Nerve root
Shoulder abduction/elbow flexion
Elbow flexion/wrist extension
Elbow extension/wrist flexion
Finger flexion
Finger abduction
Hip flexion
Knee extension
Ankle dorsiflexion/Hip adduction
Hallux extension/Hip abduction
Ankle plantarflexion
Nerve root | Reflex |
C5 | Biceps |
C6 | Brachioradialis |
C7 | Triceps |
L4 | Patellar |
S1 | Achilles |
Spurling’s Test
Spurling and Scoville first described the Spurling neck compression test , also known as the foraminal compression test, in 1944 [23]. The test is a highly sensitive and specific maneuver for detecting cervical radiculopathy validated by magnetic resonance imaging [1] and electrodiagnostic studies [24–26]. It involves moving the neck into extension and lateral bending toward the affected arm and then applying axial compression. The purpose of this maneuver is to compress the neural foramen; a positive result is the reproduction of radicular pain and paresthesia.
Shoulder Abduction Test
The shoulder abduction test , first described by Spurling in 1956, is a helpful ancillary test for evaluating neck and arm pain. This test is performed by actively or passively abducting the ipsilateral shoulder so that the hand rests on top of the head. Resolution or reduction of ipsilateral radicular symptoms is a positive test. The overall sensitivity has been described between 43% and 50% and specificity from 80% to 100% [27]. Abduction of the shoulder leads to a decrease in tension on the affected nerve root, thus reducing radicular symptoms.
Lhermitte’s Sign
In addition to special physical exam maneuvers for radiculopathy, several provocative tests have proven useful for the diagnosis of myelopathy. Lhermitte’s sign consists of “electric-like” sensation down the spine or in the extremities with passive cervical flexion. This occurs with cervical spinal cord pathology from a variety of conditions, including multiple sclerosis, spinal cord tumor, and cervical spondylotic myelopathy [28]. Few studies exist regarding the diagnostic validity of Lhermitte’s sign, with most demonstrating a poor sensitivity from 3% to 17% [29].
Hoffman’s Sign
In the presence of upper motor neuron dysfunction, such as cervical myelopathy, several pathologic reflexes can be elicited. Hoffman’s sign is elicited by supporting the patient’s hand so that it is completely relaxed and the fingers partially flexed. The middle finger is firmly grasped and partially extended, and the distal phalanx is snapped by the examiner’s thumb. The sign is present if flexion of both the thumb and index finger is observed. Presence of Hoffman’s sign has been reported to have 58% sensitivity and 78% specificity for cervical spinal cord compression [30].
Upper Extremity Exam
Many non-neurologic conditions can mimic cervical pathology, and physicians must always consider alternative diagnoses. A full upper extremity exam assessing passive and active range of motion, strength, and sensation can be helpful in differentiating cervical pathology from extremity pathology. This should include focused examination of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. Rotator cuff disease, a common condition among athletes, may cause referred pain to the cervical spine along with shoulder pain radiating to the upper arm. This pain is generally worse with shoulder elevation and never radiates below the elbow. Patients will generally have evidence of impingement with positive Neer’s and Hawkin’s signs on physical exam.
Another common mimic of cervical pathology is peripheral nerve entrapment. This commonly creates sensory deficits, pain, and weakness that may be in similar distributions to a cervical radiculopathy. Carpal tunnel syndrome , which is caused by compression of the median nerve at the wrist, presents with decreased sensation in the radial digits. This is similar to a C6 radiculopathy; however, carpal tunnel syndrome should not impact wrist extension strength nor cause pain proximal to the elbow. Similarly, cubital tunnel syndrome or compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow can often mimic a C8 radiculopathy, which is discussed further in this chapter. Peripheral nerve compression should be considered and ruled out in all patients with radiating extremity pain using a systematic physical exam and electromyogram , if necessary. In patients with upper limb pain, it is important to exclude local structural limb and joint pathology. This includes use of passive and active ROM of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist as well as careful palpation over the acromioclavicular joint and the ventral aspect of the shoulder for bicipital tendinitis. Consider rotator cuff pathology if attempts to abduct the shoulder result in pain.
Diagnostic Imaging
NEXUS low-risk criteria
No posterior midline cervical spine tenderness |
No evidence of intoxication |
Normal level of consciousness |
No focal neurologic deficit |
No painful distracting injury |

Canadian spine rule algorithm. (Source: The University of British Columbia, Department of Physical Therapy. The Canadian C-Spine Rule Project. Accessed 15 May 2019. Reprinted per terms of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License)
Plain Radiography
Radiographs of the cervical spine can be a quick and cost-effective initial study in athletes with neck pain. In the setting of trauma, the utility of radiographs has largely been replaced by computed tomography. Adequate radiographs should include all seven cervical vertebrae, including the C7–T1 disk space. Multiple orthogonal views should be obtained: AP, lateral, open-mouth odontoid view, and oblique views to evaluate for foraminal stenosis. A swimmer’s view can aid in assessing the cervicothoracic junction. If there is concern for dynamic instability, flexion/extension views can be beneficial.
