Mean temperatures
Population studied
Ascertainment and definition
Number of people
Prevalence of RP
UK, 1990 [5]
2 groups >15 years of age: patients attending 1 of 5 GPs in London; postal questionnaire to randomly selected patients of 2 GPs
Questionnaire followed by clinical interview; RP if white colour change, precipitated by cold and sensory symptoms
1,532 (413 in postal survey, 1,119 attending GP)
Postal survey: 19 % of women, 11 % of men
Questionnaire at GP: 21 % of women, 16 % of men
South Carolina, 1990 [30]
South Carolina residents >18 years
Face-to-face physician interview
3.5 % of total population
4.3 % of women, 2.7 % of men
Japan, 1991 [31]
Japanese residents
Face-to-face physician interview with aid of photographs
3,873 (1,998 women, 1,875 men)
2.2 % of women, 1.2 % of men
Netherlands, 1992 [32]
508 patients attending a GP
2.9 % of women, 0.5 % of men
USA and France, 1997 [18]
5 regions ranging from warm coastal climates to cold mountainous regions
10,149 randomly selected people in Charleston (USA) and France
Telephone interview followed by face-to-face interview, clinical examination
5.8–20.2 % of women, 4.1–12.7 % of men
Higher rates in cooler regions
USA, 1997 [6]
4,182 (Framingham Study)
Physician-led questionnaire
All RP: 9.6 % of women, 8.1 % of men
Primary RP over 16 years follow-up: 7.2 %
Estonia, 1998 [12]
9,589 people (5,248 Finno-Ugric Estonians; 4,341 Indo-European Slavs)
Questionnaire followed by physical examination
4.0 % (higher prevalence among Slavs)
USA, 1999 [33]
2,196 randomly chosen African American people living in inner-city Baltimore
Questionnaire, face-to-face interview
3.8 %
RP if cold sensitivity plus cold-induced white or blue colour change of fingers
Greece, 2000 [9]
6.5 °C in winter, 24.8 °C in summer
500 of 756 randomly selected from hospital employees; mean age 33.7 years
Physician-led questionnaire, clinical examination
5.2 %
6.4 % of women, 0.9 % of men
UK, 2000 [34]
12,907 of 22,194 randomly selected from GP registration list in England, Wales and Scotland, and from armed forces in Britain; aged 16–64 years
Questionnaire; determined rates of finger blanching with clear demarcation
12,907 (5,994 women, 6,913 men)
4.6 %
Spain, 2001 [35]
11 °C in winter, 22.8 °C in summer
276 people attending a GP in Valencia; mean age 54.4 years
276 (205 women, 71 men)
3.3 %
3.4 % of women, 2.8 % of men
No concurrent CTD
Triphasic colour changes: 0 %; pallor only: 100 % of men, 57.1 % of women
Pallor/cyanosis: 42.9 % of women
Turkey, 2003 [8]
−10 to 15 °C; 10–37 °C in summer
768 people >18 years (358 women, 410 men) attending GP. Excluded if comorbidities including secondary RP. Mean age 29.21 ± 10.35 years
Questionnaire. Diagnostic criteria as per UK Scleroderma Study group
768 (358 women, 410 men)
Definite RP: 5.9 % (mean age 24.78 years), male:female = 55:45
Probable RP: 7.0 % (mean age 26.94 years)
USA, 2005 [10]
1,358 of 1,525 patients contacted; mean age 53.5 years; (Framingham Offspring study cohort)
RP clinical diagnosis, did not require two colour changes
10.9 % of women, 7.8 % of men
Italy, 2006 [3]
5.6 °C in winter, 21.6 °C in summer
2,155 of 3,664 randomly selected from 16 GPs in central Italy; aged >18 years (mean age 57.8 years)
Questionnaire, clinical examination
2.1 % total population
Male:female = 88.8:11.2
RP if experienced pallor and sensory change precipitated by cold
3.4 % of women, 0.5 % of men
Positive for at least 1 criterion of CTD: 4.3 %
Subsequently diagnosed with CTD: 0.28 %
Turkey, 2008 [7]
−0.6 to 6.8 °C in winter, 17.2–31.6 °C in summer
1,414 of 1,533 healthy medical students and hospital staff at a hospital in the Edirne Province, northwestern Turkey. Mean age women 27.0 years, men 27.5 years
1,414 (838 women, 576 men)
Definite RP: 3.6 %
Diagnostic criteria as per UK Scleroderma Study group
New Zealand, 2009 [4]
Varied; subtropical to sub-Antarctic
234 of 350 people randomly selected from New Zealand electoral roll
Definite RP: 11.5 %
Diagnostic criteria as per UK Scleroderma Study group
The incidence of primary RP has not been widely studied. Suter et al. followed 1,358 healthy individuals in the Framingham Offspring study cohort for a mean 7 years and found an incidence of RP in 2.2 % of women and 1.5 % of men over this 7 year period [10].
