CHAPTER 102 Fusion Surgery
Fusion has been used for decades to manage a variety of spinal disorders. However, the incidence of spinal fusion surgery varies among countries and among regions within a country. During its infancy, spinal fusion surgery typically involved extensive muscle dissection, copious amounts of autogenous bone graft, bracing, and prolonged bed rest. The introduction of spinal instrumentation provided an opportunity to increase the rate of successful fusion, decrease the recovery period, minimize the cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal deconditioning resulting from immobility, and allow surgeons to perform more complex spinal reconstructive surgeries. Initial fusion techniques were primarily posterior, but anterior column support was subsequently developed to minimize the failure rates associated with the use of posterior instrumentation. Anterior column fusion can be achieved with bone graft material secured within the disc space from either an anterior or posterior approach. Anterior column fusion has inherent advantages as it occurs along the weight bearing portion of the lumbar spine (80% anterior versus 20% posterior), has superior blood supply, and a superior ability to maintain sagittal alignment.
At present, controversy still exists concerning the indications for spinal fusion, the type of procedure to perform, the choice of graft material, and the use of instrumentation. The most widely accepted indication for spinal fusion is instability, which may arise from trauma, tumor, infection, and degenerative disease. Instability may also arise iatrogenically from the surgical treatment of these aforementioned conditions. With the improvement of surgical techniques, along with the development and marketing of spinal instrumentation, there has been a noticeable trend toward the increasing use of spinal instrumentation.1
Although there is agreement regarding instability as an indication for fusion, there is a lack of consensus on the precise definition of instability. The clinical manifestations and assessment of instability of the spinal column are discussed in detail in the previous chapter. In general, the various methods for determining spinal instability are either for trauma, degenerative conditions, or tumor. The White and Panjabi ‘checklist approach’ and the Denis classification system remain the most recognized methods of determining instability in the setting of trauma.2 Recently, Gertzbein and coworkers have developed a detailed description of thoracolumbar fracture patterns that can also be helpful in determining instability.3,4 Gaines and coworkers utilize a ‘load-sharing’ system to determine the stability of the anterior column in the setting of burst fractures.5,6 This system is useful for determining when anterior reconstruction is necessary or when short-segment posterior instrumented fusion may be helpful to treat burst fractures. Whichever system is used, instability due to trauma must take into consideration the mechanism of injury, the degree of deformity, and the location of injured ligamentous and bony structures.
For destructive lesions, particularly tumors, the degree of vertebral body and/or pedicle involvement and the degree of deformity enter into in the determination of instability.5–7 At present, no method of systematically assessing impending instability exists for infectious processes. Other forms of instability, such as inflammatory, congenital, degenerative, and postoperative instability, are not well assessed with grading systems such as those described by Gaines and coworkers.
The method by which surgery is performed depends on the cause and character of the instability. The available methods of treatment include anterior, posterior, or combined anterior–posterior surgical approaches. General guidelines have some degree of support either in the literature or by consensus (Fig. 102.1).
Anterior lesions
When instability is due to a lesion that is primarily anterior, surgical stabilization can be performed from an anterior approach. This anterior approach generally involves discectomy, perhaps corpectomy, structural grafting and anterior instrumentation. Anterior surgery is indicated if there is canal compromise due to the anterior lesion, if anterior column stability is deficient, or a previous posterior procedure has failed to stabilize the segment(s). The load-sharing classification system of Gaines and coworkers is one method of determining the integrity of the anterior column.5,6 The load-sharing classification system describes the integrity of the anterior column in the setting of trauma. However, this concept can be applied to other lesions of the anterior column. If there is no significant osteoporosis or deformity that requires correction, then anterior strut grafting with anterior instrumentation will provide sufficient stabilization (Fig. 102.2).
