Introduction and Scope of Study

Introduction and Scope of Study

Tumors of bone are among the most uncommon of all types of neoplasms. For instance, it is estimated that 2,900 new sarcomas of bone are recorded in the United States per year. In comparison, 169,500 new cases of carcinoma of the lung and 193,700 new cases of breast carcinoma are diagnosed. On a numeric basis, obviously, bone tumors are relatively unimportant. However, many of the bone tumors affect young children and are managed by radical surgery, with or without radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which may have significant side effects. Most centers do not acquire extensive experience in handling bone tumors. Hence, surgical pathologists in most institutions are not familiar with neoplasms of bone; consequently, a reasonably straightforward diagnosis may be a difficult one.

A team approach is necessary in the management of a patient with a bone tumor. Good communication among radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, and pathologists is important for accurate diagnosis of most of these neoplasms. A pathologist who tries to make a diagnosis on a difficult bone lesion without the advantage of information about the clinical and radiographic features is at a distinct disadvantage. Close cooperation of the different specialties with one another ensures that mistakes are kept to a minimum.

The importance of radiographs in the interpretation of bone tumors cannot be overemphasized. Radiographs, after all, are the gross representation of the neoplasm. Although it is important for surgical pathologists dealing with neoplasms of bone to have a rudimentary understanding of the interpretation of radiographs, it is even more important to have a radiologist available who is interested and has enough experience to be helpful. Pathologists with a special interest in bone tumors may refuse to make a diagnosis on a bone biopsy specimen if the radiographs are not available for review. This approach is too extreme. If the biopsy shows an osteosarcoma, the diagnosis is an osteosarcoma regardless of what the radiographs show. Knowing that the radiographic features support the diagnosis of osteosarcoma will be comforting, but it is not strictly necessary to review the radiographs personally. On the other hand, in some instances, it is foolhardy to render a diagnosis without having the radiographs available for review. Most cartilaginous tumors belong in this category.

For most bone tumors, the patient’s local symptoms and the results of physical examination are relatively nonspecific. The usual symptoms—pain or swelling or both—serve mainly as a guide to the correct site for the radiographic studies and for biopsies. Accordingly, clinical features of bone tumors have been relegated to a relatively minor place in the discussion to follow. Clinical judgment is always important; an osteoid osteoma, in which referred pain may be at a site distant from the lesion, may deceive an unwary clinician.

Laboratory studies are of little aid in the diagnosis of the average bone tumor. Myeloma, with its sometimes practically pathognomonic alteration of proteins in the serum or urine, is a notable exception. Alkaline phosphatase levels may be increased with an osteoid-producing neoplasm, either primary or metastatic. Increased levels of acid phosphatase suggest metastatic prostatic carcinoma. The ominous nature of a rapidly growing sarcoma, such as Ewing tumor, may be indicated by systemic evidence, including fever, anemia, and a rapid erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Neoplasms of bone are being studied with several new modalities, including immunohistochemical stains, flow cytometry, and cytogenetics. These methods may prove very important in the future. When such studies are of practical importance, they have been so indicated in the text. As of now, however, a diagnosis on which therapy must be predicated and prognosis estimated depends on the correct interpretation of material removed by biopsy and stained by techniques that
have been known for decades, augmented significantly by gross pathologic alterations, including those seen on the radiograph. Electron microscopy is of very limited value in the diagnostic interpretation of bone tumors. Immunoperoxidase stains also have contributed very little to improving our diagnostic skills in bone tumors, with the notable exception of small cell malignancies.

In the chapters that follow, the information provided is based mainly on the personal experience of the authors and not an exhaustive review of the literature. Hence, the bibliography is short, and as in earlier editions, specific references are not cited in the text.


The following section provides some basic information about the different imaging modalities commonly used in the work-up of a patient with a bone tumor.


Radioisotope bone scans are used to localize a bone lesion and are especially useful to detect multicentric disease. A positive bone scan merely suggests bone formation, which may be reactive, and hence provides no information about the type of pathologic process.


Plain radiographs provide the most useful information about the type of lesion being studied.