Several factors contribute to variation in the rates reported. Most studies have sought to distinguish primary from secondary RP but not all have reported the definition of RP used or they have used differing definitions. The most commonly used definition was proposed by the UK Scleroderma Study Group:
Definite RP: repeated episodes of biphasic colour changes upon cold exposure
Possible RP: uniphasic colour changes plus numbness or paraesthesiae upon cold exposure
No RP: no colour changes upon cold exposure [11]
A less rigorous definition of blanching of the fingers with sensory symptoms in response to cold was used for the UK general practice study, which may also explain the higher prevalence rates observed [5]. Others have used cold-induced single colour change or finger blanching with clear demarcation.
Some studies have assessed prevalence in people randomly selected from the general population. Others have only included people selected from limited populations such as patients attending a particular general practice, medical students or employees and hence are prone to selection bias. While the predominant racial groups have varied amongst studies, the prevalence rates in different racial groups are often not reported. Only one study directly compared two genetically different racial groups. Valter et al. reported a higher prevalence of RP in 4,341 Indo-Europeans compared with 5,248 Finno-Ugric people living in Estonia [12].
Methods of case ascertainment have also varied. Patient- or physician-led questionnaires, telephone interviews and face-to-face assessments with or without the aid of colour charts and photos depicting the triphasic colour response have all been used and may be susceptible to recall bias. Cold challenge testing is a more objective assessment of vasoreactivity but is impractical in population studies.
Risk Factors for Primary RP
While the onset of primary RP can be at any age, it is three times more common in those aged less than 40 years by which time in one prospective study of 424 people with RP, 73 % had developed symptoms [13]. Many patients with RP who are less than 40 years of age have a family history of primary RP [14]. RP appearing after the age of 40 years is considered late onset. In these patients, a positive family history is less common and secondary RP is more likely than primary [13]. Only 3 % of cases develop after the age of 60 [13].
Female Sex
The prevalence of primary RP is consistently higher in women compared with men, being up to four times more common [15, 16]. This is particularly true for people aged less than 40 years as women are more likely to develop RP at a younger age and the prevalence of RP increases with age in men, as occupational exposures and atherosclerotic disease become more prevalent [17]. Prevalence rates of RP in men only exceed those in women in the setting of occupational exposure to vibration and hand trauma (Chap. 9).
Risk profiles differ between men and women. Fraenkel et al. reported that twice as many women who had been widowed, divorced or separated had RP than those who were married or had never married, suggesting emotional stress may have a role, but this relationship was not observed in men [17]. They also found that alcohol use doubled the risk of developing RP in women but not in men, while smoking increased the risk of RP in men only (odds ratio [OR] 2.6, 95 % CI 1.1–6.3) [17]. In contrast, another study found no association with either alcohol or smoking [18]. In both sexes, a lower body mass index is associated with a higher risk of developing RP, perhaps due to greater sensitivity to cold temperatures [15]. Whether the increased prevalence of RP in women is related to hormonal factors is unknown [17].
Environmental Factors
Relatively few environmental risk factors have been identified and many studies are cross-sectional or do not control for other factors.
