Fig. 26.1
CT Scan cuts showing a bilateral defect of the pars interarticularis. Notice the difference between the defect top right image and the facet joint (bottom right image)

Fig. 26.2
A plain radiograph showing a severe spondylolisthesis of L5 over S1
Table 26.1
Summary of recommendation for the spondylolisthesis treatment
Type of deformity | Treatment recommendation | Level of evidence |
Spondylolysis-early spondylolisthesis (<15 % vertebral displacement) | Conservative Surgical (if symptoms persist >6 months of conservative management L5/S1: In situ postero-lateral lumbosacral fusion Isolated and proximal to L5: isthmic repair | IV |
Low grade spondylolisthesis (grades I & II) | Non-instrumented in situ postero-lateral lumbosacral fusion | III, IV |
High grade spondylolisthesis/spondyloptosis | Grade III: in situ instrumented posterior fusion Grade IV and reducible Grade V: reduction and instrumented circumferential fusion or Transfixation posterior fusion | III, IV |
Fixed spondyloptosis (Grade V) | Staged reduction, decompression and instrumented circumferential fusion or L5 vertebrectomy and L4/S1 fusion | IV, V |
Spondylolysis is considered a stress fracture of the pars interarticularis due to increased mechanical forces developing in that area. The most commonly affected level is L5 due to the thin structure of the pars and the unique anatomy of the L5/S1 articulation [1]. Predisposing factors to increased stresses across the L5 pars are: (a) small distance between the superior S1 and inferior L4 facets, which creates pinching of the L5 lamina in trunk hyperextension; (b) repetitive flexion-extension movements; (c) hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine [1].
Following a bilateral spondylolysis, the elongation of the disco-ligamentous restraints leads to subsequent spondylolisthesis. The long-term natural course of the condition in the presence of a spondylolysis with or without low grade spondylolisthesis is associated with disc degeneration and often spontaneous stabilization of the displaced segment which occurs between 13 and 17 years, with no further slip after skeletal maturity [1–3]. The tendency for segmental displacement progression is greatest around the pubertal growth spurt, with the girls showing more significant clinical and radiological deterioration than boys [4, 5].
The degree of slip is graded by dividing the superior endplate of S1 into quarters and observing how far the postero-inferior corner of the L5 vertebral body slips forward on S1 [6] such that grade I = 0–25 % slip, grade II = 25–50 %, grade III = 50–75 %, grade IV = 75–100 % and grade 5 > 100 % slip. The latter is often called spondyloptosis.
Spondylolysis manifests with lumbosacral mechanical pain induced by lumbar extension. 90 % of the segmental displacement has already occurred when the patient first presents in clinic [7]. Grade I and II isthmic spondylolisthesis may be symptomatic but the global sagittal balance and spino-pelvic parameters remain within normal limits. Apart from the isthmic lytic defect, the pain may originate from the paraspinal muscles and ligamentous structures, as well as the intervening disc due to stretching, degeneration and instability. There is no correlation between the subjective low back pain and the degree of disc degeneration or the number of affected levels [3].
High grade spondylolisthesis produces a global sagittal deformity affecting the spine and pelvis. There is always a level of dysplasia of the lumbosacral junction. At the time of diagnosis there may also be secondary changes of a longstanding underlying spondylolisthesis including trapezoidal deformation of the L5 vertebral body, rounding of the sacral dome (dome-shaped upper surface of the sacrum), facet insufficiency, and disc space narrowing [8]. The higher the degree of anterior vertebral displacement the greater the risk of neurological injury to the cauda equina or the exiting nerve roots at the affected levels.
Beyond grade III lumbosacral spondylolisthesis, in order to maintain global sagittal balance compensatory mechanisms create an increased lumbar lordosis and pelvic tilt. At grade V spondylolisthesis (spondyloptosis) the sacrum is markedly retroverted to a vertical position and the patient is compensating by flexing the hips and knees to maintain an upright posture. The resulting global sagittal malalignment leads to higher energy expenditure in both standing and walking [8, 9].
