Humoral (antibody) deficiencies
X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA)
Common variable immunodeficiencies (CVID)
Hyper-IgM syndromes
Combined immunodeficiencies
Severe combined immunodeficiencies (SCID)
Complete DiGeorge syndrome
Phagocytic defects
Severe congenital neutropenia (SCN)
Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD)
Defects of the innate immunity
Defects of the IL12-IFNγ axis (Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial infections (MSMD)
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC)
Herpes simplex encephalitis
Complement deficiencies
Various genetic deficiencies of complements C1q/r/s to C9, factor D, factor H, factor I, properdin
Autoinflammatory disorders
Periodic fever syndromes, e.g., hyper-IgD syndrome
Chronic infantile neurologic cutaneous and articular syndrome (CINCA)
TNF receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS)
Early-onset inflammatory bowel disease (IL10/IL10 receptor deficiency)
Immune dysregulation
Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL) syndromes, X-linked lymphoproliferative (XLP) syndromes
Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS)
Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy with candidiasis and ectodermal dystrophy (APECED)
Immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy X-linked (IPEX)
Other well-defined syndromes
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS)
Hyper-IgE syndrome (HIES)
DNA repair defects, e.g., ataxia-telangiectasia
Immune-osseous dysplasia, e.g., cartilage hair hypoplasia
Infections are otherwise also common in healthy children. On an average, school-aged children may have 8–10 upper respiratory tract infections per year, and therefore “recurrent infections” are not an uncommon complaint encountered in pediatric practice. Infections in an otherwise healthy child are usually uncomplicated and self-limited. The child should be healthy in between the episodes and demonstrate normal growth and development. PIDs should be considered especially in a child with recurrent or persistent infections of unusual severity or caused by opportunistic organisms, poor physical growth, and presence of relevant family history (Table 48.2). The key to detecting a PID is to consider such a possibility by recognizing the pattern of clinical presentations (Table 48.3).
Table 48.2
When to consider PID (“red flags”)
Recurrent/persistent infections of unusual severity |
Infections affecting multiple sites |
Infections that rapidly progress with fulminant, life-threatening clinical course |
Frequent use of antibiotics and suboptimal treatment response |
Infections caused by opportunistic organisms |
Failure to thrive |
Parental consanguinity |
Family history of recurrent infections or early infant deaths |
Table 48.3
Common patterns of infections in PIDs
Recurrent sinopulmonary infections |
Chronic diarrhea |
Recurrent cutaneous or soft tissue abscess/fistula |
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis |
Severe or long-lasting warts, generalized molluscum contagiosum |
Invasive infections, e.g., meningitis, osteomyelitis, deep organ abscess, bacteremia |
Opportunistic pathogens, e.g., Pneumocystis jiroveci, Cryptosporidium sp., non-tuberculous Mycobacteria, disseminated varicella or recurrent herpes zoster |
Systemic fungal infection, e.g., candidemia, invasive aspergillosis |
Complications of live vaccines, e.g., BCG, oral polio, Rotavirus, varicella |
PID with Features of Inflammatory Rheumatological Diseases: Where Is the Link?
Many systemic inflammatory diseases seen in rheumatological practice occur in the young and can be from birth, such as the autoinflammatory diseases detailed in the chapter on autoinflammatory syndromes. Many have been shown to be due to genetic malfunction affecting the innate or adaptive immune system. PIDs are a group of diseases with clinical symptoms usually from birth due to gene mutations affecting the immune system. Therefore it is not surprising that some of the clinical symptoms resemble recognizable rheumatological clinical syndromes seen by rheumatologists.
The spectrum of recognized PIDs classically affects the intracellular transmission of signals from outside the cell, affecting the differentiation of lymphocytes and other immune cells or the production of antibodies and other molecules that orchestrate the inflammatory or immune responses. All of these functions are crucial in body defense as well as the regulation of the immune and inflammatory response. Sometimes there are cases of combined immunodeficiencies such as in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) and Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome (AGS). The genetic mutations causing AGS have only been recently described [10] and have typical clinical features of small- and medium-size vasculitis, arthritis, and cerebral calcification. The manifestation of rheumatic clinical features in PID can also help the researcher and clinician to consider the “right place to look” for a cause of the rheumatologic disease.
Diagnosis of PID
Early diagnosis has a significant impact on the prognosis of PIDs and has lifesaving implications. Timely treatment prevents organ damage and improves chance of cure by hematopoietic stem cell transplant in diseases amenable to such treatments. While definitive diagnosis of PIDs may require sophisticated functional and molecular studies, a significant proportion of PIDs can be picked up by simple tests such as full blood count and serum immunoglobulin levels. Absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) should be interpreted according to age-matched reference range. The fact that ALC < 2.5 × 109/L is abnormal in infants is often under-recognized. Lymphopenia is common in some rheumatological disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) especially after commencement of immunosuppressive treatment, but if accompanied by recurrent or unusual infections and autoimmunity, lymphocyte subset should be performed to exclude T-cell immunodeficiency. Genetic defects in cytokine and T-cell receptor signaling, V(D)J recombination, and basic cellular processes such as purine and pyrimidine metabolism classically cause severe combined immunodeficiencies (SCID) which usually present in infancy with limited survival. However, it is increasingly recognized that patients with “leaky” SCID can present later in life with recurrent infections and autoimmune manifestations [11].