In addition to triggering attacks, colder climate may have an aetiologic role. Subjects who have ever lived in colder climates have a higher prevalence of primary RP [19]. Few studies have directly compared the prevalence in different climates [19, 20] but the prevalence is generally higher in cooler locations, with Maricq et al. reporting rates up to 20.2 % in women and 12.7 % in men in cool mountainous regions [19].
The association with occupational factors such as vibration injury in particular, is well known but occupational risks have not been examined in most population studies of primary RP. Exposure to solvents, for example in medical laboratories, is associated with a higher prevalence of RP with symptoms of RP occurring more commonly in the absence of cold [21].
Genetic Factors (Including for Secondary RP)
Up to 50 % of subjects with primary RP have a family history of RP in first-degree relatives, particularly in women and in those with early onset RP [22, 23]. This suggests a genetic susceptibility although shared environmental factors could also contribute. In a study of female twins in the UK, Cherkas et al. found the concordance rates for cold sensitivity, RP and severe RP were all higher among monozygotic than dizygotic twins with heritability of 53 %, 55 % and 53 % respectively. Moreover, a potential contribution from the shared environment for all three traits was rejected [24].
Frech et al. found the relative risk of RP in first-degree relatives of patients with SSc compared with first-degree relatives of controls was 6.38 (95 % CI: 3.4–11.8) with decreasing risk with more distant relationships [25] This was greater than the risk of having SSc (RR 3.07) or an autoimmune disease (RR 2.49) and suggests the vasculopathy of RP is a heritable condition related to the vasculopathy of SSc but large genetic studies in this area are lacking. Polymorphisms of various candidate vasoactive mediator genes were not associated with RP in a small study of 95 cases [23]. Genetic abnormalities in the expression of type I interferon that predispose to abnormal endothelial cell senescence and apoptosis have been linked to SSc vasculopathy [26]. Similarly, a type I interferon signature on gene expression profiling may be associated with RP. This occurs in the setting of biallelic loss of protein expression mutations in the gene for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase associated with bone dysplasia and increased autoimmunity including RP [27]. A two stage microsatellite-based genome wide study of six multi-case families in 2000 identified the β subunit of the muscle acetylcholine receptor and the serotonin 1B and 1E receptors as possible candidate genes for RP susceptibility [27]. For many common diseases, single-nucleotide polymorphism-based, genome-wide association studies have been performed to identify genetic risk variants with great success. Despite the supportive evidence for a genetic component to the development of RP, such an approach has not yet been utilised. This is perhaps due to the lack of a sufficiently large collection of suitable cases with DNA available, and/or to the cost of such a study.
Polymorphisms in clotting factors leading to increased microvascular thrombosis do not appear to be increased in patients with primary RP [28].
Genetic factors may also influence the predisposition to secondary RP related to environmental factors such as vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) induced RP. A case-control study of 58 subjects with RP from a population of 305 French workers with a history of VCM exposure, found no association between M1 and GST T1 genetic polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferases, involved in VCM metabolism, and RP when analysed separately but when combined, were significantly associated with RP when compared with other combinations of genotypes (OR = 2.1, 95 % CI = 1.1–3.8) [29]
Secondary RP
Incidence and Prevalence of Secondary RP
Secondary RP occurs less frequently in the general population than primary RP, with a variable prevalence that depends on the underlying disorder (Table 3.2). Only 10 % have a positive family history [36].