The clinical symptoms of spondylolisthesis include lumbosacral back pain, neurological deficits and development of a crouched gait. The back and leg pain is due to: (a) the pars defect; (b) degenerative changes in the discs and lumbosacral facets; (c) segmental instability producing increased strain and fatigue of the ligaments and paraspinal muscles; (d) global spino-pelvic imbalance causing further muscle stresses aggravated by hamstring tightness; (e) L5 radiculopathy or sacral root compression due to foraminal or central canal stenosis.
The descriptive classification systems currently used are based on the aetiology by Wiltse et al. [10] and on the degree of spondylolisthesis by Meyerding [6, 11]. The only radiological parameter with predictive value of progression is the percentage of primary vertebral displacement [5, 12]. The spondylolysis healing potential is classified by the Tokushima defect grading classification [13] into: (a) early: focal bony absorption or a hair-line defect; (b) progressive: wide defect and small fragments present; (c) terminal: sclerotic changes. The gold standard for diagnosis of spondylolysis is computed tomography (CT) scan. T2 weighted magnetic resonance (MRI) scans and/or SPECT give information regarding active lesions with healing potential or chronic lesions with higher rates of non-union if managed conservatively [14, 15].
Apart from the Meyerding classification, the severity of high grade spondylolisthesis is also defined by measuring the slip angle and lumbo-sacral kyphosis (Newman classification) [16]. The Newman classification is helpful to assess the position of L5 in relation to the sacral dome; it divides the superior and anterior surfaces of the sacrum into 10 equal areas respectively. Depending on the position of the postero-inferior corner of L5 in relation to the sacral dome (x) and the position of the antero-inferior corner of L5 in relation to the anterior surface of the sacrum (y), the Newman score is expressed as (x) + (y) with the highest possible score being 10 + 10.
Spondylolysis-Early Spondylolisthesis (<15 % Vertebral Displacement)
The mainstay of treatment is conservative with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDS), activity modification, physiotherapy and bracing. Physiotherapy focuses on relieving the extension stresses from the lumbosacral junction (hamstring and hip flexor stretching exercises), as well as working on core strengthening (deep abdominal muscles and lumbar multifidus strengthening exercises) [1, 13, 14, 17]. These modalities can achieve control of pain symptoms with an overall success rate of 86 % without and 89 % with the addition of an underarm brace [18].
Early active isthmic lesions may be treated as stress fractures by immobilization in a brace for 3–6 months [1]. The non-operative overall radiographic pars healing rate is 28 % (71 % for unilateral and 18.1 % for bilateral defects; 68.1 % for acute, 28.3 % for progressive and 0 % for terminal lesions) [18]. The healing rate is significantly greater in isthmic defects with less than 5 % displacement on the associated spondylolisthesis. The patients return to their normal activities once the symptoms resolve but they remain under 6 or 12 monthly follow up until skeletal maturity [1].
Persistent pain despite a 6-month conservative management (due to instability, adjacent disc disease or poor pars healing potential), progression to symptomatic spondylolisthesis and development of neurological deficits are the main indications to consider operative treatment [1, 14, 19–22]. Pars injection contributes to diagnosis confirmation of a symptomatic spondylolysis and to initial pain management but mainly provides prognostic information regarding a successful outcome following a surgical pars repair [23].
The surgical treatment options are following two main concepts; either repairing the pars defect or fusing the spondylolisthetic segment in situ.
Isthmic Repair
Indications for pars repair are: (a) patient age below 20 years; (b) isthmic defect less than 3 mm, (c) absence of significant disc degeneration, as evident on preoperative MRI scan; (d) no instability in lateral spinal flexion-extension view [19–26]. Presence of spina bifida occulta and a thin lamina are contra-indications for pars repair [19, 27]. The lamina should be at least 3 mm thick to provide adequate instrumentation purchase [20].
