Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula

5 Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula

Juan Wang, Guang Yang, and Xiao Chen

Overview of Tibial/Fibular Fractures

image Anatomic Features

The tibia is a large weight-bearing bone, located on the anterior and medial side of the leg. The proximal end of the tibia extends laterally to form the medial and lateral tibial plateaus that articulate with the femoral condyles. Both plateaus slope posteriorly approximately by 10 degrees. The medial plateau possesses higher mechanical strength and is better suited to withstand compression than the lateral plateau. The body of the tibia has three borders and three surfaces. It is sinuous and prominent in its upper two-thirds, but smooth and recessed below. The anterior border begins above at the tuberosity and ends below at the anterior margin of the medial malleolus. Tibial fractures are most often found at the junction of the middle and lower thirds of the bone, where tibial dimensions change. The fibula is situated on the lateral side of the tibia, to which it provides a small amount of support. The fibular head and distal third of the fibula are just beneath the skin’s surface, with the remaining parts attached by muscles and ligaments. The medial malleolus of the tibia and the distal end of the fibula, along with the talar articulations, form the ankle mortise. The continuity of the fibula is very important in maintaining the stability of the ankle mortise ( Fig. 5.1).

image AO Classification and Coding System of Tibial/Fibular Fractures

Based on AO classification, the tibia and fibula can be considered as one unit, with the coding number “4.” According to the “Heim’s Square” method, the anatomic assignment of the proximal, shaft, and distal portions are the numbers 41, 42, and 43, respectively. Malleolar fractures are the exception to the rule of dividing each long bone into three bony segments based on their anatomic characteristics: they are segment 44 of the tibial bone ( Fig. 5.2).

image Epidemiologic Features of Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula in the China National Fracture Study

A total of 417 patients with 423 fractures of the tibia/fibula were investigated in the China National Fracture Study (CNFS). The fractures accounted for 23.65% of all patients with fractures and 23.08% of all types of fractures. The population-weighted incidence rate of humeral fractures was 76 per 100,000 population.

The epidemiologic features of tibial/fibular fractures in the CNFS are as follows:

More males than females

More right-side injuries than left-side injuries

The highest risk age group is 15–64 years

Ankle fracture is the most common tibial/fibular fracture

Injuries occurred most commonly via slips, trips, or falls

image Tibial/Fibular Fracture by Sex

See Table 5.1 and Fig. 5.3.

Table 5.1 Sex distribution of 417 patients with tibial/fibular fractures in the China National Fracture Study


Number of patients











image Tibial/Fibular Fracture by Injury Side

See Table 5.2 and Fig. 5.4.

Table 5.2 Injury side distribution of 417 patients with tibial/fibular fractures in the China National Fracture Study

Injured side

Number of patients














image Tibial/Fibular Fracture by Age Group and Sex

See Table 5.3 and Fig. 5.5.


image Tibial/Fibular Fracture by Location

See Table 5.4 and Fig. 5.6.


image Tibial/Fibular Fracture by Causal Mechanisms

See Table 5.5 and Fig. 5.7.


image Clinical Epidemiologic Features of Tibial/Fibular Fractures

A total of 66,758 patients with 68,878 fractures of the tibia/fibula were treated in 83 hospitals of China over a 2-year period from 2010 to 2011. All cases were reviewed and statistically studied; the fractures accounted for 16.09% of all patients with fractures and 15.95% of all types of fractures, respectively. Among these 66,758 patients, 8,144 were children with 8,264 fractures, and 58,614 were adults with 60,614 fractures.

Epidemiologic features of tibial/fibular fractures are as follows:

More males than females

More left-side than right-side injuries

The high-risk age group is 41–45 years. The most affected male age group is 41–45 years, while females aged 56–60 years have the highest risk.

The malleolar injury is the most common tibial/fibular fracture.

image Tibial/Fibular Fractures by Sex

See Table 5.6 and Fig. 5.8.

Table 5.6 Sex distribution of 66,758 patients with tibial/fibular fractures


Number of patients











image Tibial/Fibular Fractures by Injury Side

See Table 5.7 and Fig. 5.9.

