Medical Complications Following THA

Medical Complications Following THA

Bernardo J. Reyes

Esteban Franco-Garcia

Amanda Hernandez

John V. Tiberi


As the average age of the patient undergoing hip arthroplasty continues to increase, so does the risk associated with medical complications (1). As first responders to these complications, orthopedic surgeons need to have a basic understanding about how to identify and treat patients with these conditions.

The rate of medical complications after total joint arthroplasty ranges between 4.4% and 7.1% with a 6% complication rate for those undergoing hip arthroplasty. Most of these complications are cardiovascular in nature and typically will occur within the first 4 days after the procedure (2).

When the orthopedic surgeon is called to evaluate a patient for a potential medical complication, the first step is to place the physical examination findings in the context of the patient’s past medical history and the timing of the event. As an example, the presence of mild to moderate hypoxemia without concomitant shortness of breath in an otherwise healthy patient within the first 24 hours after surgery has different implications than in the patient with history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or previous pulmonary embolism (3). In Table 80.1 we list the most common medical complications associated with hip arthroplasty.

Table 80.1 Most Common Medical Complications of Hip Arthroplasty

Cardiovascular Complications Noncardiovascular Complications
Pulmonary embolism Urinary tract infections
Atrial fibrillation Pneumonia
Myocardial infarction Gastrointestinal bleeding
Stroke Delirium
Hypotension Urinary retention
Deep venous thrombosis Ileus
  Acute renal failure

This chapter will discuss the pathophysiology of the most common medical complications following hip arthroplasty along with their risk factors and the initial workup and treatment. The medical complications were divided in two categories: those that are cardiovascular in nature and those that are not. There is also a section dedicated to preoperative evaluations. Local neurovascular complications such as nerve compression and vascular injury are considered in separate sections of this book.

Preoperative Evaluation

The preoperative evaluation plays a vital role in reducing the incidence of perioperative complications. With the introduction of orthopedic-geriatric comanaged models of care, preoperative evaluation and postoperative follow-up are carried out by a cohesive team of medical and orthopedic providers (4).

The American Heart Association (AHA) considers hip arthroplasty a procedure of intermediate risk (5). Thus, the need for an in depth preoperative workup could be seen as low priority. However, as the population that undergoes this procedure has an increased number of comorbid conditions, there is a need to optimize the patient health prior to surgery to avoid serious medical complications (6).

The most important step is to standardize the preoperative evaluation to determine which patients need more comprehensive workups. For example, since many of these operations are elective in nature, surgeons should work in collaboration with the patient’s primary care physician and the hospital’s department of anesthesia to optimize chronic medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, COPD, and coronary artery disease. Among the most important elements of a comprehensive preoperative assessment are the cardiac and pulmonary evaluations as well as glucose control among those patients with the diagnosis of diabetes. The other components to consider on specific patients are the evaluation of hepatic, renal, and coagulation function.

Cardiovascular Evaluation

Preoperative evaluations should be proportional to patients’ functional status and baseline comorbidities. The AHA
describes four major active cardiac conditions (Table 80.2) that might represent an absolute contraindication for surgery.

Table 80.2 Cardiac Conditions That Require Evaluation and Treatment Before Surgery

Unstable angina
Decompensated heart failure
Uncontrolled arrhythmia
Severe valvular disease
Adapted from Fleisher et al. ACC/AHA Guidelines.

If the patient does not have any of these conditions, the next assessment should be focused on the patient’s functional capacity. A functional capacity of at least four metabolic equivalents or METS is a surrogate marker to rule out significant coronary artery disease that could preclude the patient from undergoing an orthopedic procedure. A level of four METS would be the patient who is capable of playing golf, gardening, ballroom dancing, or car washing.

The use of perioperative beta blockers has been a controversial issue since the validity of the data used to make clinical recommendations about their use has come under scrutiny. The decision to administer this type of medication in a beta blocker-naïve patient before arthroplasty should be made by the medical consultant in conjunction with the anesthesiologists. The AHA recommends that patients who are already using beta blockers or any other rate-controlling medication should continue to receive the medications as scheduled. Some providers prefer to switch patients taking long-acting beta blockers as outpatients to short-acting beta blockers during the perioperative period (7). Non–rate-controlling medications such as ACE inhibitors (e.g., lisinopril) to treat chronic hypertension could be held the day of the surgery to avoid significant hypotension during the procedure.