The theoretical advantages of pars repair are: (a) preservation of a motion segment (especially if the isthmic lesion affects levels proximal to L5), therefore minimizing the risk of adjacent segment disc degeneration; (b) no effect on spinal growth [20, 28–31]. Mild disc degeneration is not necessarily a contra-indication for pars repair as long as it is preoperatively confirmed by a local anaesthetic injection that the painful symptomatic area is the spondylolysis and not the adjacent disc [23, 30, 31]. Technically demanding positioning of the implants and need for instrumentation removal at a later stage according to the patient’s symptoms or needs (for example, if recurrent back pain develops often in athletes who have high physical demands) are the potential disadvantages of pars repair [1].
The isthmic repair represents a true reconstructive procedure of the lumbar spine. This is accomplished by debridement of the non-union, refreshing of the pars defect bony edges and autologous bone grafting. Local stabilization is achieved either though application of a brace [32, 33] or most commonly by internal fixation of the free floating posterior fragment using various techniques. These may include: (a) trans-defect screws [20, 23, 24]; (b) a figure of 8 wire fixation [34]; (c) a hook-screw construct [27, 35]; (d) a pedicle screw U-shaped rod construct [28]. The repair techniques are not recommended for gaps greater than 3 mm and the exposure of the transverse processes may lead to bleeding and a higher risk of nerve root damage. The hook-screw technique overcomes the difficulty of fixation in the presence of dysplasia of the posterior arch and avoids crossing the isthmic defect with a screw. It also provides a larger surface area for bone healing and produces a more stable construct. Various modifications of the technique have been developed since the initial report [19, 20, 30, 35, 36]. More recently, the U-shaped pedicle screw/rod technique has promoted union of the defect by applying compression forces through the spinous process of the affected segment. Advantages of this technique include stable fixation and wide surface for bone grafting which allows early patient mobilization and no need for instrumentation removal as this is not interfering with the integrity of the facets.
In Situ Fusion
This is the mainstay of surgical treatment in bilateral L5 spondylolysis and associated low grade lumbosacral spondylolisthesis [1, 8, 37]. It consists of either a posterior or posterolateral fusion with the use of autologous bone graft commonly harvested from the iliac crest. A postoperative lumbar support is recommended for a period of 4–6 months.
The advantages of the in situ fusion are: (a) there is a large area for bone grafting; (b) it can address a dysplastic spondylolisthesis; (c) it can be used to treat more severe spondylolisthesis; (d) the complete fusion addresses other potentially symptomatic areas of the affected level (L5/S1 disc and lumbosacral facets); (e) it can be performed with the use of autologous bone graft alone with no need for placement or removal of spinal instrumentation; (f) it involves a lesser risk of neurological injury compared to an instrumented fusion. The restriction of movement in the fused segment is the only disadvantage of this procedure.
The most commonly used technique to achieve an in situ lumbosacral fusion is that described by Wiltse and Spencer [38]. The fusion is performed using a bilateral paraspinal sacrospinalis muscle splitting approach. The sacral ala, posterior surface of the L5 transverse processes and L5/S1 facet joints are decorticated and the area is packed with iliac crest bone autograft (ICBG). The patients are mobilized on the 2nd or 3rd postoperative day with a soft lumbar brace applied for approximately 4 months. Previous reports have combined the technique of direct pars repair with interposition and in situ fusion of the L5/S1 facet joints using autologous bone in patients who already have degenerative changes affecting the L5/S1 disc [32, 33].
