- bacterial osteomyelitis (BOM) 1038–1039
- Bankart repair see labrum repair
- betadine lavage 395
- biceps tendinopathy 743–747
- biceps tendon debridement vs. tenodesis or tenotomy 744–745
- clinical examination and imaging 743–744
- biomarkers 1039
- biophysical outcome measures 25, 27–28
- bisphosphonates 41–44, 45
- blood glucose control 394
- blood transfusions
- perioperative patients 55–56
- postoperative patients 57–58
- reducing transfusion rates 56–57
- BMI see body mass index (BMI)
- BMP see bone‐morphogenetic protein (BMP)
- body functions 1020
- body mass index (BMI) 1100
- calcium 105–109
- vitamin D 105–109
- body structures 1020
- BOM see bacterial osteomyelitis (BOM)
- bone biopsy 1039
- bone‐morphogenetic protein (BMP)
- ICBG 78–79
- intramedullary nailing 75–77
- revision surgery 77–78
- bone morphogenetic protein‐7 77–79
- bone patellar tendon bone (BPTB) 793–795
- bone tendon bone (BTB) 1108
- borderline acetabular dysplasia 119–120
- BPTB see bone patellar tendon bone (BPTB)
- bracing 1101–1102
- Bracing in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Trial (BrAIST) 687
- BTB see bone tendon bone (BTB)
- burners 657
- DAA see direct anterior approach (DAA)
- damage control orthopedics (DCO) 589–592
- borderline/unstable condition 425–428
- external fixator 429
- DASH see Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH)
- DCM see degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM)
- DCO see damage control orthopedics (DCO)
- DDH see developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH)
- deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 289
- degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) 659–662
- denosumab 44, 45–46, 1011–1016
- benefits of 1014–1015
- safety of 1011–1013
- developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH) 1075
- harness/brace treatment 1077–1078
- selective ultrasound (US) 1075–1076
- direct anterior approach (DAA)
- acceptable radiographic alignment 124–125
- early and late functional benefit 123–124
- higher complication rate 125–126
- direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) 290
- Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) 1023
- Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) scores
- in carpal instability 891–892
- in distal radius malunions 856–858
- in finger fractures 971
- in Kienböck’s disease 896–897
- in lateral epicondylitis 764, 766
- in rotator cuff tears 732
- in shoulder dislocation 720
- in thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis 922–923
- in trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis 900–901
- in wrist osteoarthritis 867, 869–870
- discriminative outcome measure 1022
- distal femur fractures
- locking plates 595–596
- morbidity and mortality 596–597
- postoperative nonunion rate 597–598
- distal humerus fractures
- olecranon osteotomy 491–493
- open‐reduction and internal fixation 495
- orthogonal plating 493–494
- distal radial‐ulnar joint (DRUJ) 861–865, 873–874
- distal radius fractures
- fluoroscopic reduction 523–524
- supplementary pin fixation 521–522
- volar plating 522–523
- distal radius malunions 855–859
- closed reduction vs. cast or percutaneous pin fixation 856–857
- corrective osteotomy 857–858
- distal ulnar resection arthroplasty 873–874
- DM see dual mobility (DM)
- DOACs see direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs)
- docking technique 756–757
- domestic violence see intimate partner violence (IPV)
- double‐blind RCT, in sports medicine 714
- double‐bundle (DB) reconstruction technique 801–802
- DRUJ see distal radial‐ulnar joint (DRUJ)
- dual mobility (DM)
- long‐term survival 176
- predict dislocation 173–175
- type of dislocation 175–176
- Dupuytren’s disease 947–951
- DVT see deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
- early onset scoliosis (EOS)
- MCGRs 1069–1070
- nonidiopathic 1067–1069
- traditional spinal growing rods 1070–1071
- early protective motion (EPM) 961
- earned run average (ERA) 757
- EBM see evidence‐based medicine (EBM)
- eccentric exercises 849–850
- ECTR see endoscopic carpal tunnel release (ECTR)
- Education on Domestic Violence: Understanding Clinicians’ and Traumatologists’ Experiences (EDUCATE) 85–86
- elastic intramedullary nailing (EIN) 1044
- elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN) 1025
- elbow dislocations
- AMF 499–500
- internal fixation 501–502
- nonoperative management 500–501
- electrodiagnostic studies (EMG/NCS), for CTS 908–909
- electrotherapy 94