Overall, a comprehensive cardiac evaluation should be a coordinated effort among all the clinical specialties involved with the patient’s care. In a nondiabetic patient, if there are no absolute contraindications for surgery and the patient’s exercise capacity is at least four METS, further cardiac workup should not be necessary.

Pulmonary Evaluation

Pulmonary disease increases the risk of adverse outcomes after surgery. A patient with COPD has twice the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. Asthma, on the other hand, when well controlled does not play a major role in the complication rate during the postoperative period. Although severe COPD is not an absolute contraindication for surgery, the mortality rate for patients with COPD undergoing general surgery is around 1%, with a 29% chance of pulmonary complications. As a result, the risk/benefit ratio of hip replacement should be analyzed carefully with the patient before undergoing this procedure. In terms of preoperative testing, there is no evidence that pulmonary function testing before orthopedic surgery improves outcomes. Interestingly, preoperative low serum albumin and BUN are better predictors of adverse pulmonary outcomes than standard pulmonary function testing.

Strategies to decrease the risk of pulmonary complications include the optimization of treatment regimens, including the use of steroids to improve lung function, and tobacco cessation for at least 2 months prior to the procedure. Above all of these recommendations, the use of lung expansion maneuvers pre- and postsurgery has been consistently shown to be the most effective intervention to prevent respiratory complications (8).


Although the AHA questions the importance of strict glucose control during noncardiac surgery (5), the risk of the need of revision following total hip arthroplasty (THA), for patients with diabetes compared to those without, can be high as 50% (9). This increase in risk is more evident in those patients who have had type 2 diabetes longer than 5 years. In an elective arthroplasty, therefore, advanced planning should include involving the patient’s primary care physician and/or endocrinologist to optimize preprocedure glucose control.

It will also be important to discontinue some of the patient’s oral hypoglycemic agents the day of the procedure. As a general rule, withholding metformin and sulfonylureas 24 hours before surgery can minimize complications such as hypoglycemia and lactic acidosis. These medications may be restarted once the patient recovers from the initial insult of the surgery and PO intake is resumed (10).

During the perioperative period, blood sugars between 110 and 200 mg/dL appear to be reasonable targets. This may be achieved with the use of standardized protocols that include premeal and sliding scale-based insulin (11).

Cardiovascular Complications

Cardiovascular complications associated with hip arthroplasty can occur in up to 5% of patients. Among such complications, orthopedic surgeons need to become more familiar with venous thromboembolism (VTE), acute coronary syndromes, and stroke. Most of these are difficult to identify as they could occur early after surgery has been completed (or sometimes during surgery), and the classic symptoms can be disguised by sedation from the effects of anesthesia and opiates for pain control. Bilateral and revision surgeries are strongly associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes; therefore, a higher level of awareness is important when caring for patients undergoing these procedures.

Venous Thromboembolism

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolus (PE) are potentially devastating and fatal complications. Virchow’s triad of hypercoagulability, stasis, and endothelial injury describe the factors that contribute to the development of venous thrombosis. Risk factors for VTE are encompassed by one or more of these categories. The single
greatest risk factor for VTE is history of prior VTE. Others include major surgery (THA), trauma, age, immobility, malignancy, pregnancy, infection, obesity, inherited or acquired thrombophilia, smoking, and some medications (oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, chemotherapy, etc.). Without prophylaxis, the rates of DVT and PE following hip arthroplasty (42% to 57% and 0.9% to 28%, respectively) are very high (12).


Although multiple organizations have proposed guidelines for VTE prophylaxis, those suggested by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) are most frequently cited in the setting of hip and knee arthroplasty. Historically, substantial variability existed between these guidelines. These inconsistencies were largely attributable to the use of different end points (symptomatic PE vs. all VTE) while interpreting the data. Although differences in the recommendations remain, the most recent versions have the greatest degree of uniformity (13,14).