Discussion-Levels of Evidence
There is no evidence on superiority of conservative versus operative treatment for spondylolysis and low grade spondylolisthesis in regards to clinical outcomes (Table 26.2). The long term retrospective level IV studies of the Finnish group [2, 3, 5] regarding conservative versus in-situ fusion suggest: (a) that none of the patients for whom conservative treatment was decided required operative treatment at a later stage; (b) that there is significantly higher progression of slip in the first review but not in the final follow-up in the operated group; (c) the operated group had better clinical results and less pain at final follow up; (d) that fusion operations do not significantly increase the rate of disc degeneration in the adjacent disc level above after a mean postoperative follow-up of 13.8 years.
Table 26.2
Level IV retrospective case series comparing surgical versus conservative treatment for spondylolysis
Authors | Patient number | Technique | F/U | Fusion rate (%) | Slips at initial F/U (%) | Slips at final F/U (%) | Good or excellent clinical outcome (%) | Criteria used for clinical outcome |
Seitsalo et al. [2] | 77 | PF:49, PLF:28 | 159.6 | 88.30 | 19.00 | 19.00 | 94.80 | descriptive |
72 | conservative (bracing only in 7 pts) | NR | 4 | 16.70 | 87.50 | |||
Seitsalo et al. [4] | 32 | PF:20, PLF:10, AF:1, laminectomy: 1 | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR | NR |
24 | conservative | NR | NR | NR | NR | |||
Seitsalo et al. [5] | 190 | PF and PLF | 14.8 | NR | 10 in the first year | NR | NR | NR |
82 | conservative | NR | NR | NR | NR |
There is only level IV evidence assessing the clinical and radiological outcomes of the various pars repair techniques (Table 26.3). It seems that the rod-pedicle screw construct achieves the highest mean fusion rate (93.08 %). According to the same analysis the best clinical outcome has been achieved by the hook-screw Morsher-type repair (90.87 %); however this is a subjective result and the various authors used different criteria for evaluating their outcomes. The rod-pedicle screw technique produces 85 % good to excellent clinical results. No clear recommendation can be suggested on the basis of this level of evidence. These are complex and technically challenging procedures which require surgical expertise. It seems that every group of surgeons evolve their preferred method of pars repair with eventually improved clinical results [46] (Table 26.4).
Table 26.3
Level IV retrospective case series assessing spondylolysis repair techniques. The studies were grouped on the basis of the technique used. Four groups were identified and their results were processed to demonstrate average values for each technique. Three techniques could not be fitted into those 4 groups and are presented separately at the end of the table
Authors | Patient number | Technique | F/U (months) | Fusion rate after first operation (%) | Good or Excellent clinical outcome (%) | Criteria used for clinical outcome |
Buck [24] | 16 | Trans-defect, laminar compression screws (Bucks’ technique) | NR | 93.75 | 87.50 | Descriptive |
Pedersen and Hagen [39] | 18 | 41 | NR | 83 | Descriptive | |
Suh et al. [23] | 10 | NR | 100 | 90 | Descriptive | |
Ohmori et al. [21] | 31 | 32.5 | 64.51 | 90.32 | Henderson’s | |
Hardcastle [26] | 10 | NR | 90 | 90 | Descriptive | |
Kim [22] | 25 | 71 | 72 | 88 | Kirkaldy-Willis | |
Menga et al. [40] | 31 | 60 | 93.50 | 90 | VAS | |
Snyder et al. [17] | 16 | 13.2 | 89.60 | 94 | Descriptive | |
Total | 157 | 43.54 | 86.19 | 89.1 | ||
Morsher et al. [27] | 12 | Hook-screw construct (Morsher type) | NR | NR | 83.33 | Descriptive |
Hefti et al. [35] | 33 | 41 | 73 | 79 | Descriptive | |