Table 3.2
Secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon
Autoimmune disease |
Systemic sclerosis |
Rheumatoid arthritis |
Sjogren’s syndrome |
Systemic lupus erythematosus |
Dermatomyositis |
Polymyositis |
Occlusive vascular diseases |
Atherosclerosis and emboli |
Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease) |
Haematologic disorders |
Cryofibrinogenaemia |
Cryoglobulinaemia |
Paraproteinaemia |
Polycythaemia |
Cold agglutinin disease |
Neurologic disorders |
Intervertebral disc disease |
Carpal tunnel syndrome |
Thoracic outlet syndrome |
Pulmonary hypertension |
Drugs |
Ergot |
Bleomycin |
Cisplatin |
Clonidine |
Beta blockers |
Cyclosporin |
Interferon- ![]() |
Nicotine |
Amphetamines |
Cocaine |
Vibration-induced |
Vascular trauma |
Hypothenar Hammer hand syndrome |
Cold injury |
In a small study of 118 patients seen in a rheumatology clinic in Italy, patients were classified as primary RP (29.7 %), secondary RP (53.3 %) or a third group with features suggestive of an underlying autoimmune disease but who did not yet meet full diagnostic criteria (16.9 %) [37]. An autoimmune disease was the most common underlying diagnosis in the secondary RP group (42.3 %), with SSc being the most common (25.4 %) followed by RA (7.6 %), SLE (5.9 %) and Sjogren’s syndrome (1.7 %). Other major causes included vibrating tools and atherosclerosis (both 2.5 %) [37].
Similarly, a multicentre study in Italy of 761 patients with RP found primary RP in 35.2 % and secondary RP in 64.8 % of patients. SSc was the most common autoimmune disease (28.4 %) followed by SLE (6.8 %) and RA (5 %) [38]. A large proportion of patients (82.5 %) classified as having primary RP had isolated features consistent with potential future development of an autoimmune disease. Common features included arthralgia (56 %), painless swelling of fingers (23.9 %), dryness of the mouth (21.6 %), migraine headaches (20.5 %), dryness of the eyes (16.8 %) and arthritis (15.7 %). This highlights the limitations of classifying RP into purely primary and secondary subtypes [38].
The annual incidence of secondary RP in the general population is unknown but among 112 patients with RP (73 % with primary RP, 14.3 % with secondary RP and the remainder suspected RP) attending a rheumatology clinic, followed for 5 years, the annual incidence of a concomitant disease that indicated secondary RP was 1.4 % [39].
Aetiology of Secondary RP
Systemic Sclerosis
The most common cause of secondary RP is SSc with rates of >95 % reported [40, 41] although a retrospective study of 61 patients with SSc in Malaysia, found a lower prevalence of 82.6 % [42]. This may reflect a difference in ethnicity, warmer climate or be due to recall bias. In most cases, RP is the initial presenting symptom of SSc and may precede other symptoms by 10 years [43, 44].
Walker et al. found a mean age of onset of RP of 42.9 years old for both limited and diffuse SSc although time until the next disease manifestation was significantly longer for those with limited disease (5 years versus 1.9 years) [41]. Patients who were anti-centromere positive were also found to have a significantly longer duration until the next disease manifestation compared to those who were anti-Scl70 positive (6.5 years versus 2.4 years). Subsequent organ involvement also varied depending on the age of onset of RP. In those who developed RP prior to the mean age of 42.9 years there was a higher rate of digital ulcers, but a lower rate of pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, diastolic dysfunction and arterial hypertension [41]. Age of onset is unrelated to geographic location [45].
Other Autoimmune Diseases
The reported prevalence of RP in RA ranges from 0 to 63 % [46]. Hartmann et al. performed a meta-analysis of 28 studies with 3,730 patients and using a random effects model, the overall estimate of prevalence was 12.3 % [46]. The prevalence fell from 11.2 % in 1977 to 9.4 % in 2012 although the definitions of RP varied amongst studies [46].
Between 12.5 and 33 % of patients with primary Sjogren’s syndrome have RP, with the majority of studies reporting a prevalence closer to 33 % [47–53]. RP precedes the onset of sicca symptoms in 31–47 % of patients [49, 51–53], for a mean of 2.1 years in one study [52]. Multiple studies have demonstrated the course of RP to be relatively benign in this setting, with no patients developing acral necrosis [48, 49, 51, 52]. Pharmacological treatment is required in around a third of patients [52]. This subgroup of patients has a higher frequency of extra-glandular features compared to those without RP [48, 49, 53].