Table 5.7 Injury side distribution of 66,758 patients with tibial/fibular fractures

Injury side

Number of patients














image Tibial/Fibular Fractures by Age Group

See Table 5.8 and Fig. 5.10.


image Tibial/Fibular Fractures by Segment

Segment Distribution of Tibial/Fibular Fractures in Adults by AO Classification

See Table 5.9 and Fig. 5.11.

Table 5.9 Segment distribution of 60,614 tibial/fibular fractures in adults based on AO classification


Number of fractures

















Segment Distribution of Tibial/Fibular Fractures in Children

See Table 5.10 and Fig. 5.12.

Table 5.10 Segment distribution of 8,264 tibial/fibular fractures in children


Number of fractures

















Proximal Tibial Fractures (Segment 41)

image Anatomic Features

The upper end of the tibia is large, and expands laterally into two ridges, the medial and lateral condyles. The medial and lateral tibial plateaus are the articular surfaces of the medial and lateral tibial condyles. These plateaus articulate with the medial and lateral femoral condyles, respectively. The tibial plateau is not perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tibial shaft, but slopes posteriorly at ~10 degrees. The bone comprising the tibial plateau is cancellous, as opposed to the thicker cortical bone of the tibial shaft. As a result, knee fractures often occur at the tibial plateau. The lateral plateau is smaller and higher than the medial plateau; thus, it decentralizes the shear load, which makes the lateral plateau more prone to fractures than the medial plateau. The outer portion of each plateau is covered by a semilunar fibrocartilaginous meniscus.

The two tibial plateaus are separated by the intercondyloid eminence, with its prominent medial and lateral tubercles, so-called tibial spines, where the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments attach. The region of the tibial spines is extra-articular; therefore, there is no coverage by articular cartilage ( Fig. 5.13).

Between the lateral and medial condyles, on the proximal anterior surface of the tibia, lies a very large triangular prominence known as the tibial tuberosity. On the anterior side of the knee, running between the apex of the patella and tibial tuberosity is the patellar ligament. The tibial attachment of the patellar ligament is 2.5 to 3 cm distal to the joint line on the anterior tibial crest. Between the patellar ligament and the tibia lies the deep infrapatellar bursa. A small prominence, located on the anterior aspect of the lateral condyle of the tibia, is known as the Gerdy tubercle, where the iliotibial band inserts. The fibula acts as a splint, or crutch, for the tibia but does not bear nearly as much weight of the body as the tibia. The head of fibula is the site for the insertion of the lateral collateral ligament and the tendon of the biceps femoris muscle.

image AO Classification of Proximal Tibial Fractures

Based on AO classification, the proximal tibia is coded as number “41” ( Fig. 5.14). Proximal tibial fractures can be divided into three types depending on articular involvement: 41-A: extra-articular fracture; 41-B: partial-articular fracture; and 41-C: complete-articular fracture ( Fig. 5.15).

image Clinical Epidemiologic Features of Proximal Tibial Fractures (Segment 41)

A total of 10,944 adult fractures of the proximal tibia/fibula were treated in 83 hospitals of China over a 2-year period from 2010 to 2011. All cases were reviewed and statistically studied; the fractures accounted for 18.06% of all tibial/fibular fractures in adults. The epidemiologic features are as follows:

More males than females

The high-risk age group is 41–45 years. The most affected male age group is 41–45 years, while females between 56 and 60 years have the highest risk.

The most common fracture type among segment 41 fractures is type 41-A, the same fracture type for both males and females.

The most common fracture group among segment 41 fractures is group 41-A1, the same fracture group for both males and females.

image Fractures of Segment 41 by Sex

See Table 5.11 and Fig. 5.16.

Table 5.11 Sex distribution of 10,944 fractures of segment 41


Number of fractures











image Fractures of Segment 41 by Age Group

See Table 5.12 and Fig. 5.17.


image Fractures of Segment 41 by Fracture Type

See Table 5.13, Table 5.14, Fig. 5.18, and Fig. 5.19.