- ELISA see enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
- endoscopic carpal tunnel release (ECTR) 914–915
- Enterococcus faecalis 191
- enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) 192
- EOS see early onset scoliosis (EOS)
- EOS® system 130
- epidural analgesia 93
- EPM see early protective motion (EPM)
- EQ5D see EuroQol five‐dimensional questionnaire (EQ5D)
- ERA see earned run average (ERA)
- ergogenic acids 713–716
- creatine supplement vs. nonsupplement 713–715
- adverse side effects 715
- physiological changes 714–715
- erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) 60, 308, 395–396
- erythropoietin (EPO) administration 56
- ESIN see elastic stable intramedullary nailing (ESIN)
- ESR see erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
- ESWT see extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT)
- EuroQol five‐dimensional questionnaire (EQ5D) 32
- evidence‐based medicine (EBM) 3, 1019
- evidence‐based orthopedics (EBO)
- applying 4–5
- importance 3
- misconceptions 5–6
- principles 4
- visualization 3
- exposure and implant options, TKA
- bone defects 303–304
- complications 302–303
- optimal outcomes 301–302
- extensor mechanism 302
- extensor tendon injuries 935–946
- active range of motion rehabilitation protocol vs. immobilization 936
- multistrand core suture techniques 935–936
- preoperative factors 944–945
- extracapsular hip fractures
- arthroplasty 580
- CMN 577–579
- orthogeriatric co‐management programs 579
- extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) 449, 849
- F‐18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) 61
- FAI see femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)
- FAITH see Fixation using Alternative Implants for the Treatment of Hip Fractures (FAITH)
- FAO see foot abduction orthosis (FAO)
- FARES see Fast, Reliable, and Safe (FARES)
- fasciectomy 947
- Fast, Reliable, and Safe (FARES) 718
- FDP see flexor digitorum profundus (FDP)
- FDS see flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS)
- femoral and pelvic osteotomies 1084
- femoral bone defects, rTKA
- allograft‐prosthetic composite 344–345
- periprosthetic distal femoral bone defects 342
- structural allograft reconstruction 343–344
- femoral head 1081–1082
- fractures
- digastric trochanteric flip osteotomy 560–561
- open reduction and internal fixation 562
- operative intervention 559–560
- femoral neck fractures
- in elder patients
- hemiarthroplasty 573–574
- internal fixation 571–572
- SHSs 572–573
- in younger patients
- AVN 565–567
- complication rates 568–569
- treatment 567–568
- femoral nerve block (FNB) 93
- femoral shaft fractures
- DCO 589–592
- open femur fractures 592–593
- femoral varus osteotomy 1083
- femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) 779–782, 1088
- acetabular dysplasia 119
- borderline acetabular dysplasia 119–120
- nonoperative treatment 117–118
- femur fractures 1093
- fielding independent pitching 757
- fifth metatarsal fractures
- nonoperative management 645–646
- operative treatment 646–647
- radiological outcome 643–644
- fine needle aspiration (FNA) 1005–1006
- finger fractures 969–972
- 1st metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint
- functional outcomes 408–410
- higher rates of return 410
- nonoperative treatment modalities 407–408
- Fixation using Alternative Implants for the Treatment of Hip Fractures (FAITH) 107
- flatfoot deformity 1122
- flexion, abduction, and external rotation (FABER) test 780
- flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) 933
- flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) 933
- flexor tendon injuries
- rehabilitation 931–934
- surgical management 925–929
- flexor tenosynovectomy 954
- FMS see Functional Mobility Scale (FMS)
- FNA see fine needle aspiration (FNA)
- FNB see femoral nerve block (FNB)
- foot abduction orthosis (FAO) 1113, 1115–1116
- forearm fractures
- DRUJ injuries 517–518
- isolated ulnar shaft fractures 516–517
- plate fixation 518–521
- radial shaft fracture location 515–516
- 4CA see four‐corner arthrodesis (4CA)
- four‐corner arthrodesis (4CA) 868–869
- fracture 155–156
- fracture clinical trial of denosumab (FREEDOM) 44
- Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX®) 40
- fragility fractures
- hip fractures 39
- long‐term costs 39
- postmenopausal women
- with low BMD 41–44
- over age of 50 40–41
- pharmacological treatment 44–46
- fragility hip fracture
- clinical outcomes 72–73
- early surgical repair 73
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