RP occurs in 2.5–60 % of patients with SLE [54–56], and is the most common cutaneous manifestation that is not lupus-specific [55]. Furthermore, it is more common in those with cutaneous lupus compared to those without [55]. Choojitarom et al. reported RP in 19.4 % of patients without a prior history of thrombosis but with at least one type of antiphospholipid antibody [57]. These patients had a higher rate of subsequent arterial thrombosis compared to those without RP (54 % compared with 18.5 %). Patients with SLE are also more likely to develop digital gangrene if they have concurrent RP [58].
There are few studies of RP in the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. The prevalence in 30 patients in Jordan was 26 % although the definition of RP used was not documented [59]. A review of patients with anti-synthetase syndrome reported RP in 50 % of those with anti-Jo-1 antibodies and 40–100 % of those with anti-PL-12 antibodies [60].
Most patients with MCTD have features of SSc and the prevalence of RP is around 85 % [61]. RP also occurs in 46–56 % of patients with undifferentiated connective tissue disease, especially if they are female, have abnormal nailfold capillary microscopic changes and positive anti-RNP antibodies [62, 63]. Other autoantibodies associated with RP include anti-Ku antibodies (67–79 %) [64, 65] and anti-Ki (42.8 %) [66].
Other Systemic Diseases
Occlusion of larger arteries can cause RP in relatively young people. The prevalence of RP in atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease has been estimated to be 2.4 % [67]. In 103 patients with RP and no underlying disease, angiography demonstrated atherosclerotic stenoses in 44 patients who had a mean age of 47 years (half of whom had dyslipidemia), peripheral emboli in eight and thromboangiitis obliterans in three patients [68]. A meta-analysis of eight studies with 851 patients with thromboangiitis obliterans estimated the prevalence of RP to be 28.1 % [69]. As this disease causes segmental occlusions in limb arteries, mostly in male smokers, RP typically affects only one or two digits and may lead to severe limb ischemia.
Although studies of RP and increased plasma viscosity have conflicting results, Monti et al. reported that 19.5 % of 913 patients with cryoglobulinaemia had RP [70] and was more frequent in essential cryoglobulinaemia (19.9 %) and cryoglobulinaemia associated with autoimmune disease (36.7 %). This compared with the prevalence of RP in cryoglobulinaemia secondary to other diseases such as chronic liver disease (4.6 %) and lymphoproliferative disease (13.5 %) [70]. Other systemic diseases associated with RP include hepatitis C infection (11.8–22 % of those affected have RP) including those without cryoglobulinaemia (3.5 %) [71], human immunodeficiency virus (17.4 %) [72] and primary biliary cirrhosis, with (28.6 %) or without (8.9 %) pulmonary hypertension [73].
Neurologic Diseases
Rarely, RP complicates compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots due to intervertebral disc disease or tumours, or distal nerve compression in the carpal tunnel. A meta-analysis of eight trials with 675 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome with prevalence of RP ranging from 0 to 60 % estimated the prevalence of RP to be 15.5 % [74].
Thoracic outlet syndrome refers to the obstruction of the neurovascular bundle at the base of the neck. Vascular symptoms develop in approximately 10 % of patients. This can be RP or a non-specific constellation of symptoms of arm weakness, numbness, swelling, cyanosis and cold sensation [75]. No studies have assessed the prevalence of RP alone. It is possible that thoracic outlet syndrome and hand-arm vibration syndrome are interrelated although this is yet to be fully elucidated [75].
Drugs (Chap. 10)
Multiple drugs have been associated with RP, with cisplatin being the best studied. A meta-analysis of 24 studies with 2,749 patients found a prevalence of 0–64.3 % with an overall estimated prevalence of 24 % [76]. The onset of RP can be delayed 3–6 months after completing cisplatin-based chemotherapy regimens and be persistent in 10–49 % of cases [77]. There is a higher prevalence in those who receive five or more cycles of cisplatin [78] or in combination with bleomycin [77].

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