Both the AAOS and ACCP stratify their recommendations based on the level of recommendation and the level of evidence. The AAOS assigns an overall grade (strong, moderate, weak, inconclusive, or consensus). The ACCP assigns separate grades for the strength of the recommendation (1, strong; 2, weak) and the level of the evidence (A, high quality; B, moderate quality; C, low or very low quality) (15,16).

Dual therapy (pharmacologic with antithrombotic medications and mechanical with intermittent pneumatic compression devices [IPCD]) is generally recommended in patients undergoing hip and knee arthroplasty during hospitalization (AAOS moderate, ACCP Grade 2C). However, in terms of pharmacologic agent choice, the AAOS has found insufficient evidence to make recommendations for or against specific agents and regimens (moderate). The ACCP has recommended low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), fondaparinux, apixaban, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, low-dose unfractionated heparin (LDUH), warfarin (Grade 1B), or IPCD (Grade 1C) as acceptable treatments; however, LMWH was preferred over fondaparinux, apixaban, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, LDUH (Grade 2B), and warfarin (Grade 2C). In patients with active bleeding disorders that preclude them from receiving pharmacologic prophylaxis, the AAOS recommends IPCD monotherapy (consensus); in patients with an increased risk of bleeding, the ACCP suggests IPCD or no prophylaxis (Grade 2C) (17,18).

The timing and duration of therapy are other extremely important considerations with VTE prophylaxis. The timing of the initiation of pharmacologic agents is critical, and the risk of VTE versus bleeding must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. It is critical that the surgeon is able to determine when initial hemostasis has been achieved, as it is not always at the completion of the procedure. The current ACCP guidelines recommend initiating LMWH either 12 hours before the start or after the completion of surgery (Grade 1B). Although the AAOS guideline found insufficient evidence to recommend a duration of prophylaxis (consensus), the ACCP recommends a minimum of 10 to 14 days with extension up to 35 days being preferred (Grade 2B) (17,18).


Thrombi form in the peripheral venous vasculature under conditions described by Virchow’s triad (stasis, endothelial damage, hypercoagulability). The lower extremities are the most common location of DVT. Lower extremity thrombi are typically classified either proximal (pelvic and thigh) or distal (calf). Proximal thrombi are at higher risk of embolization to the pulmonary vasculature in general. They are also larger and so produce higher risk of developing into symptomatic PE. Distal thrombi are smaller, at lower risk of embolization to PE, and (although rare) more likely to lead to paradoxical arterial embolization through a patent foramen ovale or atrial septal defect than the larger, proximal thrombi. Upper extremity thrombi are less common and the least likely to embolize (19).

DVT alone can damage the venous valvular system and cause postphlebitic syndrome, which is characterized by chronic pain and edema. PE leads to hypoxemia, increased pulmonary vascular resistance, impaired gas exchange, alveolar hyperventilation, increased airway resistance, and decreased pulmonary compliance. The alveolar–arterial O2 tension gradient becomes markedly elevated. Progressive right ventricular failure can lead to myocardial ischemia, circulatory collapse, and death (20).

Presentation and Diagnosis

It is important to note that both the AAOS and the ACCP recommend against duplex screening before discharge (strong recommendation and Grade 1B, respectively) (17,18). Therefore, the first layer of detection includes the patient’s symptoms and the clinical examination. A recent systematic review found the rates of symptomatic VTE in the setting of appropriate prophylaxis to be 1.09% and 0.53% for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and THA, respectively (21).

DVT typically presents as persistent and progressive lower extremity cramping. Swelling, erythema, and fever may also be present. The differential diagnoses include cellulitis, venous insufficiency, and a ruptured Baker cyst. PE commonly presents as shortness of breath. Other signs include tachycardia, fever, syncope, hypotension, cyanosis, and coughing. The differential diagnosis includes pneumonia, costochondritis, pneumothorax, acute coronary syndrome, anxiety, and exacerbations of medical comorbidities like asthma, COPD, or congestive heart failure (CHF) (20).

A variety of nonimaging tests for the detection of VTE exist but have minimal utility. D-dimer ELISA is typically elevated in the setting of VTE. This test is relatively sensitive but with low specificity. In addition, the time required to receive a result minimizes its usefulness. Similarly, although PO2 and PCO2 typically decrease in the setting of PE, blood gas results lack specificity. Electrocardiogram signs, such as S1Q3T3 sign or V1–V4 T-wave inversion, are specific but not sensitive (20).