Tokuhashi and Matsuzaki [36] | 6 | 29.8 | 91.66 | 100 | MacNab | |
Kakiuchi [30] | 16 | 25 | 100 | 100 | Descriptive | |
Ivanic et al. [19] | 113 | 132 | 86.70 | 92 | Descriptive | |
Total | 180 | 56.95 | 87.84 | 90.87 | ||
Bradford and Iza [34] | 22 | Figure-of-8 wire fixation (Nicol & Scott) | NR | 90 | 80 | Descriptive |
Johnson and Thompson [41] | 22 | 48 | 90.91 | 90.91 | Descriptive | |
Total | 44 | 48 | 90.46 | 85.46 | ||
Gillet and Petit [28] | 10 | Rod-pedicle screws construct | 35 | 100 | 70 | Prolo score |
Roca et al. [31]a | 19 | 30 | 92.31 | 79 | Prolo score | |
Ulibarri et al. [29] | 5 | 55.2 | 100 | 100 | ODI, VAS, SRS-22 | |
Altaf et al. [42]a | 20 | 48 | 80 | 90 | ODI, VAS | |
Total | 54 | 42.05 | 93 | 85 | ||
Louis [43] | 65 | Butterfly-plate fixation | 52.8 | 93.50 | 86 | Descriptive |
Hambly et al. [44] | 13 | Tension and wiring: intra-segmental (spondylolysis) & inter-segmental & one level fusion (spondylolisthesis) | 20 | 100 | 92 | Descriptive |
Songer and Rovin [45] | 7 | Pedicle screws-cable | 25.5 | 100 | 100 | Prolo score |
Table 26.4
Level IV retrospective case series comparing different techniques for pars repair in spondylolysis treatment
Authors | Patient Number | Technique | F/U | Fusion rate after first operation (%) | Good or excellent clinical outcome (%) | Criteria used for clinical outcome |
Guidici et al. [46] | 7 | Trans-defect, laminar compression screw (Bucks’) | 108 | NR | 28.50 | Odom |
8 | Figure-of-8 TP wiring (Nicol & Scott) | NR | 62.50 | |||
37 | Wiring with pedicle screws (modified Nicol & Scott) | NR | 83.80 | |||
Karatas et al. [47] | 9 | Laminar compression screw (Bucks’) | 21 | 100 after 6.5 months | 88.89 | McNab |
7 | Hook-screw construct (Morsher type) | 24 | 100 after 6.2 months | 85.70 |
Lumbosacral fusion is considered the surgical treatment of choice and is applied for the entire spectrum of grades of symptomatic spondylolisthesis. The studies which are mostly relevant to spondylolysis and mild spondylolisthesis are by Lenke et al. [48] and Helenius et al. [37] (Table 26.5). The fusion rate achieved after surgery varies from 50 % to 81.48 %; despite the relatively low fusion rates both studies report a high percent of good to excellent clinical outcomes.
Table 26.5
Level IV retrospective case series assessing in situ lumbosacral fusion for spondylolysis and early grade spondylolisthesis
Authors | Patient number | Technique | Average follow up (months) | Fusion rate (%) | Good or excellent clinical outcome (%) | Criteria used for clinical outcome |
Lenke et al. [48] | 56 | In situ PLF | NR | 50 | 80 | Descriptive |
Helenius et al. [37] | 108 | In situ PF and PLF | 240 | 81.48 | 86–92 | Descriptive |
Two author groups [32, 49, 50] compared the effectiveness of isthmic repair versus in situ fusion in the treatment of spondylolysis and low grade spondylolisthesis (Table 26.6). The conclusions of these studies regarding spondylolisthesis affecting L5/S1 are that: (a) both pars repair and fusion showed no significantly different radiological or clinical outcomes in the short-term follow-up; (b) the in situ fusion achieved superior results in the long term; (c) the theoretical advantage of motion-segment preservation in pars repair cannot be proven in the clinical setting; (d) the isthmic repair does not prevent disc degeneration; (e) fusion should be performed in patients with preoperative MRI proven disc degeneration; (f) the repair has better results in younger patients; (g) the clinical and functional scores (VAS: Visual Analogue Scale, ODI: Oswestry Disability Index, SRS: Scoliosis Research Society) are significantly better in the fusion when compared to the direct repair group.
