For the more distal femoral shaft fracture, the preoperative planning must be especially thorough. Depending on the fracture configuration (transverse, oblique, or spiral), this nail in its present iteration is not suitable for fractures more distal than 4 cm proximal to the distal femoral physis, particularly in a large femur with a capacious distal IM canal in which little stability of the fracture will be achieved, even with a firm distal interlocking screw.

Jun 13, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Operative Treatment of Femur Fractures Using a Greater Trochanteric Entry IM Nail

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