When clinical suspicion warrants further investigation, imaging modalities are the studies of choice. Although operator dependent, ultrasonography is the primary study for the diagnosis of DVT. The diagnosis is made by alternations in venous compressibility and flow dynamics. If ultrasound is not available, unable to be performed, or nondiagnostic,
computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance venography may be considered (20).

For the vast majority of patients, pulmonary CT with intravenous contrast is the primary imaging modality for PE. Although the previous generation of CT had limitations, current CT technology is capable of detecting even small peripheral emboli. Pulmonary ventilation–perfusion scanning is typically reserved for patients with contraindications to intravenous contrast. Unfortunately, with this modality there is a high rate of nondiagnostic or “intermediate-probability” examinations. Although pulmonary angiography is considered the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of PE, it has been replaced by pulmonary CT in most clinical settings. The use of pulmonary angiography is limited to cases with high clinical suspicion but nondiagnostic CT scan, or when an interventional treatment procedure is planned. Magnetic resonance pulmonary angiography is useful for the detection of large emboli (20).


Treatment following VTE is divided into primary (thrombolysis or embolectomy) or secondary (prevention of recurrent VTE); therefore, it is critical to stratify patients based upon clinical manifestations and risk of recurrence. Primary therapy is indicated in patients who develop hemodynamic instability following PE. Patients without discrete hemodynamic instability but some component of right ventricular failure should be analyzed on an individual basis. All other patients are best treated with a regimen of secondary prevention (20).

Secondary prevention regimens include the variables of agent and therapy duration. Unfractionated heparin, LMWHs, factor Xa pentasaccharide, warfarin, factor Xa inhibitors, and direct thrombin inhibitors are typical agents (or classes of agents) utilized in secondary prevention programs. Characteristics such as half-life, side effects, metabolism, and convenience should be considered when selecting an agent for a particular patient. Risk of recurrence ultimately determines the duration of therapy. VTE following hip arthroplasty is considered provoked, with these patients less likely to have long-term recurrence. It is generally recommended that patients with upper extremity and distal lower extremity DVT be treated for 3 months, and those with proximal lower extremity DVT or any PE be treated for 3 to 6 months. Indefinite anticoagulation is considered in patients with unprovoked or recurrent VTE (20).

Cardiac Arrhythmias

Cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation can occur after hip arthroplasty. Patients with history of atrial fibrillation, older age, and premature depolarization are at the highest risk for perioperative arrhythmias. Other factors to consider include history of coronary artery disease and CHF. Of note, patients undergoing bilateral or revision surgery are at higher risk for this complication.

The biggest challenge for the clinician is to identify the type of arrhythmia. It is most useful to review the patient’s medical history, as somebody with preoperative atrial fibrillation is more likely to have a recurrence/exacerbation. Furthermore, the clinician can determine whether the patient is receiving medications for a specific arrhythmia before surgery and/or if the patient has received such medications after the procedure. Patients taking beta blockers at home, for example, will benefit from restarting such medications on an increased/as needed dose. It is also important during the initial evaluation to evaluate for other causes of uncontrolled arrhythmia such as pain, dehydration, or delirium. Lastly, it is recommended that the surgeon obtain a medical service consultation for patients who develop any type of arrhythmias during the perioperative period (22).

Acute Coronary Syndrome

The AHA considers orthopedic procedures including THA intermediate risk surgeries. However, because the population of patients undergoing these procedures is continuing to age, this risk may be underestimated. The risk of a coronary event for hip arthroplasty is less than 1% in all patients above the age of 65, but is significantly higher for those above 80 years of age. The most significant risk factors for developing an ACS after an orthopedic procedure are pre-existing coronary artery disease, prolonged surgeries, and revision procedures (5). The risk of postoperative myocardial infarction is higher during the first 2 weeks after surgery. Identifying a perioperative ACS could be challenging as some of the events will occur while the patient is under the effects of anesthesia. The typical symptoms—such as chest pain or shortness of breath—may be absent (23).

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