Table 26.6
Level III retrospective matched cohort studies comparing pars repair versus posterolateral fusion for spondylolysis/early spondylolisthesis
Authors | Patient number | Technique | F/U | Fusion rate (%)a, pars repair/fusion | Good or excellent clinical outcome (%), pars repair/fusion | Criteria used for clinical outcome |
Schlenzka et al. [50] | 48 | Figure-of-8 wiring (Nicol & Scott) versus PLF | 54 | 61/88 | 87/97 | ODI |
Schlenzka et al. [49] | 56 | Figure-of-8 wiring (Nicol & Scott) versus PLF | 180 | 43/89 | 64/87 | Descriptive |
Dai et al. [32] | 46 (20 pars repair & 26 fusion) | Un-instrumented pars repair (Kimura) versus repair with facet fusion | 50 | 95/92.3 | 95/92.3 | Descriptive |
Many authors, therefore, suggest that the repair of spondylolisthesis at L5 produces less favourable results than lumbosacral in situ fusion [1]. In contrast, repair of the pars defect is indicated for L1 through to L4 spondylolytic defects, spondylolytic defects of multiple vertebral levels, and low-grade but reducible spondylolisthesis at levels cephalad to L5 with an intact intervertebral disc at the level of the displacement [8]. This is possibly due to: (a) anatomical reasons; (b) the fact that many lytic defects at L5 are the end stage of a developmentally weakened and elongated pars; (c) fusion for an isthmic defect cephalad to L5 would create a much stiffer lumbar spine.
In the current literature, there is no solid evidence to lead to strong recommendation for the treatment of spondylolysis and/or mild spondylolisthesis (<15 % vertebral displacement). The existing studies are an amalgamation of different concepts, treatment of different levels of slips, inclusion of different age groups and application of same techniques regardless of the affected level.
The mainstay of surgical treatment in spondylolysis/mild spondylolisthesis affecting L5 is in situ lumbosacral fusion. However, adolescent patients with increased healing potential (as evident on SPECT), symptomatic (injection proven) spondylolysis (<3 mm) or early-reducible spondylolisthesis without degenerative changes affecting the discs/facets, dysplastic bony changes or spina bifida may be considered for direct pars repair. The threshold towards isthmic repair if the pathology involves the L1-L4 levels is lower.
Surgical treatment should be offered after at least 6 months of unsuccessful conservative management and should be accompanied: a) by brace immobilization of the lumbosacral junction for 4–6 months based on the surgical method and postoperative progress and b) by activity modification and limitations.
Low Grade Spondylolisthesis (Grade I & II)
Low-grade spondylolisthesis (Meyerding grades I–II) generally has a benign course and favourable prognosis and can often be managed non-operatively if the degree of vertebral displacement remains stable [51]. As with spondylolysis, surgical treatment is indicated for persistently symptomatic patients despite a structured conservative management or in the presence of a progressive spondylolisthesis. There is no ground for pars repair as this is not recommended for isthmic defects greater than 3 mm [1, 24]. Reduction of the spondylolisthesis carries a risk of neurological injury [51]. Therefore in highly symptomatic low grade lumbosacral spondylolisthesis surgical treatment is recommended and consists of in situ fusion between the displaced segment and the level below in order to prevent further anterior displacement and maintain global spino-pelvic balance.
Surgical treatment of spondylolisthesis should be considered in growing children with: (a) slip >30 % because of the high risk of further progression; (b) radiological evidence of displacement deterioration; (c) persistent back pain not relieved by conservative measures; (d) development of neurological deficits; (e) development of symptomatic hamstring tightness [52, 53].
Non-instrumented posterior and posterolateral fusion techniques have been previously used [1, 7, 21, 22, 24, 54]. The use of instrumentation is not required in young patients and postoperative support can be provided with a lumbar brace to enhance a bony fusion [1]. Instrumented fusion has been used in: (a) the presence of dysplasia and congenital deformities of the lumbosacral junction; (b) older/young adult patients as the fusion rates in this group are lower than in children; (c) in revision cases following initial un-instrumented in situ fusion which failed to achieve adequate stabilisation of the lumbosacral junction [37, 55, 56].