Computed Tomography
Computed tomography (CT) has largely superseded plain radiographs as the study of choice for the evaluation of cervical spine trauma. CT is the most efficient modality for detecting skeletal injuries and is almost 40% more sensitive than a single lateral radiograph [34]. In 2007, the American College of Radiology formulated an algorithm for cervical spine trauma: if NEXUS or CCR criteria indicate low risk, then no imaging should be performed. If NEXUS or CCR criteria indicate imaging, then a CT of the cervical spine with sagittal and coronal reformations is highly recommended [35]. CT imaging is relatively quick and provides more granular information of injury morphology; thus, many trauma centers opt for CTs of the cervical spine rather than initial plain radiographs.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging [1] is a noninvasive imaging technique that can differentiate between various soft tissues and bone based on water content. MRI is an excellent imaging modality for evaluating the neural elements, ligamentous structures, and intervertebral disks. Generally, MRI is a useful modality for evaluating athletes with neck pain and neurologic symptoms in the outpatient setting. MRI is highly sensitive at detecting degenerative changes, such as disk bulges and cervical spondylosis. However, in the general population, lifetime prevalence of degenerative changes in the cervical spine on MRI in asymptomatic patients younger than 40 years old is 25% [36]. Athletes who suffer repeated microtraumas to the cervical spine are at greater risk for degenerative disk disease compared to the general population [37]. Therefore, diagnostic imaging may frequently identify asymptomatic pathology and should be considered only as an adjunct to history and clinical examination.
Non-contrast MRI is the imaging modality of choice in athletes with clinically diagnosed radiculopathy that fails to improve with conservative therapy. If history and physical examination reveal concern for cervical myelopathy, MRI should be obtained to evaluate for the source of spinal cord compression. If an MRI is contraindicated (i.e., metallic implants), CT myelogram should be considered.
The role of MRI in acute cervical trauma is still debated. The American College of Radiology does not support the routine use of MRI for all trauma patients with neck pain. They recommend MRI in the setting of trauma only if NEXUS or CCR criteria are met, and there are clinical findings of myelopathy and neurologic deficit, clinical or imaging findings to suggest ligamentous injury, or clinical concern for an unstable spine [35].
Initial Management/Treatment
The initial on-field evaluation of an athlete with a suspected cervical spine injury is typically initiated by athletic trainers and/or a trained group of personnel. Basic equipment, such as a stretcher, spine board, and tools to remove protective gear, should be readily available and identified during pregame preparations. Assessing cardiopulmonary status, following basic/advanced life support protocol, and maintaining cervical immobilization are of the utmost importance during initial triage of significant cervical spine trauma. Athlete’s helmets and pads should remain in place during the triage period due to the support and alignment provided to the injured spine [38]. Immobilization of the cervical spine should be maintained, and removal of face mask might be necessary for airway control. Athletes with neck pain/tenderness, limited cervical motion, neurologic symptoms, or altered mental status should be promptly transferred to the nearest trauma center. Helmets should remain in place until multiple trained healthcare workers are available to aid in removal [39].
Any subacute presentation or ambulating athlete presenting with tenderness, pain, or decreased range of motion after trauma should undergo a full spine and neurologic exam in addition to any specific musculoskeletal exam. During the initial triage, if there is suspicion of any structural or neurologic injury, the athlete’s cervical spine should be promptly immobilized until full evaluation at the nearest trauma center.
After the athlete is transferred from the field to the nearest trauma center, primary and secondary surveys, in addition to full neurological examination, should be completed. Any complaints of shoulder or upper extremity pain should prompt a thorough musculoskeletal exam to assess for possible fractures, dislocations, or ligamentous/tendon injuries. Cervical radiographs, including anterior-posterior, lateral, and open-mouth series, are helpful in assessing for obvious bony or ligamentous injuries. CT imaging provides a more granular assessment of subtle injury patterns and should be utilized in cases where radiographs are inadequate. Triaging providers should promptly involve a consulting spine surgeon once initial imaging is obtained. Lastly, if the patient is stable and has concomitant signs or symptoms suggestive of a spinal cord injury, a cervical MRI is warranted.
Specific treatment of cervical spine injuries depends on existence of ligamentous disruption, dislocations, fractures, or spinal cord injury. Although unstable cervical spine injuries are rare among athletes, surgical intervention is necessary for these injury patterns. Stable cervical injuries are more common among this population and can be treated conservatively with short periods of immobilization followed by rehabilitation programs encouraging range of motion and strengthening exercises.