41-A Tibia/fibula, proximal, extra-articular fractures

41-A1 Avulsion

3,423 fractures

M: 2,069 (60.44%)

F: 1,354 (39.56%)

0.91% of total adult fractures

5.65% of adult tibial/fibular fractures

31.28% of segment 41

72.57% of type 41-A

41-A1.1 Of the fibular head


41-A1.2 Of the tibial tuberosity


41-A1.3 Of the cruciate insertion


41-A2 Metaphyseal simple

638 fractures

M: 460 (72.10%)

F: 178 (27.90%)

0.17% of total adult fractures

1.05% of adult tibial/fibular fractures

5.83% of segment 41

13.53% of type 41-A

41-A2.1 Oblique in the sagittal plane


41-A2.2 Oblique in the frontal plane


41-A2.3 Transverse


41-A3 Metaphyseal multifragmentary

656 fractures

M: 551 (83.99%)

F: 105 (16.01%)

0.18% of total adult fractures

1.08% of adult tibial/fibular fractures

5.99% of segment 41

13.91% of type 41-A

41-A3.1 Intact wedge


41-A3.2 Fragmented wedge


41-A3.3 Multifragmentary


41-B Tibia/fibula, proximal, partial articular fractures

41-B1 Split fracture involving the articular surface of one tibial plateau

1,435 fractures

M: 1,002 (69.83%)

F: 433 (30.17%)

0.38% of total adult fractures

2.37% of adult tibial/fibular fractures

13.11% of segment 41

35.89% of type 41-B

41-B1.1 Of the lateral surface


41-B1.2 Of the medial surface


41-B1.3 Oblique, involving the tibial spine and one of the plateaus


41-B2 Depression fractures involving one tibial plateau

1,357 fractures

M: 731 (53.87%)

F: 626 (46.13%)

0.36% of total adult fractures

2.24% of adult tibial/fibular fractures

12.40% of segment 41

33.94% of type 41-B

41-B2.1 Lateral total


41-B2.2 Lateral limited


41-B2.3 Medial


41-B3 Split-depression, involving one tibial plateau

1,206 fractures

M: 796 (66.00%)

F: 410 (34.00%)

0.32% of total adult fractures

1.99% of adult tibial/fibular fractures

11.02% of segment 41

30.17% of type 41-B

41-B3.1 Lateral


41-B3.2 Medial


41-B3.3 Oblique, involving the tibial spines and one of the plateaus


41-C Tibia/fibula, proximal, complete-articular fractures

41-C1 Articular simple, metaphyseal simple

595 fractures

M: 440 (73.95%)

F: 155 (26.05%)

0.16% of total adult fractures

0.98% of adult tibial/fibular fractures

5.44% of segment 41

26.69% of type 41-C

41-C1.1 With minimal or no displacement


41-C1.2 One plateau displaced


41-C1.3 Both plateaus displaced


41-C2 Articular simple, metaphyseal multifragmentary

747 fractures

M: 609 (81.53%)

F: 138 (18.47%)

0.20% of total adult fractures

1.23% of adult tibial/fibular fractures

6.83% of segment 41

33.51% of type 41-C

41-C2.1 With intact wedge


41-C2.2 Fragmented wedge


41-C2.3 Complex


41-C3 Articular multifragmentary

887 fractures

M: 697 (78.58%)

F: 190 (21.42%)

0.24% of total adult fractures

1.46% of adult tibial/fibular fractures

8.10% of segment 41

39.79% of type 41-C

41-C3.1 Lateral


41-C3.2 Medial


41-C3.3 Lateral + medial


image Injury Mechanism

The most common mechanism of injury involves axial loading and/or valgus or varus force, such as from a fall or automobile accident. The severity of the fracture is associated with the magnitude and duration of the force. The axial compression load resulting from a fall from a significant height can cause depression, splitting, or even comminuted fractures of the tibial plateau. Depression or avulsion of the lateral plateau is the most common trauma that results from valgus/varus or hyperflexion/hyperextension forces, which also can cause avulsion of the tibial attachment of the anterior/posterior cruciate ligaments.

image Diagnosis

Patients with proximal tibial/fibular fractures may present with a knee effusion, pain, and stiffness, with a partial or limited range of motion. In severe fractures, a varus or valgus deformity of the affected limb may be present. If the injury resulted from high-energy trauma, a hypertonic blister, or compartment syndrome, rupture of ligaments, and disruption of the neurovascular supply may accompany the fractures. The neurovascular status of the extremity and the surrounding soft tissue must be carefully evaluated.