Boys with recurrent sinopulmonary infections who have absence of tonsils and lymph nodes on examination and low immunoglobulin levels may have congenital agammaglobulinemia, most often XLA. Male infants with eczema, recurrent infections, thrombocytopenia, and small platelet size on blood film likely have a diagnosis of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS). Patients suffering from granulomatous inflammation, chronic diarrhea mimicking inflammatory bowel disease, and soft tissue and deep organ abscesses with normal blood counts and immunoglobulin levels should be tested for phagocytic functions to exclude chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) by nitroblue tetrazolium test (NBT) or dihydrorhodamine reduction (DHR) test. The reader can refer to excellent guidelines on multistage diagnostic protocols for screening and investigations of PIDs [12, 13].
Epidemiology of PID in Southeast Asia and India
The population of Asia comprises more than 4.2 billion people (60 % of the world population) living in 46 different countries and states. Like the rest of the world, health service provision closely parallels economic wealth, which differs widely between, and within, states. Socioeconomic development is a major determinant of the under-five mortality [14]. According to the WHO analysis of global causes of child mortality in 2010, infections account for 64.6 % of deaths in children aged 1–59 months in Southeast Asia, compared with 26.9–45.7 % in the Western Pacific, Europe, and Americas. Pneumonia and diarrhea together accounted for 25 % of such deaths in Southeast Asia and 18 % in the Western Pacific, compared with 12 % in the Americas and 13 % in Europe. In Southeast Asia, vaccine-preventable diseases such as pertussis and measles accounted for 4 % of child mortality, but not in Americas and Europe [15].
Practically, the recognition of PID only comes when infection-related childhood mortality is brought below a certain threshold, so that children suffering from infections occurring at exceptional frequencies, of extraordinary severity, or caused by unusual organisms will survive long enough to receive sufficient attention from healthcare professionals. In Asia, organized medical service for patients with PID is available in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, Thailand, and South Korea, while there are only occasional reports of PID from Vietnam, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka [16].
Advances in the diagnosis and management of PID have taken place in India during the past 10–15 years. According to a recent review by Sudhir Gupta et al. [17], a total of 820 cases were evaluated for suspected PID from 2007 to 2010 in the Institute of Immunohaematology, Mumbai. Of these 820 cases, 122 cases were diagnosed with PID. In the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, a total of 153 cases were diagnosed with PID from 1992 to 2010. Majority of the PID patients in Chandigarh (41.9 %) had predominantly antibody deficiency diseases, which included XLA, X-HIM, AR-HIM, common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), selective IgA deficiency with or without IgG2 subclass deficiency, isolated IgG2 subclass deficiency, and prolonged transient hypogammaglobulinemia. In Mumbai, 15.5 % of patients were reported to have predominantly antibody deficiency diseases. Interestingly, around 30 % of PID patients in Mumbai had diseases of immune dysregulation, including perforin deficiency, Munc 13–4/Syntax 11 deficiency, Griscelli syndrome II, Chédiak-Higashi syndrome, Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome II, and autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS) [18]. Only one patient with autoinflammatory disorder (TRAPS-TNFR-associated periodic fever) was reported in Chandigarh, but none from Mumbai. The incidence of various PIDs in the two centers differs significantly. This may reflect differences in patterns and number of referrals to each center, as well as diagnostic tools and expertise available at each of these institutions. Furthermore, a possibility of racial and ethnic differences cannot be excluded. It is possible that different PIDs may be clustered in these regions, for example, WAS in Northern India (Chandigarh) and immunodeficiency with hypopigmentation in Western India (Mumbai).
Mechanisms of Autoimmunity in PID
Genetic defects causing abnormal development and maintenance of T- and B-cells may result in predisposition to autoimmunity in patients with PID. Mechanisms include impaired immune tolerance, defects in regulation of cellular growth and proliferation, defects in immune-mediated clearance, and aberrations in innate cellular mechanisms [19].