The majority of these rehabilitation protocols start with isometric exercises, followed by concentric exercises and gradual increasing range of motion [6]. Stretching exercise should be avoided during the acute inflammatory phase, and strengthening should only be initiated once painless range of motion is achieved [40]. Factors such as bony healing and achieving painless range of motion impact athlete’s rehabilitation. Vaccaro and Kepler proposed nine absolute contraindications for athletes with previous cervical spine fractures from participating in sports: occipital-cervical arthrodesis, atlantoaxial instability, spear tacklers spine, residual subaxial spine instability, substantial sagittal malalignment, narrowing of the spinal canal as a result of retroposed fragments, residual neurological deficits, loss of cervical spine range of motion, and arthrodesis of three or more disk levels [41]. Once athletes demonstrate full strength and capabilities comparable to preinjury state, the topic of return to play should be broached. The decision to return to play is predicated on the individual athlete, previous injury, specific treatment, and the requirements of the sport.
Diagnostic Dilemmas
There are numerous diagnostic dilemmas when evaluating patients with neck pain with or without concomitant upper extremity pain and/or weakness. The significant overlap of symptoms generated from upper extremity and cervical spine pathology can create a perplexing diagnostic situation. It is important for providers to create a broad differential when approaching patients with cervical spine and upper extremity pain while utilizing well-executed and focused exams to refine potential diagnosis.
Transient Spinal Cord Injury
Transient spinal cord quadriparesis , also known as cervical cord neuropraxia, is traditionally seen in contact sports, such as football or hockey, where collisions can impart sufficient force, leading to spinal cord injury. Transient paralysis in these situations is characterized by paresthesia +/− weakness in affected extremities, typically resolving within 30 min but may last up to 24–48 h. The most common pattern of this injury results in a combination of weakness, quadriplegia, and/or sensory deficits in all four extremities (~80% of cases) [42]. Numerous mechanisms have been proposed, including spinal cord concussion, failure of neural transmission, and selective vascular attenuation, which likely result from structural insults such as fractures/dislocations, ligamentous infolding, instability, syrinx, and/or herniated nucleus pulposus.
Athletes with congenital cervical stenosis and acquired cervical stenosis, typically secondary to degenerative osteophyte formation, are defined as having a spinal canal diameter of 14 mm or less. These athletes have a notably high incidence of spinal cord and peripheral nerve injuries, and return to play or clearance for athletic participation must entail a thorough discussion with the athlete/family/agent as to the risks of catastrophic injury. Return to play for athletes with known cervical stenosis is a controversial topic, but surgeons will generally broach the topic of return to play after full neurologic recovery and without ongoing insult. However, all parties must have a thorough understanding of the inherent risks.
Cervical Sprain/Strain vs Cervical Spondylosis
The athlete with a cervical sprain will primarily complain of neck soreness and tightness. It often occurs in association with a traumatic event. There are typically no neurologic manifestations, and paraspinal muscle tenderness is the hallmark finding.
Whereas, cervical spondylosis will not usually be associated with a traumatic event, the athlete will primarily complain of neck pain and stiffness. It often is not associated with a traumatic event. It will tend to be symptomatic in older athletes. Neurologic manifestations can be present from osteophyte compression on cervical roots or the spinal cord. Paraspinal muscle tenderness will be present less frequently than with a sprain/strain.
Axial Neck Pain/Referred Pain vs Cervical Radiculopathy
Axial neck pain is a common complaint among athletes, especially those participating in contact sports. The cervical spine is a multifaceted region composed of neural elements, discoligamentous complexes, bone, facet and uncovertebral joints, and paraspinal musculature. The interaction of these complex cervical components can represent a spectrum of disorders with each specific component serving as a potential site of pathology. Instability, malalignment, intervertebral disk degeneration, disk herniation, and spinal stenosis can all present as neck pain [43]. The characteristic clinical findings associated with axial neck pain are deep-seated aching pain, painful range of motion, and pain with palpation of paraspinal musculature.
Cervical radiculopathy secondary to traumatic events results from traction, compression, laceration, or ischemia of the involved nerve [44]. Patients with cervical radiculopathy can exhibit loss of motor function within specific myotomes in addition to inconsistent sensory deficits at the affected level. Clinically, this can manifest as unilateral or bilateral numbness, paresthesia, pain, and loss of motion function within specific nerve distributions. Classically, patients report improvement in radicular symptoms with shoulder abduction or what is known as the hand on head position or Bakody’s sign. Patients can report worsening pain with distinct movement or positioning of the cervical spine. It is important to note that when differentiating radiculopathy from musculoskeletal neck pain, radicular symptoms should outweigh axial symptoms.