A reduction in the slip of about 1 % is noted between early and final follow-up and this is due to on-going bony remodelling [2]. In situ fusion can be associated with: (a) development of degenerative changes at the level of the spondylolisthesis and the level above the fusion; (b) neural foraminal stenosis which is relative to the severity of the slip; (c) mild muscular atrophy. With successful fusion of the lumbosacral junction in situ, tightness of the hamstrings resolves in most patients within 12–18 months from surgery [57].
Discussion-Levels of Evidence
Among the available level IV studies the mean fusion rate achieved when a posterolateral fusion is performed for spondylolisthesis is 86.93 % [37, 49, 58]. The fusion rate increases above 92 % in long term follow-up series with large experience on this technique [49]. A posterior fusion is less effective reaching mean fusion rates of 82.67 % (Table 26.7). In the same line, the studies of the Finnish group (level III & IV) show that the SRS-24, ODI and VAS scores were better when the fusion was achieved through the posterolateral compared to the posterior approach [37, 49, 59]. However, the functional/clinical results are difficult to interpret, as different methods of assessment have been used among the available studies. There is no correlation between patient outcome (ODI) and abnormal lumbar MRI findings [52]. Also the development of a non-union following index surgery does not affect the final clinical outcome [59]. The presence of abnormal preoperative neurology may justify additional root decompression. Even though the difference has not reached significance, there is level III evidence that the pain in exertion and at rest is lesser with fusion alone than with fusion and decompression [58].
Table 26.7
Level IV retrospective case series for grade I & II spondylolisthesis treatment
Authors | Patient number | Technique | F/U | Fusion rate after first operation (%) | Average slip (%) (preop/final follow up) | Good or excellent clinical outcome at final follow up (%) | Criteria used for clinical outcome |
Helenius et al. [37] | 108 | PF: 29, PLF: 79 | 249.6 | PF 10 (64), PLF 10 (87) | 25.2/24.2 | SRS-24: 94, ODI: 8.2 | ODI, SRS-24 |
Schlenska et al. [49] | 28 | PLF | 180 | 92.80 | 13.1/5.6 | SRS-24: 96.4, ODI: 4.3, VAS: 15.5 | ODI, SRS-24, VAS |
de Loubresse et al. [58] | 48 | PLF | 32 | 81 | NR | 88.00 | Descriptive |
Seitsalo [2] | 77 | PF: 49, PLF: 28 | 162 | 88.3 | 16.6/19.4 | 94.80 | Descriptive |
Remes et al. [52] | 102 | PF: 29, PLF: 73 | 252 | 89.2 | 27/26 | 86, ODI: 7.7 (PF:11.3/ PLF:6.3) | Descriptive, ODI |
Jalanko et al. [59]a | 44 | pars repair: 4, PF: 11, PLF: 29 | 204 | 77b | 27.5/25.1 | SRS-24: 94, ODI: 4.35, VAS: 18 | ODI, SRS-24, VAS |
Lenke LG et al. [48] | 56 | PLF | NR | 50 | NR | 80.00 | Descriptive |
Posterolateral fusion in situ remains the mainstay of surgical treatment for children and adolescents with a grade I–II L5/S1 spondylolisthesis and produces satisfactory, long-lasting results [1, 4, 48, 51, 60]. The recommended technique involves a bilateral muscle-splitting approach through a midline skin incision, enabling fusion with the use of autologous bone harvested from the iliac crest across the transverse processes of L5 and the sacral ala [60]. The presence of neurological deficits associated with radiological evidence of neural compromise requires nerve root decompression which can be performed either through a posterolateral or a posterior approach to the spine.

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