Defects in Immune Tolerance
Central Tolerance
The thymic epithelial cells express tissue-specific antigens needed for negative selection under the influence of autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene. Developing thymocytes with a T-cell receptor that recognizes these self-antigens undergo apoptosis during development, the so-called negative selection, to generate central immune tolerance. Genetic defects in the AIRE gene result in autoimmune polyendocrinopathy, candidiasis, and ectodermal dysplasia (APECED) syndrome, caused by failure of deletion of autoreactive T-cells [20]. Typical clinical presentations include mucocutaneous candidiasis (75 % by 5 years of age), autoimmune hypoparathyroidism (89 % by 10 years of age), and adrenocortical failure (60 % by 15 years of age). Susceptibility to candidiasis is related to autoantibodies against type I interferons and Th17 cytokines which mediate antifungal immunity. Other autoimmune manifestations include thyroiditis, hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, hypogonadism, autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), pernicious anemia, type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM), keratoconjunctivitis, vitiligo, alopecia, and ectodermal dysplasia [21].
Peripheral Tolerance
Defects in peripheral tolerance mechanisms that induce anergy in T-cells may also contribute to the activation of autoreactive cells. The binding of CD40 found on B-cells and antigen-presenting cells to CD40 ligand (CD40L) expressed on activated T-cells provides the signal for B-cell growth and differentiation, germinal center formation, immunoglobulin class switching (from IgM to IgG and IgA), and elimination of autoreactive B-cells in the bone marrow or periphery. CD40L signaling defects can also affect thymic epithelial cells, leading to impaired development of T-regulatory (Treg) cells [22].
Naturally occurring Treg cells produced during the normal process of maturation in the thymus are potent immune suppressor cells. Disruption of the development and function of Treg cells is a primary cause of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases [23]. Treg cells express CD4+, CD25+, and forkhead box P3 (Foxp3). FoxP3 is a transcription factor which is required for the development and function of Treg. Mutations in FOXP3 result in a disease entity called immunodysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, and enteropathy X-linked (IPEX) syndrome, which usually presents with the clinical triad of enteropathy, endocrinopathy (type I DM or thyroid disease), and eczema within the first few months of life. Other autoimmune manifestations include autoimmune cytopenia, membranous nephropathy, hepatitis, adrenal failure, pemphigoid nodularis, psoriasiform dermatitis, vasculitis, vitiligo, and alopecia. In most cases, IPEX is a fatal disease and causes death before the age of two. Patients with milder disease-associated hypomorphic mutations may be diagnosed in adolescence or even adulthood [24].
Genetic defects of CD40L cause X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome, which is characterized by normal/high IgM levels, low IgA and IgG, and failure to produce memory B-cells. Other forms of hyper-IgM syndrome include CD40 deficiency, activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) deficiency, uracil-DNA-glycosylase (UNG) deficiency, nuclear factor kappa B essential modulator (NEMO) deficiency, and IkBα defect. Patients with hyper-IgM syndrome frequently develop autoimmune manifestations, including autoimmune cytopenia, thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease, and polyarteritis. In particular, patients with AID defects develop hepatitis, uveitis, and type I DM [25].
Autoantibody production may occur in B-cell intrinsic defects or in disorders with disturbed interaction between T-cells and B-cells. When B-cell maturation is impaired, central and peripheral checkpoints of B-cell receptor generation become dysfunctional, leading to impaired induction of B-cell tolerance as autoreactive clones are not eliminated. This results in an apparent paradox of hypogammaglobulinemia and autoantibody production [26]. Autoimmunity is frequently observed in CVID. Approximately 25 % of patients with CVID have autoimmune manifestations. Common autoimmune manifestations include AIHA, ITP, pernicious anemia, thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease or villous atrophy, hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, and alopecia. The incidence of rheumatological conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, SLE, dermatomyositis, and vitiligo is already increased. Lymphoproliferative diseases are also seen, including interstitial pneumonia, sarcoid-like granuloma, and lymphoma [27]. Mechanisms leading to autoimmunity are related to B-cell abnormalities in peripheral tolerance, signaling, and maturation, as well as loss of Treg cells [28].
Defects in Cellular Growth and Survival
Genetic defects leading to complete abrogation of T-cell development and differentiation result in profound deficiency in peripheral T-cells [29]. However, in partial T-cell immunodeficiency disorders, T-cells are present but in reduced numbers or with reduced functions. Immune tolerance evolves in the context of a complete peripheral T-cell niche. Under conditions of partial thymic immunodeficiency, a reduced number of successful thymocytes mature and enter the peripheral circulation. This results in oligoclonal expansion and “holes” in the T-cell receptor repertoire for both Tregs and autoreactive T-cells. A limited regulatory T-cell repertoire favors clonal expansion of autoreactive T-cell repertoire and hence disturbs the tolerogenic balance [30]. Therefore, partial T-cell deficiency disorders are not only associated with impaired immune defense but also frequently exhibit immune dysregulation because of effector T-cell hyperactivity. Patients with “leaky” SCID caused by hypomorphic mutations may present in childhood with autoimmunity in addition to susceptibility to infections. Autoimmune manifestations are common in 22q11 microdeletion syndrome and include cytopenia, autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, psoriasis, and vitiligo [31].

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