Rotator Cuff Tears vs Glenoid Labrum Injuries
Rotator cuff injuries present chronically as progressive pain and weakness with overhead activity; however, acutely, these injuries are more likely to be associated with dislocations or subluxations. Paresthesia and numbness are typically not present, although patients can present with radiating neck pain usually exacerbated with active shoulder motion. Weakness is apparent with initiation of shoulder abduction and further elucidated with strength testing using the Jobe’s test and resisted internal and external rotation of the shoulder. Further C5 weakness, specifically biceps and deltoid function, is absent in isolated rotator cuff tears.
Glenoid labrum injuries are often associated with shoulder instability. Patients may have a history of shoulder dislocation. The typical pain can be reproduced with abduction and external rotation (anterior instability) or shoulder adduction and axial loading (posterior instability). SLAP tears are associated with pain with overhead activity and are characterized by a deeper pain when compared to rotator cuff pathology.
C5 Radiculopathy vs Suprascapular Nerve Entrapment vs Traumatic Upper Brachial Plexus Injury
C5 radiculopathy can result from traumatic disk herniations, facet dislocations, fractures, or chronic degenerative changes [38]. Acute and rapid rotation of the cervical spine and chronic axial loads serve as the most common mechanisms of injury associated with C5 radiculopathies among athletes. Weakness and atrophy can be clinically evident when assessing the biceps, supraspinatus/infraspinatus, or deltoid. Shoulder range of motion has limited association with cervical pathology; however, as previously mentioned, shoulder abduction (hand on head position) typically relieves symptoms.
Suprascapular nerve entrapment typically involves isolated weakness and atrophy of the supraspinatus and/or infraspinatus depending on the site of compression, i.e., suprascapular notch. Other muscles innervated by C5 are spared, and radicular pain does not follow classic C5 dermatomal patterns. EMG and nerve conduction velocity tests can be helpful in assessing sites of distal compression.
Brachial plexus injuries most commonly present as burners/stingers and signify a relatively benign insult on the spectrum of traumatic brachial plexus injuries. Athletes with severe brachial plexus injuries present after forceful lateral deviation away from the affected upper extremity or after a traumatic fall onto the shoulder, neck, or head. Typically, upper brachial plexus injuries have preserved function of long thoracic nerve (i.e., lack of scapular winging) and variable involvement of the suprascapular nerve depending on the level of insult.
C6 and C7 Radiculopathy vs Median Nerve Entrapment (Pronator Syndrome/Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
C6/C7 radiculopathy can result from rotational cervical spine injuries or axial loads (i.e., spear tackling technique) leading to weakness in muscles innervated by C6 and C7. Paresthesias and numbness follow dermatomal distributions of C6 (thenar eminence and thumb) and C7 (middle finger). Assessing thenar strength can be a differentiating exam maneuver since motor innervation is primarily provided by C8; thus, it should be normal with an isolated C6/C7 insult.
C8 Radiculopathy vs Ulnar Nerve Compression
C8 radiculopathies result from flexion and compression forces across the cervicothoracic junction. At the C7 to T1 junction, the mobile and lordotic cervical spine rapidly transitions to the rigid and kyphotic thoracic spine. Initial radiographic triage of injuries at this level has been largely replaced by CT imaging in addition to MRI. Patients present with weakness in finger flexion in addition to paresthesias in the fifth digit and along the medial border of the forearm. One clinical pearl is to assess opposition and abduction of the thumb (medial nerve) which distinguishes C8 radiculopathy from an ulnar nerve compression (i.e., cubital tunnel syndrome) [45]. Ulnar nerve compression can be elicited by compressing the medial side of the elbow (Tinel’s sign) with resulting paresthesias. Paresthesias from compression at the elbow are evident in the hand but not in the forearm due to innervation of the medial antebrachial nerve, which serves as another distinguishing clinical exam finding.
Expert Opinion
The presenting symptoms of cervical spine and upper extremity injuries often overlap, which requires providers to distinguish between the two in order to accurately diagnose. The essential components in achieving an efficient and precise diagnosis are utilization of a broad differential, a focused history and physical exam, advanced imaging, and diagnostic studies when necessary. Differentiating between cervical spine and upper extremity pathologies involves a strong understanding of the neurologic exam, peripheral exam findings, and myotomal/dermatomal findings correlative to cervical spine levels. The most common dilemma encountered by providers assessing athletes with neck and arm pain is differentiating radicular symptoms from cervical pathology and musculoskeletal injuries. The importance of distinguishing the source of the patient’s chief complaint cannot be underscored enough since treatment plans vary widely depending on the etiology.

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