Guidance System for ACL Reconstruction

Guidance System for ACL Reconstruction

Jason L. Koh

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is a commonly performed operation, with over 175,000 procedures performed in the United States with a cost of more than $1 billion. Precise graft placement has a significant effect on clinical outcomes, with poor tunnel location related to pain, loss of motion, impingement, graft failure, and arthritis. According to the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM), there is a relatively high revision rate (10% to 20%), and these failures are usually associated with technical factors, specifically tunnel placement. Several studies have documented the difficulty in manually placing ACL tunnels, even in the hands of experienced surgeons.

Current computer-aided navigations systems primarily use optical tracking of markers attached to the femur, tibia, and instruments. Almost all systems will allow the use of any graft choice or type of fixation, and standard manual instruments can be used, and position verified with navigation. Navigation systems provide additional information about the location of tunnels, isometry, and impingement data. They also can document movement in multiple planes, such as rotational stability as well as pure anterior-posterior stability.

Computer-aided navigation systems improve the accuracy of ACL tunnel placement and can reliably document translational and rotational outcomes. Reasons for navigation include:

  • Manual tunnel placement has been demonstrated to have errors.

  • Navigation improves accuracy of ACL tunnel placement.

  • Real time information about impingement is provided.

  • Real time information about isometry is provided.

  • Real time information about location from the over-the-top position is provided.

  • Postoperative stability is improved with navigation.

  • Navigation allows documentation of rotation and translation.



Indications for computer-aided navigation are knee ligament reconstructions where accuracy and precision are desired. My preference is to use navigation in almost every case. Particular situations in which navigation is useful include:

  • Revision ACL reconstruction, where the anatomy may be altered and navigation may provide additional information about alternative tunnel locations

  • Single-bundle (anteromedial or posterolateral bundle) reconstruction of partial ACL tears

  • Double-bundle ACL reconstruction

  • Combined osteotomy/ligament reconstruction procedures


Relative contraindications for computer-aided navigation are situations where there is an inability to palpate and register intra-articular landmarks accurately, or when kinematic data are unable to be obtained. The result would be potential errors in parts of the navigation; however, some of the data will remain useful. Caution should be used when there is significant bony loss or inability to obtain consistent flexion-extension data. When used in cases of multiple ligament injury, it is critical to keep the tibia reduced on the femur during acquisition of data. If this cannot be accomplished in the grossly unstable knee, the projection of the intercondylar notch on the tibia (impingement screen) will be incorrect, and the isometry data will also be incorrect.


Essentially no preoperative preparation is needed for the Orthopilot system. All measurements can be obtained intraoperatively. Optional preoperative radiographic data can be input into the machine, but I typically do not find this necessary.


In many ways the technique is identical to the standard ACL procedure, except that prior to the drilling of tunnels, points are registered in the computer and kinematic data are obtained. It is important to remember that navigation serves as a precise measuring tool; it does not dictate the course of surgery or tunnel position. Typically, to improve workflow, all intra-articular work such as stump removal and notch preparation is performed prior to marker placement.

Marker Placement

Reflective balls are attached to the tibial, femoral, and instrument trackers, and the trackers are then placed in a secure location on the back table. The surgeon’s preferred graft type is harvested and prepared as usual. Data regarding the type of graft and size of graft are input into the computer. The computer is carefully positioned opposite the operative leg toward the foot of the bed with the camera facing the operative site (Fig. 25-1). Two stab incisions are made in the distal tibia, and two unicortical K-wires are placed into the tibia distally to avoid the tibial tunnel site (Fig. 25-2). Arthroscopy fluid can be used to irrigate and cool the K-wires as they are drilled in to the tibia. A pin clamp is attached to the K-wires and the tibial tracker is then attached to the clamp. Two K-wires are then drilled into the medial epicondyle, and the femoral tracker is attached to a clamp attached to the pins. I prefer to place the femoral tracker in an area with relatively less soft tissue motion to avoid stress on the pins.

Jun 13, 2016 | Posted by in ORTHOPEDIC | Comments Off on Guidance System for ACL Reconstruction

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