Most tibial plateau fractures are easy to identify on the standard anteroposterior (AP) and lateral projections of the knee. Traction views may be helpful in comminuted fractures that result from high-energy trauma, to identify the shape and location of the fracture fragments; 40 degrees internal and external oblique films can be used in assessing fractures involved with both tibial plateau surfaces. An AP projection with a 15 degrees backward inclination may be helpful in assessing the depression of the tibial plateau ( Fig. 5.20).

Three-dimensional computer tomography (CT) reconstruction and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to further characterize fractures of the tibial plateau, and assess the depression of the tibia and the degree of fragment splitting to plan for surgical intervention. MRI is excellent for illustrating ligamentous and meniscal injuries.

image Treatment

Intra-articular fractures of the proximal tibia/fibula are always associated with unstable fragments. If the fracture involves the articular surface, surgical intervention must be considered, using the principles of anatomic reduction, large-volume bone grafting, rigid fixation, and early postoperative nonweight-bearing active mobilization, which can minimize joint adhesion and joint stiffness. Depending on the fracture-healing stage, partial weight-bearing mobilization and exercise can be initiated under the supervision of an experienced therapist. Conservative methods such as casting or traction are inadequate in the treatment of such types of fractures, and should be applied cautiously even to treat fractures with minimal or no displacement.

Avulsion fractures of the fibular head are frequently associated with injuries of the lateral collateral ligament, and can be treated by casting, utilization of a joint, spanning external fixator, or internal fixation depending on the amount of fracture displacement and severity of ligamentous damage. The available internal fixators include a mini hook plate and Kirschner wire (K-wire), combined with a tension band wire. Tibial tuberosity fractures can be treated with lag screws, tension band wires, tension band wires combined with K-wires, or a mini hook plate, depending on the size of the fragments and amount of displacement. A few factors influence the treatment choice of either conservative or surgical intervention for fractures of the tibial spine, including the patient’s age, size of the fragment, and amount of displacement. Surgical treatment usually can be done by arthroscopic reduction and fixation by screws or K-wires.

Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures (Segment 42)

image Anatomic Features

The tibia is triangular in cross section, with proximal and distal flares. It has three surfaces, medial, lateral, and posterior, separated by three borders, anterior, medial, and lateral. This leg bone is thinnest in cross section at the junction of the middle and lower third, where fractures often occur. The anterior border, which begins at the tuberosity and ends below the anterior margin of the medial malleolus, is subcutaneous throughout its length. The tibial shaft bone is rigid, and can easily break through the skin to cause an open fracture if an injury occurs. As such, fractures of the tibia more commonly result in an open fracture than those of any other long bone. The intramedullary canal of the tibia is relatively straight longitudinally, and expands both proximally and distally. At the upper posterior surface of the tibia lies a prominent ridge, the soleal line, which extends obliquely from the superolateral to inferomedial. Although not able to withstand the weight of the body, the fibula functions as a splint or crutch to support the tibia ( Fig. 5.21).

image AO Classification of Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures

Based on AO classification, the tibial diaphysis is coded as number “42” ( Fig. 5.22). Tibial diaphyseal fractures can be divided into three types based on individual fracture patterns: 42-A: simple fracture; 42-B: wedge fracture; and 42-C: complex fracture ( Fig. 5.23).

image Clinical Epidemiologic Features of Tibial Diaphyseal Fractures (Segment 42)

A total of 15,000 adult tibial diaphyseal fractures were treated in 83 hospitals of China over a 2-year period from 2010 to 2011. All cases were reviewed and statistically studied; the fractures accounted for 24.75% of all tibial/fibular fractures in adults. Their epidemiologic features are as follows:

More males than females

The highest-risk age group is 41–45 years. The most affected age group of both males and females is 41–45 years.

The most common fracture type among segment 42 fractures is type 42-A, the same fracture type for both males and females.

The most common fracture group among segment 42 fractures is group 42-A1; group 42-B2 in males and group 42-A1 in females.

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