The type of bone involved is very important information; one should hardly consider the diagnosis of adamantinoma if the radiograph does not show involvement of the tibia. The site of involvement within the bone also is of critical importance. We see even experienced orthopedic surgeons list “tumor of the hip.” Does this mean the joint, the proximal femur, or the acetabulum? Most tumors and tumor-like conditions arise in the metaphysis of long bones, but a few are typically epiphyseal. Cortical involvement is characteristic of adamantinoma.

The type of defect produced in the bone provides diagnostic clues. An area of lytic destruction is described as being geographic. If the lesion is well demarcated, a benign process is suggested. If, in addition, the lesion is circumscribed with sclerosis, a benign lesion is highly likely. If the lesion is poorly demarcated or “marginated,” an aggressive lesion is likely. However, it is not necessarily malignant.

A rapidly evolving lesion produces small defects in bone with interspersed normal tissue. This pattern is referred to as moth-eaten. Osteomyelitis and malignant tumors (especially small cell tumors) frequently produce this pattern.

If the lesion is extremely fast growing, it produces minute defects that may be difficult to detect on plain radiographs. This feature is suggestive of small cell malignancies such as Ewing tumor.

The pattern of involvement of the cortex also provides clues to the nature of the lesion. A thickened cortex means that the bone has responded to the lesion present, and hence it is likely to be indolent. If the cortex is breached and the periosteum lifted, periosteal new bone is usually formed. The Codman triangle is composed of reactive new bone formation at the site where the periosteum is lifted off and has no diagnostic significance. Slow-growing lesions are generally associated with thick continuous layers of periosteal new bone, whereas aggressive lesions are associated with thin discontinuous layers of new bone.


Successful therapy for malignant disease requires that treatment be accomplished before systemic dissemination has occurred. It is axiomatic, therefore, that when the treatment of choice is ablative surgery, the procedure should be done at the earliest practical moment in an attempt to remove the tumor before neoplastic embolization leads to death of the patient.

At least 90% of bone tumors have soft portions that can be sectioned and examined for immediate diagnosis. In most cases, these soft portions afford the best material for diagnosis. For example, a sclerosing osteosarcoma almost invariably has noncalcified zones at its periphery. Study of the radiograph guides the surgeon to these zones, from which biopsy specimens can be obtained for early diagnosis. Protracted decalcification of densely sclerotic portions of the tumor or adjacent cortical bone only delays therapy.

Fresh frozen sections allow an immediate, accurate, definitive diagnosis of more than 90% of bone tumors. The rare lesion that is too difficult or too ossified for rapid interpretation can also be easily recognized. As with fixed sections of various types, good histologic preparations and sound basic understanding of the pathologic features are requisites for successful interpretation of frozen sections. Deficiency in either requisite tends to make one deprecate this diagnostic medium.

At Mayo Clinic, the frozen-section laboratory is adjacent to the surgical suites. The surgeon frequently comes to the frozen-section laboratory carrying the biopsy specimen and the corresponding radiograph. It is important to examine the biopsy specimen grossly to separate fragments of bone from the soft, fleshy
material that almost all bone tumors have. This step is important even if frozen sections are not obtained. Some neoplasms, such as lymphoma, may be associated with a sclerotic reaction. It may be necessary to tease out small fragments of fleshy tumor with the tip of a scalpel blade. This material can be processed separately and does not require decalcification.

At our institution, a freezing microtome, rather than a cryostat, is used for making frozen sections. The biopsy material is placed on the stage, which is then cooled. The tissue freezes from the bottom toward the top. When about half of the material is frozen, the unfrozen material from the top is cut off with a microtome; this material usually does not have many frozen-section artifacts and can be used for permanent sections. A section is obtained from the frozen tissue, and the section is rolled off the blade with a glass rod. The tissue is stained with methylene blue, and excess stain is washed off. The stained section is mounted with water. The whole process should take no more than 30 to 45 seconds.