However, certain conditions warrant posterior surgery, either together with the anterior surgery or posterior surgery alone. Posterior surgery alone can be used to treat lesions that are otherwise anterior if the anterior column has sufficient stability and there is no need for decompression. In some cases, such as when there is no neurologic deficit, posterior-only surgery can be used to indirectly reduce retropulsed fragments of bone. Posterior surgery may be further entertained if there are anteriorly exposure risks, such as previous abdominal surgery or severe obesity. Posterior fusion may also be necessary if there is significant osteoporosis. In the setting of osteoporosis, anterior surgery alone may be inadequate in achieving spinal stability (Fig. 102.3).
Posterior lesions
When instability stems from a posterior lesion, posterior surgery via instrumented fusion is usually the best option (Fig. 102.4). Unfortunately, instability due to a purely posterior lesion is relatively uncommon. The most common such lesion is the Chance fracture involving a flexion–distraction injury. If there is severe osteoporosis, additional levels may be added to the construct. The length of posterior instrumentation can be extended as necessary to achieve stability without much added difficulty. If necessary, pedicle screws can also be reinforced with bone cement to achieve better fixation in osteoporotic bone. Interbody fusion can be performed posteriorly via transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) or posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) to improve fusion rates, especially in long fusions or in fusions to the sacrum.
Combined anterior–posterior lesions
In combined lesions of both the anterior and posterior columns, the surgical approach is dictated by several factors. The first issue is whether anterior surgery is necessary. Anterior surgery is necessary if there is isolated or predominantly anterior canal compromise requiring decompression or if anterior column stability is compromised. Anterior surgery is usually in the form of strut or structural grafting. If there is good bone stock and no significant deformity, then anterior instrumentation may be all that is needed. If there is no canal compromise and the anterior column is stable, posterior instrumented fusion alone is sufficient to obtain stability. If there is osteoporosis, the levels of posterior fusion can be increased for improved fixation. When the anterior column is deficient and it is combined with severe deformity, osteoporosis, or infection, then anterior strut graft fusion combined with posterior instrumentation is necessary (Fig. 102.5).
Biologic factors
Malnutrition is associated with reduced cognitive function, poor wound healing, impaired muscle function, decreased bone mass, immune dysfunction, anemia, delayed recovery from surgery, and ultimately increased morbidity and mortality.7 Nutritional deficiencies can be confirmed using various studies such as total white blood cell count, serum albumin and total protein, transferrin levels, nitrogen balance, and anthropometric measurements.
Thyroid hormones have a direct stimulatory effect on cartilage growth and maturation, and promote bone healing.8 These hormones are required for the synthesis of somatomedins by the liver.9 Growth hormone promotes bone healing by increasing calcium absorption from the intestine, and promoting bone formation and mineralization.8 Androgens and estrogens are considered important for skeletal development and preventing age-related bone loss. Estrogens may increase bone mineralization through their effect on increasing serum parathyroid hormone (PTH).10 Excess corticosteroids can negatively affect bone healing by decreasing synthesis of the major components of the bone matrix. These steroids have also been shown to inhibit the differentiation of osteoblasts from mesenchymal cells.11
The pathophysiological effects of smoking are multidimensional and include arteriolar vasoconstriction, cellular hypoxia, demineralization of bone, and delayed revascularization. Cigarette smoking also inhibits osteoblastic activity resulting in decreased rate of successful unions, with slowed bone healing and prolonged treatment.12,13 It appears that cigarette smoke has a greater impact upon cancellous bone than cortical bone, and causes decreased bone healing around implants. The constituents of cigarette smoke, and not only nicotine, seem to be more important.14,15
Complication rates after surgery and the rate of nonunion in smokers has been shown to be consistently higher than in nonsmokers.16,17 In a recent prospective clinical study designed to determine the effects of smoking on the healing of tibial deformities, half of the smokers and only one-fifth of nonsmokers developed complications.18 Smokers required an average of 16 days more treatment. Delayed healing and pseudoarthroses were more common in smokers than nonsmokers. The risk ratio for smokers to develop complications as compared to nonsmokers was 2.5.18 For spinal fusion, an increased rate of pseudoarthrosis has been observed following posterolateral lumbar spine grafting or anterior cervical interbody fusion in smokers.19 Smoking had a significant negative impact on healing and clinical recovery after these procedures.