This method has several advantages. First and most important perhaps is the identification of viable and diagnostic material. Even if a specific diagnosis is not made on the frozen section, the surgeon can be reassured that diagnostic material has been obtained and it is not necessary to obtain better material. Second, if the lesion under consideration is deemed to be infectious, cultures can be done. Third, a definite diagnosis can be made with assurance in most tumors. Many malignant neoplasms are no longer treated surgically immediately after diagnosis is made. However, many of the benign and low-grade malignant tumors can be treated immediately. This has the advantages of not subjecting the patient to a second anesthetic procedure and reducing hospital stay. Fresh frozen sections can also be used for checking the adequacy of margins. Obviously, it is impossible to check all margins on a large sarcoma of bone or soft tissue. However, at least margins deemed “close” by the surgeon can be checked microscopically. A margin that is free only microscopically may be too close.

If a diagnosis cannot be made immediately, it should still be possible to make one within 24 hours. As mentioned above, almost all bone tumors have soft portions. It is very important to separate the material from the bony fragments with which it may be admixed. This material should be processed without decalcification. However, decalcification may be necessary in some rare instances, even for diagnostic material. Decalcification is certainly necessary for larger specimens, such as resections for osteosarcoma after chemotherapy. Several different decalcification methods are available. At Mayo Clinic, 20% formic acid and 10% formalin are routinely used. The solution is made by mixing 400 mL of formic acid in 1,600 mL of 10% formalin. It is important to make thin slices of tissue so that decalcification is rapid. Examining the specimen periodically to make sure that overdecalcification does not occur is important.

Core needle biopsy and fine-needle aspiration are also popular methods for diagnosing bone lesions; the latter has more or less replaced the former. At our institution, we use a method that combines the two. The biopsy is performed by a radiologist under computed tomographic guidance with a 14- to 16-gauge needle. Smears are made and stained with a Papanicolaou technique. If they yield diagnostic material, the radiologist is so informed, and the small core of tissue that is always obtained is used to make permanent sections. We occasionally make a frozen section from the core if the smears are negative. The biopsy may be repeated if both are negative.

We reviewed our experience with fine-needle aspirations for the period from April 1993 to April 2003. The number of procedures performed each year has changed little (about 84 per year). It was disappointing that the number of nondiagnostic biopsies has not diminished with increasing experience. Part of the explanation may be that aspirations are done in lesions, such as cysts, with little hope of obtaining diagnostic material. As with any “new” technique, there is a temptation to overutilize it. Next to “nondiagnostic” (39%), metastatic carcinoma was the most common diagnosis made. Myeloma, lymphoma, and osteosarcoma were the most common “primary” neoplasms diagnosed.

Performing fine-needle aspirations clearly has advantages. The most obvious is the avoidance of using an operating room. The chance for contamination of the biopsy site is also reduced. Fine-needle aspiration is often said to be cost-effective; however, a negative biopsy adds to the cost. Increasingly, oncologists are demanding special studies, such as cytogenetics and molecular studies, before a patient is admitted to a protocol. Radiologists are responding by taking multiple cores for this purpose. It must be remembered that we do not examine the tissue that is used for special studies; hence, we cannot be sure that the material being studied is representative.

A special laboratory for handling specimens of bone is not necessary. The gross dissection is similar whether the specimen is a major resection or an amputation. Comparing the gross specimen with the radiograph is important to determine the exact location of the neoplasm. The soft tissue surrounding the bone and the attached neoplasm are dissected away, so that only the bone and the attached neoplasm are left behind. The specimen is cut in half with a band saw or a butcher’s meat saw. The specimen is washed gently with running water and bone dust is removed with a brush. Cleaning the specimen avoids artifacts in the
microscopic sections caused by bone dust. An alternate method is to freeze the entire specimen and bisect it. Although this method has the advantage of preserving the gross anatomy, it has the disadvantages of delay and freezing and thawing artifacts.


The grading system used at Mayo Clinic essentially follows the grading system that Dr. A. C. Broders proposed for epithelial malignant tumors. The grade of the neoplasm depends on the cellularity of the lesion and the cytologic features of the neoplastic cells. Low-grade neoplasms simulate the appearance of the putative cell of origin of the neoplasm. High-grade malignant lesions have such undifferentiated malignant cells that their cell of origin is, at best, conjectural. Although more common in higher grade neoplasms, necrosis is not used as a criterion for grading. Similarly, mitotic figures are more common in higher grade malignant lesions, but mitotic count is not used for grading tumors. Most bone tumors are graded 1 to 4, with the exception of cartilage tumors and vascular neoplasms, which have only three grades. Grading of a neoplasm demands a morphologic variation within a given entity. For example, because Ewing sarcoma has little variation from tumor to tumor, there is no practical way to grade Ewing sarcoma. This is true also of some low-grade neoplasms, such as adamantinoma. In some neoplasms, such as chordomas, experience has shown that variation in cytologic features is not correlated with clinical prognosis. Hence, there is no point in grading chordomas.

This grading system is admittedly subjective, but no more so than other grading systems. Orthopedic oncologists demand that tumors be graded because the grade of the neoplasm is an important part of staging. Fortunately, it is only necessary to say whether the neoplasm is low grade or high grade.

The staging system used by the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society is a distinct advance in the management of patients with bone tumors. Tumors are staged primarily on the grade of the neoplasm and the extent of involvement. When no distant metastases are present, all low-grade tumors are stage I and all high-grade tumors are stage II. If the neoplasm is confined to the bone, it is considered stage A, and if the tumor has also involved the soft tissues, it is considered stage B. Hence low-grade tumors can be divided into stages IA and IB, depending on the anatomic extent of the neoplasm. Similarly, high-grade tumors, that is, stage II, can also be divided into A and B on the basis of the anatomic extent of the tumor. All tumors with distant metastasis are considered stage III regardless of other considerations. This staging system promotes the use of uniform criteria for comparison of results of treatment from different institutions around the world. It also affords prognostic information.

It is useful to know the terminology orthopedic oncologists use in referring to surgical margins. When the entire compartment in which the neoplasm is situated is removed completely, radical margin is the term used. In a tumor involving the distal femur, a radical margin requires that the entire femur be removed. When the tumor is removed completely with surrounding normal tissue, wide margin is the term used. This surrounding tissue should also include the so-called reactive zone around the neoplasm. The reactive zone is an area composed of capillary proliferation apparently surrounding a tumor as it grows. When the tumor is removed completely but the resection margin does not remove the entire reactive zone, the term marginal margin is used. The resection is considered to be intralesional when the tumor is removed but no attempt is made to obtain normal tissues around it.


The classification in this book (Table 1.1) is similar to that advocated by Lichtenstein. One significant difference is that little attempt is made to draw a relationship between benign and malignant tumors, because so few of the latter take origin from the former. The classification is based on the cytologic features or the recognizable products of the proliferating cells. In most instances, the tumors are considered to arise from the type of tissue they produce, but such an assumption cannot be proven. For example, most chondrosarcomas begin in portions of bone that normally contain no obviously benign cartilaginous zones. In any event, basing classification on what is actually seen histologically allows reduplication of results on subsequent analysis. Some of the lesions in the general classification are probably not neoplasms in the strict sense.

The tabulated statistics in this book are of an unselected series of bone tumors, except for the following factors. A case is included when a complete surgical specimen or adequate biopsy material was obtained and excluded when histologic verification of the diagnosis according to modern pathologic concepts was impossible. The pathologic features have been reviewed in most of these cases as part of clinicopathologic studies. All patients were seen at Mayo Clinic for care, a circumstance that could have introduced a possible selection factor of questionable significance. The material collected in the consultation files is not used in the tabulations. However, material from this source is used for better understanding of the radiographic and histologic features of many of these neoplasms.

TABLE 1.1. Distribution of Bone Tumors by Histologic Type and by Age of Patients

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May 25, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Introduction and Scope of Study

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Histologic Type

Age Distribution by Decades

Total no of Patients













































Chondromyxoid fibroma










Osteoid osteoma




















Unknown origin

Giant cell tumor












(Fibrous) Histiocytoma









































Total benign












